[CRIU] [PATCH 2/2] zdtm.py: add support of test reports in TAP format

Sergey Bronnikov sergeyb at openvz.org
Thu Mar 3 07:19:23 PST 2016

Usually we run CRIU tests automatically using Jenkins CI and it reports status
as PASS/FAIL for overall testsuite on used environment. You should dig into log
files to figure out how many tests were failed and skipped. This patch brings
support of cute reports in TAP (Test Anything Protocol) format.

The sample of report:

TAP version 13
ok 1 - conntracks # SKIP manual run only
ok 2 - busyloop00
ok 3 - sleeping00
ok 4 - pid00
ok 5 - caps00
ok 6 - wait00

Note: report will be generated only with option --ignore-fails, otherwise
we will get incomplete report.

Signed-off-by: Sergey Bronnikov <sergeyb at openvz.org>
 test/zdtm.py | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/test/zdtm.py b/test/zdtm.py
index 75e4514..495b57f 100755
--- a/test/zdtm.py
+++ b/test/zdtm.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import imp
 import socket
 import fcntl
 import errno
+import datetime
@@ -961,6 +962,7 @@ class launcher:
 		self.__opts = opts
 		self.__total = nr_tests
 		self.__nr = 0
+		self.__runtest = 0
 		self.__max = int(opts['parallel'] or 1)
 		self.__subs = {}
 		self.__fail = False
@@ -971,6 +973,21 @@ class launcher:
 			self.__use_log = False
+		if opts['ignore_fails']:
+			now = datetime.datetime.now()
+			if report_dir:
+				reportname = report_dir + "/" + "criu-testreport-" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + ".tap"
+			else:
+				reportname = "criu-testreport-" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + ".tap"
+			global f
+			f = open(reportname, 'a')
+			print >> f, "# Hardware architecture: " + arch
+			print >> f, "# Timestamp: " + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + " (GMT+1)"
+			print >> f, "# "
+			print >> f, "TAP version 13"
+			print >> f, "1.." + str(nr_tests)
 	def __show_progress(self):
 		perc = self.__nr * 16 / self.__total
 		print "=== Run %d/%d %s" % (self.__nr, self.__total, '=' * perc + '-' * (16 - perc))
@@ -978,6 +995,9 @@ class launcher:
 	def skip(self, name, reason):
 		print "Skipping %s (%s)" % (name, reason)
 		self.__nr += 1
+		self.__runtest += 1
+		if opts['ignore_fails']:
+			print >> f, "ok %d - %s # SKIP %s" % (self.__runtest, name.split('/')[-1:][0], reason)
 	def run_test(self, name, desc, flavor):
@@ -1005,19 +1025,25 @@ class launcher:
 		sub = subprocess.Popen(["./zdtm_ct", "zdtm.py"], \
 				env = dict(os.environ, CR_CT_TEST_INFO = arg ), \
 				stdout = log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
-		self.__subs[sub.pid] = { 'sub': sub, 'log': logf }
+		self.__subs[sub.pid] = { 'sub': sub, 'log': logf, 'name': name }
 		if test_flag(desc, 'excl'):
 	def __wait_one(self, flags):
 		pid, status = os.waitpid(0, flags)
+		self.__runtest += 1
 		if pid != 0:
 			sub = self.__subs.pop(pid)
 			if status != 0:
+				if opts['ignore_fails']:
+					print >> f, "not ok %d - %s" % (self.__runtest, sub['name'].split('/')[-1:][0])
 				self.__fail = True
 				if sub['log']:
 					add_to_report(sub['log'], "output")
+			else:
+				if opts['ignore_fails']:
+					print >> f, "ok %d - %s" % (self.__runtest, sub['name'].split('/')[-1:][0])
 			if sub['log']:
 				print open(sub['log']).read()
@@ -1046,6 +1072,7 @@ class launcher:
 	def finish(self):
+		f.close()
 		if self.__fail:
 			print_sep("FAIL", "#")


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