[CRIU] [PATCH] LXC WebUI Support

Arthur Lockman alockman at redhat.com
Wed Jun 29 11:20:19 PDT 2016

From: Arthur Lockman <hello at rthr.me>

Adds support for migrating LXC containers with the p.haul WebUI. It uses the checkpoint functionality in LXC and rsync to migrate and restart the containers on different hosts.

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lockman <alockman at redhat.com>
 README.md                 |  7 +++-
 phaul/criu_cr.py          |  4 +-
 phaul/criu_req.py         |  4 +-
 phaul/iters.py            | 44 +++++++++++++---------
 phaul/p_haul_vz.py        | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 webgui/p_haul_web_gui.py  | 36 ++++++++++++++++++
 webgui/procs.py           |  7 ++++
 webgui/static/criugui.css | 18 ++++++++-
 webgui/static/migrate.js  | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 webgui/static/pstree.js   | 47 +++++++++++++----------
 10 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 45327ea..46345c2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ wiki (http://criu.org/Category:P.Haul).
 How to contribute
-The p.haul patches should be sent to CRIU development mailing list which is
-located at https://openvz.org/mailman/listinfo/criu
+The p.haul patches should be sent to CRIU development mailing list
+(https://openvz.org/mailman/listinfo/criu) with "p.haul" prefix.
+Configure your local git repository using following command to
+set subject prefix automatically:
+* $ git config format.subjectprefix "PATCH p.haul"
 Before sending patches please make sure your code formatted according to
 project coding style (we use [PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)
diff --git a/phaul/criu_cr.py b/phaul/criu_cr.py
index 4c0f804..8f25cff 100644
--- a/phaul/criu_cr.py
+++ b/phaul/criu_cr.py
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import pycriu.rpc
 import criu_req
-def criu_predump(pid, img, criu_connection, fs):
+def criu_predump(htype, pid, img, criu_connection, fs):
 	logging.info("\tIssuing pre-dump command to service")
-	req = criu_req.make_predump_req(pid, img, criu_connection, fs)
+	req = criu_req.make_predump_req(pid, htype, img, criu_connection, fs)
 	resp = criu_connection.send_req(req)
 	if not resp.success:
 		raise Exception("Pre-dump failed")
diff --git a/phaul/criu_req.py b/phaul/criu_req.py
index a5bb01c..36d1e43 100644
--- a/phaul/criu_req.py
+++ b/phaul/criu_req.py
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ def _make_common_dump_req(typ, pid, htype, img, connection, fs):
 	return req
-def make_predump_req(pid, img, connection, fs):
+def make_predump_req(pid, htype, img, connection, fs):
 	"""Prepare pre-dump criu request (source side)"""
 	return _make_common_dump_req(
-		pycriu.rpc.PRE_DUMP, pid, None, img, connection, fs)
+		pycriu.rpc.PRE_DUMP, pid, htype, img, connection, fs)
 def make_dump_req(pid, htype, img, connection, fs):
diff --git a/phaul/iters.py b/phaul/iters.py
index b8b06cf..d1be567 100644
--- a/phaul/iters.py
+++ b/phaul/iters.py
@@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 			logging.info("* Iteration %d", iter_index)
-			criu_cr.criu_predump(root_pid, self.img, self.criu_connection, self.fs)
+			criu_cr.criu_predump(self.htype, root_pid, self.img,
+				self.criu_connection, self.fs)
 			# Handle FS migration iteration
@@ -220,31 +221,35 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 			# Handle final FS and images sync on frozen htype
 			logging.info("Final FS and images sync")
 			fsstats = self.fs.stop_migration()
 			self.img.sync_imgs_to_target(self.target_host, self.htype,
 			# Restore htype on target
 			logging.info("Asking target host to restore")
-			logging.info("Restored on target host")
-		# Ack previous dump request to terminate all frozen tasks
-		resp = self.criu_connection.ack_notify()
-		if not resp.success:
-			logging.warning("Bad notification from target host")
+		# Restored on target, can't fail starting from this point
+		try:
+			# Ack previous dump request to terminate all frozen tasks
+			resp = self.criu_connection.ack_notify()
+			if not resp.success:
+				logging.warning("Bad notification from target host")
-		dstats = criu_api.criu_get_dstats(self.img)
-		migration_stats.handle_iteration(dstats, fsstats)
+			dstats = criu_api.criu_get_dstats(self.img)
+			migration_stats.handle_iteration(dstats, fsstats)
-		logging.info("Migration succeeded")
-		self.htype.migration_complete(self.fs, self.target_host)
-		migration_stats.handle_stop(self)
-		self.img.close()
-		self.criu_connection.close()
+			logging.info("Migration succeeded")
+			self.htype.migration_complete(self.fs, self.target_host)
+			migration_stats.handle_stop(self)
+			self.img.close()
+			self.criu_connection.close()
+		except Exception as e:
+			logging.warning("Exception during final cleanup: %s", e)
 	def __start_restart_migration(self):
@@ -292,16 +297,19 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 			# Start htype on target
 			logging.info("Asking target host to start")
-			logging.info("Started on target host")
-		logging.info("Migration succeeded")
-		self.htype.migration_complete(self.fs, self.target_host)
-		migration_stats.handle_stop()
+		# Started on target, can't fail starting from this point
+		try:
+			logging.info("Migration succeeded")
+			self.htype.migration_complete(self.fs, self.target_host)
+			migration_stats.handle_stop()
+		except Exception as e:
+			logging.warning("Exception during final cleanup: %s", e)
 	def __check_live_iter_progress(self, index, dstats, prev_dstats):
diff --git a/phaul/p_haul_vz.py b/phaul/p_haul_vz.py
index c65a7f0..3bf907a 100644
--- a/phaul/p_haul_vz.py
+++ b/phaul/p_haul_vz.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import pycriu.rpc
 vz_global_conf = "/etc/vz/vz.conf"
 vz_conf_dir = "/etc/vz/conf/"
 vzctl_bin = "vzctl"
+cgget_bin = "cgget"
+cgexec_bin = "cgexec"
 vz_cgroup_mount_map = {
@@ -123,6 +125,8 @@ class p_haul_type:
 	def adjust_criu_req(self, req):
 		"""Add module-specific options to criu request"""
+		# Specify dump specific options
 		if req.type == pycriu.rpc.DUMP:
 			# Specify root fs
@@ -138,6 +142,11 @@ class p_haul_type:
 			# Increase ghost-limit up to 50Mb
 			req.opts.ghost_limit = 50 << 20
+		# Specify freezer cgroup for both predump and dump requests
+		if req.type == pycriu.rpc.PRE_DUMP or req.type == pycriu.rpc.DUMP:
+			req.opts.freeze_cgroup = \
+				"/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/{0}/".format(self._ctid)
 	def root_task_pid(self):
 		path = "/var/run/ve/{0}.init.pid".format(self._ctid)
 		with open(path) as pidfile:
@@ -151,7 +160,56 @@ class p_haul_type:
 	def final_dump(self, pid, img, ccon, fs):
+		"""Perform Virtuozzo-specific final dump"""
+		self.__pre_final_dump(img)
 		criu_cr.criu_dump(self, pid, img, ccon, fs)
+		self.__post_final_dump(img)
+	def __pre_final_dump(self, img):
+		"""Create extra images before final dump"""
+		extra_images = (
+			("vz_clock_bootbased.img", "ve.clock_bootbased"),
+			("vz_clock_monotonic.img", "ve.clock_monotonic"),
+			("vz_iptables_mask.img", "ve.iptables_mask"),
+			("vz_os_release.img", "ve.os_release"),
+			("vz_features.img", "ve.features"),
+			("vz_aio_max_nr.img", "ve.aio_max_nr"))
+		for image_name, var_name in extra_images:
+			self.__create_cgget_extra_image(img, image_name, var_name)
+	def __post_final_dump(self, img):
+		"""Create extra images after final dump"""
+		extra_images = (
+			("vz_core_pattern.img", ["cat", "/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern"]),)
+		for image_name, exec_args in extra_images:
+			self.__create_cgexec_extra_image(img, image_name, exec_args)
+	def __create_cgget_extra_image(self, img, image_name, var_name):
+		"""Create extra image using cgget output"""
+		proc = subprocess.Popen(
+			[cgget_bin, "-n", "-v", "-r", var_name, self._ctid],
+			stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+		image_data = proc.communicate()[0]
+		if proc.returncode == 0:
+			self.__create_extra_image(img, image_name, image_data)
+		else:
+			logging.warning("cgget failed to create %s", image_name)
+	def __create_cgexec_extra_image(self, img, image_name, exec_args):
+		"""Create extra image using cgexec output"""
+		proc = subprocess.Popen(
+			[cgexec_bin, "-g", "ve:{0}".format(self._ctid)] + exec_args,
+			stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+		image_data = proc.communicate()[0]
+		if proc.returncode == 0:
+			self.__create_extra_image(img, image_name, image_data)
+		else:
+			logging.warning("cgexec failed to create %s", image_name)
+	def __create_extra_image(self, img, image_name, image_data):
+		image_path = os.path.join(img.image_dir(), image_name)
+		with open(image_path, "w") as f:
+			f.write(image_data)
 	def final_restore(self, img, connection):
 		"""Perform Virtuozzo-specific final restore"""
diff --git a/webgui/p_haul_web_gui.py b/webgui/p_haul_web_gui.py
index e06da34..3d9fd7f 100644
--- a/webgui/p_haul_web_gui.py
+++ b/webgui/p_haul_web_gui.py
@@ -96,6 +96,42 @@ def migrate():
     return flask.jsonify({"succeeded": True})
+ at APP.route('/migrate-lxc-tx')
+def migrate_lxc():
+    """
+    Attempt to migrate an LXC container, where the PID is given in the URL.
+    parameter "pid"
+    """
+    cname = flask.request.args.get('cname')
+    print "Migrating container " + cname
+    dest_host = partner, rpc_port
+    cleanup_command = "rm -rf /tmp/" + cname
+    os.system(cleanup_command)
+    lxc_command = "lxc-checkpoint -n " + cname + " -D /tmp/" + cname + " -vvvv -s"
+    os.system(lxc_command)
+    rsync_command = "rsync -a /var/lib/lxc/" + cname + " " + partner + ":/var/lib/lxc"
+    os.system(rsync_command)
+    rsync_command = "rsync -a /tmp/" + cname + "/ " + partner + ":/tmp/" + cname + "/"
+    os.system(rsync_command)
+    ucarp_command = "killall -USR2 ucarp"
+    os.system(ucarp_command)
+    return flask.jsonify({"succeeded": True})
+ at APP.route('/migrate-lxc-rx')
+def migrate_lxc_rx():
+    """
+    Receive a migrated LXC container.
+    parameter "cname" container name
+    """
+    cname = flask.request.args.get('cname')
+    lxc_command = "lxc-checkpoint -n " + cname + " -D /tmp/" + cname + " -vvvv -r"
+    os.system(lxc_command)
+    return flask.jsonify({"succeeded": True})
 def start_web_gui(migration_partner, _rpc_port, _debug=False):
     global partner
     global myself
diff --git a/webgui/procs.py b/webgui/procs.py
index 1e0eab8..cb0c9c0 100644
--- a/webgui/procs.py
+++ b/webgui/procs.py
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ def procs():
                         name = os.path.basename(p.cmdline[0])
                         name = p.name
+                is_lxc = False
+                if 'lxc ' in name:
+                    is_lxc = True
+                    name = name.replace('lxc ', 'container ')
                 proc = {
                     # name and ppid are either functions or variables in
                     # different versions of psutil.
@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ def procs():
                     "id": p.pid,
                     "parent": p.ppid() if callable(p.ppid) else p.ppid,
                     "children": [],
+                    "is_lxc": is_lxc,
                 if p.pid == 1:
@@ -90,6 +95,8 @@ def procs():
         for childProc in flatprocs:
             if "parent" in childProc and childProc["parent"] == proc["id"]:
+                if proc["is_lxc"] == True:
+                    childProc["is_lxc"] = True
diff --git a/webgui/static/criugui.css b/webgui/static/criugui.css
index a18b46c..233fa93 100644
--- a/webgui/static/criugui.css
+++ b/webgui/static/criugui.css
@@ -47,10 +47,26 @@ svg {
   stroke-width: 1px;
+.node circle.lxc-circle {
+  fill: #009933;
+  stroke: #003300;
 .node text.node-label {
   fill: #333;
   font-family: "Liberation Mono", monospace;
-  font-size: 10pt;
+  font-size: 12pt;
+.node text.lxc-label {
+  fill: #009933;
+  font-family: "Liberation Mono", monospace;
+  text-shadow:
+    -1px -1px 0 #fff,  
+     1px -1px 0 #fff,
+    -1px 1px 0 #fff,
+     1px 1px 0 #fff;
+  font-weight: bold;
 .active-node text.node-label {
diff --git a/webgui/static/migrate.js b/webgui/static/migrate.js
index a360b9d..ba49239 100644
--- a/webgui/static/migrate.js
+++ b/webgui/static/migrate.js
@@ -29,21 +29,78 @@ function migrate(proc, source, target) {
-  /* Add an alert to let the user know that the migration has started. */
-  var alert = insertAlert();
-  alert.classed("alert-info", true);
-  var p = alert.append("p");
-  p.append("b").text("Info: ");
-  p.append("span").text("Migrating ");
-  p.append("code").text(stringifyProc(proc));
-  p.append("span");
-  p.append("span").text(" from ");
-  p.append("code").text(source.name);
-  p.append("span").text(" to ");
-  p.append("code").text(target.name);
-  _migrate(proc, source, target);
+  if (proc.is_lxc)
+  {
+      /* Add an alert to let the user know that the migration has started. */
+      var cname = proc.name.replace(' ', '').replace('container', '').replace('lxc', '');
+      var alert = insertAlert();
+      alert.classed("alert-info", true);
+      var p = alert.append("p");
+      p.append("b").text("Info: ");
+      p.append("span").text("Migrating container ");
+      p.append("code").text(cname);
+      p.append("span");
+      p.append("span").text(" from ");
+      p.append("code").text(source.name);
+      p.append("span").text(" to ");
+      p.append("code").text(target.name);
+      _migrate_container(cname, source, target);
+  } else {
+      /* Add an alert to let the user know that the migration has started. */
+      var alert = insertAlert();
+      alert.classed("alert-info", true);
+      var p = alert.append("p");
+      p.append("b").text("Info: ");
+      p.append("span").text("Migrating ");
+      p.append("code").text(stringifyProc(proc));
+      p.append("span");
+      p.append("span").text(" from ");
+      p.append("code").text(source.name);
+      p.append("span").text(" to ");
+      p.append("code").text(target.name);
+      _migrate(proc, source, target);
+  }
+function _migrate_container(container, source, target) {
+  var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+  req.onload = function() {
+    console.log(this.responseText);
+    var resp = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
+    /* Add an alert to the page with info on the result of the dump. */
+    var alert = insertAlert();
+    var p = alert.append("p");
+    if (!resp.succeeded) {
+      alert.classed("alert-danger", true);
+      p.append("b").text("Migration Failed: ");
+      p.append("span").text("There was a problem migrating ");
+      p.append("code").text(container);
+      p.append("span").text(" from " );
+      p.append("code").text(source.name);
+      alert.append("br");
+      alert.append("pre").text(resp.why);
+    } else {
+      var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+      req.open("get", target.address + "/migrate-lxc-rx?cname=" + container, true);
+      req.send();
+      alert.classed("alert-success", true);
+      p.append("b").text("Migration Succeded! Moved container ");
+      p.append("code").text(container);
+      p.append("span");
+      p.append("span").text(" from ");
+      p.append("code").text(source.name);
+      p.append("span").text(" to ");
+      p.append("code").text(target.name);
+    }
+  };
+  req.open("get", source.address + "/migrate-lxc-tx?cname=" + container, true);
+  req.send();
 function _migrate(proc, source, target) {
@@ -68,6 +125,15 @@ function _migrate(proc, source, target) {
+    } else {
+      alert.classed("alert-success", true);
+      p.append("b").text("Migration Succeded! Moved ");
+      p.append("code").text(stringifyProc(proc));
+      p.append("span");
+      p.append("span").text(" from ");
+      p.append("code").text(source.name);
+      p.append("span").text(" to ");
+      p.append("code").text(target.name);
diff --git a/webgui/static/pstree.js b/webgui/static/pstree.js
index 4e5c63d..c5d9a09 100644
--- a/webgui/static/pstree.js
+++ b/webgui/static/pstree.js
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-var nodeLabelOffset = { x:6, y:3 };
+var nodeLabelOffset = { x:9, y:5 };
 var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal().projection(function(d) { return [ d.y, d.x ]; });
 var dragging = false;
 var tree = d3.layout.tree()
-    .nodeSize([16, 200])
+    .nodeSize([18, 250])
     .children(function(d) { return d.children; })
     .sort(function(a, b) { return d3.ascending(a.name, b.name); });
@@ -182,10 +182,13 @@ PSTree.prototype.redraw = function(e) {
         d3.select(this).select("text.node-label").text(function(d) { return d.name; });
-  nodeGroups.append("circle").attr({r: 3.0});
+  nodeGroups.append("circle")
+      .attr("r", 6.0)
+      .classed("lxc-circle", function(d) { return d.is_lxc; });
-      .classed("node-label", true);
+      .classed("node-label", true)
+      .classed("lxc-label", function(d) { return d.is_lxc; });
@@ -207,20 +210,24 @@ PSTree.prototype.redraw = function(e) {
   var links = this.linkGroup.selectAll("path.link").data(linkData, function(d) { return d.target.id; });
   /* Links are drawn as SVG paths using d3's svg.diagonal helper. */
-  links.enter()
-      .append("path")
-      .attr("class", "link")
-      .style("opacity", 0);
-  links
-      .transition()
-      .duration(200)
-      .attr("d", diagonal)
-      .style("opacity", 1);
-  links.exit()
-      .transition()
-      .duration(200)
-      .style("opacity", 0)
-      .remove();
+  /* Update the links between the nodes with the latest data. */
+    var linkData = tree.links(nodeData);
+      var links = this.linkGroup.selectAll("path.link").data(linkData, function(d) { return d.target.id; });
+        /* Links are drawn as SVG paths using d3's svg.diagonal helper. */
+        links.enter()
+             .append("path")
+             .attr("class", "link")
+             .style("opacity", 0);
+        links.transition()
+             .duration(200)
+             .attr("d", diagonal)
+             .style("opacity", 1);
+        links.exit()
+             .transition()
+             .duration(200)
+             .style("opacity", 0)
+             .remove();

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