[CRIU] Dumping Error: Android Applications

Marcos Lilljedahl marcosnils at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 19:33:40 PST 2016


Which Criu / Kernel version are you running?

criu --check passes ok?

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Abdullah Yousafzai <
yousafzai.abdullah at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Marcos for answering my dump question :) I am not expert on
> CRIU. When I applied the "--enable-external-masters" switch, I was
> further instructed by the CRIU binary to apply this switch "--ext-mount-map
> auto". This was also applied and dumping still fails, the log output is:
> (00.000022) Probing sock diag modules
> (00.000093) Done probing
> (00.000099) ========================================
> (00.000107) Dumping processes (pid: 2781)
> (00.000109) ========================================
> (00.000141) Pagemap is fully functional
> (00.000179) Found anon-shmem device at 5
> (00.000185) Reset 2921's dirty tracking
> (00.000202)  ... done
> (00.000514) Dirty tracking support is OFF
> (00.000645) Error (proc_parse.c:839): Can't open 2921/loginuid on procfs:
> No such file or directory
> (00.000705) irmap: Searching irmap cache in work dir
> (00.000745) No irmap-cache image
> (00.000753) irmap: Searching irmap cache in parent
> (00.000841) irmap: No irmap cache
> (00.000988) Perparing image inventory (version 1)
> (00.001023) Add pid ns 1 pid 2921
> (00.001034) Add net ns 2 pid 2921
> (00.001046) Add ipc ns 3 pid 2921
> (00.001054) Add uts ns 4 pid 2921
> (00.001063) Add mnt ns 5 pid 2921
> (00.001069) Add user ns 6 pid 2921
> (00.001072) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2921
> (00.001099) cg: Set 1 is criu one
> (00.001206) Seized task 2781, state 1
> (00.001240)  Seizing 2781's 2787 thread
> (00.001313)  Seizing 2781's 2788 thread
> (00.001380)  Seizing 2781's 2789 thread
> (00.001443)  Seizing 2781's 2790 thread
> (00.001504)  Seizing 2781's 2791 thread
> (00.001565)  Seizing 2781's 2792 thread
> (00.001626)  Seizing 2781's 2793 thread
> (00.001687)  Seizing 2781's 2794 thread
> (00.001799)  Seizing 2781's 2795 thread
> (00.001889) Collected (3 attempts, 0 in_progress)
> (00.001947) Collected (4 attempts, 0 in_progress)
> (00.001971) Collected 2781 in 1 state
> (00.002002) Will take mnt namespace in the image
> (00.002005) Add mnt ns 7 pid 2781
> (00.002012) Lock network
> (00.002056) lockinfo: 1:1 0 1984 00:0e:9833 128 128
> (00.002067) lockinfo: 2:1 0 1984 00:0e:9830 1073741826 1073742335
> (00.002073) lockinfo: 3:1 0 1984 00:0e:8649 128 128
> (00.002079) lockinfo: 4:1 0 1984 00:0e:8646 1073741826 1073742335
> (00.002084) lockinfo: 5:2 1 1619 00:0e:7884 0 EOF
> (00.002090) lockinfo: 6:1 0 1322 00:0e:7737 128 128
> (00.002095) lockinfo: 7:1 0 1322 00:0e:7734 1073741826 1073742335
> (00.002199)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 560 s_dev 0xd / @ ./ flags
> 0x280001 options
> (00.002221)  type ext4 source /dev/loop1 mnt_id 561 s_dev 0x700001 / @
> ./system flags 0x280001 options data=ordered
> (00.002231)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 562 s_dev 0xe / @ ./data
> flags 0x280000 options
> (00.002241)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 563 s_dev 0xf / @ ./dev flags
> 0x280002 options mode=755
> (00.002250)  type devpts source devpts mnt_id 564 s_dev 0xb / @ ./dev/pts
> flags 0x280000 options mode=600
> (00.002266)  type cgroup source none mnt_id 565 s_dev 0x14 / @
> ./dev/cpuctl flags 0x280000 options cpu
> (00.002275)  type proc source proc mnt_id 566 s_dev 0x4 / @ ./proc flags
> 0x280000 options
> (00.002283)  type sysfs source sysfs mnt_id 567 s_dev 0xc / @ ./sys flags
> 0x280000 options
> (00.002291)  type debugfs source debugfs mnt_id 568 s_dev 0x6 / @
> ./sys/kernel/debug flags 0x280000 options
> (00.002301)  type tmpfs source none mnt_id 569 s_dev 0x11 / @
> ./sys/fs/cgroup flags 0x280000 options mode=750,gid=1000
> (00.002309)  type pstore source pstore mnt_id 570 s_dev 0x15 / @
> ./sys/fs/pstore flags 0x280000 options
> (00.002318)  type cgroup source none mnt_id 571 s_dev 0x10 / @ ./acct
> flags 0x280000 options cpuacct
> (00.002326)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 572 s_dev 0x12 / @ ./mnt/asec
> flags 0x280000 options mode=755,gid=1000
> (00.002334)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 573 s_dev 0x13 / @ ./mnt/obb
> flags 0x280000 options mode=755,gid=1000
> (00.002359)  type tmpfs source none mnt_id 574 s_dev 0x16 / @ ./cache
> flags 0x80406 options
> (00.002374)  type fuse source /dev/fuse mnt_id 575 s_dev 0x17 / @
> ./mnt/shell/emulated flags 0x28000e options
> user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other
> (00.002385)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 576 s_dev 0x18 / @
> ./storage/emulated flags 0x200006 options mode=751,gid=1028
> (00.002395)  type fuse source /dev/fuse mnt_id 577 s_dev 0x17 /0 @
> ./storage/emulated/0 flags 0x28000e options
> user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other
> (00.002405)  type fuse source /dev/fuse mnt_id 578 s_dev 0x17 /0 @
> ./storage/emulated/legacy flags 0x28000e options
> user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other
> (00.002423) mnt: Building mountpoints tree
> (00.002430) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 560
> (00.002432) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 576
> (00.002434) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 578
> (00.002436) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 577
> (00.002437) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 575
> (00.002439) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 574
> (00.002441) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 573
> (00.002443) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 572
> (00.002444) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 571
> (00.002446) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 567
> (00.002447) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 570
> (00.002449) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 569
> (00.002451) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 568
> (00.002452) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 566
> (00.002454) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 563
> (00.002456) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 565
> (00.002457) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 564
> (00.002459) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 562
> (00.002460) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 561
> (00.002462) mnt: Done:
> (00.002463) mnt: [./](560->555)
> (00.002466) mnt:  [./cache](574->560)
> (00.002468) mnt:  <--
> (00.002470) mnt:  [./system](561->560)
> (00.002472) mnt:  <--
> (00.002473) mnt:  [./data](562->560)
> (00.002476) mnt:  <--
> (00.002478) mnt:  [./dev](563->560)
> (00.002480) mnt:   [./dev/cpuctl](565->563)
> (00.002482) mnt:   <--
> (00.002483) mnt:   [./dev/pts](564->563)
> (00.002485) mnt:   <--
> (00.002487) mnt:  <--
> (00.002488) mnt:  [./proc](566->560)
> (00.002490) mnt:  <--
> (00.002492) mnt:  [./sys](567->560)
> (00.002494) mnt:   [./sys/fs/pstore](570->567)
> (00.002496) mnt:   <--
> (00.002497) mnt:   [./sys/kernel/debug](568->567)
> (00.002499) mnt:   <--
> (00.002501) mnt:   [./sys/fs/cgroup](569->567)
> (00.002503) mnt:   <--
> (00.002504) mnt:  <--
> (00.002506) mnt:  [./acct](571->560)
> (00.002508) mnt:  <--
> (00.002509) mnt:  [./mnt/asec](572->560)
> (00.002511) mnt:  <--
> (00.002513) mnt:  [./mnt/obb](573->560)
> (00.002515) mnt:  <--
> (00.002516) mnt:  [./storage/emulated](576->560)
> (00.002518) mnt:   [./storage/emulated/legacy](578->576)
> (00.002520) mnt:   <--
> (00.002522) mnt:   [./storage/emulated/0](577->576)
> (00.002524) mnt:   <--
> (00.002526) mnt:  <--
> (00.002527) mnt:  [./mnt/shell/emulated](575->560)
> (00.002529) mnt:  <--
> (00.002531) mnt: <--
> (00.002599)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 13 s_dev 0xd / @ ./ flags
> 0x300001 options
> (00.002610)  type ext4 source /dev/loop1 mnt_id 16 s_dev 0x700001 / @
> ./system flags 0x300001 options data=ordered
> (00.002618)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 17 s_dev 0xe / @ ./data flags
> 0x300000 options
> (00.002626)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 18 s_dev 0xf / @ ./dev flags
> 0x300002 options mode=755
> (00.002634)  type devpts source devpts mnt_id 19 s_dev 0xb / @ ./dev/pts
> flags 0x300000 options mode=600
> (00.002642)  type proc source proc mnt_id 20 s_dev 0x4 / @ ./proc flags
> 0x300000 options
> (00.002649)  type sysfs source sysfs mnt_id 21 s_dev 0xc / @ ./sys flags
> 0x300000 options
> (00.002657)  type debugfs source debugfs mnt_id 22 s_dev 0x6 / @
> ./sys/kernel/debug flags 0x300000 options
> (00.002665)  type cgroup source none mnt_id 23 s_dev 0x10 / @ ./acct
> flags 0x300000 options cpuacct
> (00.002674)  type tmpfs source none mnt_id 24 s_dev 0x11 / @
> ./sys/fs/cgroup flags 0x300000 options mode=750,gid=1000
> (00.002682)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 25 s_dev 0x12 / @ ./mnt/asec
> flags 0x300000 options mode=755,gid=1000
> (00.002690)  type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 26 s_dev 0x13 / @ ./mnt/obb
> flags 0x300000 options mode=755,gid=1000
> (00.002698)  type cgroup source none mnt_id 27 s_dev 0x14 / @
> ./dev/cpuctl flags 0x300000 options cpu
> (00.002708)  type pstore source pstore mnt_id 28 s_dev 0x15 / @
> ./sys/fs/pstore flags 0x300000 options
> (00.002716)  type tmpfs source none mnt_id 29 s_dev 0x16 / @ ./cache
> flags 0x100406 options
> (00.002770)  type fuse source /dev/fuse mnt_id 30 s_dev 0x17 / @
> ./mnt/shell/emulated flags 0x30000e options
> user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other
> (00.002799) mnt: Building mountpoints tree
> (00.002805) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 13
> (00.002807) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 30
> (00.002814) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 29
> (00.002816) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 26
> (00.002818) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 25
> (00.002819) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 23
> (00.002821) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 21
> (00.002822) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 28
> (00.002824) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 24
> (00.002826) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 22
> (00.002827) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 20
> (00.002829) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 18
> (00.002830) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 27
> (00.002832) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 19
> (00.002833) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 17
> (00.002835) mnt:  Resorting siblings on 16
> (00.002837) mnt: Done:
> (00.002838) mnt: [./](13->0)
> (00.002840) mnt:  [./cache](29->13)
> (00.002842) mnt:  <--
> (00.002844) mnt:  [./system](16->13)
> (00.002846) mnt:  <--
> (00.002847) mnt:  [./data](17->13)
> (00.002849) mnt:  <--
> (00.002851) mnt:  [./dev](18->13)
> (00.002853) mnt:   [./dev/cpuctl](27->18)
> (00.002855) mnt:   <--
> (00.002856) mnt:   [./dev/pts](19->18)
> (00.002858) mnt:   <--
> (00.002860) mnt:  <--
> (00.002861) mnt:  [./proc](20->13)
> (00.002863) mnt:  <--
> (00.002865) mnt:  [./sys](21->13)
> (00.002867) mnt:   [./sys/fs/pstore](28->21)
> (00.002869) mnt:   <--
> (00.002870) mnt:   [./sys/kernel/debug](22->21)
> (00.002872) mnt:   <--
> (00.002874) mnt:   [./sys/fs/cgroup](24->21)
> (00.002876) mnt:   <--
> (00.002877) mnt:  <--
> (00.002879) mnt:  [./acct](23->13)
> (00.002880) mnt:  <--
> (00.002882) mnt:  [./mnt/asec](25->13)
> (00.002884) mnt:  <--
> (00.002885) mnt:  [./mnt/obb](26->13)
> (00.002887) mnt:  <--
> (00.002889) mnt:  [./mnt/shell/emulated](30->13)
> (00.002891) mnt:  <--
> (00.002892) mnt: <--
> (00.002899) mnt: autodetected external mount /mnt/shell/emulated/0 for
> ./storage/emulated/legacy
> (00.002902) mnt: autodetected external mount /mnt/shell/emulated/0 for
> ./storage/emulated/0
> (00.002906) mnt: autodetected external mount /mnt/shell/emulated/ for
> ./mnt/shell/emulated
> (00.002910) mnt: autodetected external mount /cache/ for ./cache
> (00.002912) mnt: autodetected external mount /mnt/obb/ for ./mnt/obb
> (00.002916) mnt: autodetected external mount /mnt/asec/ for ./mnt/asec
> (00.002918) mnt: autodetected external mount /acct/ for ./acct
> (00.002921) mnt: autodetected external mount /sys/fs/pstore/ for
> ./sys/fs/pstore
> (00.002925) mnt: autodetected external mount /sys/fs/cgroup/ for
> ./sys/fs/cgroup
> (00.002928) mnt: autodetected external mount /sys/kernel/debug/ for
> ./sys/kernel/debug
> (00.002930) mnt: autodetected external mount /sys/ for ./sys
> (00.002933) mnt: autodetected external mount /proc/ for ./proc
> (00.002936) mnt: autodetected external mount /dev/cpuctl/ for ./dev/cpuctl
> (00.002938) mnt: autodetected external mount /dev/pts/ for ./dev/pts
> (00.002941) mnt: autodetected external mount /dev/ for ./dev
> (00.002944) mnt: autodetected external mount /data/ for ./data
> (00.002946) mnt: autodetected external mount /system/ for ./system
> (00.002957) Collecting netns 2/2921
> (00.010258) ========================================
> (00.010265) Dumping task (pid: 2781)
> (00.010267) ========================================
> (00.010268) Obtaining task stat ...
> (00.010304)
> (00.010307) Collecting mappings (pid: 2781)
> (00.010308) ----------------------------------------
> (00.010760) Error (proc_parse.c:552): Bogus mapping 0x12c00000-0x12e01000
> (flags: 0x2 vm_file_fd: 7)
> (00.010778) Error (cr-dump.c:1190): Collect mappings (pid: 2781) failed
> with -1
> (00.010814) Unlock network
> (00.010817) Unfreezing tasks into 1
> (00.010888) Error (cr-dump.c:1578): Dumping FAILED.
> Best Regard -- ALLAH Hafiz, May Almighty ALLAH bless you
> [image: --]
> Abdullah Yousafzai
> [image: https://]about.me/yousafzaiabdullah
> <https://about.me/yousafzaiabdullah?promo=email_sig>
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Marcos Lilljedahl <marcosnils at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dumb question but did you try to run it with "--enable-external-masters"
>> as the log output recommends?
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:50 PM, Abdullah Yousafzai <
>> yousafzai.abdullah at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am using androidx86 and the criu simplest use-case presented here
>>> https://criu.org/Simple_loop works fine but I want to checkpoint
>>> android applications but it gives the following error can somebody check
>>> this:
>>> /criu dump -t 3266 -vvv -o dump.log && echo OK
>>>      <
>>> 1|root at x86_64:/data/local/tmp/data # cat dump.log
>>> (00.000028) Probing sock diag modules
>>> (00.000097) Done probing
>>> (00.000103) ========================================
>>> (00.000110) Dumping processes (pid: 3266)
>>> (00.000112) ========================================
>>> (00.000146) Pagemap is fully functional
>>> (00.000184) Found anon-shmem device at 5
>>> (00.000190) Reset 3294's dirty tracking
>>> (00.000207)  ... done
>>> (00.000231) Dirty tracking support is OFF
>>> (00.000310) Error (proc_parse.c:839): Can't open 3294/loginuid on
>>> procfs: No such file or directory
>>> (00.000334) irmap: Searching irmap cache in work dir
>>> (00.000344) No irmap-cache image
>>> (00.000351) irmap: Searching irmap cache in parent
>>> (00.000355) irmap: No irmap cache
>>> (00.000496) Perparing image inventory (version 1)
>>> (00.000533) Add pid ns 1 pid 3294
>>> (00.000544) Add net ns 2 pid 3294
>>> (00.000556) Add ipc ns 3 pid 3294
>>> (00.000565) Add uts ns 4 pid 3294
>>> (00.000573) Add mnt ns 5 pid 3294
>>> (00.000579) Add user ns 6 pid 3294
>>> (00.000582) cg: Dumping cgroups for 3294
>>> (00.000610) cg: Set 1 is criu one
>>> (00.000774) Seized task 3266, state 1
>>> (00.000813)     Seizing 3266's 3272 thread
>>> (00.000892)     Seizing 3266's 3273 thread
>>> (00.000963)     Seizing 3266's 3274 thread
>>> (00.001033)     Seizing 3266's 3275 thread
>>> (00.001099)     Seizing 3266's 3276 thread
>>> (00.001162)     Seizing 3266's 3277 thread
>>> (00.001229)     Seizing 3266's 3278 thread
>>> (00.001293)     Seizing 3266's 3279 thread
>>> (00.001360)     Seizing 3266's 3280 thread
>>> (00.001444) Collected (3 attempts, 0 in_progress)
>>> (00.001518) Collected (4 attempts, 0 in_progress)
>>> (00.001539) Collected 3266 in 1 state
>>> (00.001577) Will take mnt namespace in the image
>>> (00.001580) Add mnt ns 7 pid 3266
>>> (00.001587) Lock network
>>> (00.001631) lockinfo: 1:1 0 1972 00:0e:9770 128 128
>>> (00.001641) lockinfo: 2:1 0 1972 00:0e:9767 1073741826 1073742335
>>> (00.001646) lockinfo: 3:1 0 1972 00:0e:8659 128 128
>>> (00.001711) lockinfo: 4:1 0 1972 00:0e:8638 1073741826 1073742335
>>> (00.001733) lockinfo: 5:2 1 1620 00:0e:7875 0 EOF
>>> (00.001739) lockinfo: 6:1 0 1373 00:0e:7812 128 128
>>> (00.001745) lockinfo: 7:1 0 1373 00:0e:7809 1073741826 1073742335
>>> (00.001861)     type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 536 s_dev 0xd / @ ./
>>> flags 0x280001 options
>>> (00.001879)     type ext4 source /dev/loop1 mnt_id 537 s_dev 0x700001 /
>>> @ ./system flags 0x280001 options data=ordered
>>> (00.001890)     type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 538 s_dev 0xe / @ ./data
>>> flags 0x280000 options
>>> (00.001900)     type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 539 s_dev 0xf / @ ./dev
>>> flags 0x280002 options mode=755(00.001908)     type devpts source devpts
>>> mnt_id 540 s_dev 0xb / @ ./dev/pts flags 0x280000 options mode=600
>>> (00.001925)     type cgroup source none mnt_id 541 s_dev 0x14 / @
>>> ./dev/cpuctl flags 0x280000 options cpu
>>> (00.001933)     type proc source proc mnt_id 542 s_dev 0x4 / @ ./proc
>>> flags 0x280000 options
>>> (00.001941)     type sysfs source sysfs mnt_id 543 s_dev 0xc / @ ./sys
>>> flags 0x280000 options
>>> (00.001950)     type debugfs source debugfs mnt_id 544 s_dev 0x6 / @
>>> ./sys/kernel/debug flags 0x280000 options
>>> (00.001960)     type tmpfs source none mnt_id 545 s_dev 0x11 / @
>>> ./sys/fs/cgroup flags 0x280000 options mode=750,gid=1000
>>> (00.001968)     type pstore source pstore mnt_id 546 s_dev 0x15 / @
>>> ./sys/fs/pstore flags 0x280000 options
>>> (00.001976)     type cgroup source none mnt_id 547 s_dev 0x10 / @ ./acct
>>> flags 0x280000 options cpuacct
>>> (00.001985)     type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 548 s_dev 0x12 / @
>>> ./mnt/asec flags 0x280000 options mode=755,gid=1000
>>> (00.001993)     type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 549 s_dev 0x13 / @
>>> ./mnt/obb flags 0x280000 options mode=755,gid=1000
>>> (00.002018)     type tmpfs source none mnt_id 550 s_dev 0x16 / @ ./cache
>>> flags 0x80406 options
>>> (00.002033)     type fuse source /dev/fuse mnt_id 551 s_dev 0x17 / @
>>> ./mnt/shell/emulated flags 0x28000e options
>>> user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other
>>> (00.002043)     type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 552 s_dev 0x18 / @
>>> ./storage/emulated flags 0x200006 options mode=751,gid=1028
>>> (00.002054)     type fuse source /dev/fuse mnt_id 553 s_dev 0x17 /0 @
>>> ./storage/emulated/0 flags 0x28000e options
>>> user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other
>>> (00.002064)     type fuse source /dev/fuse mnt_id 554 s_dev 0x17 /0 @
>>> ./storage/emulated/legacy flags 0x28000e options
>>> user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other
>>> (00.002082) mnt: Building mountpoints tree
>>> (00.002089) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 536
>>> (00.002091) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 552
>>> (00.002093) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 554
>>> (00.002095) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 553
>>> (00.002097) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 551
>>> (00.002098) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 550
>>> (00.002100) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 549
>>> (00.002102) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 548
>>> (00.002104) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 547
>>> (00.002105) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 543
>>> (00.002107) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 546
>>> (00.002109) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 545
>>> (00.002110) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 544
>>> (00.002112) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 542
>>> (00.002113) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 539
>>> (00.002115) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 541
>>> (00.002117) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 540
>>> (00.002118) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 538
>>> (00.002120) mnt:        Resorting siblings on 537
>>> (00.002121) mnt: Done:
>>> (00.002123) mnt: [./](536->312)
>>> (00.002125) mnt:  [./cache](550->536)
>>> (00.002128) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002129) mnt:  [./system](537->536)
>>> (00.002131) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002133) mnt:  [./data](538->536)
>>> (00.002136) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002137) mnt:  [./dev](539->536)
>>> (00.002139) mnt:   [./dev/cpuctl](541->539)
>>> (00.002141) mnt:   <--
>>> (00.002143) mnt:   [./dev/pts](540->539)
>>> (00.002145) mnt:   <--
>>> (00.002147) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002148) mnt:  [./proc](542->536)
>>> (00.002150) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002152) mnt:  [./sys](543->536)
>>> (00.002153) mnt:   [./sys/fs/pstore](546->543)
>>> (00.002155) mnt:   <--
>>> (00.002157) mnt:   [./sys/kernel/debug](544->543)
>>> (00.002159) mnt:   <--
>>> (00.002161) mnt:   [./sys/fs/cgroup](545->543)
>>> (00.002163) mnt:   <--
>>> (00.002164) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002166) mnt:  [./acct](547->536)
>>> (00.002168) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002169) mnt:  [./mnt/asec](548->536)
>>> (00.002171) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002173) mnt:  [./mnt/obb](549->536)
>>> (00.002175) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002176) mnt:  [./storage/emulated](552->536)
>>> (00.002178) mnt:   [./storage/emulated/legacy](554->552)
>>> (00.002180) mnt:   <--
>>> (00.002182) mnt:   [./storage/emulated/0](553->552)
>>> (00.002184) mnt:   <--
>>> (00.002186) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002187) mnt:  [./mnt/shell/emulated](551->536)
>>> (00.002189) mnt:  <--
>>> (00.002191) mnt: <--
>>> (00.002194) Error (mount.c:959): mnt: Mount 554
>>> ./storage/emulated/legacy (master_id: 16 shared_id: 0) has unreachable
>>> sharing. Try --enable-external-masters.
>>> (00.002198) Unlock network
>>> (00.002201) Unfreezing tasks into 1
>>> (00.002287) Error (cr-dump.c:1578): Dumping FAILED.
>>> Best Regard -- ALLAH Hafiz, May Almighty ALLAH bless you
>>> [image: --]
>>> Abdullah Yousafzai
>>> [image: https://]about.me/yousafzaiabdullah
>>> <https://about.me/yousafzaiabdullah?promo=email_sig>
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