[CRIU] [PATCH] test, pipes: Exhaustive test of shared pipes

Pavel Emelyanov xemul at virtuozzo.com
Fri Dec 9 05:59:16 PST 2016

So, here's the next test that just enumerates all possible states and checks
that CRIU C/R-s it well. This time -- pipes. The goal of the test is to load
the fd-sharing engine, so pipes are chosen, as they not only generate shared
struct files, but also produce 2 descriptors in CRIU's fdesc->open callback
which is handled separately.

It's implemented slightly differently from the unix test, since we don't want
to check sequences of syscalls on objects, we need to check the task to pipe
relations in all possible ways.

The 'state' is several tasks, several pipes and each generated test includes
pipe ends sitting in all possible combinations in the tasks' FDTs.

Also note, that states, that seem to be equal to each other, e.g. pipe between
tasks A->B and pipe B->A, are really different as CRIU picks the pipe-restorer
based in task PIDs. So whether the picked task has read end or write end at 
his FDT makes a difference on restore.

Number of tasks is limited with --tasks option, number of pipes with the
--pipes one. Test just runs all -- generates states, makes them and C/R-s
them. To check the restored result the /proc/pid/fd/ and /proc/pid/fdinfo/
for all restored tasks is analyzed.

Right now CRIU works OK for --tasks 2 --pipes 2 (for more -- didn't check).
Kirill, please, check that your patches pass this test.


 - Randomize FDs under which tasks see the pipes. Now all tasks if they have
   some pipe, all see it under the same set of FDs.

Signed-off-by: Pavel Emelyanov <xemul at virtuozzo.com>
 test/exhaustive/pipe.py | 270 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 270 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 test/exhaustive/pipe.py

diff --git a/test/exhaustive/pipe.py b/test/exhaustive/pipe.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e94cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/exhaustive/pipe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import os
+import signal
+import socket
+import time
+import sys
+import subprocess
+def mix(nr_tasks, nr_pipes):
+	# Returned is the list of combinations.
+	# Each combination is the lists of pipe descriptors.
+	# Each pipe descriptor is a 2-elemtn tuple, that contains values 
+	# for R and W ends of pipes, each being a bit-field denoting in 
+	# which tasks the respective end should be opened or not.
+	# First -- make a full set of combinations for a single pipe.
+	max_idx = 1 << nr_tasks
+	pipe_mix = [[(r, w)] for r in xrange(0, max_idx) for w in xrange(0, max_idx)]
+	# Now, for every pipe throw another one into the game making
+	# all possible combinations of what was seen before with the
+	# newbie.
+	pipes_mix = pipe_mix
+	for t in xrange(1, nr_pipes):
+		pipes_mix = [ o + n for o in pipes_mix for n in pipe_mix ]
+	return pipes_mix
+# Called by a test sub-process. It just closes the not needed ends
+# of pipes and sleeps waiting for death.
+def make_pipes(task_nr, nr_pipes, pipes, comb, status_pipe):
+	print '\t\tMake pipes for %d' % task_nr
+	# We need to make sure that pipes have their
+	# ends according to comb for task_nr
+	for i in xrange(0, nr_pipes):
+		# Read end
+		if not (comb[i][0] & (1 << task_nr)):
+			os.close(pipes[i][0])
+		# Write end
+		if not (comb[i][1] & (1 << task_nr)):
+			os.close(pipes[i][1])
+	os.write(status_pipe, '0')
+	os.close(status_pipe)
+	while True:
+		time.sleep(100)
+def get_pipe_ino(pid, fd):
+	try:
+		return os.stat('/proc/%d/fd/%d' % (pid, fd)).st_ino
+	except:
+		return None
+def get_pipe_rw(pid, fd):
+	for l in open('/proc/%d/fdinfo/%d' % (pid, fd)):
+		if l.startswith('flags:'):
+			f = l.split(None, 1)[1][-2]
+			if f == '0':
+				return 0 # Read
+			elif f == '1':
+				return 1 # Write
+			break
+	raise Exception('Unexpected fdinfo contents')
+def check_pipe_y(pid, fd, rw, inos):
+	ino = get_pipe_ino(pid, fd)
+	if ino == None:
+		return 'missing '
+	if not inos.has_key(fd):
+		inos[fd] = ino
+	elif inos[fd] != ino:
+		return 'wrong '
+	mod = get_pipe_rw(pid, fd)
+	if mod != rw:
+		return 'badmode '
+	return None
+def check_pipe_n(pid, fd):
+	ino = get_pipe_ino(pid, fd)
+	if ino == None:
+		return None
+	else:
+		return 'present '
+def check_pipe_end(kids, fd, comb, rw, inos):
+	t_nr = 0
+	for t_pid in kids:
+		if comb & (1 << t_nr):
+			res = check_pipe_y(t_pid, fd, rw, inos)
+		else:
+			res = check_pipe_n(t_pid, fd)
+		if res != None:
+			return res + 'kid(%d)' % t_nr
+		t_nr += 1
+	return None
+def check_pipe(kids, fds, comb, inos):
+	for e in (0, 1): # 0 == R, 1 == W, see get_pipe_rw()
+		res = check_pipe_end(kids, fds[e], comb[e], e, inos)
+		if res != None:
+			return res + 'end(%d)' % e
+	return None
+def check_pipes(kids, pipes, comb):
+	# Kids contain pids
+	# Pipes contain pipe FDs
+	# Comb contain list of pairs of bits for RW ends
+	p_nr = 0
+	p_inos = {}
+	for p_fds in pipes:
+		res = check_pipe(kids, p_fds, comb[p_nr], p_inos)
+		if res != None:
+			return res + 'pipe(%d)' % p_nr
+		p_nr += 1
+	return None
+# Run by test main process. It opens pipes, then forks kids that
+# will contain needed pipe ends, then report back that it's ready
+# and waits for a signal (unix socket message) to start checking
+# the kids' FD tables.
+def make_comb(comb, opts, status_pipe):
+	print '\tMake pipes'
+	# 1st -- make needed pipes
+	pipes = []
+	for p in xrange(0, opts.pipes):
+		pipes.append(os.pipe())
+	# Fork the kids that'll make pipes
+	kc_pipe = os.pipe()
+	kids = []
+	for t in xrange(0, opts.tasks):
+		pid = os.fork()
+		if pid == 0:
+			os.close(status_pipe)
+			os.close(kc_pipe[0])
+			make_pipes(t, opts.pipes, pipes, comb, kc_pipe[1])
+			sys.exit(1)
+		kids.append(pid)
+	os.close(kc_pipe[1])
+	for p in pipes:
+		os.close(p[0])
+		os.close(p[1])
+	# Wait for kids to get ready
+	k_res = ''
+	while True:
+		v = os.read(kc_pipe[0], 16)
+		if v == '':
+			break
+		k_res += v
+	os.close(kc_pipe[0])
+	ex_code = 1
+	if k_res == '0' * opts.tasks:
+		print '\tWait for C/R'
+		cmd_sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
+		cmd_sk.bind('\0CRIUPCSK')
+		# Kids are ready, so is socket for kicking us. Notify the
+		# parent task that we are good to go.
+		os.write(status_pipe, '0')
+		os.close(status_pipe)
+		v = cmd_sk.recv(16)
+		if v == '0':
+			print '\tCheck pipes'
+			res = check_pipes(kids, pipes, comb)
+			if res == None:
+				ex_code = 0
+			else:
+				print '\tFAIL %s' % res
+	# Just kill kids, all checks are done by us, we don't need'em any more
+	for t in kids:
+		os.kill(t, signal.SIGKILL)
+		os.waitpid(t, 0)
+	return ex_code
+def cr_test(pid):
+	print 'C/R test'
+	img_dir = 'pimg_%d' % pid
+	try:
+		os.mkdir(img_dir)
+		subprocess.check_call([criu_bin, 'dump', '-t', '%d' % pid, '-D', img_dir, '-o', 'dump.log', '-v4', '-j'])
+	except:
+		print '`- dump fail'
+		return False
+	try:
+		os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+		subprocess.check_call([criu_bin, 'restore', '-D', img_dir, '-o', 'rst.log', '-v4', '-j', '-d', '-S'])
+	except:
+		print '`- restore fail'
+		return False
+	return True
+def run(comb, opts):
+	print 'Checking %r' % comb
+	cpipe = os.pipe()
+	pid = os.fork()
+	if pid == 0:
+		os.close(cpipe[0])
+		ret = make_comb(comb, opts, cpipe[1])
+		sys.exit(ret)
+	# Wait for the main process to get ready
+	os.close(cpipe[1])
+	res = os.read(cpipe[0], 16)
+	os.close(cpipe[0])
+	if res == '0':
+		res = cr_test(pid)
+		print 'Wake up test'
+		s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
+		if res:
+			res = '0'
+		else:
+			res = 'X'
+		try:
+			# Kick the test to check its state
+			s.sendto(res, '\0CRIUPCSK')
+		except:
+			# Restore might have failed or smth else happenned
+			os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
+		s.close()
+	# Wait for the guy to exit and get the result (PASS/FAIL)
+	p, st = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+	if os.WIFEXITED(st):
+		st = os.WEXITSTATUS(st)
+	print 'Done (%d, pid == %d)' % (st, pid)
+	return st == 0
+p = argparse.ArgumentParser("CRIU test suite")
+p.add_argument("--tasks", help = "Number of tasks", default = '2')
+p.add_argument("--pipes", help = "Number of pipes", default = '2')
+opts = p.parse_args()
+opts.tasks = int(opts.tasks)
+opts.pipes = int(opts.pipes)
+pipe_combs = mix(opts.tasks, opts.pipes)
+for comb in pipe_combs:
+	if not run(comb, opts):
+		print 'FAIL'
+		break
+	print 'PASS'

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