[CRIU] [PATCH 12/12] p.haul: implement vz migration with shared ploops

Alexander Burluka aburluka at virtuozzo.com
Mon Apr 4 07:27:21 PDT 2016

Final commit that introduces vz migration with ploops
that are located on shared disks.
Brief algorithm description:
After freezing container source side creates copy of
every shared ploop DiskDescriptor.xml (named DiskDescriptor.xml.copy)
and makes snapshots delta on origin and copy.
Origin snapshot would be used on destination after successful
"vzctl restore" operation (this snapshot delta is created
on source and merged on destination so it is create as "offline
On restore fail case DiskDescriptor.xml.copy would replace origin file
and merged with copy snapshot delta.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Burluka <aburluka at virtuozzo.com>
 phaul/iters.py | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phaul/iters.py b/phaul/iters.py
index 9a2f325..200c830 100644
--- a/phaul/iters.py
+++ b/phaul/iters.py
@@ -204,27 +204,36 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 		self.htype.final_dump(root_pid, self.img, self.criu_connection, self.fs)
-		# Handle final FS and images sync on frozen htype
-		logging.info("Final FS and images sync")
-		fsstats = self.fs.stop_migration()
-		self.img.sync_imgs_to_target(self.target_host, self.htype,
-			self.connection.mem_sk)
-		# Restore htype on target
-		logging.info("Asking target host to restore")
-		self.target_host.restore_from_images()
-		logging.info("Restored on target host")
-		# Ack previous dump request to terminate all frozen tasks
-		resp = self.criu_connection.ack_notify()
-		if not resp.success:
-			raise Exception("Dump screwed up")
+		try:
+			# Handle final FS and images sync on frozen htype
+			logging.info("Final FS and images sync")
+			fsstats = self.fs.stop_migration()
+			self.img.sync_imgs_to_target(self.target_host, self.htype,
+				self.connection.mem_sk)
+			# Restore htype on target
+			logging.info("Asking target host to restore")
+			self.target_host.restore_from_images()
+			logging.info("Restored on target host")
+			# Ack previous dump request to terminate all frozen tasks
+			resp = self.criu_connection.ack_notify()
+			if not resp.success:
+				raise Exception("Dump screwed up")
+		except:
+			self.fs.restore_shared_backups()
+			raise
+		# cleanup shared disks backup
+		self.fs.cleanup_shared_backups()
 		dstats = criu_api.criu_get_dstats(self.img)
 		migration_stats.handle_iteration(dstats, fsstats)
 		logging.info("Migration succeeded")
+		self.target_host.final_cleanup(self.fs.prepare_src_data({}))

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