[CRIU] [PATCH] Add docker phaul driver

Hui Kang hkang.sunysb at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 10:27:26 PDT 2015

See the instruction at test/docker/HOWTO

Signed-off-by: Hui Kang <hkang.sunysb at gmail.com>
 .gitignore              |   1 +
 p.haul                  |   2 +-
 phaul/images.py         |   5 ++
 phaul/p_haul_docker.py  | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 phaul/p_haul_iters.py   |  86 +++++++++++++++++++----------
 phaul/p_haul_pid.py     |   3 ++
 phaul/p_haul_service.py |  10 ++--
 phaul/p_haul_type.py    |   2 +
 phaul/xem_rpc.py        |   1 -
 test/docker/HOWTO       |  77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 phaul/p_haul_docker.py
 create mode 100644 test/docker/HOWTO

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 739cb45..1ab6601 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ build/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/p.haul b/p.haul
index aea7971..739ea95 100755
--- a/p.haul
+++ b/p.haul
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import phaul.xem_rpc as ph_xem_rpc
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Process HAULer")
-parser.add_argument("type", help="Type of hat to haul, e.g. vz or lxc")
+parser.add_argument("type", help="Type of hat to haul, e.g. vz, lxc, or docker")
 parser.add_argument("id", help="ID of what to haul")
 parser.add_argument("to", help="IP where to haul")
 parser.add_argument("-v", help="Verbosity level", default=ph_criu_api.def_verb, type=int, dest="verbose")
diff --git a/phaul/images.py b/phaul/images.py
index b9326ce..223bc6b 100644
--- a/phaul/images.py
+++ b/phaul/images.py
@@ -137,6 +137,11 @@ class phaul_images:
 		logging.info("Sending images to target")
 		start = time.time()
+                if htype.get_driver_name() == "docker" :
+                        htype.send_criu_images()
+                        return
 		cdir = self.image_dir()
diff --git a/phaul/p_haul_docker.py b/phaul/p_haul_docker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9434ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phaul/p_haul_docker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import os
+import shutil
+import time
+import p_haul_cgroup
+import p_haul_module
+import util
+import fs_haul_shared
+import fs_haul_subtree
+import pycriu.rpc
+import subprocess as sp
+# TODO use docker-py
+# import docker
+name = "docker"
+docker_exec = "/usr/bin/docker-1.9.0-dev"
+docker_dir = "/var/lib/docker/"
+criu_image_dir = "/var/run/docker/execdriver/native"
+class p_haul_type:
+    def __init__(self, ctid):
+        # TODO ctid must > 3 digit; with docker-py, we can also resolve
+        #      container name
+        if len(ctid) < 3:
+            raise Exception("Docker container ID must be > 3 digits")
+        self._ctid = ctid
+        self._ct_rootfs = ""
+    def get_driver_name(self):
+        return name
+    def init_src(self):
+        self.full_ctid = self.get_full_ctid()
+        print "----> Full id: " + self.full_ctid
+        self.__load_ct_config(docker_dir)
+    def init_dst(self):
+        pass
+    def adjust_criu_req(self, req):
+        """Add module-specific options to criu request"""
+        pass
+    def root_task_pid(self):
+        pass
+    def __load_ct_config(self, path):
+        print "---> Load docker config for ct: " + self._ctid
+        print "---> Loading config file from %s" % path
+        # Find the aufs filesystem dirname for the container
+        docker_aufs_dir = os.path.join(docker_dir, "aufs/mnt")
+        self._ct_rootfs = os.path.join(docker_aufs_dir, self.full_ctid)
+    def set_options(self, opts):
+        pass
+    # Remove any specific FS setup
+    def umount(self):
+        pass
+    def get_fs(self):
+        print "---> get fs for docker cotnainer: " + self._ct_rootfs
+        return fs_haul_subtree.p_haul_fs(self._ct_rootfs)
+    def get_full_ctid(self):
+        dir_name_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(docker_dir, "containers"))
+        full_id = ""
+        for name in dir_name_list:
+            name = name.rsplit("/")
+            if (name[0].find(self._ctid) == 0):
+                full_id = name[0]
+                break
+        if full_id != "":
+            return full_id
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Can not find container fs")
+    def dump(self):
+        # TODO: docker API does not have checkpoint right now
+        # cli.checkpoint() so we have to use the command line
+        # cli = docker.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock')
+        # output = cli.info()
+        # call docker API
+        logf = open("/tmp/docker_checkpoint.log", "w+")
+        ret = sp.call([docker_exec, "checkpoint", self._ctid],
+                        stdout = logf, stderr = logf)
+        if ret != 0:
+            raise Exception("docker checkpoint failed")
+    def send_criu_images(self, thost):
+        # Sync checkpointed container images
+        ct_criu_img_dir = os.path.join(criu_image_dir, self.full_ctid)
+        dst_img_fs = fs_haul_subtree.p_haul_fs(ct_criu_img_dir)
+        dst_img_fs.set_target_host(thost)
+        dst_img_fs.set_work_dir(ct_criu_img_dir)
+        dst_img_fs.start_migration()
+        # Container status
+        ct_state_dir = os.path.join(docker_dir, "containers", self.full_ctid)
+        dst_img_fs_exec = fs_haul_subtree.p_haul_fs(ct_state_dir)
+        dst_img_fs_exec.set_target_host(thost)
+        dst_img_fs_exec.set_work_dir(ct_state_dir)
+        dst_img_fs_exec.start_migration()
+    def put_meta_images(self, dir):
+        pass
+    def kill_last_docker_daemon(self):
+        p = sp.Popen(['pgrep', '-l' , docker_exec], stdout=sp.PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        for line in out.splitlines():
+            line = bytes.decode(line)
+            pid = int(line.split(None, 1)[0])
+            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
+    def final_restore(self, img, criu):
+        logf = open("/tmp/docker_restore.log", "w+")
+        # Kill any previous docker daemon in order to reload the
+        # status of the migrated container
+        self.kill_last_docker_daemon()
+        # start docker daemon in background
+        sp.Popen([docker_exec, "daemon", "-s", "aufs"],
+                 stdout = logf, stderr = logf)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        ret = sp.call([docker_exec, "restore", self._ctid],
+                        stdout = logf, stderr = logf)
+        if ret != 0:
+            raise Exception("docker restore failed")
diff --git a/phaul/p_haul_iters.py b/phaul/p_haul_iters.py
index f23e799..3061c47 100644
--- a/phaul/p_haul_iters.py
+++ b/phaul/p_haul_iters.py
@@ -34,8 +34,14 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 		logging.info("Setting up local")
 		self.img = images.phaul_images("dmp")
-		self.criu = criu_api.criu_conn(self.data_sk)
 		self.htype = p_haul_type.get_src(p_type)
+                if self.htype.get_driver_name() != "docker" :
+                        # docker will talk to swrk
+                        self.criu = criu_api.criu_conn(self.data_sk)
+                else:
+                        self.criu = ""
 		if not self.htype:
 			raise Exception("No htype driver found")
@@ -45,13 +51,15 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 		self.pid = self.htype.root_task_pid()
+                self.target_host = host[0]
 		logging.info("Setting up remote")
 	def set_options(self, opts):
-		self.criu.verbose(opts["verbose"])
+                if self.htype.get_driver_name() != "docker" :
+                        self.criu.verbose(opts["verbose"])
 		self.__force = opts["force"]
@@ -75,8 +83,10 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 	def start_migration(self):
-		if not self.__force:
-			self.validate_cpu()
+                # TODO fix it
+                if self.htype.get_driver_name() != "docker" :
+                        if not self.__force:
+                                self.validate_cpu()
 		logging.info("Preliminary FS migration")
@@ -84,7 +94,30 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 		logging.info("Starting iterations")
-		while True:
+                # For Docker, we take a different path
+                if self.htype.get_driver_name() == "docker" :
+                        logging.info("Take a special path for Docker")
+                        self.htype.dump()
+			logging.info("\tDocker dump succeeded")
+                        logging.info("FS and images sync")
+                        # sync the aufs filesystem again
+                        self.fs.stop_migration()
+                        # send the docker criu image to host
+                        self.htype.send_criu_images(self.target_host)
+                        logging.info("Asking target host to restore")
+                        self.th.restore_from_images()
+                        return
+                # TODO: Do not do predump for docker right now. Add page-server
+                #       to docker C/R API, then we can enable
+                #       the pre-dump
+		while True :
 			logging.info("* Iteration %d", self.iteration)
@@ -141,31 +174,30 @@ class phaul_iter_worker:
 		logging.info("Final dump and restore")
-		self.th.start_iter()
-		self.img.new_image_dir()
+                self.th.start_iter()
+                self.img.new_image_dir()
 		logging.info("\tIssuing dump command to service")
-		req = criu_req.make_dump_req(
-			self.pid, self.htype, self.img, self.criu, self.fs)
-		resp = self.criu.send_req(req)
-		while True:
-			if resp.type != cr_rpc.NOTIFY:
-				raise Exception("Dump failed")
-			if resp.notify.script == "post-dump":
-				#
-				# Dump is effectively over. Now CRIU
-				# waits for us to do whatever we want
-				# and keeps the tasks frozen.
-				#
-				break
-			elif resp.notify.script == "network-lock":
-				self.htype.net_lock()
-			elif resp.notify.script == "network-unlock":
-				self.htype.net_unlock()
+                req = criu_req.make_dump_req(
+                        self.pid, self.htype, self.img, self.criu, self.fs)
+                resp = self.criu.send_req(req)
+                while True:
+                        if resp.type != cr_rpc.NOTIFY:
+                                raise Exception("Dump failed")
+                        if resp.notify.script == "post-dump":
+                                #
+                                # Dump is effectively over. Now CRIU
+                                # waits for us to do whatever we want
+                                # and keeps the tasks frozen.
+                                #
+                                break
+                        elif resp.notify.script == "network-lock":
+                                self.htype.net_lock()
+                        elif resp.notify.script == "network-unlock":
+                                self.htype.net_unlock()
 			logging.info("\t\tNotify (%s)", resp.notify.script)
 			resp = self.criu.ack_notify()
diff --git a/phaul/p_haul_pid.py b/phaul/p_haul_pid.py
index 47cf651..20433a1 100644
--- a/phaul/p_haul_pid.py
+++ b/phaul/p_haul_pid.py
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ class p_haul_type:
 		self.pid = int(id)
 		self._pidfile = None
+        def get_driver_name(self):
+                return name
 	# Initialize itself for source node or destination one
diff --git a/phaul/p_haul_service.py b/phaul/p_haul_service.py
index f2cadb9..8963c2c 100644
--- a/phaul/p_haul_service.py
+++ b/phaul/p_haul_service.py
@@ -44,11 +44,13 @@ class phaul_service:
 	def rpc_setup(self, htype_id):
 		logging.info("Setting up service side %s", htype_id)
 		self.img = images.phaul_images("rst")
-		self.criu = criu_api.criu_conn(self.data_sk)
 		self.htype = p_haul_type.get_dst(htype_id)
+                if self.htype.get_driver_name() != "docker" :
+                        self.criu = criu_api.criu_conn(self.data_sk)
 	def rpc_set_options(self, opts):
-		self.criu.verbose(opts["verbose"])
+                if self.htype.get_driver_name() != "docker" :
+                        self.criu.verbose(opts["verbose"])
@@ -86,7 +88,9 @@ class phaul_service:
 	def rpc_restore_from_images(self):
 		logging.info("Restoring from images")
-		self.htype.put_meta_images(self.img.image_dir())
+		if self.htype.get_driver_name() != "docker" :
+                        self.htype.put_meta_images(self.img.image_dir())
 		self.htype.final_restore(self.img, self.criu)
 		logging.info("Restore succeeded")
 		self.restored = True
diff --git a/phaul/p_haul_type.py b/phaul/p_haul_type.py
index 4fa2833..61e6810 100644
--- a/phaul/p_haul_type.py
+++ b/phaul/p_haul_type.py
@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ import logging
 import p_haul_vz
 import p_haul_pid
 import p_haul_lxc
+import p_haul_docker
 haul_types = {
 	p_haul_vz.name: p_haul_vz,
 	p_haul_pid.name: p_haul_pid,
 	p_haul_lxc.name: p_haul_lxc,
+	p_haul_docker.name: p_haul_docker,
 def __get(id):
diff --git a/phaul/xem_rpc.py b/phaul/xem_rpc.py
index d320013..1662967 100644
--- a/phaul/xem_rpc.py
+++ b/phaul/xem_rpc.py
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ class _rpc_server_sk:
 			if data[0] == RPC_CALL:
 				if not self._master:
 					raise Exception("Proto seq error")
 				res = getattr(self._master, "rpc_" + data[1])(*data[2])
 			elif data[0] == RPC_CMD:
 				res = getattr(self, data[1])(mgr, *data[2])
diff --git a/test/docker/HOWTO b/test/docker/HOWTO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b777c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/docker/HOWTO
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+This HOWTO describes how to _non_ live-migrate a docker container from one
+docker host to another.
+** This is an experimental implementation of docker migration, which may affect
+your running containers.
+0. Install CRIU, p.haul, docker on both nodes
+   Besides the packages that are needed to compile and run CRIU and p.haul,
+   the specific docker binary that supports checkpoint/restore should be used.
+   Refer to step 0 in test/mtouch/HOWTO about the pacekages for CRIU and p.haul.
+   The docker version that supports checkpoint and restore can be obtained by
+   # git clone https://github.com/boucher/docker.git
+   # cd docker.git
+   # git checkout cr-combined
+   On both nodes, compile and store the the docker binary as
+   /usr/bin/docker-1.9.0-dev
+   Note that the path above is for now hard-coded in p_haul_docker.py
+1. Prepare criu and p.haul on both nodes (adapted from test/mtouch/HOWTO)
+   a) CRIU
+   * Clone CRIU repository from git://github.com/xemul/criu
+     and compile it with 'make'
+   * Make _local_ directory for service ($csdir)
+   * Start CRIU service by root user
+   # criu service -o $csdir/log -v4 --daemon
+   b) On destination node start the p.haul service
+   [dst]# ./p.haul-service
+   Starting p.haul rpyc service
+      It will not go daemon and will print logs on the terminals
+3. Run the test container on source node
+   a) Start the docker daemon
+   # /usr/bin/docker-1.9.0-dev daemon -s aufs
+   b) Start the container
+   # /usr/bin/docker-1.9.0-dev run -d busybox:latest /bin/sh -c 'i=0; while true; do echo $i >> /foo; i=$(expr $i + 1); sleep 1; done'
+   This command will return the container's ID, e.g.,  d78.
+   (borrowed from https://criu.org/Docker)
+4. Migrate container from source node
+   [src]# ./p.haul docker [container ID, e.g., d78] [ip address of the dst]
+   for example
+   [src]# ./p.haul docker d78   # is the destination node IP
+   On the destination node, run
+   [dst]# /usr/bin/docker-1.9.0-dev ps
+   [dst]# /usr/bin/docker-1.9.0-dev exec d78 cat /foo
+   to verify the counter is continuously being incremented.
+Known limitations.
+1. No support from docker python binding
+2. Docker daemon has to be restarted on the destination node

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