[CRIU] what's the equivalent of criu show with criu 1.6 ?

Thouraya TH thouraya87 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 06:23:00 PDT 2015


Please, what's the equivalent of criu show with criu 1.6 ?  i can't find it
in criu --help

root at localhost:/tmp/dire# criu --version
Version: 1.6
root at localhost:/tmp/dire# criu --help

  criu dump|pre-dump -t PID [<options>]
  criu restore [<options>]
  criu check [--ms]
  criu exec -p PID <syscall-string>
  criu page-server
  criu service [<options>]
  criu dedup

  dump           checkpoint a process/tree identified by pid
  pre-dump       pre-dump task(s) minimizing their frozen time
  restore        restore a process/tree
  check          checks whether the kernel support is up-to-date
  exec           execute a system call by other task
  page-server    launch page server
  service        launch service
  dedup          remove duplicates in memory dump
  cpuinfo dump   writes cpu information into image file
  cpuinfo check  validates cpu information read from image file

Dump/Restore options:

* Generic:
  -t|--tree PID         checkpoint a process tree identified by PID
  -d|--restore-detached detach after restore
  -S|--restore-sibling  restore root task as sibling
  -s|--leave-stopped    leave tasks in stopped state after checkpoint
  -R|--leave-running    leave tasks in running state after checkpoint
  -D|--images-dir DIR   directory for image files
     --pidfile FILE     write root task, service or page-server pid to FILE
  -W|--work-dir DIR     directory to cd and write logs/pidfiles/stats to
                        (if not specified, value of --images-dir is used)
     --cpu-cap [CAP]    require certain cpu capability. CAP: may be one of:
                        'cpu','fpu','all','ins','none'. To disable
capability, prefix it with '^'.
     --exec-cmd         execute the command specified after '--' on
                        restore making it the parent of the restored process

* Special resources support:
  -x|--ext-unix-sk      allow external unix connections
     --tcp-established  checkpoint/restore established TCP connections
  -r|--root PATH        change the root filesystem (when run in mount
  --evasive-devices     use any path to a device file if the original one
                        is inaccessible
  --veth-pair IN=OUT    map inside veth device name to outside one
                        can optionally append @<bridge-name> to OUT for
                        the outside veth to the named bridge
  --link-remap          allow to link unlinked files back when possible
  --action-script FILE  add an external action script
  -j|--shell-job        allow to dump and restore shell jobs
  -l|--file-locks       handle file locks, for safety, only used for
  -L|--libdir           path to a plugin directory (by default
  --force-irmap         force resolving names for inotify/fsnotify watches
  -M|--ext-mount-map KEY:VALUE
                        add external mount mapping
  -M|--ext-mount-map auto
                        attempt to autodetect external mount mapings
                        allow autoresolving mounts with external sharing
                        allow autoresolving mounts with external masters
  --manage-cgroups      dump or restore cgroups the process is in
  --cgroup-root [controller:]/newroot
                        change the root cgroup the controller will be
                        installed into. No controller means that root is the
                        default for all controllers not specified.
  --skip-mnt PATH       ignore this mountpoint when dumping the mount
  --enable-fs FSNAMES   a comma separated list of filesystem names or "all".
                        force criu to (try to) dump/restore these
                        mountpoints even if fs is not supported.

* Logging:
  -o|--log-file FILE    log file name
     --log-pid          enable per-process logging to separate FILE.pid
  -v[NUM]               set logging level (higher level means more output):
                          -v1|-v    - only errors and messages
                          -v2|-vv   - also warnings (default level)
                          -v3|-vvv  - also information messages and
                          -v4|-vvvv - lots of debug

* Memory dumping options:
  --track-mem           turn on memory changes tracker in kernel
  --prev-images-dir DIR path to images from previous dump (relative to -D)
  --page-server         send pages to page server (see options below as
  --auto-dedup          when used on dump it will deduplicate "old" data in
                        pages images of previous dump
                        when used on restore, as soon as page is restored,
                        will be punched from the image.

Page/Service server options:
  --address ADDR        address of server or service
  --port PORT           port of page server
  -d|--daemon           run in the background after creating socket

Thank you.
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