[CRIU] [PATCH 1/4] pie/x86_64: syscall clobbers rcx and r11

Cyrill Gorcunov gorcunov at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 05:32:12 PDT 2015

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 03:50:34PM -0600, Tycho Andersen wrote:
> o_O this is one of those "how has nobody ever hit this" bugs.
> According to:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2535989/what-are-the-calling-conventions-for-unix-linux-system-calls-on-x86-64
> syscall on x86_64 clobbers rcx and r11. We should mark these registers as
> clobbered in RUN_CLONE_RESTORE_FN so that gcc avoids using them, e.g.:
> ...<__export_restore_task>
>     ...
>     1894: 49 89 db              mov    r11,rbx
>     1897: 4c 8d 4c 24 60        lea    r9,[rsp+0x60]
>     189c: 48 89 eb              mov    rbx,rbp
>     189f: 48 89 44 24 10        mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x10],rax
>     18a4: 48 8d 44 24 30        lea    rax,[rsp+0x30]
>     18a9: 48 89 44 24 18        mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18],rax
>     18ae: eb 53                 jmp    1903 <clone_end+0x15>
> 00000000000018b0 <clone_emul>:
>     18b0: 48 8b 74 24 08        mov    rsi,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8]
>     18b5: 48 83 ee 10           sub    rsi,0x10
>     18b9: 48 89 ef              mov    rdi,rbp
>     18bc: 48 89 7e 08           mov    QWORD PTR [rsi+0x8],rdi
>     18c0: 49 8b 7b 20           mov    rdi,QWORD PTR [r11+0x20]
>     18c4: 48 89 3e              mov    QWORD PTR [rsi],rdi
>     18c7: 48 c7 c7 00 0d 05 00  mov    rdi,0x50d00
>     18ce: 48 8b 54 24 18        mov    rdx,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18]
>     18d3: 4d 89 fa              mov    r10,r15
>     18d6: b8 38 00 00 00        mov    eax,0x38
>     18db: 0f 05                 syscall
>     18dd: 48 85 c0              test   rax,rax
>     18e0: 74 05                 je     18e7 <thread_run>
>     18e2: 48 89 c5              mov    rbp,rax
>     18e5: eb 07                 jmp    18ee <clone_end>
> 00000000000018e7 <thread_run>:
>     18e7: 48 31 ed              xor    rbp,rbp
>     18ea: 58                    pop    rax
>     18eb: 5f                    pop    rdi
>     18ec: ff d0                 call   rax
> 00000000000018ee <clone_end>:
>     18ee: 41 83 c5 01           add    r13d,0x1
>     18f2: 49 81 c7 00 8c 00 00  add    r15,0x8c00
>     18f9: 45 39 6b 14           cmp    DWORD PTR [r11+0x14],r13d
> will cause a seg fault because r11 is clobbered.

have you actually got sygsev here ever? this is a clone
emulation which makes the kernel to allocate new registers
set, iow once syscall is complete there will be two tasks
one with former r11 and one with copy, the caller access
unmodified/former r11 (upon syscall enter the kernel
saves former pt-regs). same time strictly speaking
r11 is a temp register which is not callee saved
so to be on safe side lets stick with your patch
(rcx clobbering is useless here but let it be).

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