[CRIU] Restore failed. Exit code: 43

Paschalis Mpeis paschalis.mpeis at ed.ac.uk
Mon Jan 26 04:30:10 PST 2015

> >     Well, the shell job C/R (
> http://criu.org/Advanced_usage#Shell_jobs_C.2FR)
> >     is pretty close to what you try to achieve.
> > So,
> > ​ ​
> > you are suggesting to use "--shell-job". I guess there must be a way to
> pass it on "criu_init_opts"?
> criu_set_shell_job(true)

Hmm... ​I found out that *criu_set_shell_job(true)* is ​interchangeable
with *setsid()*.

Well, yes, this is what happens, but it's not necessarily to fork B for
> that. It's your
> ​ ​
> dumpApplication() that does fork(), not libcriu :)

​I had no idea. The example I started with was using that extra fork I
Now, I removed the extra fork, and now I correctly use (and understand) the
*criu_set_leave_running*, so the initial process can continue execution.

I would be happy to help, but I don't understand what "function-only"
> capturing means. Can
> ​ ​
> you describe your scenario in more details?

Currently, I dump a program before the execution of the function daxpy.
Then, I can replay the program from that point onwards. That replaying is
basically like a resuming from that point, and
I can
​do it
 as many times as I want, since I have kept in disk some image files.

So, dump has captured all information needed not only by the "daxpy"
functions, but also for the rest of the program.

What I want, is to execute let's say in isolation the function "daxpy".
Then on dump,
 I want t
​he contents of the images to be just the
necessary information that the function
​Such information are
​.the parameters of "daxpy"
.the code of the functions that are being called by the "daxpy"​
.the global variables that are "touched" by "daxpy", or by the functions
that are called by "daxpy"

With this information, I will NOT be able to resume the program. But, I
will be able to replay just the function "daxpy".

Once again, thank you very much Pavel for your prompt and really
informative replies!

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