[CRIU] Restore failed. Exit code: 43

Paschalis Mpeis paschalis.mpeis at ed.ac.uk
Tue Jan 20 07:51:15 PST 2015


> I'm now confused, sorry. Can you post
> * the full program you run (either, but only one way of calling restore,
> not two)
> * the way you run it (the shell commands you execute, one by one)
> * the result you see (if dump and restore are OK, then logs are not
> required)
> * and what you expect it to look like
> Thanks,
> Pavel

​I have created a gist, as it would be the easier way to share code.
Gist: https://gist.github.com/Paschalis/a96b2747ed85b8e5a796
I have omitted the header files for the source I have provided.

*​Short explanation of files:*
*crlib.c:* ​Its a wrapper of your library, to provide a more "clean"
It contains the functions I 've told you about: initialise_criu,
dumpApplication, restoreApplication.

*linpack_h1_.c:* It contains one function taken out of the linpack
benchmark (daxpy_real) , and a proxy function (daxpy). The proxy function
runs each time the real function, but also the 1st time it is invoked it
takes a snapshot.

*main_linpack.c:* It is the source code of the linpack benchmark, except
the daxpy function. All calls to daxpy are handled by the
linpack_h1_.c. ***Nothing
to see here! ***

*​main.c:* ​Takes a CLA, and either executes the benchmark, where on the
1st invocation of daxpy a capture is occurred, or it does restore. On
restore, I was expecting the program to continue execution, just right
before the 1st invocation of daxpy.

*run.sh:* This is how I run the program. I run it in a sudo environment. It
runs with 3 arguments:
.1: it prepares the environment for CRIU, and compiles the app
.2: the function "execute_criu_app" executes the app one time with argument
1, which is capture, and another time with argument 2 which is replay
.3: I terminate the service and clear directories

*output:* The current output

*expected output:* The expected output
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