[CRIU] Cannot restore from regular user when RPC service running as root

Ruslan Kuprieiev kupruser at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 15:00:31 PST 2015

Ok, could you try to run libcriu test:
    cd test/libcriu
    make run
and tell us if it succeeds or fails?

On 01/16/2015 10:33 PM, Jason L. Turner wrote:
> Hi Ruslan,
> That's no problem, hopefully my answers can help.
> Yes that restore log is the original from when I ran my program.
> I built CRIU from source, it is not from a package.
> When running "which criu" it shows,
> 	"/opt/CRIU-v1-4/criu/deps/criu-x86_64/criu"
> When running "ls -la $(which criu)" it shows,
> 	"-rwxrwxr-x 1 jturner dev 904201 2015-01-18 09:09 /opt/CRIU-v1-4/criu/deps/criu-x86_64/criu"
> I am sure that the service was started with the correct criu as the "which criu" command returns the same when run from the root user as well as my linking as it links to the lib directory in the path shown above.
> Jason

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