[CRIU] Cannot restore from regular user when RPC service running as root

Jason L. Turner jlturner at mdacorporation.com
Fri Jan 16 07:32:07 PST 2015

Hi Ruslan, 

I've tried my program with CRIU v1.4 as well as updating my kernel to v3.18 with the configurations recommended on the CRIU.org installation page but the same problem occurs.

I am using SUSE Enterprise Server 11 and the CRIU C API with the CRIU service running as root.

The error I received last in my restore log has stopped occurring, as Pavel had mentioned there is no such error message in the CRIU v1.4 source code, but the program still won't restore my child process when using "criu_restore_child()" from the C API when running my program as a regular user.
The error code returned from "criu_restore_child()" is EBADE (-52). 

I would also just like to confirm that restoring a process using CRIU is possible as a regular user if using the CRIU service as root as I have met a bit of a contradiction on criu.org:

>From "criu.org/Security":
	 "However, if the node administrator sets the +suid bit on the criu binary, or runs criu as an RPC service, criu will be able to work on behalf of regular user"

But then I also read under "http://criu.org/Comparison_to_other_CR_projects" it mentions

	"Requires root privileges |  No, but user can only dump tasks belonging to him."

Below are my recent dump and restore logs, 

Thanks for any help!

(00.000070) bfd: BUF++
(00.000109) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 <
(00.000129) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 >
(00.000175) TCP queue memory limits are 2097152:3145728
(00.000201) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
(00.000326) vdso: Parsing at 7ffff7ffa000 7ffff7ffc000
(00.000331) vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: 0
(00.000334) vdso: DT_HASH: 0x120
(00.000336) vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0x268
(00.000338) vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0x160
(00.000340) vdso: DT_STRSZ: 94
(00.000343) vdso: DT_SYMENT: 24
(00.000345) vdso: nbucket 3 nchain 11 bucket 0x7ffff7ffa128 chain 0x7ffff7ffa134
(00.000350) vdso: rt [vdso] 7ffff7ffa000-7ffff7ffc000 [vvar] 7ffff7ff8000-7ffff7ffa000
(00.000382) Reading image tree
(00.000388) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 <
(00.000404) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa5000 <
(00.000412) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa5000 >
(00.000425) Add mnt ns 5 pid 12802
(00.000429) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 >
(00.000437) Will restore in 0 namespaces
(00.000440) NS mask to use 0
(00.000445) Collecting 36/21 (flags 0)
(00.000451) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 <
(00.000457) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 >
(00.000460)  `- ... done
(00.000470) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 <
(00.000477) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 >
(00.000494) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 <
(00.000528) bfd: BUF 0x7ffff7fa4000 >
(00.000532) Forking task with 12802 pid (flags 0x8000)

(00.000030) ========================================
(00.000065) Dumping processes (pid: 12802)
(00.000074) ========================================
(00.000124) Found anon-shmem device at 4
(00.000138) Reset 12806's dirty tracking
(00.000195)  ... done
(00.000219) Dirty track supported on kernel
(00.000251) irmap: Searching irmap cache in work dir
(00.000268) irmap: Searching irmap cache in parent
(00.000274) irmap: No irmap cache
(00.000279) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
(00.000384) vdso: Parsing at 7fff56b94000 7fff56b96000
(00.000394) vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: 0
(00.000396) vdso: DT_HASH: 0x120
(00.000399) vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0x268
(00.000401) vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0x160
(00.000404) vdso: DT_STRSZ: 94
(00.000406) vdso: DT_SYMENT: 24
(00.000408) vdso: nbucket 3 nchain 11 bucket 0x7fff56b94128 chain 0x7fff56b94134
(00.000413) vdso: rt [vdso] 7fff56b94000-7fff56b96000 [vvar] 7fff56b92000-7fff56b94000
(00.000471) Writing image inventory (version 1)
(00.000485) bfd: BUF++
(00.000492) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f41000 <
(00.000526) Add pid ns 1 pid 12806
(00.000534) Add net ns 2 pid 12806
(00.000541) Add ipc ns 3 pid 12806
(00.000549) Add uts ns 4 pid 12806
(00.000557) Add mnt ns 5 pid 12806
(00.000563) Add user ns 6 pid 12806
(00.000566) cg: Dumping cgroups for 12806
(00.000582) cg:  `- New css ID 1
(00.000586) cg: Set 1 is criu one
(00.000610) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f41000 >
(00.000635) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f41000 <
(00.000661) str: `Name:	CRIUProto-v1-4'
(00.000664) str: `State:	t (tracing stop)'
(00.000667) str: `Tgid:	12802'
(00.000669) str: `Ngid:	0'
(00.000671) str: `Pid:	12802'
(00.000673) str: `PPid:	12797'
(00.000677) str: `TracerPid:	12806'
(00.000679) str: `Uid:	1000	1000	1000	1000'
(00.000683) str: `Gid:	100	100	100	100'
(00.000686) str: `FDSize:	64'
(00.000688) str: `Groups:	16 33 100 1000 '
(00.000690) str: `VmPeak:	   15604 kB'
(00.000693) str: `VmSize:	   15604 kB'
(00.000695) str: `VmLck:	       0 kB'
(00.000697) str: `VmPin:	       0 kB'
(00.000699) str: `VmHWM:	     308 kB'
(00.000701) str: `VmRSS:	     308 kB'
(00.000704) str: `VmData:	     144 kB'
(00.000706) str: `VmStk:	     136 kB'
(00.000708) str: `VmExe:	      12 kB'
(00.000711) str: `VmLib:	    2932 kB'
(00.000713) str: `VmPTE:	      44 kB'
(00.000715) str: `VmSwap:	       0 kB'
(00.000717) str: `Threads:	1'
(00.000719) str: `SigQ:	0/31398'
(00.000722) str: `SigPnd:	0000000000000000'
(00.000724) str: `ShdPnd:	0000000000000000'
(00.000726) str: `SigBlk:	0000000000000004'
(00.000728) str: `SigIgn:	0000000001001000'
(00.000731) str: `SigCgt:	0000000000000000'
(00.000733) str: `CapInh:	0000000000000000'
(00.000736) str: `CapPrm:	0000000000000000'
(00.000739) str: `CapEff:	0000000000000000'
(00.000742) str: `CapBnd:	0000003fffffffff'
(00.000745) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f41000 >
(00.000756) Seized task 12802, state 1
(00.000803) Collected 12802 in 1 state
(00.000830) Lock network
(00.000863) lockinfo: 1:1 1 8966 fd:00:7311742 0 0
(00.000870) lockinfo: 2:2 1 7987 fd:00:14533150 0 EOF
(00.000875) lockinfo: 3:2 1 7987 fd:00:14533151 0 EOF
(00.000880) lockinfo: 4:1 1 8966 fd:00:7374035 0 0
(00.000885) lockinfo: 5:1 1 8966 fd:00:5317105 0 0
(00.000890) lockinfo: 6:2 1 7527 fd:00:14525221 0 EOF
(00.000895) lockinfo: 7:2 1 8067 fd:00:14525647 0 EOF
(00.000900) lockinfo: 8:1 1 8966 fd:00:5366229 0 0
(00.000962) 	type tmpfs source udev mnt_id 0x10 s_dev 0xf / @ ./dev flags 0x200000 options nr_inodes=0,mode=755
(00.000973) 	type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 0x11 s_dev 0x10 / @ ./dev/shm flags 0x200000 options 
(00.000982) 	type unsupported source /dev/mapper/lv1-main mnt_id 0x13 s_dev 0xfd00000 / @ ./ flags 0x200000 options errors=continue,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered
(00.000989) 	type proc source proc mnt_id 0x12 s_dev 0x3 / @ ./proc flags 0x200000 options 
(00.000996) 	type sysfs source sysfs mnt_id 0xe s_dev 0xe / @ ./sys flags 0x200000 options 
(00.001002) 	type debugfs source debugfs mnt_id 0xf s_dev 0x6 / @ ./sys/kernel/debug flags 0x200000 options 
(00.001010) 	type devpts source devpts mnt_id 0x14 s_dev 0xb / @ ./dev/pts flags 0x200000 options gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000
(00.001024) 	type unsupported source /dev/md0 mnt_id 0x15 s_dev 0x900000 / @ ./boot flags 0x200000 options errors=continue,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered
(00.001040) 	type fusectl source fusectl mnt_id 0x16 s_dev 0x11 / @ ./sys/fs/fuse/connections flags 0x200000 options 
(00.001049) 	type binfmt_misc source none mnt_id 0x17 s_dev 0x12 / @ ./proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc flags 0x200000 options 
(00.001058) Building mountpoints tree
(00.001062) 	Building plain mount tree
(00.001064) 		Working on 23->18
(00.001066) 		Working on 22->14
(00.001069) 		Working on 21->19
(00.001071) 		Working on 20->16
(00.001073) 		Working on 15->14
(00.001075) 		Working on 14->19
(00.001077) 		Working on 18->19
(00.001080) 		Working on 19->0
(00.001082) 		Working on 17->16
(00.001084) 		Working on 16->19
(00.001086) 	Resorting siblings on 19
(00.001089) 	Resorting siblings on 21
(00.001091) 	Resorting siblings on 14
(00.001094) 	Resorting siblings on 22
(00.001096) 	Resorting siblings on 15
(00.001098) 	Resorting siblings on 18
(00.001100) 	Resorting siblings on 23
(00.001102) 	Resorting siblings on 16
(00.001104) 	Resorting siblings on 20
(00.001106) 	Resorting siblings on 17
(00.001109) Done:
(00.001111) [./](19->0)
(00.001114)  [./boot](21->19)
(00.001116)  <--
(00.001119)  [./dev](16->19)
(00.001121)   [./dev/pts](20->16)
(00.001123)   <--
(00.001126)   [./dev/shm](17->16)
(00.001128)   <--
(00.001130)  <--
(00.001132)  [./proc](18->19)
(00.001134)   [./proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc](23->18)
(00.001137)   <--
(00.001139)  <--
(00.001141)  [./sys](14->19)
(00.001143)   [./sys/kernel/debug](15->14)
(00.001146)   <--
(00.001148)   [./sys/fs/fuse/connections](22->14)
(00.001151)   <--
(00.001153)  <--
(00.001155) <--
(00.001158) Collecting netns 2/12806
(00.001352) 	Collected: ino 0x26a6 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
(00.001357) 	Collected: ino 0x4500 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.001363) 	Collected: ino 0x332c peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.001367) 	Collected: ino 0x44dc peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.001373) 	Collected: ino 0x22fa peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /var/run/cups/cups.sock
(00.001378) 	Collected: ino 0x3831 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    2 state  7 name /dev/log
(00.001383) 	Collected: ino 0x38bc peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /var/run/rpcbind.sock
(00.001387) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/cleanup' unsupported
(00.001390) 	Collected: ino 0x4d06 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.001394) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/rewrite' unsupported
(00.001397) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/bounce' unsupported
(00.001402) 	Collected: ino 0x4501 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/.ICE-unix/8555
(00.001406) 	Collected: ino 0x4be0 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.001409) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/defer' unsupported
(00.001412) 	Collected: ino 0x3dcf peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.001421) 	Collected: ino 0x454f peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /var/lib/gdm/.pulse/2f05502bc91afa1ff49f9a2353863d09-runtime/native
(00.001428) 	Collected: ino 0x548f peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-216f-0-569fd0cbbef4
(00.001433) 	Collected: ino 0x586b peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-216b-0-308ecbefddab
(00.001438) 	Collected: ino 0x3de7 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-2173-0-7558899f1a4d3
(00.001443) 	Collected: ino 0x4a48 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-2178-0-2abfe4b837f4f
(00.001448) 	Collected: ino 0x4a54 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-217b-0-60db37b33c9ee
(00.001452) 	Collected: ino 0x3447 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    2 state  7 name 
(00.001455) 	Collected: ino 0x12c4 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    2 state  7 name 
(00.001458) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/trace' unsupported
(00.001471) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/verify' unsupported
(00.001474) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/flush' unsupported
(00.001477) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/proxymap' unsupported
(00.001480) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/smtp' unsupported
(00.001483) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/relay' unsupported
(00.001485) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/showq' unsupported
(00.001488) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/error' unsupported
(00.001491) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/discard' unsupported
(00.001494) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/local' unsupported
(00.001497) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/virtual' unsupported
(00.001499) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/lmtp' unsupported
(00.001502) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/anvil' unsupported
(00.001505) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/scache' unsupported
(00.001510) 	Collected: ino 0x454d peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/.esd-107/socket
(00.001514) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/maildrop' unsupported
(00.001517) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/cyrus' unsupported
(00.001607) 	Collected: ino 0x2ab7 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.001611) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/uucp' unsupported
(00.001614) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/ifmail' unsupported
(00.001617) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/bsmtp' unsupported
(00.001620) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/procmail' unsupported
(00.001623) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/retry' unsupported
(00.001628) 	Collected: ino 0x5b7f peer_ino 0 family    1 type    5 state 10 name /home/jturner/criu_service_sock
(00.001632) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/proxywrite' unsupported
(00.001636) 	Collected: ino 0x2e1b peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /var/run/nscd/socket
(00.001639) 	Collected: ino 0x3437 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.001645) 	Collected: ino 0x44dd peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.001648) 	Collected: ino 0x5876 peer_ino 0x54c8 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001651) 	Collected: ino 0x2381 peer_ino 0x2380 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001655) 	Collected: ino 0x5140 peer_ino 0x5141 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001658) 	Collected: ino 0x4a5a peer_ino 0x4a59 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001661) 	Collected: ino 0x3e0c peer_ino 0x4528 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001664) 	Collected: ino 0x5490 peer_ino 0x3ba1 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001667) 	Collected: ino 0x4710 peer_ino 0x6015 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001670) 	Collected: ino 0x2387 peer_ino 0x2386 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001673) 	Collected: ino 0x233a peer_ino 0x2339 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001678) 	Collected: ino 0x4a47 peer_ino 0x4a46 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-216f-0-569fd0cbbef4
(00.001681) 	Collected: ino 0x2377 peer_ino 0x2378 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001684) 	Collected: ino 0x2365 peer_ino 0x2366 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001687) 	Collected: ino 0x2363 peer_ino 0x2362 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001690) 	Collected: ino 0x4a49 peer_ino 0x4a4a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001693) 	Collected: ino 0x235d peer_ino 0x235c family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001697) 	Collected: ino 0x2348 peer_ino 0x2347 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001700) 	Collected: ino 0x3847 peer_ino 0x3846 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001703) 	Collected: ino 0x54cc peer_ino 0x587c family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001706) 	Collected: ino 0x4a17 peer_ino 0x4d0c family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001716) 	Collected: ino 0x2345 peer_ino 0x2344 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001722) 	Collected: ino 0x2341 peer_ino 0x2342 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001726) 	Collected: ino 0x2353 peer_ino 0x2354 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001729) 	Collected: ino 0x55c7 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001732) 	Collected: ino 0x587d peer_ino 0x54cd family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001737) 	Collected: ino 0x3de8 peer_ino 0x4509 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-2173-0-7558899f1a4d3
(00.001740) 	Collected: ino 0x2372 peer_ino 0x2371 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001743) 	Collected: ino 0x236e peer_ino 0x236f family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001746) 	Collected: ino 0x2ae6 peer_ino 0x1f8f family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001751) 	Collected: ino 0x1f37 peer_ino 0x2ab6 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.001754) 	Collected: ino 0x2337 peer_ino 0x2336 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001759) 	Collected: ino 0x3e0a peer_ino 0x4527 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.001763) 	Collected: ino 0x403a peer_ino 0x4039 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.001767) 	Collected: ino 0x2374 peer_ino 0x2375 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001770) 	Collected: ino 0x4cd0 peer_ino 0x4a06 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001773) 	Collected: ino 0x4a5c peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.001776) 	Collected: ino 0x4d7e peer_ino 0x4d7f family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001779) 	Collected: ino 0x3ba1 peer_ino 0x5490 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001782) 	Collected: ino 0x587a peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.001785) 	Collected: ino 0x4a57 peer_ino 0x4d20 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001788) 	Collected: ino 0x2368 peer_ino 0x2369 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001791) 	Collected: ino 0x1f91 peer_ino 0x262d family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001794) 	Collected: ino 0x4f29 peer_ino 0x5e6c family    1 type    5 state  1 name (null)
(00.001798) 	Collected: ino 0x4504 peer_ino 0x3de3 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001801) 	Collected: ino 0x4a55 peer_ino 0x4a56 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001858) 	Collected: ino 0x2366 peer_ino 0x2365 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001864) 	Collected: ino 0x4508 peer_ino 0x3de6 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-216f-0-569fd0cbbef4
(00.001869) 	Collected: ino 0x4d0c peer_ino 0x4a17 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.001872) 	Collected: ino 0x235f peer_ino 0x2360 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001875) 	Collected: ino 0x4527 peer_ino 0x3e0a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001878) 	Collected: ino 0x586a peer_ino 0x5492 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001881) 	Collected: ino 0x3c5e peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.001884) 	Collected: ino 0x237a peer_ino 0x237b family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001888) 	Collected: ino 0x4a38 peer_ino 0x4d18 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001891) 	Collected: ino 0x2383 peer_ino 0x2384 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001894) 	Collected: ino 0x4a4c peer_ino 0x4a4b family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001897) 	Collected: ino 0x2344 peer_ino 0x2345 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001902) 	Collected: ino 0x33b4 peer_ino 0x262f family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.001905) 	Collected: ino 0x2334 peer_ino 0x2335 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001908) 	Collected: ino 0x3438 peer_ino 0x3840 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001912) 	Collected: ino 0x4503 peer_ino 0x3de1 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.001915) 	Collected: ino 0x5141 peer_ino 0x5140 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001925) 	Collected: ino 0x5493 peer_ino 0x586c family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001929) 	Collected: ino 0x234a peer_ino 0x234b family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001933) 	Collected: ino 0x4a4a peer_ino 0x4a49 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-2178-0-2abfe4b837f4f
(00.001938) 	Collected: ino 0x4a3e peer_ino 0x4a3d family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.001941) 	Collected: ino 0x233c peer_ino 0x233b family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001945) 	Collected: ino 0x2613 peer_ino 0x2ac9 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001950) 	Collected: ino 0x5866 peer_ino 0x5491 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001953) 	Collected: ino 0x2342 peer_ino 0x2341 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001956) 	Collected: ino 0x4711 peer_ino 0x6017 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001960) 	Collected: ino 0x4a42 peer_ino 0x4a41 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001963) 	Collected: ino 0x44e1 peer_ino 0x3dc2 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001966) 	Collected: ino 0x233e peer_ino 0x233f family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001969) 	Collected: ino 0x233b peer_ino 0x233c family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001972) 	Collected: ino 0x4a3d peer_ino 0x4a3e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001975) 	Collected: ino 0x424a peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.001979) 	Collected: ino 0x4d00 peer_ino 0x4a0d family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.001983) 	Collected: ino 0x234e peer_ino 0x234d family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001986) 	Collected: ino 0x2d36 peer_ino 0x2d35 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001989) 	Collected: ino 0x4a52 peer_ino 0x4a53 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001992) 	Collected: ino 0x5870 peer_ino 0x54ab family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.001995) 	Collected: ino 0x2359 peer_ino 0x235a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.001998) 	Collected: ino 0x4a5f peer_ino 0x4d28 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002001) 	Collected: ino 0x4a4b peer_ino 0x4a4c family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002004) 	Collected: ino 0x2350 peer_ino 0x2351 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002007) 	Collected: ino 0x236c peer_ino 0x236b family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002010) 	Collected: ino 0x33b6 peer_ino 0x2630 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002013) 	Collected: ino 0x33aa peer_ino 0x262e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002017) 	Collected: ino 0x4a11 peer_ino 0x4a12 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002020) 	Collected: ino 0x2357 peer_ino 0x2356 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002023) 	Collected: ino 0x2380 peer_ino 0x2381 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002027) 	Collected: ino 0x54c8 peer_ino 0x5876 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002032) 	Collected: ino 0x3dc2 peer_ino 0x44e1 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.002035) 	Collected: ino 0x237e peer_ino 0x237d family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002038) 	Collected: ino 0x2362 peer_ino 0x2363 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002041) 	Collected: ino 0x235a peer_ino 0x2359 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002044) 	Collected: ino 0x234d peer_ino 0x234e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002047) 	Collected: ino 0x3dd5 peer_ino 0x3dd4 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002050) 	Collected: ino 0x4528 peer_ino 0x3e0c family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002053) 	Collected: ino 0x2378 peer_ino 0x2377 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002056) 	Collected: ino 0x4a19 peer_ino 0x4d0d family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002059) 	Collected: ino 0x3dd0 peer_ino 0x44e4 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002062) 	Collected: ino 0x2386 peer_ino 0x2387 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002082) 	Collected: ino 0x235c peer_ino 0x235d family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002093) 	Collected: ino 0x2bd5 peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.002096) 	Collected: ino 0x3846 peer_ino 0x3847 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002101) 	Collected: ino 0x4a12 peer_ino 0x4a11 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.002104) 	Collected: ino 0x587c peer_ino 0x54cc family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002109) 	Collected: ino 0x44e4 peer_ino 0x3dd0 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002113) 	Collected: ino 0x54cb peer_ino 0x587b family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002117) 	Collected: ino 0x236f peer_ino 0x236e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002121) 	Collected: ino 0x1f8f peer_ino 0x2ae6 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002124) 	Collected: ino 0x50ac peer_ino 0x50ab family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002127) 	Collected: ino 0x3de1 peer_ino 0x4503 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002131) 	Collected: ino 0x54cd peer_ino 0x587d family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002134) 	Collected: ino 0x4a59 peer_ino 0x4a5a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002139) 	Collected: ino 0x2ab6 peer_ino 0x1f37 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002144) 	Collected: ino 0x4a06 peer_ino 0x4cd0 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002147) 	Collected: ino 0x2336 peer_ino 0x2337 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002150) 	Collected: ino 0x2371 peer_ino 0x2372 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002153) 	Collected: ino 0x2354 peer_ino 0x2353 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002156) 	Collected: ino 0x2375 peer_ino 0x2374 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002160) 	Collected: ino 0x4d20 peer_ino 0x4a57 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
(00.002164) 	Collected: ino 0x3dd4 peer_ino 0x3dd5 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002167) 	Collected: ino 0x2369 peer_ino 0x2368 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002170) 	Collected: ino 0x2339 peer_ino 0x233a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002173) 	Collected: ino 0x6017 peer_ino 0x4711 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002176) 	Collected: ino 0x54ab peer_ino 0x5870 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002179) 	Collected: ino 0x2e1d peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.002182) 	Collected: ino 0x2360 peer_ino 0x235f family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002185) 	Collected: ino 0x4509 peer_ino 0x3de8 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002190) 	Collected: ino 0x4a56 peer_ino 0x4a55 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-217b-0-60db37b33c9ee
(00.002193) 	Collected: ino 0x2351 peer_ino 0x2350 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002196) 	Collected: ino 0x262d peer_ino 0x1f91 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002199) 	Collected: ino 0x3de6 peer_ino 0x4508 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002204) 	Collected: ino 0x5e6c peer_ino 0x4f29 family    1 type    5 state  1 name /home/jturner/criu_service_sock
(00.002208) 	Collected: ino 0x4d7f peer_ino 0x4d7e family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002211) 	Collected: ino 0x2384 peer_ino 0x2383 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002215) 	Collected: ino 0x262f peer_ino 0x33b4 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002220) 	Collected: ino 0x237b peer_ino 0x237a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002223) 	Collected: ino 0x4d28 peer_ino 0x4a5f family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002226) 	Collected: ino 0x4d18 peer_ino 0x4a38 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002229) 	Collected: ino 0x4039 peer_ino 0x403a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002232) 	Collected: ino 0x237d peer_ino 0x237e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002235) 	Collected: ino 0x2335 peer_ino 0x2334 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002247) 	Collected: ino 0x3840 peer_ino 0x3438 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002250) 	Collected: ino 0x50ab peer_ino 0x50ac family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002253) 	Collected: ino 0x3de3 peer_ino 0x4504 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002256) 	Collected: ino 0x2347 peer_ino 0x2348 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002259) 	Collected: ino 0x26a7 peer_ino 0x33f5 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002264) 	Collected: ino 0x5492 peer_ino 0x586a family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-216f-0-569fd0cbbef4
(00.002267) 	Collected: ino 0x26a3 peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.002270) 	Collected: ino 0x4a0d peer_ino 0x4d00 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002273) 	Collected: ino 0x4a46 peer_ino 0x4a47 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002276) 	Collected: ino 0x233f peer_ino 0x233e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002279) 	Collected: ino 0x26ea peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.002282) 	Collected: ino 0x44df peer_ino 0x44e0 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002287) 	Collected: ino 0x33f5 peer_ino 0x26a7 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002291) 	Collected: ino 0x6015 peer_ino 0x4710 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002296) 	Collected: ino 0x6496 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    5 state  7 name (null)
(00.002300) 	Collected: ino 0x4a41 peer_ino 0x4a42 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002304) 	Collected: ino 0x44e0 peer_ino 0x44df family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002309) 	Collected: ino 0x4a53 peer_ino 0x4a52 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-216f-0-569fd0cbbef4
(00.002315) 	Collected: ino 0x4d0d peer_ino 0x4a19 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002318) 	Collected: ino 0x2630 peer_ino 0x33b6 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002321) 	Collected: ino 0x262e peer_ino 0x33aa family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002325) 	Collected: ino 0x2d35 peer_ino 0x2d36 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002328) 	Collected: ino 0x5286 peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.002331) 	Collected: ino 0x587b peer_ino 0x54cb family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002334) 	Collected: ino 0x234b peer_ino 0x234a family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002337) 	Collected: ino 0x2fb0 peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.002340) 	Collected: ino 0x3c93 peer_ino 0x3831 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.002343) 	Collected: ino 0x2356 peer_ino 0x2357 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002347) 	Collected: ino 0x2ac9 peer_ino 0x2613 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.002350) 	Collected: ino 0x236b peer_ino 0x236c family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.002354) 	Collected: ino 0x586c peer_ino 0x5493 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-gdm/linc-216b-0-308ecbefddab
(00.002359) 	Collected: ino 0x5491 peer_ino 0x5866 family    1 type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
(00.002615) 	Collected: ino 0x    2fc6 family    2 type    1 port     5901 state 10 src_addr
(00.002620) 	Collected: ino 0x    38c2 family    2 type    1 port      111 state 10 src_addr
(00.002624) 	Collected: ino 0x    2e16 family    2 type    1 port       22 state 10 src_addr
(00.002627) 	Collected: ino 0x    22f9 family    2 type    1 port      631 state 10 src_addr
(00.002631) 	Collected: ino 0x    2331 family    2 type    1 port       25 state 10 src_addr
(00.002634) 	Collected: ino 0x    591e family    2 type    1 port     6010 state 10 src_addr
(00.002637) 	Collected: ino 0x    2fc7 family    2 type    1 port     5801 state 10 src_addr
(00.002641) 	Collected: ino 0x    5a38 family    2 type    1 port       22 state  1 src_addr
(00.002644) 	Collected: ino 0x    5907 family    2 type    1 port       22 state  1 src_addr
(00.002689) 	Collected: ino 0x    26a9 family    2 type    2 port    44917 state  7 src_addr
(00.002693) 	Collected: ino 0x    38bd family    2 type    2 port      111 state  7 src_addr
(00.002696) 	Collected: ino 0x    22fb family    2 type    2 port      631 state  7 src_addr
(00.002702) 	Collected: ino 0x    38c1 family    2 type    2 port      919 state  7 src_addr
(00.002705) 	Collected: ino 0x    26a8 family    2 type    2 port     5353 state  7 src_addr
(00.002906) 	Collected: ino 0x    38cb family   10 type    1 port      111 state 10 src_addr ::
(00.002910) 	Collected: ino 0x    2e18 family   10 type    1 port       22 state 10 src_addr ::
(00.002914) 	Collected: ino 0x    22f8 family   10 type    1 port      631 state 10 src_addr ::1
(00.002917) 	Collected: ino 0x    2333 family   10 type    1 port       25 state 10 src_addr ::1
(00.002920) 	Collected: ino 0x    591d family   10 type    1 port     6010 state 10 src_addr ::1
(00.002923) 	Collected: ino 0x    5940 family   10 type    1 port    60488 state  1 src_addr ::1
(00.002926) 	Collected: ino 0x    55c4 family   10 type    1 port     6010 state  1 src_addr ::1
(00.002944) 	Collected: ino 0x    38c4 family   10 type    2 port      111 state  7 src_addr ::
(00.002948) 	Collected: ino 0x    3c75 family   10 type    2 port      177 state  7 src_addr ::
(00.002951) 	Collected: ino 0x    38ca family   10 type    2 port      919 state  7 src_addr ::
(00.002993) Collect netlink sock 0x9
(00.002997) Collect netlink sock 0x26aa
(00.002999) Collect netlink sock 0x26aa
(00.003002) Collect netlink sock 0x6495
(00.003004) Collect netlink sock 0x11
(00.003006) Collect netlink sock 0xc5a
(00.003008) Collect netlink sock 0xc54
(00.003011) Collect netlink sock 0x40a
(00.003013) Collect netlink sock 0xc01
(00.003015) Collect netlink sock 0x12c5
(00.003018) Collect netlink sock 0xb
(00.003020) Collect netlink sock 0x12c5
(00.003022) Collect netlink sock 0x405
(00.003024) Collect netlink sock 0x1c0c
(00.003031) Uncollected sockets! Will probably fail later.
(00.003067) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f41000 <
(00.003077) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f42000 <
(00.003090) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f43000 <
(00.003102) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f44000 <
(00.003114) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f45000 <
(00.003129) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f46000 <
(00.003143) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f47000 <
(00.003156) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f48000 <
(00.003185) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f49000 <
(00.003218) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4a000 <
(00.003231) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4b000 <
(00.003246) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4c000 <
(00.003258) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4d000 <
(00.003274) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4e000 <
(00.003287) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4f000 <
(00.003299) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f50000 <
(00.003312) bfd: BUF++
(00.003321) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f31000 <
(00.003334) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f32000 <
(00.003348) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f33000 <
(00.003361) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f34000 <
(00.003374) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f35000 <
(00.003379) ========================================
(00.003382) Dumping task (pid: 12802)
(00.003384) ========================================
(00.003386) Obtaining task stat ... (00.003416) 
(00.003419) Collecting mappings (pid: 12802)
(00.003422) ----------------------------------------
(00.003428) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f36000 <
(00.003511) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.003521) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.003531) vma 602000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.003538) vma 603000 borrows vfi from previous 602000
(00.003556) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.003563) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.003570) vma 7ffff7049000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff6ef5000
(00.003576) vma 7ffff7249000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7049000
(00.003582) vma 7ffff724d000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7249000
(00.003648) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.003655) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.003663) vma 7ffff7269000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7253000
(00.003669) vma 7ffff7468000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7269000
(00.003675) vma 7ffff7469000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7468000
(00.003691) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.003698) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.003713) vma 7ffff74bf000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff746a000
(00.003719) vma 7ffff76be000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff74bf000
(00.003775) vma 7ffff76bf000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff76be000
(00.003797) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.003804) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.003811) vma 7ffff77b0000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff76c0000
(00.003818) vma 7ffff79af000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff77b0000
(00.003824) vma 7ffff79b6000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff79af000
(00.003845) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.003851) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.003897) vma 7ffff79d2000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff79cb000
(00.003904) vma 7ffff7bd1000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff79d2000
(00.003910) vma 7ffff7bd2000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7bd1000
(00.003925) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.003931) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.003939) vma 7ffff7bdb000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7bd3000
(00.003945) vma 7ffff7ddb000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7bdb000
(00.003988) vma 7ffff7ddd000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7ddb000
(00.004006) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.004012) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.004048) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.004055) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.004080) vma 7ffff7ffd000 borrows vfi from previous 7ffff7ffc000
(00.004098) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f36000 >
(00.004103) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.004106) 0x400000-0x403000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004110) 0x602000-0x603000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004113) 0x603000-0x604000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004115) 0x7ffff6ef5000-0x7ffff7049000 (1360K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004118) 0x7ffff7049000-0x7ffff7249000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004121) 0x7ffff7249000-0x7ffff724d000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004124) 0x7ffff724d000-0x7ffff724e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x158000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004127) 0x7ffff724e000-0x7ffff7253000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.004130) 0x7ffff7253000-0x7ffff7269000 (88K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004132) 0x7ffff7269000-0x7ffff7468000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004135) 0x7ffff7468000-0x7ffff7469000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004138) 0x7ffff7469000-0x7ffff746a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004141) 0x7ffff746a000-0x7ffff74bf000 (340K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004144) 0x7ffff74bf000-0x7ffff76be000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004147) 0x7ffff76be000-0x7ffff76bf000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x54000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004150) 0x7ffff76bf000-0x7ffff76c0000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004152) 0x7ffff76c0000-0x7ffff77b0000 (960K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004155) 0x7ffff77b0000-0x7ffff79af000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xf0000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004158) 0x7ffff79af000-0x7ffff79b6000 (28K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xef000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004161) 0x7ffff79b6000-0x7ffff79b8000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xf6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004164) 0x7ffff79b8000-0x7ffff79cb000 (76K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.004166) 0x7ffff79cb000-0x7ffff79d2000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004169) 0x7ffff79d2000-0x7ffff7bd1000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004172) 0x7ffff7bd1000-0x7ffff7bd2000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004175) 0x7ffff7bd2000-0x7ffff7bd3000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004178) 0x7ffff7bd3000-0x7ffff7bdb000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004181) 0x7ffff7bdb000-0x7ffff7ddb000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004183) 0x7ffff7ddb000-0x7ffff7ddd000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004186) 0x7ffff7ddd000-0x7ffff7dde000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004189) 0x7ffff7dde000-0x7ffff7dfd000 (124K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004199) 0x7ffff7fb4000-0x7ffff7fb9000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.004202) 0x7ffff7ff6000-0x7ffff7ff7000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.004205) 0x7ffff7ff7000-0x7ffff7ff8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.004208) 0x7ffff7ff8000-0x7ffff7ffa000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vvar ap  shmid: 0
(00.004210) 0x7ffff7ffa000-0x7ffff7ffc000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.004213) 0x7ffff7ffc000-0x7ffff7ffd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004216) 0x7ffff7ffd000-0x7ffff7ffe000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.004219) 0x7ffff7ffe000-0x7ffff7fff000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.004222) 0x7ffffffdd000-0x7ffffffff000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.004224) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.004227) ----------------------------------------
(00.004234) Collecting fds (pid: 12802)
(00.004237) ----------------------------------------
(00.004256) Found 5 file descriptors
(00.004259) ----------------------------------------
(00.004267) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f36000 <
(00.004270) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f36000 >
(00.004274) Dump private signals of 12802
(00.004281) Dump shared signals of 12802
(00.004292) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.004420) Putting parasite blob into 0x7f3f18f17000->0x7ffff7fdc000
(00.004481) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 12802
(00.004493) xsave runtime structure
(00.004496) -----------------------
(00.004498) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.004501) magic1:46505853 extended_size:344 xstate_bv:7 xstate_size:340
(00.004503) xstate_bv: 7
(00.004505) -----------------------
(00.004508) Putting tsock into pid 12802
(00.004564) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.004569) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.004584) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.004588) Parasite 12802 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.004606) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
(00.004609) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
(00.004616) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.004632) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
(00.004636) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.004646) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.004651) sid=12802 pgid=12802 pid=12802
(00.004699) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f36000 <
(00.004712) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 <
(00.004723) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f38000 <
(00.004737) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f39000 <
(00.004751) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3a000 <
(00.004767) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3b000 <
(00.004779) Dumping opened files (pid: 12802)
(00.004782) ----------------------------------------
(00.004788) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.004809) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.004814) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.004826) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 <
(00.004850) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 <
(00.004875) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 >
(00.004880) 12802 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.004902) tty: Dumping tty 47 with id 0x1
(00.004908) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 47 [/dev/pts/1]
(00.004922) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
(00.004926) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.004938) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.004958) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.004969) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 <
(00.004975) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 >
(00.004979) 12802 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.004992) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.005000) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 <
(00.005007) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 >
(00.005010) 12802 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.005019) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.005048) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 <
(00.005054) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 >
(00.005058) 12802 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:                0/0
(00.005062) Dumping pipe 50 with id 0x2 pipe_id 0x52c6
(00.005067) Dumping data from pipe 0x52c6 fd 50
(00.005093) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 0/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.005104) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 <
(00.005110) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3d000 >
(00.005113) 12802 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:                1/0
(00.005117) Dumping pipe 51 with id 0x3 pipe_id 0x52c6
(00.005121) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 01/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.005136) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 >
(00.005141) ----------------------------------------
(00.005148) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
(00.005151) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.005178) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.005186) Dumping pages (type: 59 pid: 12802)
(00.005188) ----------------------------------------
(00.005191)    Private vmas 512/3899 pages
(00.005200) pagemap-cache: created for pid 12802 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.005203) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3899 segs
(00.005206) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.005221) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 <
(00.005237) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-403000 (12K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.005241) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-403000           nr:1     cov:12288
(00.005245) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:403000]
(00.005251) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3899 total)
(00.005254) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.005256) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 602000-603000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.005259) pagemap-cache: 	          602000-603000           nr:1     cov:4096
(00.005262) pagemap-cache: 	          603000-604000           nr:2     cov:8192
(00.005264) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:602000 h:800000]
(00.005269) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3899 total)
(00.005272) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005274) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005277) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff6ef5000-7ffff7049000 (1360K) [l:7ffff6e00000 h:7ffff7000000]
(00.005293) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005296) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7049000-7ffff7249000 (2048K) [l:7ffff7000000 h:7ffff7200000]
(00.005306) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005308) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7249000-7ffff724d000 (16K) [l:7ffff7200000 h:7ffff7400000]
(00.005311) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff7249000-7ffff724d000     nr:1     cov:16384
(00.005313) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff724d000-7ffff724e000     nr:2     cov:20480
(00.005316) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff724e000-7ffff7253000     nr:3     cov:40960
(00.005318) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff7253000-7ffff7269000     nr:4     cov:131072
(00.005321) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7ffff7249000 h:7ffff7400000]
(00.005327) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3899 total)
(00.005329) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.005332) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005334) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3899 total)
(00.005337) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.005339) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005341) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7269000-7ffff7468000 (2044K) [l:7ffff7200000 h:7ffff7400000]
(00.005344) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff7269000-7ffff7468000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.005347) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7ffff7269000 h:7ffff7468000]
(00.005357) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005359) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7468000-7ffff7469000 (4K) [l:7ffff7400000 h:7ffff7600000]
(00.005362) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff7468000-7ffff7469000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.005365) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff7469000-7ffff746a000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.005367) pagemap-cache: 	    7ffff746a000-7ffff74bf000     nr:3     cov:356352
(00.005370) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7ffff7468000 h:7ffff7600000]
(00.005375) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3899 total)
(00.005378) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005380) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005390) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005392) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff74bf000-7ffff76be000 (2044K) [l:7ffff7400000 h:7ffff7600000]
(00.005406) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005408) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff76be000-7ffff76bf000 (4K) [l:7ffff7600000 h:7ffff7800000]
(00.005415) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.005418) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3899 total)
(00.005420) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005423) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff76bf000-7ffff76c0000 (4K) [l:7ffff7600000 h:7ffff7800000]
(00.005428) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005431) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff76c0000-7ffff77b0000 (960K) [l:7ffff7600000 h:7ffff7800000]
(00.005438) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005440) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff77b0000-7ffff79af000 (2044K) [l:7ffff7600000 h:7ffff7800000]
(00.005449) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005452) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff79af000-7ffff79b6000 (28K) [l:7ffff7800000 h:7ffff7a00000]
(00.005456) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3899 total)
(00.005459) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.005461) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff79b6000-7ffff79b8000 (8K) [l:7ffff7800000 h:7ffff7a00000]
(00.005465) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.005468) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff79b8000-7ffff79cb000 (76K) [l:7ffff7800000 h:7ffff7a00000]
(00.005471) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.005474) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff79cb000-7ffff79d2000 (28K) [l:7ffff7800000 h:7ffff7a00000]
(00.005478) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005480) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff79d2000-7ffff7bd1000 (2044K) [l:7ffff7800000 h:7ffff7a00000]
(00.005489) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005491) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7bd1000-7ffff7bd2000 (4K) [l:7ffff7a00000 h:7ffff7c00000]
(00.005495) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3899 total)
(00.005497) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005500) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7bd2000-7ffff7bd3000 (4K) [l:7ffff7a00000 h:7ffff7c00000]
(00.005503) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005506) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7bd3000-7ffff7bdb000 (32K) [l:7ffff7a00000 h:7ffff7c00000]
(00.005509) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005512) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7bdb000-7ffff7ddb000 (2048K) [l:7ffff7a00000 h:7ffff7c00000]
(00.005521) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.005524) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ddb000-7ffff7ddd000 (8K) [l:7ffff7c00000 h:7ffff7e00000]
(00.005528) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.005531) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3899 total)
(00.005533) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.005535) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ddd000-7ffff7dde000 (4K) [l:7ffff7c00000 h:7ffff7e00000]
(00.005540) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005543) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7dde000-7ffff7dfd000 (124K) [l:7ffff7c00000 h:7ffff7e00000]
(00.005547) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3899 total)
(00.005550) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005552) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7fb4000-7ffff7fb9000 (20K) [l:7ffff7e00000 h:7ffff8000000]
(00.005557) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3899 total)
(00.005559) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.005562) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ff6000-7ffff7ff7000 (4K) [l:7ffff7e00000 h:7ffff8000000]
(00.005566) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3899 total)
(00.005568) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005570) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ff7000-7ffff7ff8000 (4K) [l:7ffff7e00000 h:7ffff8000000]
(00.005574) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005577) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ffa000-7ffff7ffc000 (8K) [l:7ffff7e00000 h:7ffff8000000]
(00.005580) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3899 total)
(00.005583) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.005585) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ffc000-7ffff7ffd000 (4K) [l:7ffff7e00000 h:7ffff8000000]
(00.005588) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005591) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ffd000-7ffff7ffe000 (4K) [l:7ffff7e00000 h:7ffff8000000]
(00.005594) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005608) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffff7ffe000-7ffff7fff000 (4K) [l:7ffff7e00000 h:7ffff8000000]
(00.005612) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.005614) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ffffffdd000-7ffffffff000 (136K) [l:7fffffe00000 h:7ffffffff000]
(00.005618) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (13 iovs, 13/3899 total)
(00.005621) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.005624) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.005626) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 14/3899 iovs:
(00.005628) page-pipe: 	buf 51 pages, 14 iovs:
(00.005631) page-pipe: 		0x400000 3
(00.005634) page-pipe: 		0x602000 2
(00.005636) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7249000 8
(00.005638) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7252000 1
(00.005640) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7468000 2
(00.005643) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff76be000 2
(00.005645) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff79af000 12
(00.005647) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7bd1000 2
(00.005650) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7ddb000 3
(00.005652) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7dec000 1
(00.005654) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7fb4000 5
(00.005657) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7ff6000 2
(00.005659) page-pipe: 		0x7ffff7ffa000 5
(00.005661) page-pipe: 		0x7fffffffc000 3
(00.005663) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.005666) PPB: 51 pages 14 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.005672) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
(00.005677) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.005699) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.005704) Transfering pages:
(00.005706) 	buf 51/14
(00.005709) 	p 0x400000 [3]
(00.005740) 	p 0x602000 [2]
(00.005762) 	p 0x7ffff7249000 [8]
(00.005825) 	p 0x7ffff7252000 [1]
(00.005836) 	p 0x7ffff7468000 [2]
(00.005853) 	p 0x7ffff76be000 [2]
(00.005869) 	p 0x7ffff79af000 [12]
(00.005945) 	p 0x7ffff7bd1000 [2]
(00.005962) 	p 0x7ffff7ddb000 [3]
(00.005986) 	p 0x7ffff7dec000 [1]
(00.006001) 	p 0x7ffff7fb4000 [5]
(00.006035) 	p 0x7ffff7ff6000 [2]
(00.006052) 	p 0x7ffff7ffa000 [5]
(00.006086) 	p 0x7fffffffc000 [3]
(00.006116) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 >
(00.006120) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.006126) ----------------------------------------
(00.006132) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
(00.006135) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.006156) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.006164) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.006167) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.006182) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.006198) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
(00.006202) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
(00.006208) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.006214) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
(00.006217) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
(00.006223) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.006232) Dumping core (pid: 12802)
(00.006234) ----------------------------------------
(00.006236) Obtaining personality ... (00.006250) 12802 has 0 sched policy
(00.006256) 	dumping 0 nice for 12802
(00.006263) cg: Dumping cgroups for 12802
(00.006294) cg:  `- Existing css 1 found
(00.006298) cg: Set 1 is root one
(00.006317) ----------------------------------------
(00.006322) Dumping creds for 12802)
(00.006324) ----------------------------------------
(00.006329) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
(00.006332) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.006346) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.006356) Waiting for 12802 to trap
(00.006360) Daemon 12802 exited trapping
(00.006365) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
pie: 12802: new_sp=0x7ffff7ff1008 ip 0x7ffff6f9805e
(00.006398) 12802 was trapped
(00.006401) `- Expecting exit
(00.006411) 12802 was trapped
(00.006415) 12802 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.006426) 12802 was stopped
(00.006439) 12802 was trapped
(00.006443) 12802 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.006452) 12802 was trapped
(00.006455) `- Expecting exit
(00.006473) 12802 was trapped
(00.006478) 12802 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.006510) 12802 was stopped
(00.006533) Dumping mm (pid: 12802)
(00.006535) ----------------------------------------
(00.006539) 0x400000-0x403000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006552) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 33 [/home/jturner/workspace/CRIUProto-v1-4/Debug/CRIUProto-v1-4]
(00.006562) 0x602000-0x603000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006566) 0x603000-0x604000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006569) 0x7ffff6ef5000-0x7ffff7049000 (1360K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006577) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/lib64/libc-2.11.1.so]
(00.006583) 0x7ffff7049000-0x7ffff7249000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006587) 0x7ffff7249000-0x7ffff724d000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006590) 0x7ffff724d000-0x7ffff724e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x158000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006593) 0x7ffff724e000-0x7ffff7253000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.006596) 0x7ffff7253000-0x7ffff7269000 (88K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006604) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 35 [/lib64/libgcc_s.so.1]
(00.006610) 0x7ffff7269000-0x7ffff7468000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006613) 0x7ffff7468000-0x7ffff7469000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006616) 0x7ffff7469000-0x7ffff746a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006624) 0x7ffff746a000-0x7ffff74bf000 (340K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006641) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 36 [/lib64/libm-2.11.1.so]
(00.006647) 0x7ffff74bf000-0x7ffff76be000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006650) 0x7ffff76be000-0x7ffff76bf000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x54000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006653) 0x7ffff76bf000-0x7ffff76c0000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006656) 0x7ffff76c0000-0x7ffff77b0000 (960K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006665) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 37 [/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6.0.10]
(00.006671) 0x7ffff77b0000-0x7ffff79af000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xf0000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006675) 0x7ffff79af000-0x7ffff79b6000 (28K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xef000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006678) 0x7ffff79b6000-0x7ffff79b8000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xf6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006681) 0x7ffff79b8000-0x7ffff79cb000 (76K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.006684) 0x7ffff79cb000-0x7ffff79d2000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006696) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 38 [/opt/SVN/rcm/trunk/rcm/System/Subsystems/SCSIM/COTS/CRIU-v1.4/criu-1.4/deps/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib/libprotobuf-c.so.1.0.0]
(00.006708) 0x7ffff79d2000-0x7ffff7bd1000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006711) 0x7ffff7bd1000-0x7ffff7bd2000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006714) 0x7ffff7bd2000-0x7ffff7bd3000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006717) 0x7ffff7bd3000-0x7ffff7bdb000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006726) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 39 [/opt/SVN/rcm/trunk/rcm/System/Subsystems/SCSIM/COTS/CRIU/criu-1.3.1/deploy/lib64/libcriu.so.1.0]
(00.006733) 0x7ffff7bdb000-0x7ffff7ddb000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006737) 0x7ffff7ddb000-0x7ffff7ddd000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006740) 0x7ffff7ddd000-0x7ffff7dde000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006743) 0x7ffff7dde000-0x7ffff7dfd000 (124K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006751) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 40 [/lib64/ld-2.11.1.so]
(00.006757) 0x7ffff7fb4000-0x7ffff7fb9000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.006760) 0x7ffff7ff6000-0x7ffff7ff7000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.006763) 0x7ffff7ff7000-0x7ffff7ff8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.006766) 0x7ffff7ff8000-0x7ffff7ffa000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vvar ap  shmid: 0
(00.006769) 0x7ffff7ffa000-0x7ffff7ffc000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.006777) 0x7ffff7ffc000-0x7ffff7ffd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006781) 0x7ffff7ffd000-0x7ffff7ffe000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.006784) 0x7ffff7ffe000-0x7ffff7fff000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.006786) 0x7ffffffdd000-0x7ffffffff000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.006789) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.006792) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.006809) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 <
(00.006817) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 >
(00.006848) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 <
(00.006855) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 >
(00.006864) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 3 [/home/jturner/workspace/CRIUProto-v1-4]
(00.006878) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 <
(00.006884) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3c000 >
(00.006891) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 3 [/]
(00.006897) Dumping task cwd id 0xc root id 0xd
(00.006909) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f36000 >
(00.006919) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f37000 >
(00.006929) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f38000 >
(00.006939) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f39000 >
(00.006948) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3a000 >
(00.006958) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3b000 >
(00.006977) Dumping file-locks
(00.006983) Dumping pstree (pid: 12802)
(00.006985) ----------------------------------------
(00.006997) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3b000 <
(00.007000) Process: 12802(12802)
(00.007004) ----------------------------------------
(00.007013) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f3b000 >
(00.007017) cg: All tasks in criu's cgroups. Nothing to dump.
(00.007021) Dumping external sockets
(00.007024) tty: Unpaired slave 1
(00.007026) 	Tree of 0 objects
(00.007029) 	0xf.0x1
(00.007031) 	right:
(00.007033) 	0x52ce.0x2
(00.007035) 		| SubTree
(00.007038) 		| 0x52ce.0x2 (self)
(00.007040) 		| left:
(00.007042) 		| 0x52ce.0x3 
(00.007045) 		| --l
(00.007047) 	--s
(00.007049) 	--r
(00.007051) 		| SubTree
(00.007053) 		| 0xf.0x1 (self)
(00.007055) 	--s
(00.007068) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f41000 >
(00.007083) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f42000 >
(00.007098) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f43000 >
(00.007113) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f44000 >
(00.007127) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f45000 >
(00.007142) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f46000 >
(00.007158) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f47000 >
(00.007172) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f48000 >
(00.007187) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f49000 >
(00.007203) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4a000 >
(00.007216) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4b000 >
(00.007230) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4c000 >
(00.007243) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4d000 >
(00.007256) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4e000 >
(00.007273) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f4f000 >
(00.007285) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f50000 >
(00.007298) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f31000 >
(00.007311) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f32000 >
(00.007324) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f33000 >
(00.007337) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f34000 >
(00.007350) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f35000 >
(00.007355) Running post-dump scripts
(00.007358) Unfreezing tasks into 2
(00.007360) 	Unseizing 12802 into 2
(00.007370) Writing stats
(00.007386) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f35000 <
(00.007398) bfd: BUF 0x7f3f18f35000 >
(00.007402) Dumping finished successfully

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruslan Kuprieiev [mailto:kupruser at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:42 PM
To: Jason L. Turner
Cc: criu at openvz.org
Subject: Re: [CRIU] Cannot restore from regular user when RPC service running as root

Aaand I forgot to add criu at openvz.org to CC again =).

On 01/15/2015 06:39 PM, Ruslan Kuprieiev wrote:
> Oh, btw, I didn't notice that we are off the mailing list.
> Please, keep mailing list in CC, as someone else might
> help you too.
> On 01/15/2015 06:37 PM, Ruslan Kuprieiev wrote:
>> Hi Jason,
>> Do you mean you run "criu check" and it gives you such warnings and
>> errors? If yes, try "criu check --ms",  if it says "Looks good" at 
>> the end --
>> criu is good to go. "--ms" tells criu to skip checking not yet merged 
>> kernel
>> features.
>> On 01/15/2015 06:31 PM, Jason L. Turner wrote:
>>> Hello Ruslan,
>>> I have built CRIU v1.4 but when running criu check after setting the 
>>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH I receive
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/cleanup' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/rewrite' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/bounce' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/defer' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/trace' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/verify' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/flush' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/proxymap' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/smtp' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/relay' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/showq' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/error' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/discard' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/local' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/virtual' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/lmtp' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/anvil' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/scache' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/maildrop' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/cyrus' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/uucp' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/ifmail' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/bsmtp' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/procmail' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/retry' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/proxywrite' 
>>> unsupported
>>>     prctl: PR_SET_MM_MAP is not supported, which is required for 
>>> restoring user namespaces
>>>     Error (timerfd.c:56): timerfd: No timerfd support for c/r: 
>>> Inappropriate ioctl for device
>>>     Error (cr-check.c:308): fdinfo doesn't contain the mnt_id field
>>> Any information on why these messages may be occurring and any 
>>> possible fixes would be greatly appreciated.  Please let me know if 
>>> you require any further information.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jason
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Ruslan Kuprieiev [mailto:kupruser at gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 7:00 PM
>>> To: Jason L. Turner
>>> Subject: Re: [CRIU] Cannot restore from regular user when RPC 
>>> service running as root
>>> The error location accidentally points to pr_vma if current(or v1.4)
>>> source is used(that's why I've pointed to log file), and the previous
>>> versions point to write_img_buf, which is more likely. So, i'm assuming
>>> that you are using an older(than v1.4) version.
>>> Could you try the newest(or v1.4 package, if you don't want to mess 
>>> with
>>> git) version and check whether the error remains?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ruslan
>>> On 01/12/2015 11:14 PM, Ruslan Kuprieiev wrote:
>>>> Oh, btw, what version are you using?
>>>> On 01/12/2015 10:58 PM, Jason L. Turner wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ruslan,
>>>>> Thank you for your quick response.  I have deleted the directory 
>>>>> along
>>>>> with all the img and log files and ran the program again but received
>>>>> the same error as before.  I have copied the dump and restore log
>>>>> files into the message along with the other information requested.
>>>>> The path to my log files are /home/jturner/testDump
>>>>> The results of ls -la on both my dump and restore log files are:
>>>>>      -rw------- 1 root    root  69529 2015-01-14 09:40 Adump.log
>>>>>      -rw------- 1 jturner users   923 2015-01-14 09:40 Arestore.log
>>>>> Below is the Arestore.log file
>>>>> (00.000114) TCP queue memory limits are 2097152:3145728
>>>>> (00.000344) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
>>>>> (00.000448) vdso: Parsing at 7fff7c3cc000 7fff7c3ce000
>>>>> (00.000453) vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: ffffffffff700000
>>>>> (00.000457) vdso: DT_HASH: 0xffffffffff700120
>>>>> (00.000459) vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0xffffffffff700268
>>>>> (00.000461) vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0xffffffffff700160
>>>>> (00.000463) vdso: DT_STRSZ: 94
>>>>> (00.000465) vdso: DT_SYMENT: 24
>>>>> (00.000468) vdso: nbucket 3 nchain 11 bucket 0x7fff7c3cc128 chain
>>>>> 0x7fff7c3cc134
>>>>> (00.000473) vdso: rt [vdso] 7fff7c3cc000-7fff7c3ce000 [vvar]
>>>>> ffffffffffffffff-ffffffffffffffff
>>>>> (00.000505) Reading image tree
>>>>> (00.000532) Add namespace 5 pid 5383
>>>>> (00.000542) Will restore in 0 namespaces
>>>>> (00.000546) NS mask to use 0
>>>>> (00.000552) Collecting 35/21 (flags 0)
>>>>> (00.000563)  `- ... done
>>>>> (00.000632) Forking task with 5383 pid (flags 0x8000)
>>>>> (00.000648) Error (include/util.h:51): Can't write img file: 
>>>>> Operation
>>>>> not permitted
>>>>> Below is the Adump.log file:
>>>>> (00.000045) ========================================
>>>>> (00.000099) Dumping processes (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.000103) ========================================
>>>>> (00.000159) Found anon-shmem device at 4
>>>>> (00.000168) Reset 5385's dirty tracking
>>>>> (00.000229)  ... done
>>>>> (00.000268) Dirty track supported on kernel
>>>>> (00.000304) irmap: Searching irmap cache in work dir
>>>>> (00.000316) irmap: Searching irmap cache in parent
>>>>> (00.000321) irmap: No irmap cache
>>>>> (00.000497) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
>>>>> (00.000589) vdso: Parsing at 7fff92fe9000 7fff92feb000
>>>>> (00.000593) vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: ffffffffff700000
>>>>> (00.000597) vdso: DT_HASH: 0xffffffffff700120
>>>>> (00.000600) vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0xffffffffff700268
>>>>> (00.000602) vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0xffffffffff700160
>>>>> (00.000604) vdso: DT_STRSZ: 94
>>>>> (00.000606) vdso: DT_SYMENT: 24
>>>>> (00.000608) vdso: nbucket 3 nchain 11 bucket 0x7fff92fe9128 chain
>>>>> 0x7fff92fe9134
>>>>> (00.000613) vdso: rt [vdso] 7fff92fe9000-7fff92feb000 [vvar]
>>>>> ffffffffffffffff-ffffffffffffffff
>>>>> (00.000656) Writing image inventory (version 1)
>>>>> (00.000715) Collected 1.pid namespace
>>>>> (00.000724) Collected 2.net namespace
>>>>> (00.000731) Collected 3.ipc namespace
>>>>> (00.000739) Collected 4.uts namespace
>>>>> (00.000746) Collected 5.mnt namespace
>>>>> (00.000750) cg: Dumping cgroups for 5385
>>>>> (00.000770) cg:  `- New css ID 1
>>>>> (00.000774) cg: Set 1 is criu one
>>>>> (00.000849) Seized task 5383, state 1
>>>>> (00.000900) Collected 5383 in 1 state
>>>>> (00.000927) Lock network
>>>>> (00.001020)     type tmpfs source udev f / @ ./dev flags 200000
>>>>> options nr_inodes=0,mode=755
>>>>> (00.001031)     type tmpfs source tmpfs 10 / @ ./dev/shm flags 200000
>>>>> options
>>>>> (00.001040)     type unsupported source /dev/mapper/lv1-main 
>>>>> fd00000 /
>>>>> @ ./ flags 200000 options
>>>>> errors=continue,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered
>>>>> (00.001047)     type proc source proc 3 / @ ./proc flags 200000 
>>>>> options
>>>>> (00.001053)     type sysfs source sysfs e / @ ./sys flags 200000 
>>>>> options
>>>>> (00.001060)     type debugfs source debugfs 6 / @ ./sys/kernel/debug
>>>>> flags 200000 options
>>>>> (00.001067)     type devpts source devpts b / @ ./dev/pts flags 
>>>>> 200000
>>>>> options gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000
>>>>> (00.001081)     type unsupported source /dev/md0 900000 / @ ./boot
>>>>> flags 200000 options
>>>>> errors=continue,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered
>>>>> (00.001088)     type fusectl source fusectl 11 / @
>>>>> ./sys/fs/fuse/connections flags 200000 options
>>>>> (00.001095)     type binfmt_misc source none 12 / @
>>>>> ./proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc flags 200000 options
>>>>> (00.001102)     type unsupported source gvfs-fuse-daemon 13 / @
>>>>> ./home/jturner/.gvfs flags 200006 options user_id=1000,group_id=100
>>>>> (00.001114)     type unsupported source /dev/sdd1 10350000 / @
>>>>> ./media/disk flags 200006 options
>>>>> uid=1000,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=lower,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro 
>>>>> (00.001122) Building mountpoints tree
>>>>> (00.001125)     Building plain mount tree
>>>>> (00.001128)         Working on 26->19
>>>>> (00.001130)         Working on 25->19
>>>>> (00.001132)         Working on 23->18
>>>>> (00.001134)         Working on 22->14
>>>>> (00.001136)         Working on 21->19
>>>>> (00.001138)         Working on 20->16
>>>>> (00.001140)         Working on 15->14
>>>>> (00.001142)         Working on 14->19
>>>>> (00.001144)         Working on 18->19
>>>>> (00.001145)         Working on 19->0
>>>>> (00.001147)         Working on 17->16
>>>>> (00.001149)         Working on 16->19
>>>>> (00.001152)     Resorting siblings on 19
>>>>> (00.001154)     Resorting siblings on 26
>>>>> (00.001156)     Resorting siblings on 25
>>>>> (00.001158)     Resorting siblings on 21
>>>>> (00.001160)     Resorting siblings on 14
>>>>> (00.001162)     Resorting siblings on 22
>>>>> (00.001164)     Resorting siblings on 15
>>>>> (00.001166)     Resorting siblings on 18
>>>>> (00.001168)     Resorting siblings on 23
>>>>> (00.001170)     Resorting siblings on 16
>>>>> (00.001172)     Resorting siblings on 20
>>>>> (00.001174)     Resorting siblings on 17
>>>>> (00.001175) Done:
>>>>> (00.001177) [./](19->0)
>>>>> (00.001180)  [./boot](21->19)
>>>>> (00.001182)  <--
>>>>> (00.001184)  [./dev](16->19)
>>>>> (00.001186)   [./dev/pts](20->16)
>>>>> (00.001189)   <--
>>>>> (00.001190)   [./dev/shm](17->16)
>>>>> (00.001193)   <--
>>>>> (00.001195)  <--
>>>>> (00.001196)  [./proc](18->19)
>>>>> (00.001199)   [./proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc](23->18)
>>>>> (00.001201)   <--
>>>>> (00.001203)  <--
>>>>> (00.001205)  [./sys](14->19)
>>>>> (00.001207)   [./sys/kernel/debug](15->14)
>>>>> (00.001209)   <--
>>>>> (00.001211)   [./sys/fs/fuse/connections](22->14)
>>>>> (00.001221)   <--
>>>>> (00.001223)  <--
>>>>> (00.001225)  [./media/disk](26->19)
>>>>> (00.001228)  <--
>>>>> (00.001229)  [./home/jturner/.gvfs](25->19)
>>>>> (00.001232)  <--
>>>>> (00.001233) <--
>>>>> (00.001404)     Collected: ino 0x309a peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name
>>>>> (00.001410)     Collected: ino 0x1b01 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name
>>>>> (00.001418)     Collected: ino 0xabb peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
>>>>> (00.001424)     Collected: ino 0x1ba peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.001431)     Collected: ino 0x231e peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/.esd-1000/socket
>>>>> (00.001434)     Collected: ino 0x344a peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name
>>>>> (00.001440)     Collected: ino 0x2745 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    5
>>>>> state 10 name /var/run/criu_service.socket
>>>>> (00.001446)     Collected: ino 0x309b peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/.ICE-unix/4743
>>>>> (00.001451)     Collected: ino 0x29e9 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /var/run/rpcbind.sock
>>>>> (00.001454) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 
>>>>> 'public/cleanup'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001458) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path
>>>>> 'private/rewrite' unsupported
>>>>> (00.001460) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 
>>>>> 'private/bounce'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001465)     Collected: ino 0x3472 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/keyring-XwuXDG/socket
>>>>> (00.001471)     Collected: ino 0x3479 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/keyring-XwuXDG/socket.ssh
>>>>> (00.001476)     Collected: ino 0x347a peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/keyring-XwuXDG/socket.pkcs11
>>>>> (00.001480) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/defer'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001485)     Collected: ino 0x1675 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    2
>>>>> state  7 name /dev/log
>>>>> (00.001490)     Collected: ino 0x2d3a peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /var/run/nscd/socket
>>>>> (00.001499)     Collected: ino 0x2320 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name
>>>>> /home/jturner/.pulse/2f05502bc91afa1ff49f9a2353863d09-runtime/native
>>>>> (00.001502)     Collected: ino 0xa04 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    2
>>>>> state  7 name
>>>>> (00.001506)     Collected: ino 0x1487 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    2
>>>>> state  7 name
>>>>> (00.001511)     Collected: ino 0x291 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /var/run/cups/cups.sock
>>>>> (00.001515) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/trace'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001518) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 
>>>>> 'private/verify'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001520) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/flush'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001523) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path
>>>>> 'private/proxymap' unsupported
>>>>> (00.001526) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/smtp'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001529) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/relay'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001532) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'public/showq'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001535) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/error'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001538) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path
>>>>> 'private/discard' unsupported
>>>>> (00.001541) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/local'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001544) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path
>>>>> 'private/virtual' unsupported
>>>>> (00.001549)     Collected: ino 0x34a6 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/unique/org.gnome.Nautilus.:0.0.4783
>>>>> (00.001553) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/lmtp'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001556) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/anvil'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001559) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 
>>>>> 'private/scache'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001562) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path
>>>>> 'private/maildrop' unsupported
>>>>> (00.001565) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/cyrus'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001568) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/uucp'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001664)     Collected: ino 0x38e4 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/unique/org.gnome.VolumeControlApplet.:0.0.16665
>>>>> (00.001668) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 
>>>>> 'private/ifmail'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001681) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/bsmtp'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001684) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path
>>>>> 'private/procmail' unsupported
>>>>> (00.001687) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path 'private/retry'
>>>>> unsupported
>>>>> (00.001690) Warn  (sk-unix.c:420): Relative bind path
>>>>> 'private/proxywrite' unsupported
>>>>> (00.001695)     Collected: ino 0x344b peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.001701)     Collected: ino 0x3466 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.001707)     Collected: ino 0x385d peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1287-0-2a108da13b25
>>>>> (00.001712)     Collected: ino 0x30ba peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-129b-0-117bd1a365a09
>>>>> (00.001717) unix: Dropping path
>>>>> /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1299-0-1dbd1f6d71e03 for unlinked sk 0x3477
>>>>> (00.001720)     Collected: ino 0x3477 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001725)     Collected: ino 0x3490 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12af-0-76f255ce4109c
>>>>> (00.001730)     Collected: ino 0xba9 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12b6-0-3de93474ac59e
>>>>> (00.001736)     Collected: ino 0x34a3 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12ba-0-64a9838a97e81
>>>>> (00.001741)     Collected: ino 0x34a8 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12bc-0-6e95bf91b38dc
>>>>> (00.001746)     Collected: ino 0x34b4 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12c1-0-337affb5d05c
>>>>> (00.001751)     Collected: ino 0x38f9 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12ef-0-4be35c9d46361
>>>>> (00.001755)     Collected: ino 0x17ce peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name
>>>>> (00.001758)     Collected: ino 0x2c38 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state 10 name
>>>>> (00.001762)     Collected: ino 0x3ab5 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state  1 name /tmp/unique/org.gnome.Nautilus.:0.0.4783
>>>>> (00.001765)     Collected: ino 0x345c peer_ino 0x17d0 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001769)     Collected: ino 0x3547 peer_ino 0x38fb family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.001772)     Collected: ino 0x349d peer_ino 0x3883 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001775)     Collected: ino 0x3893 peer_ino 0x34bd family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.001778)     Collected: ino 0x348f peer_ino 0x387a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001782)     Collected: ino 0x3468 peer_ino 0x3858 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.001785)     Collected: ino 0x2f4c peer_ino 0x2f4b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001790)     Collected: ino 0x17d5 peer_ino 0x3467 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.001794)     Collected: ino 0x2f4e peer_ino 0x2f4f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001797)     Collected: ino 0x2f39 peer_ino 0x2f3a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001801)     Collected: ino 0xb9f peer_ino 0x2316 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.001805)     Collected: ino 0x370a peer_ino 0x3a7c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001809)     Collected: ino 0x3891 peer_ino 0x34b6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12c1-0-337affb5d05c
>>>>> (00.001812)     Collected: ino 0x34b7 peer_ino 0x3892 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.001817)     Collected: ino 0x385e peer_ino 0x346a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1287-0-2a108da13b25
>>>>> (00.001820)     Collected: ino 0x34d3 peer_ino 0x38a2 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001824)     Collected: ino 0x17c9 peer_ino 0x2282 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.001828)     Collected: ino 0xabc peer_ino 0x21e5 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001831)     Collected: ino 0x38a7 peer_ino 0x34da family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001834)     Collected: ino 0x2343 peer_ino 0xbb6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001916)     Collected: ino 0x2f52 peer_ino 0x2f51 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001926)     Collected: ino 0x3549 peer_ino 0x354a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001930)     Collected: ino 0x3c03 peer_ino 0x3c04 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001932)     Collected: ino 0x38eb peer_ino 0x353f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001935)     Collected: ino 0x3546 peer_ino 0x38fa family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001938)     Collected: ino 0x34a2 peer_ino 0x3887 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001941)     Collected: ino 0x17d1 peer_ino 0x345e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.001944)     Collected: ino 0x2355 peer_ino 0xbbc family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001947)     Collected: ino 0x38a4 peer_ino 0x34d7 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.001950)     Collected: ino 0x34d6 peer_ino 0x38a3 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001958)     Collected: ino 0x3146 peer_ino 0x3d6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> /home/jturner/.pulse/2f05502bc91afa1ff49f9a2353863d09-runtime/native
>>>>> (00.001961)     Collected: ino 0x2b74 peer_ino 0x2605 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001964)     Collected: ino 0x3467 peer_ino 0x17d5 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001967)     Collected: ino 0x2f81 peer_ino 0x2f82 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001970)     Collected: ino 0x3892 peer_ino 0x34b7 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001973)     Collected: ino 0x2344 peer_ino 0xbb8 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.001976)     Collected: ino 0xba8 peer_ino 0x231b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001979)     Collected: ino 0x348c peer_ino 0x3878 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001983)     Collected: ino 0x39b peer_ino 0x308b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.001986)     Collected: ino 0x3886 peer_ino 0x349e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001989)     Collected: ino 0x2f70 peer_ino 0x2f6f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001992)     Collected: ino 0x2f7c peer_ino 0x2f7b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001995)     Collected: ino 0x348b peer_ino 0x3877 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.001998)     Collected: ino 0x2f72 peer_ino 0x2f73 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002001)     Collected: ino 0x2f60 peer_ino 0x2f61 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002004)     Collected: ino 0x2f6a peer_ino 0x2f69 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002008)     Collected: ino 0x216c peer_ino 0xa1f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002011)     Collected: ino 0x34b3 peer_ino 0x388e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002014)     Collected: ino 0x387b peer_ino 0x3491 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002018)     Collected: ino 0x345a peer_ino 0x3459 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002022)     Collected: ino 0x3992 peer_ino 0x273b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002024)     Collected: ino 0x38f8 peer_ino 0x3545 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002027)     Collected: ino 0x34cc peer_ino 0x389c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002030)     Collected: ino 0x2f7e peer_ino 0x2f7f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002033)     Collected: ino 0x2f3a peer_ino 0x2f39 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002038)     Collected: ino 0x233e peer_ino 0x233d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002042)     Collected: ino 0x2f4b peer_ino 0x2f4c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002045)     Collected: ino 0x34e2 peer_ino 0x38b4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002048)     Collected: ino 0x2b70 peer_ino 0x2604 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002050)     Collected: ino 0x34c8 peer_ino 0x3898 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002053)     Collected: ino 0x2604 peer_ino 0x2b70 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002058)     Collected: ino 0xba4 peer_ino 0xba3 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002061)     Collected: ino 0x2f49 peer_ino 0x2f48 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002071)     Collected: ino 0x2f42 peer_ino 0x2f43 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002074)     Collected: ino 0x3881 peer_ino 0xba6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002077)     Collected: ino 0x30b9 peer_ino 0x3a8 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002080)     Collected: ino 0x217a peer_ino 0xa22 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002083)     Collected: ino 0x2f2e peer_ino 0x2f2f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002086)     Collected: ino 0x3888 peer_ino 0x34a4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002089)     Collected: ino 0x21e4 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002092)     Collected: ino 0x34c7 peer_ino 0x3897 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002095)     Collected: ino 0x231a peer_ino 0xba5 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002097)     Collected: ino 0x34ea peer_ino 0xbc1 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002100)     Collected: ino 0x30fc peer_ino 0x3be family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002178)     Collected: ino 0x38df peer_ino 0x3533 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002181)     Collected: ino 0x34a9 peer_ino 0x34aa family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002184)     Collected: ino 0x308e peer_ino 0x308d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002187)     Collected: ino 0x2f6d peer_ino 0x2f6c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002190)     Collected: ino 0x216e peer_ino 0xa20 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002193)     Collected: ino 0x2f5a peer_ino 0x2f5b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002196)     Collected: ino 0x2f37 peer_ino 0x2f36 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002200)     Collected: ino 0x2b89 peer_ino 0x26ca family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002203)     Collected: ino 0x2b7f peer_ino 0x2660 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002206)     Collected: ino 0x2f6f peer_ino 0x2f70 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002209)     Collected: ino 0x3889 peer_ino 0x34a7 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002212)     Collected: ino 0x22b5 peer_ino 0xb97 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002217)     Collected: ino 0x2178 peer_ino 0xa21 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002220)     Collected: ino 0xb97 peer_ino 0x22b5 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002223)     Collected: ino 0x3a9 peer_ino 0x30bb family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002226)     Collected: ino 0x2f58 peer_ino 0x2f57 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002229)     Collected: ino 0x1b68 peer_ino 0x169a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002232)     Collected: ino 0x9fe peer_ino 0x9ff family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002236)     Collected: ino 0x34ab peer_ino 0x388b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12bc-0-6e95bf91b38dc
>>>>> (00.002241)     Collected: ino 0x375b peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state  1 name /tmp/unique/org.gnome.Nautilus.:0.0.4783
>>>>> (00.002244)     Collected: ino 0x38e9 peer_ino 0x353c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002247)     Collected: ino 0x2f54 peer_ino 0x2f55 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002250)     Collected: ino 0xbb8 peer_ino 0x2344 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002254)     Collected: ino 0x3887 peer_ino 0x34a2 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.002258)     Collected: ino 0x1b02 peer_ino 0x1683 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002261)     Collected: ino 0x2b88 peer_ino 0x26c9 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002265)     Collected: ino 0x344f peer_ino 0x17c8 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002270)     Collected: ino 0x3538 peer_ino 0x38e6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002274)     Collected: ino 0x2b85 peer_ino 0x2688 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002278)     Collected: ino 0x3bd peer_ino 0x388f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12c1-0-337affb5d05c
>>>>> (00.002282)     Collected: ino 0xbb5 peer_ino 0x233b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002291)     Collected: ino 0x17c8 peer_ino 0x344f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002294)     Collected: ino 0x388c peer_ino 0x34ac family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002298)     Collected: ino 0xbaa peer_ino 0x231c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12b6-0-3de93474ac59e
>>>>> (00.002302)     Collected: ino 0x2ba9 peer_ino 0x317f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002305)     Collected: ino 0x388f peer_ino 0x3bd family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002309)     Collected: ino 0x3883 peer_ino 0x349d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002312)     Collected: ino 0x4028 peer_ino 0x23e1 family    1
>>>>> type    5 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002317)     Collected: ino 0x353f peer_ino 0x38eb family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002320)     Collected: ino 0x38b3 peer_ino 0x34e1 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002323)     Collected: ino 0x2b56 peer_ino 0x25da family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002326)     Collected: ino 0x2f3c peer_ino 0x2f3d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002328)     Collected: ino 0x3544 peer_ino 0x38f4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002331)     Collected: ino 0x2b7e peer_ino 0x265f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002335)     Collected: ino 0x23e1 peer_ino 0x4028 family    1
>>>>> type    5 state  1 name /var/run/criu_service.socket
>>>>> (00.002339)     Collected: ino 0x3a4 peer_ino 0x30b6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002343)     Collected: ino 0x34c5 peer_ino 0x34c4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12c1-0-337affb5d05c
>>>>> (00.002346)     Collected: ino 0x2f78 peer_ino 0x2f79 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002397)     Collected: ino 0x38f3 peer_ino 0x3543 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002401)     Collected: ino 0x353e peer_ino 0x38ea family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002404)     Collected: ino 0x34af peer_ino 0x388d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002410)     Collected: ino 0x17d0 peer_ino 0x345c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002414)     Collected: ino 0x2f5d peer_ino 0x2f5e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002417)     Collected: ino 0xb34 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002421)     Collected: ino 0x3896 peer_ino 0x34c6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12b6-0-3de93474ac59e
>>>>> (00.002425)     Collected: ino 0xb62 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002429)     Collected: ino 0x3a3 peer_ino 0x30b4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002432)     Collected: ino 0x2f75 peer_ino 0x2f76 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002435)     Collected: ino 0x2f40 peer_ino 0x2f3f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002438)     Collected: ino 0x237b peer_ino 0x3145 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002441)     Collected: ino 0x38e2 peer_ino 0x3536 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002444)     Collected: ino 0xbae peer_ino 0x2338 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002447)     Collected: ino 0xb44 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002450)     Collected: ino 0x2b99 peer_ino 0x273c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002453)     Collected: ino 0x2f45 peer_ino 0x2f46 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002455)     Collected: ino 0x2326 peer_ino 0xbad family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002458)     Collected: ino 0x2f3f peer_ino 0x2f40 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002461)     Collected: ino 0x2f34 peer_ino 0x2f35 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002464)     Collected: ino 0xbb1 peer_ino 0x2339 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002468)     Collected: ino 0x273b peer_ino 0x3992 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002471)     Collected: ino 0x34be peer_ino 0x3894 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002474)     Collected: ino 0x2338 peer_ino 0xbae family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002477)     Collected: ino 0x2f67 peer_ino 0x2f66 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002489)     Collected: ino 0x34bd peer_ino 0x3893 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002496)     Collected: ino 0x21e5 peer_ino 0xabc family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002501)     Collected: ino 0x1c6 peer_ino 0x24b1 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002504)     Collected: ino 0x3495 peer_ino 0x387d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002507)     Collected: ino 0x2a75 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002511)     Collected: ino 0x3542 peer_ino 0x38f1 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002514)     Collected: ino 0x2f35 peer_ino 0x2f34 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002517)     Collected: ino 0x34b6 peer_ino 0x3891 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002522)     Collected: ino 0x387a peer_ino 0x348f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.002525)     Collected: ino 0x346a peer_ino 0x385e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002528)     Collected: ino 0x2f4f peer_ino 0x2f4e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002531)     Collected: ino 0x231c peer_ino 0xbaa family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002534)     Collected: ino 0x3492 peer_ino 0x387c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002538)     Collected: ino 0x34da peer_ino 0x38a7 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002541)     Collected: ino 0x34cf peer_ino 0x34ce family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002545)     Collected: ino 0x3c04 peer_ino 0x3c03 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002549)     Collected: ino 0x354a peer_ino 0x3549 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002552)     Collected: ino 0x353c peer_ino 0x38e9 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002555)     Collected: ino 0xba6 peer_ino 0x3881 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002558)     Collected: ino 0x3473 peer_ino 0x3862 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002561)     Collected: ino 0x2f51 peer_ino 0x2f52 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002563)     Collected: ino 0x385c peer_ino 0x3469 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002566)     Collected: ino 0x9ff peer_ino 0x9fe family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002571)     Collected: ino 0xbb6 peer_ino 0x2343 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002576)     Collected: ino 0x24d0 peer_ino 0x2c5f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002630)     Collected: ino 0x38a3 peer_ino 0x34d6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002634)     Collected: ino 0x345e peer_ino 0x17d1 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002638)     Collected: ino 0x38fa peer_ino 0x3546 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12ef-0-4be35c9d46361
>>>>> (00.002642)     Collected: ino 0x2282 peer_ino 0x17c9 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002645)     Collected: ino 0x3d6 peer_ino 0x3146 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002648)     Collected: ino 0x20f0 peer_ino 0x20ef family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002650)     Collected: ino 0x38a2 peer_ino 0x34d3 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002653)     Collected: ino 0x34d7 peer_ino 0x38a4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002658)     Collected: ino 0x3545 peer_ino 0x38f8 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.002661)     Collected: ino 0x3878 peer_ino 0x348c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002664)     Collected: ino 0x308b peer_ino 0x39b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002667)     Collected: ino 0x2f63 peer_ino 0x2f64 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002670)     Collected: ino 0x2f82 peer_ino 0x2f81 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002672)     Collected: ino 0x38fb peer_ino 0x3547 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002677)     Collected: ino 0x34b5 peer_ino 0x3890 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.002681)     Collected: ino 0x388e peer_ino 0x34b3 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12bc-0-6e95bf91b38dc
>>>>> (00.002694)     Collected: ino 0x231b peer_ino 0xba8 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.002697)     Collected: ino 0x34aa peer_ino 0x34a9 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002702)     Collected: ino 0x3491 peer_ino 0x387b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12af-0-76f255ce4109c
>>>>> (00.002705)     Collected: ino 0x3459 peer_ino 0x345a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002708)     Collected: ino 0x3a7c peer_ino 0x370a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002713)     Collected: ino 0x389c peer_ino 0x34cc family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002717)     Collected: ino 0x2f69 peer_ino 0x2f6a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002720)     Collected: ino 0x2f7f peer_ino 0x2f7e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002724)     Collected: ino 0x3877 peer_ino 0x348b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002729)     Collected: ino 0x1683 peer_ino 0x1b02 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002732)     Collected: ino 0x2605 peer_ino 0x2b74 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002735)     Collected: ino 0x2f73 peer_ino 0x2f72 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002738)     Collected: ino 0x2f61 peer_ino 0x2f60 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002741)     Collected: ino 0x3145 peer_ino 0x237b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002744)     Collected: ino 0xbab peer_ino 0x2321 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002747)     Collected: ino 0x38b4 peer_ino 0x34e2 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002750)     Collected: ino 0x34ce peer_ino 0x34cf family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002752)     Collected: ino 0x2f43 peer_ino 0x2f42 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002755)     Collected: ino 0x3862 peer_ino 0x3473 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002758)     Collected: ino 0x2f36 peer_ino 0x2f37 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002761)     Collected: ino 0xbbc peer_ino 0x2355 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002764)     Collected: ino 0x233d peer_ino 0x233e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002767)     Collected: ino 0x3898 peer_ino 0x34c8 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002770)     Collected: ino 0xba3 peer_ino 0xba4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002773)     Collected: ino 0x20ef peer_ino 0x20f0 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002776)     Collected: ino 0xbc1 peer_ino 0x34ea family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002779)     Collected: ino 0x349e peer_ino 0x3886 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002782)     Collected: ino 0xba5 peer_ino 0x231a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002788)     Collected: ino 0x3a8 peer_ino 0x30b9 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.002792)     Collected: ino 0x3be peer_ino 0x30fc family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002795)     Collected: ino 0x2f48 peer_ino 0x2f49 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002825)     Collected: ino 0xbf5 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002828)     Collected: ino 0x273f peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002831)     Collected: ino 0xba2 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002834)     Collected: ino 0xa22 peer_ino 0x217a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002837)     Collected: ino 0x3897 peer_ino 0x34c7 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002842)     Collected: ino 0x34a4 peer_ino 0x3888 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12ba-0-64a9838a97e81
>>>>> (00.002845)     Collected: ino 0x2f5b peer_ino 0x2f5a family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002848)     Collected: ino 0xa21 peer_ino 0x2178 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002852)     Collected: ino 0x3ab7 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state  1 name /tmp/unique/org.gnome.Nautilus.:0.0.4783
>>>>> (00.002856)     Collected: ino 0x2210 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002859)     Collected: ino 0x2f57 peer_ino 0x2f58 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002868)     Collected: ino 0xa20 peer_ino 0x216e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002871)     Collected: ino 0xa1f peer_ino 0x216c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002874)     Collected: ino 0x169a peer_ino 0x1b68 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002877)     Collected: ino 0x347b peer_ino 0x3868 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002880)     Collected: ino 0x2660 peer_ino 0x2b7f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002883)     Collected: ino 0x34a7 peer_ino 0x3889 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002886)     Collected: ino 0x3533 peer_ino 0x38df family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002889)     Collected: ino 0x308d peer_ino 0x308e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002892)     Collected: ino 0x2f55 peer_ino 0x2f54 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002896)     Collected: ino 0x353b peer_ino 0x38e8 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.002901)     Collected: ino 0x3868 peer_ino 0x347b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002905)     Collected: ino 0x2f6c peer_ino 0x2f6d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002907)     Collected: ino 0x24b1 peer_ino 0x1c6 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002910)     Collected: ino 0x3a7b peer_ino 0x3708 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002913)     Collected: ino 0x388b peer_ino 0x34ab family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002916)     Collected: ino 0x38e6 peer_ino 0x3538 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002919)     Collected: ino 0x2688 peer_ino 0x2b85 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002923)     Collected: ino 0x233b peer_ino 0xbb5 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002927)     Collected: ino 0x3890 peer_ino 0x34b5 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002930)     Collected: ino 0x34a5 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002933)     Collected: ino 0x2322 peer_ino 0xbac family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002935)     Collected: ino 0x26ca peer_ino 0x2b89 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002940)     Collected: ino 0x34ac peer_ino 0x388c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-12b6-0-3de93474ac59e
>>>>> (00.002943)     Collected: ino 0x2316 peer_ino 0xb9f family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002946)     Collected: ino 0x387c peer_ino 0x3492 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002949)     Collected: ino 0x2c5f peer_ino 0x24d0 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002955)     Collected: ino 0x2321 peer_ino 0xbab family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> /home/jturner/.pulse/2f05502bc91afa1ff49f9a2353863d09-runtime/native
>>>>> (00.002958)     Collected: ino 0x2f2f peer_ino 0x2f2e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002961)     Collected: ino 0x34e1 peer_ino 0x38b3 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002964)     Collected: ino 0x317f peer_ino 0x2ba9 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002967)     Collected: ino 0x38f4 peer_ino 0x3544 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.002971)     Collected: ino 0x265f peer_ino 0x2b7e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002975)     Collected: ino 0x30b4 peer_ino 0x3a3 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002979)     Collected: ino 0x38f1 peer_ino 0x3542 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002983)     Collected: ino 0x34c4 peer_ino 0x34c5 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002987)     Collected: ino 0x25da peer_ino 0x2b56 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.002991)     Collected: ino 0x2f5e peer_ino 0x2f5d family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002993)     Collected: ino 0x2f7b peer_ino 0x2f7c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.002996)     Collected: ino 0x38ea peer_ino 0x353e family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.003003)     Collected: ino 0x388d peer_ino 0x34af family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.003007)     Collected: ino 0x2f31 peer_ino 0x2f30 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003009)     Collected: ino 0x34c6 peer_ino 0x3896 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003018)     Collected: ino 0x3858 peer_ino 0x3468 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003023)     Collected: ino 0x3708 peer_ino 0x3a7b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
>>>>> (00.003027)     Collected: ino 0x26c9 peer_ino 0x2b88 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.003029)     Collected: ino 0x30b6 peer_ino 0x3a4 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003034)     Collected: ino 0x387d peer_ino 0x3495 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.003037)     Collected: ino 0x2f79 peer_ino 0x2f78 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003040)     Collected: ino 0x3543 peer_ino 0x38f3 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.003043)     Collected: ino 0x2f3d peer_ino 0x2f3c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003046)     Collected: ino 0x3894 peer_ino 0x34be family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.003049)     Collected: ino 0xbac peer_ino 0x2322 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.003052)     Collected: ino 0x2f64 peer_ino 0x2f63 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003056)     Collected: ino 0x3536 peer_ino 0x38e2 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
>>>>> (00.003059)     Collected: ino 0x2f46 peer_ino 0x2f45 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003062)     Collected: ino 0x21f8 peer_ino 0x1675 family    1
>>>>> type    2 state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003067)     Collected: ino 0x2339 peer_ino 0xbb1 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003070)     Collected: ino 0x2f30 peer_ino 0x2f31 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003075)     Collected: ino 0x30bb peer_ino 0x3a9 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-129b-0-117bd1a365a09
>>>>> (00.003078)     Collected: ino 0x38e8 peer_ino 0x353b family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003081)     Collected: ino 0x273c peer_ino 0x2b99 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.003084)     Collected: ino 0x2f76 peer_ino 0x2f75 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003087)     Collected: ino 0xbad peer_ino 0x2326 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name
>>>>> (00.003090)     Collected: ino 0x2f66 peer_ino 0x2f67 family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003094)     Collected: ino 0x3469 peer_ino 0x385c family    1
>>>>> type    1 state  1 name /tmp/orbit-jturner/linc-1296-0-376f1ab4a247
>>>>> (00.003098)     Collected: ino 0x38e3 peer_ino 0 family 1 type    1
>>>>> state  7 name (null)
>>>>> (00.003324)     Collected: ino 0x    21f0 family    2 type    1
>>>>> port       22 state 10 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003329)     Collected: ino 0x     290 family    2 type    1
>>>>> port      631 state 10 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003333)     Collected: ino 0x    2f2b family    2 type    1
>>>>> port       25 state 10 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003336)     Collected: ino 0x    2fc1 family    2 type    1
>>>>> port     5801 state 10 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003340)     Collected: ino 0x    2fc0 family    2 type    1
>>>>> port     5901 state 10 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003343)     Collected: ino 0x    29ef family    2 type    1
>>>>> port      111 state 10 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003379)     Collected: ino 0x     abe family    2 type    2
>>>>> port    34868 state  7 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003383)     Collected: ino 0x    29ea family    2 type    2
>>>>> port      111 state  7 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003387)     Collected: ino 0x     292 family    2 type    2
>>>>> port      631 state  7 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003390)     Collected: ino 0x    29ee family    2 type    2
>>>>> port      728 state  7 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003393)     Collected: ino 0x     abd family    2 type    2
>>>>> port     5353 state  7 src_addr
>>>>> (00.003589)     Collected: ino 0x    21f2 family   10 type    1
>>>>> port       22 state 10 src_addr ::
>>>>> (00.003594)     Collected: ino 0x     28f family   10 type    1
>>>>> port      631 state 10 src_addr ::1
>>>>> (00.003597)     Collected: ino 0x    2f2d family   10 type    1
>>>>> port       25 state 10 src_addr ::1
>>>>> (00.003600)     Collected: ino 0x     22f family   10 type    1
>>>>> port      111 state 10 src_addr ::
>>>>> (00.003617)     Collected: ino 0x    29f1 family   10 type    2
>>>>> port      111 state  7 src_addr ::
>>>>> (00.003621)     Collected: ino 0x     22e family   10 type    2
>>>>> port      728 state  7 src_addr ::
>>>>> (00.003651) Collect netlink sock 0x9
>>>>> (00.003661) Collect netlink sock 0xabf
>>>>> (00.003664) Collect netlink sock 0x37cf
>>>>> (00.003666) Collect netlink sock 0x13
>>>>> (00.003671) Collect netlink sock 0x85c
>>>>> (00.003673) Collect netlink sock 0x856
>>>>> (00.003675) Collect netlink sock 0x406
>>>>> (00.003678) Collect netlink sock 0x801
>>>>> (00.003680) Collect netlink sock 0x1488
>>>>> (00.003682) Collect netlink sock 0xb
>>>>> (00.003684) Collect netlink sock 0x804
>>>>> (00.003686) Collect netlink sock 0x1415
>>>>> (00.003693) Uncollected sockets! Will probably fail later.
>>>>> (00.004298) ========================================
>>>>> (00.004301) Dumping task (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.004303) ========================================
>>>>> (00.004305) Obtaining task stat ... (00.004374)
>>>>> (00.004378) Collecting mappings (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.004380) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.004472) vma 602000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
>>>>> (00.004479) vma 603000 borrows vfi from previous 602000
>>>>> (00.004497) vma 7ff6bd771000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bd61d000
>>>>> (00.004504) vma 7ff6bd971000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bd771000
>>>>> (00.004510) vma 7ff6bd975000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bd971000
>>>>> (00.004575) vma 7ff6bd991000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bd97b000
>>>>> (00.004583) vma 7ff6bdb90000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bd991000
>>>>> (00.004591) vma 7ff6bdb91000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bdb90000
>>>>> (00.004609) vma 7ff6bdbe7000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bdb92000
>>>>> (00.004616) vma 7ff6bdde6000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bdbe7000
>>>>> (00.004669) vma 7ff6bdde7000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bdde6000
>>>>> (00.004686) vma 7ff6bded8000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bdde8000
>>>>> (00.004694) vma 7ff6be0d7000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6bded8000
>>>>> (00.004700) vma 7ff6be0de000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be0d7000
>>>>> (00.004761) vma 7ff6be0fb000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be0f3000
>>>>> (00.004768) vma 7ff6be2fb000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be0fb000
>>>>> (00.004775) vma 7ff6be2fd000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be2fb000
>>>>> (00.004792) vma 7ff6be305000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be2fe000
>>>>> (00.004799) vma 7ff6be504000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be305000
>>>>> (00.004848) vma 7ff6be505000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be504000
>>>>> (00.004889) vma 7ff6be725000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff6be724000
>>>>> (00.004928) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
>>>>> (00.004932) 0x400000-0x403000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp
>>>>> shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004936) 0x602000-0x603000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg
>>>>> fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004939) 0x603000-0x604000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg
>>>>> fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004941) 0x7ff6bd61d000-0x7ff6bd771000 (1360K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004944) 0x7ff6bd771000-0x7ff6bd971000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004947) 0x7ff6bd971000-0x7ff6bd975000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004949) 0x7ff6bd975000-0x7ff6bd976000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x158000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004952) 0x7ff6bd976000-0x7ff6bd97b000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004955) 0x7ff6bd97b000-0x7ff6bd991000 (88K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004957) 0x7ff6bd991000-0x7ff6bdb90000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004960) 0x7ff6bdb90000-0x7ff6bdb91000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004963) 0x7ff6bdb91000-0x7ff6bdb92000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004965) 0x7ff6bdb92000-0x7ff6bdbe7000 (340K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004968) 0x7ff6bdbe7000-0x7ff6bdde6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004971) 0x7ff6bdde6000-0x7ff6bdde7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x54000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004974) 0x7ff6bdde7000-0x7ff6bdde8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004977) 0x7ff6bdde8000-0x7ff6bded8000 (960K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004979) 0x7ff6bded8000-0x7ff6be0d7000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0xf0000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004982) 0x7ff6be0d7000-0x7ff6be0de000 (28K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0xef000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004985) 0x7ff6be0de000-0x7ff6be0e0000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0xf6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004987) 0x7ff6be0e0000-0x7ff6be0f3000 (76K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.004997) 0x7ff6be0f3000-0x7ff6be0fb000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005000) 0x7ff6be0fb000-0x7ff6be2fb000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005003) 0x7ff6be2fb000-0x7ff6be2fd000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005005) 0x7ff6be2fd000-0x7ff6be2fe000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005008) 0x7ff6be2fe000-0x7ff6be305000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005010) 0x7ff6be305000-0x7ff6be504000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005013) 0x7ff6be504000-0x7ff6be505000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005016) 0x7ff6be505000-0x7ff6be506000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005018) 0x7ff6be506000-0x7ff6be525000 (124K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005021) 0x7ff6be6e0000-0x7ff6be6e4000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005024) 0x7ff6be721000-0x7ff6be722000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005026) 0x7ff6be722000-0x7ff6be724000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005029) 0x7ff6be724000-0x7ff6be725000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x1e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005032) 0x7ff6be725000-0x7ff6be726000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005034) 0x7ff6be726000-0x7ff6be727000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005037) 0x7fffc10dc000-0x7fffc10ff000 (140K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005039) 0x7fffc1176000-0x7fffc1178000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005042) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags
>>>>> 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.005045) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.005049)
>>>>> (00.005052) Collecting fds (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.005054) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.005073) Found 3 file descriptors
>>>>> (00.005077) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.005098) Dump private signals of 5383
>>>>> (00.005106) Dump shared signals of 5383
>>>>> (00.005120) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
>>>>> (00.005258) Putting parasite blob into 0x7f77571ed000->0x7ff6be708000
>>>>> (00.005327) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 5383
>>>>> (00.005339) xsave runtime structure
>>>>> (00.005342) -----------------------
>>>>> (00.005344) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
>>>>> (00.005347) magic1:46505853 extended_size:344 xstate_bv:7 
>>>>> xstate_size:340
>>>>> (00.005349) xstate_bv: 7
>>>>> (00.005351) -----------------------
>>>>> (00.005356) Putting tsock into pid 5383
>>>>> (00.005360) Switching to 5383's net for tsock creation
>>>>> (00.016379) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
>>>>> (00.016387) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: Running daemon thread leader
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.016416) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
>>>>> (00.016423) Parasite 5383 has been switched to daemon mode
>>>>> (00.016445) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
>>>>> (00.016451) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.016466) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
>>>>> (00.016487) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
>>>>> (00.016492) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.016508) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
>>>>> (00.016518) sid=5383 pgid=5383 pid=5383
>>>>> (00.016749)
>>>>> (00.016752) Dumping opened files (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.016755) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.016761) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.016781) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
>>>>> (00.016787) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
>>>>> (00.016870) 5383 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:
>>>>> 100002/0
>>>>> (00.016881) tty: Dumping tty 49 with id 0x1
>>>>> (00.016907) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
>>>>> (00.016910) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.016922) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
>>>>> (00.016956) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
>>>>> (00.016983) 5383 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:
>>>>> 100002/0
>>>>> (00.017000) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
>>>>> (00.017025) 5383 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0
>>>>> flags:                1/0
>>>>> (00.017032) Dumping pipe 51 with id 0x2 pipe_id 0x4801
>>>>> (00.017044) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 01/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
>>>>> (00.017050) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.017058) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
>>>>> (00.017061) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.017092) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
>>>>> (00.017096)
>>>>> (00.017098) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.017101) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.017103)    Private vmas 512/3900 pages
>>>>> (00.017110) pagemap-cache: created for pid 5383 (takes 4096 bytes)
>>>>> (00.017114) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3900 segs
>>>>> (00.017117) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
>>>>> (00.017172) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-403000 (12K) [l:400000
>>>>> h:600000]
>>>>> (00.017176) pagemap-cache:               400000-403000
>>>>> nr:1     cov:12288
>>>>> (00.017179) pagemap-cache:     simple mode [l:400000 h:403000]
>>>>> (00.017185) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017189) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017191) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 602000-603000 (4K) [l:600000
>>>>> h:800000]
>>>>> (00.017193) pagemap-cache:               602000-603000
>>>>> nr:1     cov:4096
>>>>> (00.017196) pagemap-cache:               603000-604000
>>>>> nr:2     cov:8192
>>>>> (00.017198) pagemap-cache:     cache  mode [l:602000 h:800000]
>>>>> (00.017203) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017206) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017208) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017211) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bd61d000-7ff6bd771000
>>>>> (1360K) [l:7ff6bd600000 h:7ff6bd800000]
>>>>> (00.017213) pagemap-cache: 7ff6bd61d000-7ff6bd771000
>>>>> nr:1     cov:1392640
>>>>> (00.017215) pagemap-cache:     simple mode [l:7ff6bd61d000
>>>>> h:7ff6bd771000]
>>>>> (00.017226) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017228) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bd771000-7ff6bd971000
>>>>> (2048K) [l:7ff6bd600000 h:7ff6bd800000]
>>>>> (00.017238) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017241) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bd971000-7ff6bd975000 
>>>>> (16K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bd800000 h:7ff6bda00000]
>>>>> (00.017245) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017248) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017250) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bd975000-7ff6bd976000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bd800000 h:7ff6bda00000]
>>>>> (00.017254) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017256) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bd976000-7ff6bd97b000 
>>>>> (20K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bd800000 h:7ff6bda00000]
>>>>> (00.017261) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017263) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017265) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bd97b000-7ff6bd991000 
>>>>> (88K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bd800000 h:7ff6bda00000]
>>>>> (00.017269) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017271) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bd991000-7ff6bdb90000
>>>>> (2044K) [l:7ff6bd800000 h:7ff6bda00000]
>>>>> (00.017280) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017283) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bdb90000-7ff6bdb91000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bda00000 h:7ff6bdc00000]
>>>>> (00.017287) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017289) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017292) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bdb91000-7ff6bdb92000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bda00000 h:7ff6bdc00000]
>>>>> (00.017295) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017298) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bdb92000-7ff6bdbe7000
>>>>> (340K) [l:7ff6bda00000 h:7ff6bdc00000]
>>>>> (00.017302) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017304) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bdbe7000-7ff6bdde6000
>>>>> (2044K) [l:7ff6bda00000 h:7ff6bdc00000]
>>>>> (00.017313) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017316) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bdde6000-7ff6bdde7000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bdc00000 h:7ff6bde00000]
>>>>> (00.017319) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017322) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017324) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bdde7000-7ff6bdde8000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6bdc00000 h:7ff6bde00000]
>>>>> (00.017328) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017330) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bdde8000-7ff6bded8000
>>>>> (960K) [l:7ff6bdc00000 h:7ff6bde00000]
>>>>> (00.017348) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017351) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6bded8000-7ff6be0d7000
>>>>> (2044K) [l:7ff6bde00000 h:7ff6be000000]
>>>>> (00.017363) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017365) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be0d7000-7ff6be0de000 
>>>>> (28K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be000000 h:7ff6be200000]
>>>>> (00.017371) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
>>>>> (00.017374) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017376) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017378) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be0de000-7ff6be0e0000 (8K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be000000 h:7ff6be200000]
>>>>> (00.017384) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017386) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be0e0000-7ff6be0f3000 
>>>>> (76K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be000000 h:7ff6be200000]
>>>>> (00.017391) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017393) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be0f3000-7ff6be0fb000 
>>>>> (32K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be000000 h:7ff6be200000]
>>>>> (00.017398) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017401) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be0fb000-7ff6be2fb000
>>>>> (2048K) [l:7ff6be000000 h:7ff6be200000]
>>>>> (00.017411) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017413) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be2fb000-7ff6be2fd000 (8K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be200000 h:7ff6be400000]
>>>>> (00.017418) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017420) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017422) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be2fd000-7ff6be2fe000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be200000 h:7ff6be400000]
>>>>> (00.017427) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017429) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be2fe000-7ff6be305000 
>>>>> (28K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be200000 h:7ff6be400000]
>>>>> (00.017434) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017437) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be305000-7ff6be504000
>>>>> (2044K) [l:7ff6be200000 h:7ff6be400000]
>>>>> (00.017447) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017449) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be504000-7ff6be505000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be400000 h:7ff6be600000]
>>>>> (00.017454) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017456) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017458) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be505000-7ff6be506000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be400000 h:7ff6be600000]
>>>>> (00.017463) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
>>>>> (00.017465) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017468) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be506000-7ff6be525000
>>>>> (124K) [l:7ff6be400000 h:7ff6be600000]
>>>>> (00.017474) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017476) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be6e0000-7ff6be6e4000 
>>>>> (16K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be600000 h:7ff6be800000]
>>>>> (00.017482) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017485) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017487) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be721000-7ff6be722000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be600000 h:7ff6be800000]
>>>>> (00.017491) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017493) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017496) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be722000-7ff6be724000 (8K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be600000 h:7ff6be800000]
>>>>> (00.017500) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017502) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be724000-7ff6be725000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be600000 h:7ff6be800000]
>>>>> (00.017506) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017508) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be725000-7ff6be726000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be600000 h:7ff6be800000]
>>>>> (00.017512) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017514) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff6be726000-7ff6be727000 (4K)
>>>>> [l:7ff6be600000 h:7ff6be800000]
>>>>> (00.017518) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017521) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffc10dc000-7fffc10ff000
>>>>> (140K) [l:7fffc1000000 h:7fffc1200000]
>>>>> (00.017525) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017528) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017530) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffc1176000-7fffc1178000 (8K)
>>>>> [l:7fffc1000000 h:7fffc1200000]
>>>>> (00.017534) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3900 total)
>>>>> (00.017536) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
>>>>> (00.017539) page-pipe: Page pipe:
>>>>> (00.017541) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 13/3900 iovs:
>>>>> (00.017543) page-pipe:     buf 49 pages, 13 iovs:
>>>>> (00.017545) page-pipe:         0x400000 1
>>>>> (00.017547) page-pipe:         0x602000 2
>>>>> (00.017549) page-pipe:         0x7ff6bd971000 8
>>>>> (00.017551) page-pipe:         0x7ff6bd97a000 1
>>>>> (00.017553) page-pipe:         0x7ff6bdb90000 2
>>>>> (00.017563) page-pipe:         0x7ff6bdde6000 2
>>>>> (00.017565) page-pipe:         0x7ff6be0d7000 12
>>>>> (00.017567) page-pipe:         0x7ff6be2fb000 3
>>>>> (00.017569) page-pipe:         0x7ff6be504000 2
>>>>> (00.017571) page-pipe:         0x7ff6be6e0000 4
>>>>> (00.017573) page-pipe:         0x7ff6be721000 6
>>>>> (00.017575) page-pipe:         0x7fffc10fb000 4
>>>>> (00.017577) page-pipe:         0x7fffc1176000 2
>>>>> (00.017579) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
>>>>> (00.017582) PPB: 49 pages 13 segs 64 pipe 0 off
>>>>> (00.017587) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
>>>>> (00.017592) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.017615) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
>>>>> (00.017620) Transfering pages:
>>>>> (00.017622)     buf 49/13
>>>>> (00.017624)     p 0x400000 [1]
>>>>> (00.017652)     p 0x602000 [2]
>>>>> (00.017672)     p 0x7ff6bd971000 [8]
>>>>> (00.017740)     p 0x7ff6bd97a000 [1]
>>>>> (00.017753)     p 0x7ff6bdb90000 [2]
>>>>> (00.017774)     p 0x7ff6bdde6000 [2]
>>>>> (00.017792)     p 0x7ff6be0d7000 [12]
>>>>> (00.017872)     p 0x7ff6be2fb000 [3]
>>>>> (00.017897)     p 0x7ff6be504000 [2]
>>>>> (00.017914)     p 0x7ff6be6e0000 [4]
>>>>> (00.017954)     p 0x7ff6be721000 [6]
>>>>> (00.017999)     p 0x7fffc10fb000 [4]
>>>>> (00.018030)     p 0x7fffc1176000 [2]
>>>>> (00.018051) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
>>>>> (00.018057) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.018063) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
>>>>> (00.018066) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.018089) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
>>>>> (00.018096) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
>>>>> (00.018099) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.018114) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
>>>>> (00.018226) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
>>>>> (00.018229) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
>>>>> (00.018235) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.018242) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
>>>>> (00.018245) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
>>>>> (00.018251) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.018256)
>>>>> (00.018260) Dumping core (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.018262) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.018264) Obtaining personality ... (00.018291) 5383 has 0 sched 
>>>>> policy
>>>>> (00.018298)     dumping 0 nice for 5383
>>>>> (00.018305) cg: Dumping cgroups for 5383
>>>>> (00.018321) cg:  `- Existing css 1 found
>>>>> (00.018325) cg: Set 1 is root one
>>>>> (00.018350) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.018353)
>>>>> (00.018355) Dumping creds for 5383)
>>>>> (00.018357) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.018362) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
>>>>> (00.018365) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
>>>>> pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
>>>>> pie: Daemon wais for command
>>>>> (00.018391) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
>>>>> (00.018403) Waiting for 5383 to trap
>>>>> (00.018407) Daemon 5383 exited trapping
>>>>> (00.018413) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
>>>>> (00.018420) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018424) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 2d
>>>>> (00.018434) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018438) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 2d
>>>>> (00.018446) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018450) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 1
>>>>> pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
>>>>> (00.018461) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018466) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 1
>>>>> (00.018475) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018479) 5383 is going to execute the syscall ba
>>>>> (00.018487) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018491) 5383 is going to execute the syscall ba
>>>>> (00.018500) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018504) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 1
>>>>> pie: 5383: new_sp=0x7ff6be71c008 ip 0x7ff6bd6c005e
>>>>> (00.018514) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018519) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 1
>>>>> (00.018527) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018536) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 3
>>>>> (00.018552) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018556) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 3
>>>>> (00.018564) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018568) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 3
>>>>> (00.018576) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018580) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 3
>>>>> (00.018588) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018592) 5383 is going to execute the syscall f
>>>>> (00.018602) 5383 was stopped
>>>>> (00.018613) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018617) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 1
>>>>> (00.018625) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018629) 5383 is going to execute the syscall 1
>>>>> (00.018643) 5383 was trapped
>>>>> (00.018647) 5383 is going to execute the syscall b
>>>>> (00.018661) 5383 was stopped
>>>>> (00.018680)
>>>>> (00.018683) Dumping mm (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.018685) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.018688) 0x400000-0x403000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp
>>>>> shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018720) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34
>>>>> [/opt/SVN/rcm/trunk/rcm/System/Subsystems/SCSIM/Prototype/CRIUproto-CM/Debug/CRIUproto] 
>>>>> (00.018739) 0x602000-0x603000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg
>>>>> fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018756) 0x603000-0x604000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg
>>>>> fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018774) 0x7ff6bd61d000-0x7ff6bd771000 (1360K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018800) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 35 
>>>>> [/lib64/libc-2.11.1.so]
>>>>> (00.018809) 0x7ff6bd771000-0x7ff6bd971000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018825) 0x7ff6bd971000-0x7ff6bd975000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x154000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018843) 0x7ff6bd975000-0x7ff6bd976000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x158000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018860) 0x7ff6bd976000-0x7ff6bd97b000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018864) 0x7ff6bd97b000-0x7ff6bd991000 (88K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018891) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 36 [/lib64/libgcc_s.so.1]
>>>>> (00.018899) 0x7ff6bd991000-0x7ff6bdb90000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018915) 0x7ff6bdb90000-0x7ff6bdb91000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018933) 0x7ff6bdb91000-0x7ff6bdb92000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018950) 0x7ff6bdb92000-0x7ff6bdbe7000 (340K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.018976) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 37 
>>>>> [/lib64/libm-2.11.1.so]
>>>>> (00.018985) 0x7ff6bdbe7000-0x7ff6bdde6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019001) 0x7ff6bdde6000-0x7ff6bdde7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x54000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019018) 0x7ff6bdde7000-0x7ff6bdde8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x55000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019035) 0x7ff6bdde8000-0x7ff6bded8000 (960K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019061) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 38
>>>>> [/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6.0.10]
>>>>> (00.019070) 0x7ff6bded8000-0x7ff6be0d7000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0xf0000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019086) 0x7ff6be0d7000-0x7ff6be0de000 (28K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0xef000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019103) 0x7ff6be0de000-0x7ff6be0e0000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0xf6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019120) 0x7ff6be0e0000-0x7ff6be0f3000 (76K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019124) 0x7ff6be0f3000-0x7ff6be0fb000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019149) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 39
>>>>> [/opt/SVN/rcm/trunk/rcm/System/Subsystems/SCSIM/COTS/CRIU/criu-1.3.1/deploy/lib64/libcriu.so.1.0] 
>>>>> (00.019160) 0x7ff6be0fb000-0x7ff6be2fb000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019176) 0x7ff6be2fb000-0x7ff6be2fd000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019194) 0x7ff6be2fd000-0x7ff6be2fe000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019211) 0x7ff6be2fe000-0x7ff6be305000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019236) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 40
>>>>> [/opt/SVN/rcm/trunk/rcm/System/Subsystems/SCSIM/COTS/CRIU/criu-1.3.1/deploy/lib64/libprotobuf-c.so.1] 
>>>>> (00.019245) 0x7ff6be305000-0x7ff6be504000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019261) 0x7ff6be504000-0x7ff6be505000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019278) 0x7ff6be505000-0x7ff6be506000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019295) 0x7ff6be506000-0x7ff6be525000 (124K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2
>>>>> off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019320) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 41 [/lib64/ld-2.11.1.so]
>>>>> (00.019329) 0x7ff6be6e0000-0x7ff6be6e4000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019332) 0x7ff6be721000-0x7ff6be722000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019335) 0x7ff6be722000-0x7ff6be724000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019337) 0x7ff6be724000-0x7ff6be725000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x1e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019361) 0x7ff6be725000-0x7ff6be726000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off
>>>>> 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019379) 0x7ff6be726000-0x7ff6be727000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019383) 0x7fffc10dc000-0x7fffc10ff000 (140K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122
>>>>> off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019386) 0x7fffc1176000-0x7fffc1178000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 
>>>>> off
>>>>> 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019389) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags
>>>>> 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
>>>>> (00.019392) Obtaining task auvx ...
>>>>> (00.019471) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 33
>>>>> [/opt/SVN/rcm/trunk/rcm/System/Subsystems/SCSIM/Prototype/CRIUproto-CM] 
>>>>> (00.019504) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 33 [/]
>>>>> (00.019513) Dumping task cwd id 0xb root id 0xc
>>>>> (00.019538)
>>>>> (00.019540) Dumping pstree (pid: 5383)
>>>>> (00.019543) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.019572) Process: 5383(5383)
>>>>> (00.019578) ----------------------------------------
>>>>> (00.019582) cg: All tasks in criu's cgroups. Nothing to dump.
>>>>> (00.019586) Dumping external sockets
>>>>> (00.019589) tty: Unpaired slave 1
>>>>> (00.019591)     Tree of 0 objects
>>>>> (00.019594)     0xf.0x1
>>>>> (00.019596)     right:
>>>>> (00.019598)     0x4809.0x2
>>>>> (00.019600)         | SubTree
>>>>> (00.019602)         | 0x4809.0x2 (self)
>>>>> (00.019604)     --s
>>>>> (00.019606)     --r
>>>>> (00.019607)         | SubTree
>>>>> (00.019609)         | 0xf.0x1 (self)
>>>>> (00.019611)     --s
>>>>> (00.019657) Running post-dump scripts
>>>>> (00.019671) Unfreezing tasks into 2
>>>>> (00.019674)     Unseizing 5383 into 2
>>>>> (00.019688) Writing stats
>>>>> (00.019720) Dumping finished successfully
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Ruslan Kuprieiev [mailto:kupruser at gmail.com]
>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 4:26 PM
>>>>> To: Jason L. Turner; criu at openvz.org
>>>>> Subject: Re: [CRIU] Cannot restore from regular user when RPC service
>>>>> running as root
>>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>>> That's probably an old log left from running as root.
>>>>> Could you show us your log path and ls -la logfile.log ?
>>>>> Btw, providing full logs is a good idea too =)
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ruslan
>>>>> On 01/12/2015 10:09 PM, Jason L. Turner wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I'm currently working on a project where a program is needed to be
>>>>>> dumped and restored by a regular user, not as root.
>>>>>> On the webpage it mentions running a CRIU service as root will allow
>>>>>> it to work on behalf of a regular.  The program I have written has
>>>>>> been using the CRIU C API and while the program is dumping and
>>>>>> restoring successfully when run from the root user, it is not the 
>>>>>> case
>>>>>> when running as a regular user as upon trying to restore the 
>>>>>> programs
>>>>>> state it fails.
>>>>>> The error that I have been receiving in the restore log file is
>>>>>>                    Error (include/util.h :51): Can't write to img 
>>>>>> file:
>>>>>> Operation Not Permitted
>>>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> CRIU mailing list
>>>>>> CRIU at openvz.org
>>>>>> https://lists.openvz.org/mailman/listinfo/criu

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