[CRIU] [PATCH 3/7] pycriu:images: treat pagemap.img as a special one

Ruslan Kuprieiev kupruser at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 06:32:37 PST 2015

pagemap.img is the special one, as it starts with an entry
of pagemap_head type and is followed by entries of
pagemap_entry type. Currently we treat pagemap as if
pagemap_head is a payload and pagemap_entry's are
an extra, which is wrong.

Signed-off-by: Ruslan Kuprieiev <kupruser at gmail.com>
 pycriu/images/images.py | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pycriu/images/images.py b/pycriu/images/images.py
index 35abdec..6c85f4c 100644
--- a/pycriu/images/images.py
+++ b/pycriu/images/images.py
@@ -124,33 +124,51 @@ class entry_handler:
 		self.dump(entries, f)
 		return f.read()
-# Some custom extra handlers
-class pagemap_extra_handler:
-	def load(self, f, pload):
-		array = []
+# Special handler for pagemap.img
+class pagemap_handler:
+	"""
+	Special entry handler for pagemap.img, which is unique in a way
+	that it has a header of pagemap_head type followed by entries
+	of pagemap_entry type.
+	"""
+	def load(self, f):
+		entries = []
+		pb = pagemap_head()
 		while True:
-			pb = pagemap_entry()
 			buf = f.read(4)
 			if buf == '':
 			size, = struct.unpack('i', buf)
-			array.append(pb2dict.pb2dict(pb))
+			entries.append(pb2dict.pb2dict(pb))
-		return array
-	def dump(self, extra, f, pload):
-		for item in extra:
 			pb = pagemap_entry()
+		return entries
+	def loads(self, s):
+		f = io.BytesIO(s)
+		return self.load(f)
+	def dump(self, entries, f):
+		pb = pagemap_head()
+		for item in entries:
 			pb2dict.dict2pb(item, pb)
 			pb_str = pb.SerializeToString()
 			size = len(pb_str)
 			f.write(struct.pack('i', size))
-# In following handlers we use base64 encoding
+			pb = pagemap_entry()
+	def dumps(self, entries):
+		f = io.BytesIO('')
+		self.dump(entries, f)
+		return f.read()
+# In following extra handlers we use base64 encoding
 # to store binary data. Even though, the nature
 # of base64 is that it increases the total size,
 # it doesn't really matter, because our images
@@ -198,7 +216,7 @@ handlers = {
 	'CGROUP'		: entry_handler(cgroup_entry),
 	'TCP_STREAM'		: entry_handler(tcp_stream_entry),
 	'STATS'			: entry_handler(stats_entry),
-	'PAGEMAP'		: entry_handler(pagemap_head, pagemap_extra_handler()),
+	'PAGEMAP'		: pagemap_handler(), # Special one
 	'PSTREE'		: entry_handler(pstree_entry),
 	'REG_FILES'		: entry_handler(reg_file_entry),
 	'NS_FILES'		: entry_handler(ns_file_entry),

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