[CRIU] Docker - CRIU - Failed Checkpoint Restore

Ross Boucher rboucher at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 06:47:37 PST 2015

You should read up on creating docker images with Dockerfiles, or the
docker commit command. Docker is intended to be used by creating an image
that contains everything you need once, and then running that image with
the appropriate configuration many times in many different containers.

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 9:45 AM Thouraya TH <thouraya87 at gmail.com> wrote:

> The dumping process works fine only with containers created with this
> manner :
> ./docker-1.9.0-dev run -d --name *test6-container* ubuntu:latest /bin/sh
> -c 'i=0; while true; do echo $i; i=$(expr $i + 1); sleep 3; done'
> ?
> Please, how can i in this case install jdk, vim, other tools ?
> Bests.
> 2015-12-31 15:25 GMT+01:00 Ross Boucher <rboucher at gmail.com>:
>> Only detached containers are supported
>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 9:00 AM Thouraya TH <thouraya87 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev run --name test8-container -t ubuntu:latest
>>> /bin/bash     (without -i option it didn't work also !)
>>> root at 4812c6e86698:/# ls
>>> Second Terminal:
>>> /docker-1.9.0-dev checkpoint test8-container
>>> Error response from daemon: Cannot checkpoint container test8-container:
>>> criu failed: type NOTIFY errno 0
>>> Error: failed to checkpoint one or more containers
>>> My goal is to create a docker container (ubuntu), access to this
>>> container (root at bcd7fcd5b0e1:/home#) and install some tools inside and
>>> do the dumping process.
>>> Any help please ?
>>> Thanks a lot.
>>> 2015-12-31 14:38 GMT+01:00 Ross Boucher <rboucher at gmail.com>:
>>>> Interactive containers are not currently supported
>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 8:25 AM Thouraya TH <thouraya87 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all :)
>>>>> I have done two tests with:
>>>>> criu --version
>>>>> Version: 1.6
>>>>> GitID: v1.6-5-g5e1a8a2
>>>>> *Test 1 ( Successful Checkpoint Restore ): *
>>>>> First Terminal:
>>>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev run -d --name *test6-container* ubuntu:latest
>>>>> /bin/sh -c 'i=0; while true; do echo $i; i=$(expr $i + 1); sleep 3; done'
>>>>> 67de0ff343a32b779fee58f1990aa50bfb0b99d2cc6066597fffef03c5b87839
>>>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev ps -a
>>>>> CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND
>>>>> CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
>>>>> 67de0ff343a3        ubuntu:lates        "/bin/sh -c 'i=0; whi"   10
>>>>> seconds ago      *Up *9 seconds                                   *
>>>>> test6-container*
>>>>> Second Terminal:
>>>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev checkpoint test6-container
>>>>> test6-container
>>>>> /docker-1.9.0-dev ps -a
>>>>> CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND
>>>>> CREATED             STATUS                       PORTS               NAMES
>>>>> 67de0ff343a3        ubuntu:lates        "/bin/sh -c 'i=0; whi"   24
>>>>> seconds ago      *Checkpointed 4 seconds ago*
>>>>> test6-container
>>>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev restore test6-container
>>>>> test6-container
>>>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev ps -a
>>>>> CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND
>>>>> CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
>>>>> 67de0ff343a3        ubuntu:lates        "/bin/sh -c 'i=0; whi"   38
>>>>> seconds ago      *Up *3 seconds
>>>>> test6-container
>>>>> *Test 2 ( Failed Checkpoint Restore ): *First Terminal:
>>>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev run -i --name* test4-container -t ubuntu:latest
>>>>> /bin/bash*
>>>>> root at ebd608402e1d:/# ls
>>>>> bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root
>>>>> run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
>>>>> root at ebd608402e1d:/# cd /home/
>>>>> Second terminal
>>>>> ./docker-1.9.0-dev ps -a
>>>>> CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND
>>>>> CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
>>>>> ebd608402e1d        ubuntu:lates        "/bin/bash"              2
>>>>> minutes ago       Up 4 seconds
>>>>> test4-container
>>>>> *./docker-1.9.0-dev checkpoint test4-containerError response from
>>>>> daemon: Cannot checkpoint container test4-container: criu failed: type
>>>>> NOTIFY errno 0Error: failed to checkpoint one or more containers*
>>>>> Any help please ?
>>>>> Thank you so much.
>>>>> Kind regards.
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