[CRIU] Dumping tmux session with a client connected

Allan Cecil ac at sonic.net
Mon Apr 13 10:31:47 PDT 2015

On 04/13/2015 10:11 AM, Cyrill Gorcunov wrote:
> Looks like this lives outside of tmux. Could you do insttead
> ps afx
> ss -xup
> and attach debug.log from criu.

Hmm... I thought that's what I had done last time.  Here's a complete dump of the entire ps afx output as well as ss -xup, with dump.log attached:

ac at lbox:~$ ps afx
    2 ?        S      0:00 [kthreadd]
    3 ?        S     12:21  \_ [ksoftirqd/0]
    5 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kworker/0:0H]
    7 ?        R      9:18  \_ [rcu_sched]
    8 ?        S      0:00  \_ [rcu_bh]
    9 ?        S     16:50  \_ [rcuos/0]
   10 ?        S      0:00  \_ [rcuob/0]
   11 ?        S      0:00  \_ [migration/0]
   12 ?        S      0:04  \_ [watchdog/0]
   13 ?        S      0:03  \_ [watchdog/1]
   14 ?        S      0:00  \_ [migration/1]
   15 ?        S      0:00  \_ [ksoftirqd/1]
   17 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kworker/1:0H]
   18 ?        S      0:12  \_ [rcuos/1]
   19 ?        S      0:00  \_ [rcuob/1]
   20 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [khelper]
   21 ?        S      0:00  \_ [kdevtmpfs]
   22 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [netns]
   23 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [perf]
   24 ?        S      0:00  \_ [khungtaskd]
   25 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [writeback]
   26 ?        SN     0:00  \_ [ksmd]
   27 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [crypto]
   28 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kintegrityd]
   29 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [bioset]
   30 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kblockd]
   31 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [ata_sff]
   32 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [md]
   33 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [devfreq_wq]
   37 ?        S      0:00  \_ [kswapd0]
   38 ?        S      0:00  \_ [fsnotify_mark]
   39 ?        S      0:00  \_ [ecryptfs-kthrea]
   51 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kthrotld]
   52 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [acpi_thermal_pm]
   53 ?        S      0:00  \_ [vballoon]
   54 ?        S      0:00  \_ [scsi_eh_0]
   55 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [scsi_tmf_0]
   56 ?        S      0:00  \_ [scsi_eh_1]
   57 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [scsi_tmf_1]
   62 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [ipv6_addrconf]
   82 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [deferwq]
   83 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [charger_manager]
  132 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kpsmoused]
  133 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [kworker/1:1H]
  144 ?        S      0:00  \_ [jbd2/vda1-8]
  145 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [ext4-rsv-conver]
  442 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [ttm_swap]
  944 ?        S      0:00  \_ [kauditd]
 1627 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [xfsalloc]
 1628 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [xfs_mru_cache]
 1636 ?        S      0:00  \_ [jfsIO]
 1637 ?        S      0:00  \_ [jfsCommit]
 1638 ?        S      0:00  \_ [jfsCommit]
 1639 ?        S      0:00  \_ [jfsSync]
 1658 ?        S<     0:00  \_ [bioset]
 4851 ?        S      0:01  \_ [kworker/0:1]
15624 ?        S      0:01  \_ [kworker/u4:2]
15658 ?        S      0:00  \_ [kworker/0:0]
15874 ?        S      0:09  \_ [kworker/1:2]
16066 ?        S      0:00  \_ [kworker/1:0]
16369 ?        S      0:00  \_ [kworker/u4:0]
    1 ?        Ss     0:00 /sbin/init
  312 ?        S      0:00 upstart-udev-bridge --daemon
  330 ?        Ss     0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon
  359 ?        S      0:00 upstart-file-bridge --daemon
  362 ?        Ss     0:00 dbus-daemon --system --fork
  364 ?        Ssl    0:00 rsyslogd
  392 ?        Ss     0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
  658 ?        S      0:00 upstart-socket-bridge --daemon
  703 tty4     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty4
  705 tty5     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty5
  708 tty2     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty2
  709 tty3     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty3
  711 tty6     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty6
  733 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
11788 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ sshd: ac [priv]     
11811 ?        S      0:01  |   \_ sshd: ac at pts/1      
11812 pts/1    Ss+    0:00  |       \_ -bash
16050 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ sshd: ac [priv]     
16070 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ sshd: ac at pts/2      
16071 pts/2    Ss+    0:00  |       \_ -bash
16411 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ sshd: ac [priv]     
16430 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ sshd: ac at pts/3      
16431 pts/3    Ss     0:00  |       \_ -bash
16447 pts/3    S+     0:00  |           \_ tmux
16448 pts/3    Z+     0:00  |               \_ [tmux] <defunct>
16465 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ sshd: ac [priv]     
16484 ?        S      0:00      \_ sshd: ac at pts/5      
16485 pts/5    Ss     0:00          \_ -bash
16499 pts/5    R+     0:00              \_ ps afx
  779 ?        Ss     0:00 cron
  809 tty1     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1
  816 ?        Ss     0:20 /usr/sbin/irqbalance
15349 ?        Ss     0:00 criu service -d
16449 ?        Ss     0:00 tmux
16450 pts/4    Ss     0:00  \_ -bash
16464 pts/4    S+     0:00      \_ top
ac at lbox:~$ ss -xup
Netid  State      Recv-Q Send-Q   Local Address:Port       Peer Address:Port   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 53886                 * 53887  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 43478                 * 43479  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 43472                 * 43473  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 54206                 * 54207  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 53890                 * 53891  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket 54138                 * 54137  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 9725                  * 9746   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket 53891                 * 53890  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 54137                 * 54138  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 52989                 * 52988   users:(("tmux",16447,4))
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 52997                 * 52996   users:(("tmux",16449,4))
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      @/com/ubuntu/upstart 8780                  * 8746   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 52988                 * 52989   users:(("tmux",16447,3))
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 52996                 * 52997   users:(("tmux",16449,3))
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 9359                  * 9358   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      @/com/ubuntu/upstart 8678                  * 8673   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 54202                 * 54203  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 54203                 * 54202  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 43473                 * 43472  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 54133                 * 54134  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 53887                 * 53886  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 54134                 * 54133  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket 43479                 * 43478  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 8673                  * 8678   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket 54207                 * 54206  
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      @/com/ubuntu/upstart 9746                  * 9725   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 9358                  * 9359   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 8746                  * 8780   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 9366                  * 9367   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 8835                  * 8836   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 52991                 * 52992   users:(("tmux",16447,6))
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket 9367                  * 9366   
u_str  ESTAB      0      0                    * 52992                 * 52991   users:(("tmux",16449,7))
u_str  ESTAB      0      0      /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket 8836                  * 8835   
ac at lbox:~$ cd crtestdir
ac at lbox:~/crtestdir$ ./criuDump.py 16449

To test this, just run tmux, start top, and dump the tmux pid using the script from my first E-Mail (tested from git head with tmux 1.9 on Ubuntu server 14.04 using a modern kernel).  I hope this helps,

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