[CRIU] Checkpointing failed

Thouraya TH thouraya87 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 09:23:27 PDT 2014


root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# uname -m
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500
:/home/thouraya# uname -z
uname : option invalide -- 'z'
Saisissez « uname --help » pour plus d'informations.
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# uname -m
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# uname -a
Linux thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500 3.11.0-26-generic #45~precise1-Ubuntu SMP
Tue Jul 15 04:02:35 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# uname -r
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# cat /etc/motd
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.11.0-26-generic x86_64)

First terminal:
thouraya at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-
N500:~$ criu --version
Version: 1.3.1
thouraya at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for thouraya:
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# sudo lxc-start -n u1
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# sudo lxc-attach -n u1
root at u1:/# ls
bin   dev  home  lib64  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var
boot  etc  lib   media  opt  root  sbin  sys  usr
root at u1:/#

Second terminal:
thouraya at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-
N500:~$ which criu
thouraya at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for thouraya:
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# lxc-checkpoint -s -D
/tmp/checkpoint -n u1
*Checkpointing u1 failed.*
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya#

root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500
:/home/thouraya# lxc-checkpoint -v -s -D /home/thouraya/lxcCR -n u1
Checkpointing u1 failed.
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya# cd lxcCR/
root at thouraya-Lenovo-3000-N500:/home/thouraya/lxcCR# ls
bridge0            fanotify-mark.img  ids-408.img       pages-10.img
cgroup.img         fdinfo-10.img      ids-8695.img      pages-11.img
core-115.img       fdinfo-11.img      ids-8696.img      pages-12.img
core-1.img         fdinfo-12.img      ids-8697.img      pages-13.img
core-206.img       fdinfo-13.img      ids-8698.img      pages-14.img
core-223.img       fdinfo-14.img      ids-8699.img      pages-1.img
core-260.img       fdinfo-15.img      inetsk.img        pages-2.img
core-266.img       fdinfo-2.img       inotify.img       pages-3.img
core-268.img       fdinfo-3.img       inotify-wd.img    pages-4.img
core-269.img       fdinfo-4.img       mm-115.img        pages-5.img
core-270.img       fdinfo-5.img       mm-1.img          pages-6.img
core-301.img       fdinfo-6.img       mm-206.img        pages-7.img
core-387.img       fdinfo-7.img       mm-223.img        pages-8.img
core-408.img       fdinfo-8.img       mm-260.img        pages-9.img
core-8695.img      fdinfo-9.img       mm-266.img        pipes-data.img
core-8696.img      fifo-data.img      mm-301.img        pipes.img
core-8697.img      fifo.img           mm-387.img        reg-files.img
core-8698.img      filelocks.img      mm-408.img        remap-fpath.img
core-8699.img      fs-115.img         mm-8695.img       sigacts-115.img
creds-115.img      fs-1.img           mm-8696.img       sigacts-1.img
creds-1.img        fs-206.img         mm-8697.img       sigacts-206.img
creds-206.img      fs-223.img         mm-8698.img       sigacts-223.img
creds-223.img      fs-260.img         mm-8699.img       sigacts-260.img
creds-260.img      fs-266.img         netlinksk.img     sigacts-266.img
creds-266.img      fs-301.img         ns-files.img      sigacts-301.img
creds-301.img      fs-387.img         packetsk.img      sigacts-387.img
creds-387.img      fs-408.img         pagemap-115.img   sigacts-408.img
creds-408.img      fs-8695.img        pagemap-1.img     sigacts-8695.img
creds-8695.img     fs-8696.img        pagemap-206.img   sigacts-8696.img
creds-8696.img     fs-8697.img        pagemap-223.img   sigacts-8697.img
creds-8697.img     fs-8698.img        pagemap-260.img   sigacts-8698.img
creds-8698.img     fs-8699.img        pagemap-266.img   sigacts-8699.img
creds-8699.img     ids-115.img        pagemap-301.img   signalfd.img
dump.log           ids-1.img          pagemap-387.img   sk-queues.img
eth0               ids-206.img        pagemap-408.img   timerfd.img
eventfd.img        ids-223.img        pagemap-8695.img  tty.img
eventpoll.img      ids-260.img        pagemap-8696.img  tty-info.img
eventpoll-tfd.img  ids-266.img        pagemap-8697.img  tunfile.img
ext-files.img      ids-301.img        pagemap-8698.img  unixsk.img
fanotify.img       ids-387.img        pagemap-8699.img  veth0

HereIs theDumpFile. attached to the email.
Have you an idea please?
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards.
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(00.000074) ========================================
(00.000140) Dumping processes (pid: 2640)
(00.000146) ========================================
(00.000244) Found anon-shmem device at 4
(00.000259) Reset 14471's dirty tracking
(00.000315)  ... done
(00.000355) Dirty track supported on kernel
(00.000408) irmap: Searching irmap cache in work dir
(00.000429) irmap: Searching irmap cache in parent
(00.000441) irmap: No irmap cache
(00.000571) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:0
(00.000700) vdso: Parsing at 7fff623eb000 7fff623ed000
(00.000710) vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: ffffffffff700000
(00.000715) vdso: DT_HASH: 0xffffffffff700120
(00.000719) vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0xffffffffff700268
(00.000723) vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0xffffffffff700160
(00.000727) vdso: DT_STRSZ: 94
(00.000732) vdso: DT_SYMENT: 24
(00.000736) vdso: nbucket 3 nchain 11 bucket 0x7fff623eb128 chain 0x7fff623eb134
(00.000744) vdso: rt [vdso] 7fff623eb000-7fff623ed000 [vvar] ffffffffffffffff-ffffffffffffffff
(00.000825) Writing image inventory (version 1)
(00.000950) Collected 1.pid namespace
(00.000969) Collected 2.net namespace
(00.000982) Collected 3.ipc namespace
(00.000994) Collected 4.uts namespace
(00.001006) Collected 5.mnt namespace
(00.001014) cg: Dumping cgroups for 14471
(00.001087) cg:  `- New css ID 1
(00.001101) cg:     `- [blkio] -> [/]
(00.001106) cg:     `- [cpu] -> [/]
(00.001111) cg:     `- [cpuacct] -> [/]
(00.001115) cg:     `- [cpuset] -> [/]
(00.001119) cg:     `- [devices] -> [/]
(00.001124) cg:     `- [freezer] -> [/]
(00.001128) cg:     `- [hugetlb] -> [/]
(00.001133) cg:     `- [memory] -> [/]
(00.001137) cg:     `- [name=systemd] -> [/]
(00.001141) cg:     `- [perf_event] -> [/]
(00.001145) cg: Set 1 is criu one
(00.001366) Seized task 2640, state 1
(00.001526) Seized task 2776, state 0
(00.001731) Collected 2776 in 1 state
(00.001749) Seized task 2867, state 0
(00.001937) Collected 2867 in 1 state
(00.001957) Seized task 2884, state 0
(00.002058) Collected 2884 in 1 state
(00.002070) Seized task 2921, state 0
(00.002219) Collected 2921 in 1 state
(00.002235) Seized task 2927, state 0
(00.002306) 	Seizing 2927's 2929 thread
(00.002360) 	Seizing 2927's 2930 thread
(00.002395) 	Seizing 2927's 2931 thread
(00.002521) Collected 2927 in 1 state
(00.002531) Seized task 2962, state 0
(00.002613) Collected 2962 in 1 state
(00.002623) Seized task 3048, state 0
(00.002700) Collected 3048 in 1 state
(00.002708) Seized task 3069, state 0
(00.002786) Collected 3069 in 1 state
(00.002797) Seized task 14456, state 0
(00.002904) Collected 14456 in 1 state
(00.002913) Seized task 14457, state 0
(00.003004) Collected 14457 in 1 state
(00.003014) Seized task 14458, state 0
(00.003098) Collected 14458 in 1 state
(00.003108) Seized task 14459, state 0
(00.003203) Collected 14459 in 1 state
(00.003214) Seized task 14460, state 0
(00.003348) Collected 14460 in 1 state
(00.003424) Collected 2640 in 1 state
(00.003461) Will take pid namespace in the image
(00.003471) Collected 6.pid namespace
(00.003482) Will take net namespace in the image
(00.003487) Collected 7.net namespace
(00.003497) Will take ipc namespace in the image
(00.003502) Collected 8.ipc namespace
(00.003511) Will take uts namespace in the image
(00.003516) Collected 9.uts namespace
(00.003525) Will take mnt namespace in the image
(00.003531) Collected 10.mnt namespace
(00.003963) Lock network
(00.003971) Running network-lock scripts
(00.004001) 	[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-restore-net]
(00.011325) Dump MNT namespace (mountpoints) 10 via 2640
(00.011490) 	type unsupported source /dev/disk/by-uuid/afcb71d4-c111-4988-ae14-df81b2a06181 800001 /var/lib/lxc/u1/rootfs @ ./ flags 200000 options errors=remount-ro,data=ordered
(00.011519) 	type proc source proc 20 / @ ./proc flags 20000e options 
(00.011531) 	type sysfs source sysfs 21 / @ ./sys flags 200000 options 
(00.011544) 	type fusectl source none 10 / @ ./sys/fs/fuse/connections flags 200000 options 
(00.011556) 	type debugfs source none 6 / @ ./sys/kernel/debug flags 200000 options 
(00.011567) 	type securityfs source none a / @ ./sys/kernel/security flags 200000 options 
(00.011601) 	type sysfs source sysfs e /fs/pstore @ ./sys/fs/pstore flags 20000e options 
(00.011615) 	type devpts source devpts 22 / @ ./dev/pts flags 200000 options gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=666
(00.011647) 	type devpts source devpts 22 /ptmx @ ./dev/ptmx flags 200000 options gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=666
(00.011663) 	type tmpfs source none 23 / @ ./sys/fs/cgroup flags 200000 options size=4k,mode=755
(00.011674) 	type tmpfs source none 24 / @ ./run flags 20000a options size=97708k,mode=755
(00.011687) 	type tmpfs source none 25 / @ ./run/lock flags 20000e options size=5120k
(00.011699) 	type tmpfs source none 26 / @ ./run/shm flags 200006 options 
(00.011717) 	type tmpfs source none 27 / @ ./run/user flags 20000e options size=102400k,mode=755
(00.011752) Building mountpoints tree
(00.011761) 	Building plain mount tree
(00.011765) 		Working on 59->56
(00.011770) 		Working on 58->56
(00.011775) 		Working on 57->56
(00.011779) 		Working on 56->69
(00.011784) 		Working on 55->71
(00.011788) 		Working on 54->69
(00.011793) 		Working on 53->69
(00.011797) 		Working on 75->71
(00.011802) 		Working on 74->71
(00.011806) 		Working on 73->71
(00.011811) 		Working on 72->71
(00.011815) 		Working on 71->69
(00.011820) 		Working on 70->69
(00.011824) 		Working on 69->52
(00.011830) 	Resorting siblings on 69
(00.011837) 	Resorting siblings on 56
(00.011841) 	Resorting siblings on 59
(00.011846) 	Resorting siblings on 58
(00.011850) 	Resorting siblings on 57
(00.011854) 	Resorting siblings on 54
(00.011859) 	Resorting siblings on 53
(00.011863) 	Resorting siblings on 71
(00.011867) 	Resorting siblings on 55
(00.011872) 	Resorting siblings on 75
(00.011877) 	Resorting siblings on 74
(00.011881) 	Resorting siblings on 73
(00.011885) 	Resorting siblings on 72
(00.011889) 	Resorting siblings on 70
(00.011894) Done:
(00.011898) [./](69->52)
(00.011903)  [./run](56->69)
(00.011908)   [./run/user](59->56)
(00.011913)   <--
(00.011917)   [./run/lock](57->56)
(00.011922)   <--
(00.011926)   [./run/shm](58->56)
(00.011931)   <--
(00.011935)  <--
(00.011939)  [./proc](70->69)
(00.011944)  <--
(00.011948)  [./sys](71->69)
(00.011952)   [./sys/fs/cgroup](55->71)
(00.011957)   <--
(00.011961)   [./sys/fs/fuse/connections](72->71)
(00.011965)   <--
(00.011969)   [./sys/kernel/debug](73->71)
(00.011974)   <--
(00.011978)   [./sys/kernel/security](74->71)
(00.011982)   <--
(00.011986)   [./sys/fs/pstore](75->71)
(00.011991)   <--
(00.011995)  <--
(00.011999)  [./dev/pts](53->69)
(00.012004)  <--
(00.012008)  [./dev/ptmx](54->69)
(00.012012)  <--
(00.012016) <--
(00.012027) Switching to 2640's net for collecting sockets
(00.012276) 	Collected: ino 0x48a1 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.012308) 	Collected: ino 0x498e peer_ino 0 family    1 type    5 state 10 name /run/udev/control
(00.012318) 	Collected: ino 0x4608 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    2 state  7 name /dev/log
(00.012324) 	Collected: ino 0x45f0 peer_ino 0x49a8 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.012331) 	Collected: ino 0x45cd peer_ino 0x45ce family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.012337) 	Collected: ino 0x456e peer_ino 0x493d family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.012343) 	Collected: ino 0x45bd peer_ino 0x4981 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.012349) 	Collected: ino 0x49a8 peer_ino 0x45f0 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.012355) 	Collected: ino 0x493d peer_ino 0x456e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.012360) 	Collected: ino 0x4981 peer_ino 0x45bd family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.012366) 	Collected: ino 0x49c5 peer_ino 0x4608 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.012372) 	Collected: ino 0x45ce peer_ino 0x45cd family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.012461) 	Collected: ino 0x    4a82 family    2 type    1 port       22 state 10 src_addr
(00.012486) 	Collected: ino 0x    49ac family    2 type    2 port    17425 state  7 src_addr
(00.012493) 	Collected: ino 0x    4604 family    2 type    2 port       68 state  7 src_addr
(00.012556) 	Collected: ino 0x    4a84 family   10 type    1 port       22 state 10 src_addr ::
(00.012588) 	Collected: ino 0x    49ad family   10 type    2 port    24963 state  7 src_addr ::
(00.012610) Collect packet sock 17921 3
(00.012617) 	Got 0 mreqs
(00.012645) Collect netlink sock 0x4875
(00.012651) Collect netlink sock 0x487b
(00.012656) Collect netlink sock 0xd6da
(00.012660) Collect netlink sock 0x4878
(00.012665) Collect netlink sock 0x498f
(00.012670) Collect netlink sock 0x4876
(00.012674) Collect netlink sock 0x45bf
(00.012679) Collect netlink sock 0x4877
(00.039677) ========================================
(00.039698) Dumping task (pid: 2640)
(00.039708) ========================================
(00.039716) Obtaining task stat ... (00.039952) 
(00.039967) Collecting mappings (pid: 2640)
(00.039978) ----------------------------------------
(00.040241) vma 7fb95bc5f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95bc54000
(00.040270) vma 7fb95be5e000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95bc5f000
(00.040292) vma 7fb95be5f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95be5e000
(00.040341) vma 7fb95be6b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95be60000
(00.040364) vma 7fb95c06a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95be6b000
(00.040502) vma 7fb95c06b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c06a000
(00.040552) vma 7fb95c083000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c06c000
(00.040575) vma 7fb95c282000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c083000
(00.040597) vma 7fb95c283000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c282000
(00.040789) vma 7fb95c28f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c286000
(00.040814) vma 7fb95c48e000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c28f000
(00.040836) vma 7fb95c48f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c48e000
(00.040893) vma 7fb95c493000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c490000
(00.040916) vma 7fb95c692000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c493000
(00.040937) vma 7fb95c693000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c692000
(00.041103) vma 7fb95c6d1000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c694000
(00.041128) vma 7fb95c8d0000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c6d1000
(00.041149) vma 7fb95c8d1000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c8d0000
(00.041197) vma 7fb95c8eb000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c8d2000
(00.041219) vma 7fb95caea000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95c8eb000
(00.041390) vma 7fb95caeb000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95caea000
(00.041464) vma 7fb95ccab000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95caf0000
(00.041488) vma 7fb95ceab000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95ccab000
(00.041509) vma 7fb95ceaf000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95ceab000
(00.041701) vma 7fb95cebd000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95ceb6000
(00.041726) vma 7fb95d0bc000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95cebd000
(00.041748) vma 7fb95d0bd000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d0bc000
(00.041796) vma 7fb95d0c8000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d0be000
(00.041818) vma 7fb95d2c7000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d0c8000
(00.041839) vma 7fb95d2c8000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d2c7000
(00.042007) vma 7fb95d2e9000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d2c9000
(00.042031) vma 7fb95d4e8000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d2e9000
(00.042052) vma 7fb95d4e9000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d4e8000
(00.042203) vma 7fb95d530000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d4ec000
(00.042364) vma 7fb95d72f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d530000
(00.042387) vma 7fb95d730000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d72f000
(00.042448) vma 7fb95d739000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d731000
(00.042471) vma 7fb95d939000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d739000
(00.042492) vma 7fb95d93a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d939000
(00.042646) vma 7fb95d952000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d93b000
(00.042669) vma 7fb95db51000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95d952000
(00.042690) vma 7fb95db52000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95db51000
(00.042931) vma 7fb95dd76000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95dd75000
(00.043008) vma 7fb95dfb6000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95dd78000
(00.043032) vma 7fb95dfb8000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb95dfb6000
(00.043140) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.043176) 0x7fb95bc54000-0x7fb95bc5f000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043195) 0x7fb95bc5f000-0x7fb95be5e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043230) 0x7fb95be5e000-0x7fb95be5f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043243) 0x7fb95be5f000-0x7fb95be60000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043253) 0x7fb95be60000-0x7fb95be6b000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043263) 0x7fb95be6b000-0x7fb95c06a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043274) 0x7fb95c06a000-0x7fb95c06b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043284) 0x7fb95c06b000-0x7fb95c06c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043295) 0x7fb95c06c000-0x7fb95c083000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043305) 0x7fb95c083000-0x7fb95c282000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043316) 0x7fb95c282000-0x7fb95c283000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043326) 0x7fb95c283000-0x7fb95c284000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043336) 0x7fb95c284000-0x7fb95c286000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043346) 0x7fb95c286000-0x7fb95c28f000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043357) 0x7fb95c28f000-0x7fb95c48e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043367) 0x7fb95c48e000-0x7fb95c48f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043377) 0x7fb95c48f000-0x7fb95c490000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043388) 0x7fb95c490000-0x7fb95c493000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043398) 0x7fb95c493000-0x7fb95c692000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043408) 0x7fb95c692000-0x7fb95c693000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043419) 0x7fb95c693000-0x7fb95c694000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043429) 0x7fb95c694000-0x7fb95c6d1000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043439) 0x7fb95c6d1000-0x7fb95c8d0000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043449) 0x7fb95c8d0000-0x7fb95c8d1000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043460) 0x7fb95c8d1000-0x7fb95c8d2000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043470) 0x7fb95c8d2000-0x7fb95c8eb000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043480) 0x7fb95c8eb000-0x7fb95caea000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043491) 0x7fb95caea000-0x7fb95caeb000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043501) 0x7fb95caeb000-0x7fb95caec000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043511) 0x7fb95caec000-0x7fb95caf0000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043521) 0x7fb95caf0000-0x7fb95ccab000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043532) 0x7fb95ccab000-0x7fb95ceab000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043542) 0x7fb95ceab000-0x7fb95ceaf000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043552) 0x7fb95ceaf000-0x7fb95ceb1000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043563) 0x7fb95ceb1000-0x7fb95ceb6000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043574) 0x7fb95ceb6000-0x7fb95cebd000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043584) 0x7fb95cebd000-0x7fb95d0bc000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043594) 0x7fb95d0bc000-0x7fb95d0bd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043604) 0x7fb95d0bd000-0x7fb95d0be000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043614) 0x7fb95d0be000-0x7fb95d0c8000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043625) 0x7fb95d0c8000-0x7fb95d2c7000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043635) 0x7fb95d2c7000-0x7fb95d2c8000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043646) 0x7fb95d2c8000-0x7fb95d2c9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043656) 0x7fb95d2c9000-0x7fb95d2e9000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043666) 0x7fb95d2e9000-0x7fb95d4e8000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043677) 0x7fb95d4e8000-0x7fb95d4e9000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043700) 0x7fb95d4e9000-0x7fb95d4ea000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043712) 0x7fb95d4ea000-0x7fb95d4ec000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043722) 0x7fb95d4ec000-0x7fb95d530000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043733) 0x7fb95d530000-0x7fb95d72f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043743) 0x7fb95d72f000-0x7fb95d730000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043753) 0x7fb95d730000-0x7fb95d731000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043763) 0x7fb95d731000-0x7fb95d739000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043774) 0x7fb95d739000-0x7fb95d939000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043784) 0x7fb95d939000-0x7fb95d93a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043795) 0x7fb95d93a000-0x7fb95d93b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043805) 0x7fb95d93b000-0x7fb95d952000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043815) 0x7fb95d952000-0x7fb95db51000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043826) 0x7fb95db51000-0x7fb95db52000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043836) 0x7fb95db52000-0x7fb95db53000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043846) 0x7fb95db53000-0x7fb95db76000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043856) 0x7fb95dd6a000-0x7fb95dd70000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043866) 0x7fb95dd73000-0x7fb95dd75000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043876) 0x7fb95dd75000-0x7fb95dd76000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043886) 0x7fb95dd76000-0x7fb95dd77000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043897) 0x7fb95dd77000-0x7fb95dd78000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043907) 0x7fb95dd78000-0x7fb95ddb6000 (248K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043917) 0x7fb95dfb6000-0x7fb95dfb8000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043928) 0x7fb95dfb8000-0x7fb95dfb9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x40000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.043938) 0x7fb95e949000-0x7fb95ea0e000 (788K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.043948) 0x7fff2ec20000-0x7fff2ec42000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.043959) 0x7fff2edfe000-0x7fff2ee00000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.043969) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.043979) ----------------------------------------
(00.043997) Collecting fds (pid: 2640)
(00.044005) ----------------------------------------
(00.044071) Found 16 file descriptors
(00.044084) ----------------------------------------
(00.044162) Dump private signals of 2640
(00.044186) Dump shared signals of 2640
(00.044216) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x7fb95bc54000
(00.044401) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811035000->0x7fb95dd40000
(00.044465) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2640
(00.044488) xsave runtime structure
(00.044498) -----------------------
(00.044506) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.044516) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.044525) xstate_bv: 0
(00.044534) -----------------------
(00.044542) Putting tsock into pid 2640
(00.044556) Switching to 2640's net for tsock creation
(00.070381) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
pie: Running daemon thread leader
(00.070427) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.070450) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.070465) Parasite 2640 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.070488) Sent msg to daemon 15 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 15 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 15 15 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.070595) Wait for ack 15 on daemon socket
(00.070613) Fetched ack: 15 15 0
(00.070660) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
(00.070672) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
(00.070691) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.070724) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
(00.070740) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.070821) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.070843) sid=1 pgid=1 pid=1
(00.071250) Dumping opened files (pid: 2640)
(00.071262) ----------------------------------------
(00.071290) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.071415) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.071433) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.071641) 2640 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.071718) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 56 [/dev/null]
(00.071777) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.071865) 2640 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.071890) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.071969) 2640 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.071987) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.072062) 2640 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4000/0x1
(00.072080) Dumping pipe 59 with id 0x2 pipe_id 0x48a0
(00.072117) Dumping data from pipe 0x48a0 fd 59
(00.072184) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04000/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.072267) 2640 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4001/0x1
(00.072288) Dumping pipe 60 with id 0x3 pipe_id 0x48a0
(00.072308) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04001/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.072391) 2640 fdinfo 5: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4000/0x1
(00.072437) fsnotify: id 0x00000004 flags 0x00000800
(00.072520) fsnotify: wd: wd 0x00000001 s_dev 0x00800001 i_ino 0x           60a0d mask 0x0800abc8
(00.072534) fsnotify: 	[fhandle] bytes 0x00000008 type 0x00000001 __handle 0x13079d2c00060a0d:0x0000000000000000
(00.072557) fsnotify: Opening fhandle 800001:13079d2c00060a0d...
(00.072580) Path `/' resolved to `./' mountpoint
(00.072609) fsnotify: 	Handle 800001:60a0d is openable
(00.072621) Warn  (fsnotify.c:183): fsnotify: 	Handle 800001:60a0d cannot be opened
(00.072631) irmap: Resolving 801:60a0d path
(00.072642) irmap: Scanning /etc hint
(00.072650) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc
(00.072662) irmap: 	Scanned /etc
(00.072672) fsnotify: 	Dumping /etc as path for handle
(00.072720) fdinfo: type: 0x 8 flags: 04000/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 5
(00.072811) 2640 fdinfo 6: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4000/0x1
(00.072853) fsnotify: id 0x00000005 flags 0x00000800
(00.072921) fsnotify: wd: wd 0x00000001 s_dev 0x00800001 i_ino 0x           6511a mask 0x0800abc8
(00.072935) fsnotify: 	[fhandle] bytes 0x00000008 type 0x00000001 __handle 0x13079dbe0006511a:0x0000000000000000
(00.072946) fsnotify: Opening fhandle 800001:13079dbe0006511a...
(00.072965) Path `/' resolved to `./' mountpoint
(00.072986) fsnotify: 	Handle 800001:6511a is openable
(00.072997) Warn  (fsnotify.c:183): fsnotify: 	Handle 800001:6511a cannot be opened
(00.073006) irmap: Resolving 801:6511a path
(00.073016) irmap: Scanning /etc hint
(00.073025) irmap: Refilling /etc dir
(00.073406) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/hosts
(00.073426) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/kernel
(00.073439) irmap: Refilling /etc/kernel dir
(00.073479) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/kernel/postinst.d
(00.073493) irmap: Refilling /etc/kernel/postinst.d dir
(00.073529) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools
(00.073544) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal
(00.073557) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/kernel/postrm.d
(00.073570) irmap: Refilling /etc/kernel/postrm.d dir
(00.073603) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools
(00.073617) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d
(00.073630) irmap: Refilling /etc/pam.d dir
(00.073700) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/sudo
(00.073714) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/chpasswd
(00.073727) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/other
(00.073739) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive
(00.073752) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/chfn
(00.073764) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/cron
(00.073796) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/newusers
(00.073809) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/su
(00.073821) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/chsh
(00.073834) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/common-auth
(00.073846) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/common-password
(00.073858) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/common-account
(00.073870) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/sshd
(00.073883) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/login
(00.073895) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/common-session
(00.073908) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.d/passwd
(00.073920) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/modules
(00.073933) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/os-release
(00.073945) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/python2.7
(00.073958) irmap: Refilling /etc/python2.7 dir
(00.073993) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/python2.7/sitecustomize.py
(00.074008) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/subgid-
(00.074021) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/libaudit.conf
(00.074034) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.hourly
(00.074046) irmap: Refilling /etc/cron.hourly dir
(00.074079) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.hourly/.placeholder
(00.074093) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/magic.mime
(00.074105) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2
(00.074152) irmap: Refilling /etc/iproute2 dir
(00.074211) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2/rt_realms
(00.074227) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2/rt_dsfield
(00.074240) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
(00.074252) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2/group
(00.074265) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2/rt_scopes
(00.074277) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2/rt_protos
(00.074289) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/iproute2/ematch_map
(00.074301) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rsyslog.conf
(00.074314) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc3.d
(00.074325) irmap: Refilling /etc/rc3.d dir
(00.074365) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc3.d/README
(00.074380) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc3.d/S99ondemand
(00.074393) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc3.d/S99rc.local
(00.074405) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/perl
(00.074417) irmap: Refilling /etc/perl dir
(00.074453) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/perl/Net
(00.074467) irmap: Refilling /etc/perl/Net dir
(00.074500) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/perl/Net/libnet.cfg
(00.074516) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/perl/CPAN
(00.074528) irmap: Refilling /etc/perl/CPAN dir
(00.074557) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/insserv.conf
(00.074571) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc5.d
(00.074583) irmap: Refilling /etc/rc5.d dir
(00.074621) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc5.d/README
(00.074635) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc5.d/S99ondemand
(00.074649) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc5.d/S99rc.local
(00.074661) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc1.d
(00.074673) irmap: Refilling /etc/rc1.d dir
(00.074710) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc1.d/S90single
(00.074725) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc1.d/README
(00.074737) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc1.d/S30killprocs
(00.074749) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ppp
(00.074761) irmap: Refilling /etc/ppp dir
(00.074797) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ppp/ip-down.d
(00.074811) irmap: Refilling /etc/ppp/ip-down.d dir
(00.074842) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/000resolvconf
(00.074856) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ppp/ip-up.d
(00.074869) irmap: Refilling /etc/ppp/ip-up.d dir
(00.074901) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/000resolvconf
(00.074915) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/crontab
(00.074927) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc4.d
(00.074939) irmap: Refilling /etc/rc4.d dir
(00.074976) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc4.d/README
(00.074990) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc4.d/S99ondemand
(00.075003) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc4.d/S99rc.local
(00.075015) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default
(00.075026) irmap: Refilling /etc/default dir
(00.075085) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/locale
(00.075099) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/ssh
(00.075133) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/halt
(00.075146) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/keyboard
(00.075158) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/console-setup
(00.075170) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/useradd
(00.075200) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/cron
(00.075213) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/nss
(00.075225) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/devpts
(00.075237) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/ntpdate
(00.075249) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/rsyslog
(00.075261) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/default/rcS
(00.075272) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/insserv
(00.075284) irmap: Refilling /etc/insserv dir
(00.075320) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/insserv/overrides
(00.075334) irmap: Refilling /etc/insserv/overrides dir
(00.075362) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network
(00.075376) irmap: Refilling /etc/network dir
(00.075425) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
(00.075439) irmap: Refilling /etc/network/if-pre-up.d dir
(00.075469) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-down.d
(00.075483) irmap: Refilling /etc/network/if-down.d dir
(00.075518) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-down.d/resolvconf
(00.075532) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-down.d/upstart
(00.075545) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-post-down.d
(00.075557) irmap: Refilling /etc/network/if-post-down.d dir
(00.075585) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/interfaces
(00.075600) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/run
(00.075613) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-up.d
(00.075625) irmap: Refilling /etc/network/if-up.d dir
(00.075664) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-up.d/000resolvconf
(00.075679) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate
(00.075692) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-up.d/upstart
(00.075704) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/if-up.d/openssh-server
(00.075717) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/network/interfaces.d
(00.075729) irmap: Refilling /etc/network/interfaces.d dir
(00.075758) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/pam.conf
(00.075772) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt
(00.075784) irmap: Refilling /etc/apt dir
(00.075831) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d
(00.075845) irmap: Refilling /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d dir
(00.075873) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/preferences.d
(00.075888) irmap: Refilling /etc/apt/preferences.d dir
(00.075916) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/trusted.gpg~
(00.075930) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/apt.conf.d
(00.075942) irmap: Refilling /etc/apt/apt.conf.d dir
(00.075982) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove
(00.075996) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20changelog
(00.076009) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels
(00.076021) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf
(00.076033) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/sources.list
(00.076046) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
(00.076058) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apt/sources.list.d
(00.076069) irmap: Refilling /etc/apt/sources.list.d dir
(00.076098) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc2.d
(00.076112) irmap: Refilling /etc/rc2.d dir
(00.076149) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc2.d/README
(00.076164) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc2.d/S99ondemand
(00.076176) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc2.d/S99rc.local
(00.076188) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/passwd-
(00.076200) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/mailcap.order
(00.076212) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/localtime
(00.076224) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/insserv.conf.d
(00.076235) irmap: Refilling /etc/insserv.conf.d dir
(00.076266) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/vtrgb
(00.076280) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/issue
(00.076292) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh
(00.076304) irmap: Refilling /etc/ssh dir
(00.076362) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
(00.076376) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/sshd_config
(00.076389) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
(00.076401) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
(00.076413) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
(00.076425) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub
(00.076436) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
(00.076449) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub
(00.076461) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
(00.076487) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/moduli
(00.076500) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ssh/ssh_config
(00.076513) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/fstab.d
(00.076524) irmap: Refilling /etc/fstab.d dir
(00.076556) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/depmod.d
(00.076571) irmap: Refilling /etc/depmod.d dir
(00.076602) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/depmod.d/ubuntu.conf
(00.076616) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ld.so.conf
(00.076629) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/timezone
(00.076640) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/profile
(00.076652) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rsyslog.d
(00.076664) irmap: Refilling /etc/rsyslog.d dir
(00.076695) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
(00.076709) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolv.conf
(00.076722) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d
(00.076733) irmap: Refilling /etc/rc0.d dir
(00.076778) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d/README
(00.076793) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d/S40umountfs
(00.076806) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d/S60umountroot
(00.076818) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d/S30urandom
(00.076830) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d/S20sendsigs
(00.076842) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d/S31umountnfs.sh
(00.076854) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rc0.d/S90halt
(00.076866) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rpc
(00.076878) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/shadow-
(00.076891) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/securetty
(00.076903) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ld.so.cache
(00.076916) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/subgid
(00.076928) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/adduser.conf
(00.076939) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/hosts.allow
(00.076951) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/mime.types
(00.076963) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/skel
(00.076974) irmap: Refilling /etc/skel dir
(00.077013) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/skel/.bash_logout
(00.077028) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/skel/.profile
(00.077041) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/skel/.bashrc
(00.077054) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/environment
(00.077068) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup
(00.077081) irmap: Refilling /etc/console-setup dir
(00.077206) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.VISCII.inc
(00.077229) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/vtrgb.vga
(00.077242) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-16.inc
(00.077256) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ARMSCII-8.inc
(00.077270) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/vtrgb
(00.077282) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-10.inc
(00.077296) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.GEORGIAN-ACADEMY.inc
(00.077309) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-5.inc
(00.077322) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/cached.kmap.gz
(00.077335) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.CP1255.inc
(00.077348) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.CP1256.inc
(00.077360) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-13.inc
(00.077373) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/remap.inc
(00.077386) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-4.inc
(00.077398) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-2.inc
(00.077411) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-14.inc
(00.077423) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-7.inc
(00.077435) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.CP1251.inc
(00.077448) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.KOI8-U.inc
(00.077461) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.GEORGIAN-PS.inc
(00.077474) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.TIS-620.inc
(00.077487) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISIRI-3342.inc
(00.077499) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.KOI8-R.inc
(00.077511) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-3.inc
(00.077524) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-8.inc
(00.077536) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-15.inc
(00.077549) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-1.inc
(00.077578) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-6.inc
(00.077592) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-11.inc
(00.077604) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.ISO-8859-9.inc
(00.077616) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/compose.IBM1133.inc
(00.077628) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/console-setup/Uni2-Fixed16.psf
(00.077640) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/sudoers
(00.077652) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/blkid.tab
(00.077664) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/fstab
(00.077676) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/X11
(00.077688) irmap: Refilling /etc/X11 dir
(00.077731) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/X11/xkb
(00.077745) irmap: Refilling /etc/X11/xkb dir
(00.077774) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/X11/Xsession.d
(00.077788) irmap: Refilling /etc/X11/Xsession.d dir
(00.077822) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/X11/Xsession.d/00upstart
(00.077837) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99upstart
(00.077850) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dbus-1
(00.077862) irmap: Refilling /etc/dbus-1 dir
(00.077894) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dbus-1/system.d
(00.077908) irmap: Refilling /etc/dbus-1/system.d dir
(00.077943) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dbus-1/system.d/Mountall.Server.conf
(00.077959) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dbus-1/system.d/Upstart.conf
(00.077972) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/locale.alias
(00.077984) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives
(00.077996) irmap: Refilling /etc/alternatives dir
(00.078279) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/editor.ja.1.gz
(00.078307) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/editor.it.1.gz
(00.078321) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/ex.ja.1.gz
(00.078333) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/view
(00.078345) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/view.it.1.gz
(00.078356) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/awk
(00.078369) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/netcat.1.gz
(00.078381) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vtrgb
(00.078392) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/ex.pl.1.gz
(00.078404) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/builtins.7.gz
(00.078416) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/view.1.gz
(00.078428) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/view.fr.1.gz
(00.078441) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/nawk.1.gz
(00.078453) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vi.pl.1.gz
(00.078465) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/editor
(00.078472) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/view.ru.1.gz
(00.078477) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rlogin
(00.078484) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rename.1.gz
(00.078490) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/pager
(00.078496) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/mt
(00.078502) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/netcat
(00.078508) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/README
(00.078514) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rlogin.1.gz
(00.078521) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rcp
(00.078527) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vi.fr.1.gz
(00.078533) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/view.ja.1.gz
(00.078539) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/editor.ru.1.gz
(00.078545) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/editor.fr.1.gz
(00.078552) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vimdiff
(00.078558) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/nc
(00.078564) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rsh
(00.078570) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vim
(00.078576) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/nc.1.gz
(00.078582) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/ex.it.1.gz
(00.078588) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/pager.1.gz
(00.078594) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rmt.8.gz
(00.078600) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/view.pl.1.gz
(00.078606) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/editor.pl.1.gz
(00.078613) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vi.ru.1.gz
(00.078619) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/ex.ru.1.gz
(00.078625) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rvim
(00.078631) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rmt
(00.078648) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rview
(00.078655) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rename
(00.078661) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vi.it.1.gz
(00.078667) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/editor.1.gz
(00.078673) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rcp.1.gz
(00.078679) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/w
(00.078685) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/w.1.gz
(00.078691) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/nawk
(00.078697) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/ex.1.gz
(00.078703) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/ex
(00.078709) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vi.ja.1.gz
(00.078715) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vi.1.gz
(00.078721) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/newt-palette
(00.078727) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/rsh.1.gz
(00.078733) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/ex.fr.1.gz
(00.078740) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/mt.1.gz
(00.078746) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/vi
(00.078752) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/alternatives/awk.1.gz
(00.078759) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf
(00.078765) irmap: Refilling /etc/resolvconf dir
(00.078793) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/update.d
(00.078800) irmap: Refilling /etc/resolvconf/update.d dir
(00.078823) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/update.d/dnscache
(00.078831) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc
(00.078837) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/interface-order
(00.078843) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d
(00.078849) irmap: Refilling /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d dir
(00.078870) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
(00.078877) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail
(00.078884) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
(00.078890) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original
(00.078896) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/shadow
(00.078903) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/terminfo
(00.078909) irmap: Refilling /etc/terminfo dir
(00.078926) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/terminfo/README
(00.078934) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/hostname
(00.078941) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/nsswitch.conf
(00.078948) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/bash.bashrc
(00.078954) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/magic
(00.078960) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/networks
(00.078966) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/vim
(00.078972) irmap: Refilling /etc/vim dir
(00.078991) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny
(00.078999) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/vim/vimrc
(00.079005) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logrotate.d
(00.079011) irmap: Refilling /etc/logrotate.d dir
(00.079032) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logrotate.d/apt
(00.079039) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logrotate.d/dpkg
(00.079046) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog
(00.079052) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logrotate.d/upstart
(00.079058) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dpkg
(00.079065) irmap: Refilling /etc/dpkg dir
(00.079084) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dpkg/origins
(00.079091) irmap: Refilling /etc/dpkg/origins dir
(00.079109) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dpkg/origins/default
(00.079116) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dpkg/origins/ubuntu
(00.079123) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dpkg/origins/debian
(00.079129) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg
(00.079135) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d
(00.079141) irmap: Refilling /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d dir
(00.079156) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/mailcap
(00.079163) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ufw
(00.079170) irmap: Refilling /etc/ufw dir
(00.079186) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ufw/applications.d
(00.079193) irmap: Refilling /etc/ufw/applications.d dir
(00.079209) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server
(00.079216) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/gshadow
(00.079223) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d
(00.079229) irmap: Refilling /etc/apparmor.d dir
(00.079249) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/local
(00.079257) irmap: Refilling /etc/apparmor.d/local dir
(00.079284) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.rsyslogd
(00.079291) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/local/sbin.dhclient
(00.079298) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/disable
(00.079304) irmap: Refilling /etc/apparmor.d/disable dir
(00.079321) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.rsyslogd
(00.079328) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.rsyslogd
(00.079334) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient
(00.079341) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain
(00.079348) irmap: Refilling /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain dir
(00.079361) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/opt
(00.079369) irmap: Refilling /etc/opt dir
(00.079382) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/legal
(00.079389) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools
(00.079395) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools dir
(00.079417) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
(00.079425) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts
(00.079432) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts dir
(00.079468) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/nfs-top
(00.079477) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/nfs-top dir
(00.079493) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top
(00.079501) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top dir
(00.079515) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-premount
(00.079523) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-premount dir
(00.079537) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/nfs-bottom
(00.079544) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/nfs-bottom dir
(00.079557) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top
(00.079565) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top dir
(00.079579) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount
(00.079587) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount dir
(00.079601) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/panic
(00.079608) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/panic dir
(00.079621) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/nfs-premount
(00.079629) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/nfs-premount dir
(00.079642) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom
(00.079649) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom dir
(00.079663) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom
(00.079670) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom dir
(00.079685) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d
(00.079692) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d dir
(00.079708) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks
(00.079715) irmap: Refilling /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks dir
(00.079729) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/update-initramfs.conf
(00.079736) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
(00.079743) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logcheck
(00.079749) irmap: Refilling /etc/logcheck dir
(00.079765) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server
(00.079772) irmap: Refilling /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server dir
(00.079789) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/ntpdate
(00.079796) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/rsyslog
(00.079803) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/debconf.conf
(00.079809) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/services
(00.079815) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/logrotate.conf
(00.079822) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp
(00.079829) irmap: Refilling /etc/dhcp dir
(00.079848) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
(00.079855) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d
(00.079861) irmap: Refilling /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d dir
(00.079880) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/debug
(00.079887) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/rfc3442-classless-routes
(00.079894) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ntpdate
(00.079901) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d
(00.079907) irmap: Refilling /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d dir
(00.079934) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/debug
(00.079942) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/resolvconf
(00.079949) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/bash_completion.d
(00.079955) irmap: Refilling /etc/bash_completion.d dir
(00.079975) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/bash_completion.d/insserv
(00.079982) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/bash_completion.d/debconf
(00.079989) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/bash_completion.d/initramfs-tools
(00.079995) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/bash_completion.d/upstart
(00.080001) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/host.conf
(00.080008) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/systemd
(00.080014) irmap: Refilling /etc/systemd dir
(00.080030) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/systemd/system
(00.080037) irmap: Refilling /etc/systemd/system dir
(00.080056) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/systemd/system/sshd.service
(00.080063) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants
(00.080070) irmap: Refilling /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants dir
(00.080088) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/rsyslog.service
(00.080095) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ssh.service
(00.080102) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/systemd/system/syslog.service
(00.080109) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/python3.4
(00.080115) irmap: Refilling /etc/python3.4 dir
(00.080132) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/python3.4/sitecustomize.py
(00.080139) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/subuid
(00.080146) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/deluser.conf
(00.080152) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor
(00.080159) irmap: Refilling /etc/apparmor dir
(00.080175) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor/init
(00.080182) irmap: Refilling /etc/apparmor/init dir
(00.080197) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor/init/network-interface-security
(00.080204) irmap: Refilling /etc/apparmor/init/network-interface-security dir
(00.080220) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/apparmor/init/network-interface-security/sbin.dhclient
(00.080227) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/group
(00.080235) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.daily
(00.080241) irmap: Refilling /etc/cron.daily dir
(00.080261) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.daily/apt
(00.080269) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.daily/.placeholder
(00.080275) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.daily/logrotate
(00.080282) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.daily/dpkg
(00.080288) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.daily/upstart
(00.080294) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/cron.daily/passwd
(00.080300) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/issue.net
(00.080307) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/protocols
(00.080313) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/ucf.conf
(00.080319) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/rmt
(00.080325) irmap: Refresh stat for /etc/init
(00.080332) irmap: 	Scanned /etc/init
(00.080338) fsnotify: 	Dumping /etc/init as path for handle
(00.080389) fdinfo: type: 0x 8 flags: 04000/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 6
(00.080464) 2640 fdinfo 7: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.080489) 	Searching for socket 48a1 (family 1)
(00.080501) No filter for socket
(00.080506) Dumping unix socket at 7
(00.080511) 	Dumping: ino 0x48a1 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    1 state 10 name 
(00.080527) 	Dumped: id 0x6 ino 0x48a1 peer 0 type 1 state 10 name 20 bytes
(00.080533) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 7
(00.080577) 2640 fdinfo 9: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.080588) 	Searching for socket 456e (family 1)
(00.080593) 	Searching for socket 493d (family 1)
(00.080598) 	Add a peer: ino 0x493d peer_ino 0x456e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.080610) No filter for socket
(00.080615) Dumping unix socket at 9
(00.080619) 	Dumping: ino 0x456e peer_ino 0x493d family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.080624) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 9
(00.080665) 2640 fdinfo 10: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.080676) 	Searching for socket 4981 (family 1)
(00.080682) 	Searching for socket 45bd (family 1)
(00.080696) 	Add a peer: ino 0x45bd peer_ino 0x4981 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.080707) No filter for socket
(00.080712) Dumping unix socket at 10
(00.080716) 	Dumping: ino 0x4981 peer_ino 0x45bd family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.080721) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 10
(00.080763) 2640 fdinfo 12: pos: 0x               0 flags:           104002/0x1
(00.080776) tty: Dumping tty 66 with id 0x9
(00.080808) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.080816) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.080866) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.080903) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0104002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 12
(00.080958) 2640 fdinfo 13: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.080972) 	Searching for socket 45f0 (family 1)
(00.080978) 	Searching for socket 49a8 (family 1)
(00.080983) 	Add a peer: ino 0x49a8 peer_ino 0x45f0 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.080993) No filter for socket
(00.080998) Dumping unix socket at 13
(00.081002) 	Dumping: ino 0x45f0 peer_ino 0x49a8 family    1 type    1 state  1 name 
(00.081007) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 13
(00.081047) 2640 fdinfo 14: pos: 0x               0 flags:           104002/0x1
(00.081061) tty: Dumping tty 68 with id 0xb
(00.081077) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.081083) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.081118) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.081142) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0104002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 14
(00.081191) 2640 fdinfo 15: pos: 0x               0 flags:           104002/0x1
(00.081205) tty: Dumping tty 69 with id 0xc
(00.081219) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.081226) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.081258) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.081282) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0104002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 15
(00.081331) 2640 fdinfo 16: pos: 0x               0 flags:           104002/0x1
(00.081343) tty: Dumping tty 70 with id 0xd
(00.081357) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.081364) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.081396) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.081418) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0104002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 16
(00.081466) 2640 fdinfo 17: pos: 0x               0 flags:           104002/0x1
(00.081479) tty: Dumping tty 71 with id 0xe
(00.081492) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.081498) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.081529) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.081552) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0104002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 17
(00.081565) ----------------------------------------
(00.081584) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.081590) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.081695) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.081708) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 2640)
(00.081712) ----------------------------------------
(00.081718)    Private vmas 512/8279 pages
(00.081735) pagemap-cache: created for pid 2640 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.081741) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 8279 segs
(00.081746) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.081845) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95bc54000-7fb95bc5f000 (44K) [l:7fb95bc00000 h:7fb95be00000]
(00.081853) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95bc54000-7fb95bc5f000     nr:1     cov:45056
(00.081859) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb95bc54000 h:7fb95bc5f000]
(00.081874) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/8279 total)
(00.081881) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.081885) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95bc5f000-7fb95be5e000 (2044K) [l:7fb95bc00000 h:7fb95be00000]
(00.081890) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95bc5f000-7fb95be5e000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.081895) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb95bc5f000 h:7fb95be5e000]
(00.081916) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.081921) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95be5e000-7fb95be5f000 (4K) [l:7fb95be00000 h:7fb95c000000]
(00.081934) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95be5e000-7fb95be5f000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.081940) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95be5f000-7fb95be60000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.081945) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95be60000-7fb95be6b000     nr:3     cov:53248
(00.081950) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fb95be5e000 h:7fb95c000000]
(00.081961) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/8279 total)
(00.081967) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.081971) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.081976) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.081980) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95be6b000-7fb95c06a000 (2044K) [l:7fb95be00000 h:7fb95c000000]
(00.081985) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95be6b000-7fb95c06a000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.081990) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb95be6b000 h:7fb95c06a000]
(00.082010) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082016) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c06a000-7fb95c06b000 (4K) [l:7fb95c000000 h:7fb95c200000]
(00.082021) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95c06a000-7fb95c06b000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.082025) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95c06b000-7fb95c06c000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.082030) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb95c06c000-7fb95c083000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.082035) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fb95c06a000 h:7fb95c200000]
(00.082046) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/8279 total)
(00.082051) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082056) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082060) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082065) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c083000-7fb95c282000 (2044K) [l:7fb95c000000 h:7fb95c200000]
(00.082085) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082090) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c282000-7fb95c283000 (4K) [l:7fb95c200000 h:7fb95c400000]
(00.082101) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/8279 total)
(00.082106) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082111) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c283000-7fb95c284000 (4K) [l:7fb95c200000 h:7fb95c400000]
(00.082144) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082153) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c284000-7fb95c286000 (8K) [l:7fb95c200000 h:7fb95c400000]
(00.082165) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082171) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c286000-7fb95c28f000 (36K) [l:7fb95c200000 h:7fb95c400000]
(00.082182) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082187) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c28f000-7fb95c48e000 (2044K) [l:7fb95c200000 h:7fb95c400000]
(00.082207) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082212) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c48e000-7fb95c48f000 (4K) [l:7fb95c400000 h:7fb95c600000]
(00.082223) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/8279 total)
(00.082228) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082233) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c48f000-7fb95c490000 (4K) [l:7fb95c400000 h:7fb95c600000]
(00.082243) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082248) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c490000-7fb95c493000 (12K) [l:7fb95c400000 h:7fb95c600000]
(00.082259) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082264) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c493000-7fb95c692000 (2044K) [l:7fb95c400000 h:7fb95c600000]
(00.082283) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082288) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c692000-7fb95c693000 (4K) [l:7fb95c600000 h:7fb95c800000]
(00.082299) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/8279 total)
(00.082304) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082309) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c693000-7fb95c694000 (4K) [l:7fb95c600000 h:7fb95c800000]
(00.082319) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082324) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c694000-7fb95c6d1000 (244K) [l:7fb95c600000 h:7fb95c800000]
(00.082335) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082340) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c6d1000-7fb95c8d0000 (2044K) [l:7fb95c600000 h:7fb95c800000]
(00.082360) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082365) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c8d0000-7fb95c8d1000 (4K) [l:7fb95c800000 h:7fb95ca00000]
(00.082375) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/8279 total)
(00.082380) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082385) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c8d1000-7fb95c8d2000 (4K) [l:7fb95c800000 h:7fb95ca00000]
(00.082403) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082408) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c8d2000-7fb95c8eb000 (100K) [l:7fb95c800000 h:7fb95ca00000]
(00.082419) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082424) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95c8eb000-7fb95caea000 (2044K) [l:7fb95c800000 h:7fb95ca00000]
(00.082449) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082454) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95caea000-7fb95caeb000 (4K) [l:7fb95ca00000 h:7fb95cc00000]
(00.082464) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/8279 total)
(00.082470) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082474) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95caeb000-7fb95caec000 (4K) [l:7fb95ca00000 h:7fb95cc00000]
(00.082485) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082490) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95caec000-7fb95caf0000 (16K) [l:7fb95ca00000 h:7fb95cc00000]
(00.082500) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/8279 total)
(00.082506) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082510) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95caf0000-7fb95ccab000 (1772K) [l:7fb95ca00000 h:7fb95cc00000]
(00.082533) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082538) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95ccab000-7fb95ceab000 (2048K) [l:7fb95cc00000 h:7fb95ce00000]
(00.082559) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082564) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95ceab000-7fb95ceaf000 (16K) [l:7fb95ce00000 h:7fb95d000000]
(00.082577) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.082582) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/8279 total)
(00.082587) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.082591) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95ceaf000-7fb95ceb1000 (8K) [l:7fb95ce00000 h:7fb95d000000]
(00.082602) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.082607) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95ceb1000-7fb95ceb6000 (20K) [l:7fb95ce00000 h:7fb95d000000]
(00.082618) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/8279 total)
(00.082623) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.082627) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95ceb6000-7fb95cebd000 (28K) [l:7fb95ce00000 h:7fb95d000000]
(00.082637) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082642) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95cebd000-7fb95d0bc000 (2044K) [l:7fb95ce00000 h:7fb95d000000]
(00.082662) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082667) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d0bc000-7fb95d0bd000 (4K) [l:7fb95d000000 h:7fb95d200000]
(00.082677) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/8279 total)
(00.082682) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082687) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d0bd000-7fb95d0be000 (4K) [l:7fb95d000000 h:7fb95d200000]
(00.082697) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082702) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d0be000-7fb95d0c8000 (40K) [l:7fb95d000000 h:7fb95d200000]
(00.082712) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082717) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d0c8000-7fb95d2c7000 (2044K) [l:7fb95d000000 h:7fb95d200000]
(00.082736) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082741) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d2c7000-7fb95d2c8000 (4K) [l:7fb95d200000 h:7fb95d400000]
(00.082751) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/8279 total)
(00.082756) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082761) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d2c8000-7fb95d2c9000 (4K) [l:7fb95d200000 h:7fb95d400000]
(00.082771) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082776) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d2c9000-7fb95d2e9000 (128K) [l:7fb95d200000 h:7fb95d400000]
(00.082786) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082791) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d2e9000-7fb95d4e8000 (2044K) [l:7fb95d200000 h:7fb95d400000]
(00.082813) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082818) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d4e8000-7fb95d4e9000 (4K) [l:7fb95d400000 h:7fb95d600000]
(00.082828) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (13 iovs, 13/8279 total)
(00.082833) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082838) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d4e9000-7fb95d4ea000 (4K) [l:7fb95d400000 h:7fb95d600000]
(00.082848) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082853) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d4ea000-7fb95d4ec000 (8K) [l:7fb95d400000 h:7fb95d600000]
(00.082864) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.082869) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.082879) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d4ec000-7fb95d530000 (272K) [l:7fb95d400000 h:7fb95d600000]
(00.082891) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082896) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d530000-7fb95d72f000 (2044K) [l:7fb95d400000 h:7fb95d600000]
(00.082915) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082920) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d72f000-7fb95d730000 (4K) [l:7fb95d600000 h:7fb95d800000]
(00.082928) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (14 iovs, 14/8279 total)
(00.082933) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082938) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d730000-7fb95d731000 (4K) [l:7fb95d600000 h:7fb95d800000]
(00.082947) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.082952) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d731000-7fb95d739000 (32K) [l:7fb95d600000 h:7fb95d800000]
(00.082960) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082965) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d739000-7fb95d939000 (2048K) [l:7fb95d600000 h:7fb95d800000]
(00.082985) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.082989) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d939000-7fb95d93a000 (4K) [l:7fb95d800000 h:7fb95da00000]
(00.082999) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (15 iovs, 15/8279 total)
(00.083004) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083008) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d93a000-7fb95d93b000 (4K) [l:7fb95d800000 h:7fb95da00000]
(00.083017) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083022) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d93b000-7fb95d952000 (92K) [l:7fb95d800000 h:7fb95da00000]
(00.083031) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.083036) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95d952000-7fb95db51000 (2044K) [l:7fb95d800000 h:7fb95da00000]
(00.083052) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.083057) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95db51000-7fb95db52000 (4K) [l:7fb95da00000 h:7fb95dc00000]
(00.083065) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (16 iovs, 16/8279 total)
(00.083070) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083074) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95db52000-7fb95db53000 (4K) [l:7fb95da00000 h:7fb95dc00000]
(00.083082) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083087) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95db53000-7fb95db76000 (140K) [l:7fb95da00000 h:7fb95dc00000]
(00.083094) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.083099) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dd6a000-7fb95dd70000 (24K) [l:7fb95dc00000 h:7fb95de00000]
(00.083111) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (17 iovs, 17/8279 total)
(00.083116) Pagemap generated: 6 pages 0 holes
(00.083121) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dd73000-7fb95dd75000 (8K) [l:7fb95dc00000 h:7fb95de00000]
(00.083129) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (18 iovs, 18/8279 total)
(00.083134) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.083139) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dd75000-7fb95dd76000 (4K) [l:7fb95dc00000 h:7fb95de00000]
(00.083146) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083151) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dd76000-7fb95dd77000 (4K) [l:7fb95dc00000 h:7fb95de00000]
(00.083159) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083164) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dd77000-7fb95dd78000 (4K) [l:7fb95dc00000 h:7fb95de00000]
(00.083172) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083177) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dd78000-7fb95ddb6000 (248K) [l:7fb95dc00000 h:7fb95de00000]
(00.083186) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.083190) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dfb6000-7fb95dfb8000 (8K) [l:7fb95de00000 h:7fb95e000000]
(00.083199) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (19 iovs, 19/8279 total)
(00.083204) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.083209) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95dfb8000-7fb95dfb9000 (4K) [l:7fb95de00000 h:7fb95e000000]
(00.083215) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.083220) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb95e949000-7fb95ea0e000 (788K) [l:7fb95e800000 h:7fb95ea00000]
(00.083247) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (20 iovs, 20/8279 total)
(00.083256) page-pipe: Grow pipe 40 -> 80
(00.083268) page-pipe: Grow pipe 80 -> 100
(00.083275) Pagemap generated: 184 pages 0 holes
(00.083280) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff2ec20000-7fff2ec42000 (136K) [l:7fff2ec00000 h:7fff2ee00000]
(00.083285) pagemap-cache: 	    7fff2ec20000-7fff2ec42000     nr:1     cov:139264
(00.083290) pagemap-cache: 	    7fff2edfe000-7fff2ee00000     nr:2     cov:147456
(00.083302) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fff2ec20000 h:7fff2ee00000]
(00.083312) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (21 iovs, 21/8279 total)
(00.083318) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.083322) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (22 iovs, 22/8279 total)
(00.083327) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.083336) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.083341) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 23/8279 iovs:
(00.083345) page-pipe: 	buf 245 pages, 23 iovs:
(00.083350) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95bc54000 1
(00.083354) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95be5e000 2
(00.083359) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95c06a000 2
(00.083363) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95c282000 2
(00.083367) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95c48e000 2
(00.083372) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95c692000 2
(00.083376) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95c8d0000 2
(00.083380) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95caea000 2
(00.083385) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95caef000 1
(00.083389) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95ceab000 8
(00.083393) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95ceb4000 2
(00.083398) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95d0bc000 2
(00.083402) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95d2c7000 2
(00.083406) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95d4e8000 4
(00.083411) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95d72f000 2
(00.083415) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95d939000 2
(00.083419) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95db51000 2
(00.083423) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95dd6a000 6
(00.083428) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95dd73000 5
(00.083432) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95dfb6000 3
(00.083436) page-pipe: 		0x7fb95e949000 184
(00.083441) page-pipe: 		0x7fff2ec3d000 5
(00.083445) page-pipe: 		0x7fff2edfe000 2
(00.083449) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.083454) PPB: 245 pages 23 segs 256 pipe 0 off
(00.083469) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.083483) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.083542) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.083550) Transfering pages:
(00.083555) 	buf 245/23
(00.083560) 	p 0x7fb95bc54000 [1]
(00.083596) 	p 0x7fb95be5e000 [2]
(00.083622) 	p 0x7fb95c06a000 [2]
(00.083646) 	p 0x7fb95c282000 [2]
(00.083668) 	p 0x7fb95c48e000 [2]
(00.083691) 	p 0x7fb95c692000 [2]
(00.083717) 	p 0x7fb95c8d0000 [2]
(00.083740) 	p 0x7fb95caea000 [2]
(00.083764) 	p 0x7fb95caef000 [1]
(00.083781) 	p 0x7fb95ceab000 [8]
(00.083844) 	p 0x7fb95ceb4000 [2]
(00.083868) 	p 0x7fb95d0bc000 [2]
(00.083891) 	p 0x7fb95d2c7000 [2]
(00.083913) 	p 0x7fb95d4e8000 [4]
(00.083952) 	p 0x7fb95d72f000 [2]
(00.083974) 	p 0x7fb95d939000 [2]
(00.083999) 	p 0x7fb95db51000 [2]
(00.084021) 	p 0x7fb95dd6a000 [6]
(00.084071) 	p 0x7fb95dd73000 [5]
(00.084115) 	p 0x7fb95dfb6000 [3]
(00.084146) 	p 0x7fb95e949000 [184]
(00.085459) 	p 0x7fff2ec3d000 [5]
(00.085535) 	p 0x7fff2edfe000 [2]
(00.085576) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.085605) ----------------------------------------
(00.085640) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.085646) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.085782) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.085799) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.085805) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.085867) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.086062) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.086068) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.086098) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.086112) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
(00.086147) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.086156) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.086169) Dumping core (pid: 2640)
(00.086174) ----------------------------------------
(00.086178) Obtaining personality ... (00.086274) 2640 has 0 sched policy
(00.086286) 	dumping 0 nice for 2640
(00.086299) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2640
(00.086351) cg:  `- New css ID 2
(00.086359) cg:     `- [blkio] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086364) cg:     `- [cpu] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086368) cg:     `- [cpuacct] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086372) cg:     `- [cpuset] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086377) cg:     `- [devices] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086381) cg:     `- [freezer] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086385) cg:     `- [hugetlb] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086390) cg:     `- [memory] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086406) cg:     `- [name=systemd] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086412) cg:     `- [perf_event] -> [/lxc/u1]
(00.086416) cg: Set 2 is root one
(00.088125) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.088205) cg: Dumping value 500 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/blkio.weight
(00.088251) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/notify_on_release
(00.089895) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.089962) cg: Dumping value 1024 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpu.shares
(00.090004) cg: Dumping value 100000 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpu.cfs_period_us
(00.090048) cg: Dumping value -1 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpu.cfs_quota_us
(00.090089) cg: Dumping value 1000000 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpu.rt_period_us
(00.090186) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpu.rt_runtime_us
(00.090236) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/notify_on_release
(00.091969) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.093556) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.093629) cg: Dumping value 0-1 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.cpus
(00.093672) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.mems
(00.093712) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.memory_migrate
(00.093753) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.cpu_exclusive
(00.093791) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.mem_exclusive
(00.093829) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.mem_hardwall
(00.093867) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.memory_spread_page
(00.093905) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.memory_spread_slab
(00.093943) cg: Dumping value 1 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.sched_load_balance
(00.093984) cg: Dumping value -1 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/cpuset.sched_relax_domain_level
(00.094023) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/notify_on_release
(00.095798) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.096054) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.096122) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/notify_on_release
(00.096341) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.096533) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.096591) cg: Dumping value -1 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/memory.limit_in_bytes
(00.096612) cg: Couldn't open /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes. This cgroup property may not exist on this kernel
(00.096648) cg: Dumping value 1 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/memory.use_hierarchy
(00.096686) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1/notify_on_release
(00.096941) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.097135) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/59/lxc/u1
(00.097224) ----------------------------------------
(00.097238) Dumping creds for 2640)
(00.097242) ----------------------------------------
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.098074) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.098100) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
(00.098140) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.098186) Waiting for 2640 to trap
(00.098201) Daemon 2640 exited trapping
(00.098228) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.098254) 2640 was trapped
(00.098262) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.098284) 2640 was trapped
(00.098294) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.098310) 2640 was trapped
(00.098319) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.098336) 2640 was trapped
(00.098343) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.098363) 2640 was trapped
(00.098372) 2640 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.098386) 2640 was trapped
(00.098393) 2640 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.098408) 2640 was trapped
(00.098415) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 1: new_sp=0x7fb95dd65008 ip 0x7fb95cbe28c1
(00.098431) 2640 was trapped
(00.098438) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.098452) 2640 was trapped
(00.098459) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.098483) 2640 was trapped
(00.098493) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.098508) 2640 was trapped
(00.098515) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.098552) 2640 was trapped
(00.098561) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.098576) 2640 was trapped
(00.098584) 2640 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.098600) 2640 was stopped
(00.098622) 2640 was trapped
(00.098629) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.098643) 2640 was trapped
(00.098650) 2640 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.098664) 2640 was trapped
(00.098672) 2640 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.098703) 2640 was stopped
(00.098749) Dumping mm (pid: 2640)
(00.098754) ----------------------------------------
(00.098761) 0x7fb95bc54000-0x7fb95bc5f000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.098834) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 33 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_files-2.19.so]
(00.098864) 0x7fb95bc5f000-0x7fb95be5e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.098905) 0x7fb95be5e000-0x7fb95be5f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.098941) 0x7fb95be5f000-0x7fb95be60000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.098975) 0x7fb95be60000-0x7fb95be6b000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099023) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_nis-2.19.so]
(00.099042) 0x7fb95be6b000-0x7fb95c06a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099078) 0x7fb95c06a000-0x7fb95c06b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099113) 0x7fb95c06b000-0x7fb95c06c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099149) 0x7fb95c06c000-0x7fb95c083000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099197) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 35 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnsl-2.19.so]
(00.099219) 0x7fb95c083000-0x7fb95c282000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099258) 0x7fb95c282000-0x7fb95c283000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099294) 0x7fb95c283000-0x7fb95c284000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099330) 0x7fb95c284000-0x7fb95c286000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.099338) 0x7fb95c286000-0x7fb95c28f000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099383) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 36 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_compat-2.19.so]
(00.099400) 0x7fb95c28f000-0x7fb95c48e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099431) 0x7fb95c48e000-0x7fb95c48f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099461) 0x7fb95c48f000-0x7fb95c490000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099490) 0x7fb95c490000-0x7fb95c493000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099536) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 37 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl-2.19.so]
(00.099551) 0x7fb95c493000-0x7fb95c692000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099581) 0x7fb95c692000-0x7fb95c693000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099612) 0x7fb95c693000-0x7fb95c694000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099640) 0x7fb95c694000-0x7fb95c6d1000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099682) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 38 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.3.13.1]
(00.099697) 0x7fb95c6d1000-0x7fb95c8d0000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099727) 0x7fb95c8d0000-0x7fb95c8d1000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099758) 0x7fb95c8d1000-0x7fb95c8d2000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099789) 0x7fb95c8d2000-0x7fb95c8eb000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099829) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 39 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread-2.19.so]
(00.099845) 0x7fb95c8eb000-0x7fb95caea000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099873) 0x7fb95caea000-0x7fb95caeb000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099903) 0x7fb95caeb000-0x7fb95caec000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.099933) 0x7fb95caec000-0x7fb95caf0000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.099941) 0x7fb95caf0000-0x7fb95ccab000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100003) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 40 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.19.so]
(00.100020) 0x7fb95ccab000-0x7fb95ceab000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100050) 0x7fb95ceab000-0x7fb95ceaf000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100081) 0x7fb95ceaf000-0x7fb95ceb1000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100111) 0x7fb95ceb1000-0x7fb95ceb6000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.100119) 0x7fb95ceb6000-0x7fb95cebd000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100158) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 41 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt-2.19.so]
(00.100175) 0x7fb95cebd000-0x7fb95d0bc000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100203) 0x7fb95d0bc000-0x7fb95d0bd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100234) 0x7fb95d0bd000-0x7fb95d0be000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100262) 0x7fb95d0be000-0x7fb95d0c8000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100302) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 42 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjson-c.so.2.0.0]
(00.100317) 0x7fb95d0c8000-0x7fb95d2c7000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100347) 0x7fb95d2c7000-0x7fb95d2c8000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100376) 0x7fb95d2c8000-0x7fb95d2c9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100405) 0x7fb95d2c9000-0x7fb95d2e9000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100445) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 43 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libselinux.so.1]
(00.100460) 0x7fb95d2e9000-0x7fb95d4e8000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100489) 0x7fb95d4e8000-0x7fb95d4e9000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100519) 0x7fb95d4e9000-0x7fb95d4ea000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100549) 0x7fb95d4ea000-0x7fb95d4ec000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.100557) 0x7fb95d4ec000-0x7fb95d530000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100596) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 44 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so.3.7.6]
(00.100610) 0x7fb95d530000-0x7fb95d72f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100640) 0x7fb95d72f000-0x7fb95d730000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100671) 0x7fb95d730000-0x7fb95d731000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100701) 0x7fb95d731000-0x7fb95d739000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100741) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 45 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnih-dbus.so.1.0.0]
(00.100757) 0x7fb95d739000-0x7fb95d939000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100785) 0x7fb95d939000-0x7fb95d93a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100815) 0x7fb95d93a000-0x7fb95d93b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100846) 0x7fb95d93b000-0x7fb95d952000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100889) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 46 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnih.so.1.0.0]
(00.100905) 0x7fb95d952000-0x7fb95db51000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100935) 0x7fb95db51000-0x7fb95db52000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100965) 0x7fb95db52000-0x7fb95db53000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.100996) 0x7fb95db53000-0x7fb95db76000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.101037) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 47 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.19.so]
(00.101051) 0x7fb95dd6a000-0x7fb95dd70000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.101058) 0x7fb95dd73000-0x7fb95dd75000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.101063) 0x7fb95dd75000-0x7fb95dd76000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.101093) 0x7fb95dd76000-0x7fb95dd77000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.101122) 0x7fb95dd77000-0x7fb95dd78000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.101130) 0x7fb95dd78000-0x7fb95ddb6000 (248K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.101170) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 49 [/sbin/init]
(00.101195) 0x7fb95dfb6000-0x7fb95dfb8000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.101227) 0x7fb95dfb8000-0x7fb95dfb9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x40000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.101258) 0x7fb95e949000-0x7fb95ea0e000 (788K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.101265) 0x7fff2ec20000-0x7fff2ec42000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.101271) 0x7fff2edfe000-0x7fff2ee00000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.101276) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.101282) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.101422) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 32 [/]
(00.101470) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.101525) ========================================
(00.101531) Dumping task (pid: 2776)
(00.101536) ========================================
(00.101540) Obtaining task stat ... (00.101638) 
(00.101646) Collecting mappings (pid: 2776)
(00.101650) ----------------------------------------
(00.101763) vma 7fb072a5a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb072a41000
(00.101776) vma 7fb072c59000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb072a5a000
(00.101787) vma 7fb072c5a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb072c59000
(00.101823) vma 7fb072c66000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb072c5f000
(00.101894) vma 7fb072e65000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb072c66000
(00.101906) vma 7fb072e66000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb072e65000
(00.101930) vma 7fb073022000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb072e67000
(00.101941) vma 7fb073222000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073022000
(00.101951) vma 7fb073226000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073222000
(00.102043) vma 7fb073271000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb07322d000
(00.102055) vma 7fb073470000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073271000
(00.102065) vma 7fb073471000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073470000
(00.102088) vma 7fb07347a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073472000
(00.102100) vma 7fb07367a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb07347a000
(00.102202) vma 7fb07367b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb07367a000
(00.102236) vma 7fb073693000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb07367c000
(00.102249) vma 7fb073892000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073693000
(00.102260) vma 7fb073893000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073892000
(00.102366) vma 7fb073ab7000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073ab6000
(00.102400) vma 7fb073cd7000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073ab9000
(00.102412) vma 7fb073cd9000 borrows vfi from previous 7fb073cd7000
(00.102472) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.102479) 0x7fb072a41000-0x7fb072a5a000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102485) 0x7fb072a5a000-0x7fb072c59000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102491) 0x7fb072c59000-0x7fb072c5a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102496) 0x7fb072c5a000-0x7fb072c5b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102502) 0x7fb072c5b000-0x7fb072c5f000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.102507) 0x7fb072c5f000-0x7fb072c66000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102512) 0x7fb072c66000-0x7fb072e65000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102518) 0x7fb072e65000-0x7fb072e66000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102523) 0x7fb072e66000-0x7fb072e67000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102528) 0x7fb072e67000-0x7fb073022000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102534) 0x7fb073022000-0x7fb073222000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102539) 0x7fb073222000-0x7fb073226000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102544) 0x7fb073226000-0x7fb073228000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102550) 0x7fb073228000-0x7fb07322d000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.102555) 0x7fb07322d000-0x7fb073271000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102560) 0x7fb073271000-0x7fb073470000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102566) 0x7fb073470000-0x7fb073471000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102586) 0x7fb073471000-0x7fb073472000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102592) 0x7fb073472000-0x7fb07347a000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102598) 0x7fb07347a000-0x7fb07367a000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102603) 0x7fb07367a000-0x7fb07367b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102608) 0x7fb07367b000-0x7fb07367c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102613) 0x7fb07367c000-0x7fb073693000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102619) 0x7fb073693000-0x7fb073892000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102624) 0x7fb073892000-0x7fb073893000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102629) 0x7fb073893000-0x7fb073894000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102635) 0x7fb073894000-0x7fb0738b7000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102640) 0x7fb073aac000-0x7fb073ab1000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.102645) 0x7fb073ab4000-0x7fb073ab6000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.102650) 0x7fb073ab6000-0x7fb073ab7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102656) 0x7fb073ab7000-0x7fb073ab8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102661) 0x7fb073ab8000-0x7fb073ab9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.102666) 0x7fb073ab9000-0x7fb073ad8000 (124K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102671) 0x7fb073cd7000-0x7fb073cd9000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102677) 0x7fb073cd9000-0x7fb073cda000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.102682) 0x7fb0758fe000-0x7fb07591f000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.102687) 0x7fffd7fa5000-0x7fffd7fc7000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.102693) 0x7fffd7ffe000-0x7fffd8000000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.102698) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.102703) ----------------------------------------
(00.102712) Collecting fds (pid: 2776)
(00.102717) ----------------------------------------
(00.102740) Found 7 file descriptors
(00.102746) ----------------------------------------
(00.102773) Dump private signals of 2776
(00.102788) Dump shared signals of 2776
(00.102801) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x7fb072a41000
(00.102898) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811046000->0x7fb073a93000
(00.102932) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2776
(00.102946) xsave runtime structure
(00.102951) -----------------------
(00.102956) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.102961) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.102965) xstate_bv: 0
(00.102970) -----------------------
(00.102974) Putting tsock into pid 2776
(00.103058) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.103067) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.103099) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.103105) Parasite 2776 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.103128) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.103135) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.103160) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.103180) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.103186) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.103222) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.103229) sid=114 pgid=114 pid=115
(00.103432) Dumping opened files (pid: 2776)
(00.103437) ----------------------------------------
(00.103449) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.103509) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.103519) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.103626) 2776 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.103658) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 48 [/dev/null]
(00.103679) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.103731) 2776 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.103744) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.103784) 2776 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.103794) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.103831) 2776 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0
(00.103853) epoll: Dumping eventpoll: id 0x000021 flags 0x02
(00.103893) fdinfo: type: 0x 7 flags: 02/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.103940) 2776 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.103954) 	Searching for socket 493d (family 1)
(00.103960) 	Searching for socket 456e (family 1)
(00.103969) No filter for socket
(00.103974) Dumping unix socket at 4
(00.103978) 	Dumping: ino 0x493d peer_ino 0x456e family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.103994) 	Dumped: id 0x22 ino 0x493d peer 0x456e type 1 state 1 name 0 bytes
(00.104006) 	Dumped: id 0x7 ino 0x456e peer 0x493d type 1 state 1 name 20 bytes
(00.104011) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.104050) 2776 fdinfo 5: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4000/0x1
(00.104060) Dumping pipe 53 with id 0x23 pipe_id 0x493e
(00.104075) Dumping data from pipe 0x493e fd 53
(00.104102) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04000/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 5
(00.104142) 2776 fdinfo 6: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4001/0x1
(00.104153) Dumping pipe 54 with id 0x24 pipe_id 0x493e
(00.104163) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04001/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 6
(00.104173) ----------------------------------------
(00.104197) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.104203) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.104269) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.104281) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 2776)
(00.104285) ----------------------------------------
(00.104291)    Private vmas 512/3815 pages
(00.104306) pagemap-cache: created for pid 2776 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.104313) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3815 segs
(00.104317) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.104408) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb072a41000-7fb072a5a000 (100K) [l:7fb072a00000 h:7fb072c00000]
(00.104415) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072a41000-7fb072a5a000     nr:1     cov:102400
(00.104421) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb072a41000 h:7fb072a5a000]
(00.104437) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3815 total)
(00.104443) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104447) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb072a5a000-7fb072c59000 (2044K) [l:7fb072a00000 h:7fb072c00000]
(00.104452) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072a5a000-7fb072c59000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.104457) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb072a5a000 h:7fb072c59000]
(00.104479) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104484) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb072c59000-7fb072c5a000 (4K) [l:7fb072c00000 h:7fb072e00000]
(00.104489) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072c59000-7fb072c5a000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.104494) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072c5a000-7fb072c5b000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.104499) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072c5b000-7fb072c5f000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.104503) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072c5f000-7fb072c66000     nr:4     cov:53248
(00.104508) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fb072c59000 h:7fb072e00000]
(00.104520) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3815 total)
(00.104525) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104529) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104534) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3815 total)
(00.104538) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104543) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104547) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb072c66000-7fb072e65000 (2044K) [l:7fb072c00000 h:7fb072e00000]
(00.104552) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072c66000-7fb072e65000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.104556) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb072c66000 h:7fb072e65000]
(00.104579) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104584) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb072e65000-7fb072e66000 (4K) [l:7fb072e00000 h:7fb073000000]
(00.104589) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072e65000-7fb072e66000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.104603) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072e66000-7fb072e67000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.104609) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fb072e65000 h:7fb073000000]
(00.104621) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3815 total)
(00.104626) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104630) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104634) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb072e67000-7fb073022000 (1772K) [l:7fb072e00000 h:7fb073000000]
(00.104639) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb072e67000-7fb073022000     nr:1     cov:1814528
(00.104644) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb072e67000 h:7fb073022000]
(00.104659) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104664) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073022000-7fb073222000 (2048K) [l:7fb073000000 h:7fb073200000]
(00.104685) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104690) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073222000-7fb073226000 (16K) [l:7fb073200000 h:7fb073400000]
(00.104695) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb073222000-7fb073226000     nr:1     cov:16384
(00.104700) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb073226000-7fb073228000     nr:2     cov:24576
(00.104705) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb073228000-7fb07322d000     nr:3     cov:45056
(00.104710) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb07322d000-7fb073271000     nr:4     cov:323584
(00.104715) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fb073222000 h:7fb073400000]
(00.104727) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3815 total)
(00.104733) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.104737) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.104742) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3815 total)
(00.104747) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.104751) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104756) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073271000-7fb073470000 (2044K) [l:7fb073200000 h:7fb073400000]
(00.104761) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb073271000-7fb073470000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.104766) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fb073271000 h:7fb073470000]
(00.104786) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104791) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073470000-7fb073471000 (4K) [l:7fb073400000 h:7fb073600000]
(00.104796) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb073470000-7fb073471000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.104801) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb073471000-7fb073472000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.104806) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb073472000-7fb07347a000     nr:3     cov:40960
(00.104811) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fb073470000 h:7fb073600000]
(00.104823) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.104829) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3815 total)
(00.104833) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104838) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104842) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104846) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb07347a000-7fb07367a000 (2048K) [l:7fb073400000 h:7fb073600000]
(00.104867) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104872) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb07367a000-7fb07367b000 (4K) [l:7fb073600000 h:7fb073800000]
(00.104877) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb07367a000-7fb07367b000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.104882) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb07367b000-7fb07367c000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.104887) pagemap-cache: 	    7fb07367c000-7fb073693000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.104892) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fb07367a000 h:7fb073800000]
(00.104903) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3815 total)
(00.104908) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104913) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104917) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104921) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073693000-7fb073892000 (2044K) [l:7fb073600000 h:7fb073800000]
(00.104939) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104943) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073892000-7fb073893000 (4K) [l:7fb073800000 h:7fb073a00000]
(00.104952) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3815 total)
(00.104957) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104961) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073893000-7fb073894000 (4K) [l:7fb073800000 h:7fb073a00000]
(00.104969) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.104974) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073894000-7fb0738b7000 (140K) [l:7fb073800000 h:7fb073a00000]
(00.104982) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.104987) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073aac000-7fb073ab1000 (20K) [l:7fb073a00000 h:7fb073c00000]
(00.105003) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3815 total)
(00.105008) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.105013) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073ab4000-7fb073ab6000 (8K) [l:7fb073a00000 h:7fb073c00000]
(00.105021) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3815 total)
(00.105026) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.105031) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073ab6000-7fb073ab7000 (4K) [l:7fb073a00000 h:7fb073c00000]
(00.105039) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.105044) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073ab7000-7fb073ab8000 (4K) [l:7fb073a00000 h:7fb073c00000]
(00.105052) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.105057) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073ab8000-7fb073ab9000 (4K) [l:7fb073a00000 h:7fb073c00000]
(00.105064) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.105069) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073ab9000-7fb073ad8000 (124K) [l:7fb073a00000 h:7fb073c00000]
(00.105077) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.105082) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073cd7000-7fb073cd9000 (8K) [l:7fb073c00000 h:7fb073e00000]
(00.105091) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.105096) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3815 total)
(00.105101) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.105105) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb073cd9000-7fb073cda000 (4K) [l:7fb073c00000 h:7fb073e00000]
(00.105112) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.105117) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fb0758fe000-7fb07591f000 (132K) [l:7fb075800000 h:7fb075a00000]
(00.105126) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3815 total)
(00.105131) Pagemap generated: 13 pages 0 holes
(00.105136) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffd7fa5000-7fffd7fc7000 (136K) [l:7fffd7e00000 h:7fffd8000000]
(00.105144) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (13 iovs, 13/3815 total)
(00.105149) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.105153) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffd7ffe000-7fffd8000000 (8K) [l:7fffd7e00000 h:7fffd8000000]
(00.105159) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (14 iovs, 14/3815 total)
(00.105164) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.105169) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.105173) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 15/3815 iovs:
(00.105178) page-pipe: 	buf 52 pages, 15 iovs:
(00.105182) page-pipe: 		0x7fb072a41000 1
(00.105186) page-pipe: 		0x7fb072c59000 2
(00.105191) page-pipe: 		0x7fb072c5e000 1
(00.105195) page-pipe: 		0x7fb072e65000 2
(00.105199) page-pipe: 		0x7fb073222000 8
(00.105203) page-pipe: 		0x7fb07322b000 2
(00.105208) page-pipe: 		0x7fb073470000 2
(00.105212) page-pipe: 		0x7fb07367a000 2
(00.105216) page-pipe: 		0x7fb073892000 2
(00.105220) page-pipe: 		0x7fb073aac000 5
(00.105225) page-pipe: 		0x7fb073ab4000 5
(00.105229) page-pipe: 		0x7fb073cd7000 3
(00.105233) page-pipe: 		0x7fb0758fe000 13
(00.105237) page-pipe: 		0x7fffd7fc5000 2
(00.105241) page-pipe: 		0x7fffd7ffe000 2
(00.105246) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.105250) PPB: 52 pages 15 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.105267) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.105279) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.105322) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.105330) Transfering pages:
(00.105335) 	buf 52/15
(00.105339) 	p 0x7fb072a41000 [1]
(00.105367) 	p 0x7fb072c59000 [2]
(00.105393) 	p 0x7fb072c5e000 [1]
(00.105411) 	p 0x7fb072e65000 [2]
(00.105435) 	p 0x7fb073222000 [8]
(00.105503) 	p 0x7fb07322b000 [2]
(00.105526) 	p 0x7fb073470000 [2]
(00.105549) 	p 0x7fb07367a000 [2]
(00.105573) 	p 0x7fb073892000 [2]
(00.105649) 	p 0x7fb073aac000 [5]
(00.105789) 	p 0x7fb073ab4000 [5]
(00.105832) 	p 0x7fb073cd7000 [3]
(00.105863) 	p 0x7fb0758fe000 [13]
(00.105964) 	p 0x7fffd7fc5000 [2]
(00.105988) 	p 0x7fffd7ffe000 [2]
(00.106021) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.106040) ----------------------------------------
(00.106057) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.106063) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.106174) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.106188) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
(00.106193) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.106267) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.106475) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
(00.106481) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.106500) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.106513) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
(00.106519) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
(00.106526) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.106537) Dumping core (pid: 2776)
(00.106542) ----------------------------------------
(00.106546) Obtaining personality ... (00.106620) 2776 has 0 sched policy
(00.106631) 	dumping 0 nice for 2776
(00.106643) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2776
(00.106694) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.106731) ----------------------------------------
(00.106740) Dumping creds for 2776)
(00.106745) ----------------------------------------
(00.106757) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
(00.106763) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.106831) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.106854) Waiting for 2776 to trap
(00.106866) Daemon 2776 exited trapping
(00.106880) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.106901) 2776 was trapped
(00.106909) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.106931) 2776 was trapped
(00.106939) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.106959) 2776 was trapped
(00.106966) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.106998) 2776 was trapped
(00.107006) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.107037) 2776 was trapped
(00.107044) 2776 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.107063) 2776 was trapped
(00.107070) 2776 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.107097) 2776 was trapped
(00.107104) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 115: new_sp=0x7fb073aa7008 ip 0x7fb072f598c1
(00.107129) 2776 was trapped
(00.107136) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.107156) 2776 was trapped
(00.107163) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.107191) 2776 was trapped
(00.107198) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.107220) 2776 was trapped
(00.107227) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.107247) 2776 was trapped
(00.107254) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.107274) 2776 was trapped
(00.107281) 2776 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.107301) 2776 was stopped
(00.107327) 2776 was trapped
(00.107334) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.107355) 2776 was trapped
(00.107362) 2776 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.107383) 2776 was trapped
(00.107390) 2776 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.107425) 2776 was stopped
(00.107465) Dumping mm (pid: 2776)
(00.107469) ----------------------------------------
(00.107475) 0x7fb072a41000-0x7fb072a5a000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107533) 0x7fb072a5a000-0x7fb072c59000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107567) 0x7fb072c59000-0x7fb072c5a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107598) 0x7fb072c5a000-0x7fb072c5b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107626) 0x7fb072c5b000-0x7fb072c5f000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.107634) 0x7fb072c5f000-0x7fb072c66000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107663) 0x7fb072c66000-0x7fb072e65000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107693) 0x7fb072e65000-0x7fb072e66000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107722) 0x7fb072e66000-0x7fb072e67000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107752) 0x7fb072e67000-0x7fb073022000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107784) 0x7fb073022000-0x7fb073222000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107815) 0x7fb073222000-0x7fb073226000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107845) 0x7fb073226000-0x7fb073228000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107875) 0x7fb073228000-0x7fb07322d000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.107882) 0x7fb07322d000-0x7fb073271000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107910) 0x7fb073271000-0x7fb073470000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107955) 0x7fb073470000-0x7fb073471000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.107985) 0x7fb073471000-0x7fb073472000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108015) 0x7fb073472000-0x7fb07347a000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108044) 0x7fb07347a000-0x7fb07367a000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108073) 0x7fb07367a000-0x7fb07367b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108103) 0x7fb07367b000-0x7fb07367c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108132) 0x7fb07367c000-0x7fb073693000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108162) 0x7fb073693000-0x7fb073892000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108192) 0x7fb073892000-0x7fb073893000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108221) 0x7fb073893000-0x7fb073894000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108249) 0x7fb073894000-0x7fb0738b7000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108277) 0x7fb073aac000-0x7fb073ab1000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.108285) 0x7fb073ab4000-0x7fb073ab6000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.108291) 0x7fb073ab6000-0x7fb073ab7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108319) 0x7fb073ab7000-0x7fb073ab8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108348) 0x7fb073ab8000-0x7fb073ab9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.108355) 0x7fb073ab9000-0x7fb073ad8000 (124K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108398) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 42 [/sbin/upstart-socket-bridge]
(00.108421) 0x7fb073cd7000-0x7fb073cd9000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1e000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108451) 0x7fb073cd9000-0x7fb073cda000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.108481) 0x7fb0758fe000-0x7fb07591f000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.108488) 0x7fffd7fa5000-0x7fffd7fc7000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.108494) 0x7fffd7ffe000-0x7fffd8000000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.108499) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.108505) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.108647) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.108691) ========================================
(00.108698) Dumping task (pid: 2867)
(00.108703) ========================================
(00.108707) Obtaining task stat ... (00.108801) 
(00.108809) Collecting mappings (pid: 2867)
(00.108814) ----------------------------------------
(00.108932) vma 7f3fe193f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1926000
(00.108949) vma 7f3fe1b3e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe193f000
(00.108960) vma 7f3fe1b40000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1b3e000
(00.108986) vma 7f3fe1b5a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1b41000
(00.108997) vma 7f3fe1d59000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1b5a000
(00.109075) vma 7f3fe1d5a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1d59000
(00.109113) vma 7f3fe1d66000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1d5f000
(00.109125) vma 7f3fe1f65000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1d66000
(00.109136) vma 7f3fe1f66000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1f65000
(00.109218) vma 7f3fe2122000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe1f67000
(00.109230) vma 7f3fe2322000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2122000
(00.109241) vma 7f3fe2326000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2322000
(00.109276) vma 7f3fe233d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe232d000
(00.109287) vma 7f3fe253c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe233d000
(00.109358) vma 7f3fe253d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe253c000
(00.109385) vma 7f3fe2582000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe253e000
(00.109396) vma 7f3fe2781000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2582000
(00.109406) vma 7f3fe2782000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2781000
(00.109429) vma 7f3fe278b000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2783000
(00.109494) vma 7f3fe298b000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe278b000
(00.109506) vma 7f3fe298c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe298b000
(00.109546) vma 7f3fe29a4000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe298d000
(00.109557) vma 7f3fe2ba3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe29a4000
(00.109568) vma 7f3fe2ba4000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2ba3000
(00.109668) vma 7f3fe2dc8000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2dc7000
(00.109703) vma 7f3fe2fdb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2dca000
(00.109714) vma 7f3fe2fdc000 borrows vfi from previous 7f3fe2fdb000
(00.109780) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.109788) 0x7f3fe1926000-0x7f3fe193f000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109795) 0x7f3fe193f000-0x7f3fe1b3e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109800) 0x7f3fe1b3e000-0x7f3fe1b40000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109806) 0x7f3fe1b40000-0x7f3fe1b41000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1a000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109811) 0x7f3fe1b41000-0x7f3fe1b5a000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109816) 0x7f3fe1b5a000-0x7f3fe1d59000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109822) 0x7f3fe1d59000-0x7f3fe1d5a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109827) 0x7f3fe1d5a000-0x7f3fe1d5b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109832) 0x7f3fe1d5b000-0x7f3fe1d5f000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.109838) 0x7f3fe1d5f000-0x7f3fe1d66000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109843) 0x7f3fe1d66000-0x7f3fe1f65000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109848) 0x7f3fe1f65000-0x7f3fe1f66000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109853) 0x7f3fe1f66000-0x7f3fe1f67000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109858) 0x7f3fe1f67000-0x7f3fe2122000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109864) 0x7f3fe2122000-0x7f3fe2322000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109869) 0x7f3fe2322000-0x7f3fe2326000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109874) 0x7f3fe2326000-0x7f3fe2328000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109879) 0x7f3fe2328000-0x7f3fe232d000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.109885) 0x7f3fe232d000-0x7f3fe233d000 (64K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109890) 0x7f3fe233d000-0x7f3fe253c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x10000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109895) 0x7f3fe253c000-0x7f3fe253d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109901) 0x7f3fe253d000-0x7f3fe253e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x10000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109906) 0x7f3fe253e000-0x7f3fe2582000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109911) 0x7f3fe2582000-0x7f3fe2781000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109916) 0x7f3fe2781000-0x7f3fe2782000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109922) 0x7f3fe2782000-0x7f3fe2783000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109927) 0x7f3fe2783000-0x7f3fe278b000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109932) 0x7f3fe278b000-0x7f3fe298b000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109938) 0x7f3fe298b000-0x7f3fe298c000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109943) 0x7f3fe298c000-0x7f3fe298d000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109948) 0x7f3fe298d000-0x7f3fe29a4000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109954) 0x7f3fe29a4000-0x7f3fe2ba3000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109959) 0x7f3fe2ba3000-0x7f3fe2ba4000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109964) 0x7f3fe2ba4000-0x7f3fe2ba5000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109969) 0x7f3fe2ba5000-0x7f3fe2bc8000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109975) 0x7f3fe2dbc000-0x7f3fe2dc2000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.109980) 0x7f3fe2dc5000-0x7f3fe2dc7000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.109986) 0x7f3fe2dc7000-0x7f3fe2dc8000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.109991) 0x7f3fe2dc8000-0x7f3fe2dc9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.110004) 0x7f3fe2dc9000-0x7f3fe2dca000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.110010) 0x7f3fe2dca000-0x7f3fe2ddb000 (68K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.110015) 0x7f3fe2fdb000-0x7f3fe2fdc000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x11000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.110020) 0x7f3fe2fdc000-0x7f3fe2fdd000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x12000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.110025) 0x7f3fe3939000-0x7f3fe395a000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.110031) 0x7fff7609a000-0x7fff760bc000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.110036) 0x7fff761fe000-0x7fff76200000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.110041) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.110046) ----------------------------------------
(00.110056) Collecting fds (pid: 2867)
(00.110060) ----------------------------------------
(00.110080) Found 7 file descriptors
(00.110085) ----------------------------------------
(00.110110) Dump private signals of 2867
(00.110186) Dump shared signals of 2867
(00.110206) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x7f3fe1926000
(00.110299) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811042000->0x7f3fe2d9f000
(00.110333) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2867
(00.110348) xsave runtime structure
(00.110354) -----------------------
(00.110358) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.110363) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.110368) xstate_bv: 0
(00.110372) -----------------------
(00.110377) Putting tsock into pid 2867
(00.110454) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.110463) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.110497) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.110503) Parasite 2867 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.110528) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.110535) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.110563) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.110582) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.110589) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.110625) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.110632) sid=203 pgid=203 pid=206
(00.110849) Dumping opened files (pid: 2867)
(00.110854) ----------------------------------------
(00.110867) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.110927) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.110936) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.111046) 2867 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.111082) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 50 [/dev/null]
(00.111104) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.111145) 2867 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.111157) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.111193) 2867 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.111204) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.111239) 2867 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.111252) 	Searching for socket 45bd (family 1)
(00.111258) 	Searching for socket 4981 (family 1)
(00.111268) No filter for socket
(00.111273) Dumping unix socket at 3
(00.111277) 	Dumping: ino 0x45bd peer_ino 0x4981 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.111294) 	Dumped: id 0x27 ino 0x45bd peer 0x4981 type 1 state 1 name 0 bytes
(00.111305) 	Dumped: id 0x8 ino 0x4981 peer 0x45bd type 1 state 1 name 20 bytes
(00.111311) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.111347) 2867 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4000/0x1
(00.111357) Dumping pipe 54 with id 0x28 pipe_id 0x45be
(00.111372) Dumping data from pipe 0x45be fd 54
(00.111399) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04000/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.111439) 2867 fdinfo 5: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4001/0x1
(00.111450) Dumping pipe 55 with id 0x29 pipe_id 0x45be
(00.111461) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04001/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 5
(00.111509) 2867 fdinfo 6: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.111520) 	Searching for socket 45bf (family 16)
(00.111541) No filter for socket
(00.111564) fdinfo: type: 0x d flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 6
(00.111576) ----------------------------------------
(00.111599) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.111606) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.111689) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.111700) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 2867)
(00.111705) ----------------------------------------
(00.111711)    Private vmas 512/4869 pages
(00.111732) pagemap-cache: created for pid 2867 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.111741) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 4869 segs
(00.111746) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.111831) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1926000-7f3fe193f000 (100K) [l:7f3fe1800000 h:7f3fe1a00000]
(00.111848) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/4869 total)
(00.111854) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.111859) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe193f000-7f3fe1b3e000 (2044K) [l:7f3fe1800000 h:7f3fe1a00000]
(00.111877) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.111883) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1b3e000-7f3fe1b40000 (8K) [l:7f3fe1a00000 h:7f3fe1c00000]
(00.111892) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/4869 total)
(00.111897) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.111901) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1b40000-7f3fe1b41000 (4K) [l:7f3fe1a00000 h:7f3fe1c00000]
(00.111912) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.111917) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1b41000-7f3fe1b5a000 (100K) [l:7f3fe1a00000 h:7f3fe1c00000]
(00.111925) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.111930) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1b5a000-7f3fe1d59000 (2044K) [l:7f3fe1a00000 h:7f3fe1c00000]
(00.111948) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.111954) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1d59000-7f3fe1d5a000 (4K) [l:7f3fe1c00000 h:7f3fe1e00000]
(00.111962) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/4869 total)
(00.111967) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.111971) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1d5a000-7f3fe1d5b000 (4K) [l:7f3fe1c00000 h:7f3fe1e00000]
(00.111980) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.111985) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1d5b000-7f3fe1d5f000 (16K) [l:7f3fe1c00000 h:7f3fe1e00000]
(00.111993) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/4869 total)
(00.111998) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112002) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1d5f000-7f3fe1d66000 (28K) [l:7f3fe1c00000 h:7f3fe1e00000]
(00.112010) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112015) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1d66000-7f3fe1f65000 (2044K) [l:7f3fe1c00000 h:7f3fe1e00000]
(00.112035) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112040) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1f65000-7f3fe1f66000 (4K) [l:7f3fe1e00000 h:7f3fe2000000]
(00.112049) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/4869 total)
(00.112054) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112059) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1f66000-7f3fe1f67000 (4K) [l:7f3fe1e00000 h:7f3fe2000000]
(00.112067) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112072) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe1f67000-7f3fe2122000 (1772K) [l:7f3fe1e00000 h:7f3fe2000000]
(00.112092) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112097) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2122000-7f3fe2322000 (2048K) [l:7f3fe2000000 h:7f3fe2200000]
(00.112116) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112121) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2322000-7f3fe2326000 (16K) [l:7f3fe2200000 h:7f3fe2400000]
(00.112131) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/4869 total)
(00.112136) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.112140) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2326000-7f3fe2328000 (8K) [l:7f3fe2200000 h:7f3fe2400000]
(00.112150) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.112155) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2328000-7f3fe232d000 (20K) [l:7f3fe2200000 h:7f3fe2400000]
(00.112167) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.112172) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/4869 total)
(00.112177) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.112182) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe232d000-7f3fe233d000 (64K) [l:7f3fe2200000 h:7f3fe2400000]
(00.112200) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112205) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe233d000-7f3fe253c000 (2044K) [l:7f3fe2200000 h:7f3fe2400000]
(00.112226) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112232) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe253c000-7f3fe253d000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2400000 h:7f3fe2600000]
(00.112241) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/4869 total)
(00.112246) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112250) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe253d000-7f3fe253e000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2400000 h:7f3fe2600000]
(00.112259) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112264) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe253e000-7f3fe2582000 (272K) [l:7f3fe2400000 h:7f3fe2600000]
(00.112274) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112279) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2582000-7f3fe2781000 (2044K) [l:7f3fe2400000 h:7f3fe2600000]
(00.112296) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112301) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2781000-7f3fe2782000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2600000 h:7f3fe2800000]
(00.112309) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/4869 total)
(00.112315) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112319) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2782000-7f3fe2783000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2600000 h:7f3fe2800000]
(00.112327) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112332) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2783000-7f3fe278b000 (32K) [l:7f3fe2600000 h:7f3fe2800000]
(00.112340) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112345) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe278b000-7f3fe298b000 (2048K) [l:7f3fe2600000 h:7f3fe2800000]
(00.112363) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112368) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe298b000-7f3fe298c000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2800000 h:7f3fe2a00000]
(00.112376) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/4869 total)
(00.112381) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112386) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe298c000-7f3fe298d000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2800000 h:7f3fe2a00000]
(00.112393) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112398) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe298d000-7f3fe29a4000 (92K) [l:7f3fe2800000 h:7f3fe2a00000]
(00.112406) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112411) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe29a4000-7f3fe2ba3000 (2044K) [l:7f3fe2800000 h:7f3fe2a00000]
(00.112428) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112433) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2ba3000-7f3fe2ba4000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2a00000 h:7f3fe2c00000]
(00.112440) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/4869 total)
(00.112445) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112450) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2ba4000-7f3fe2ba5000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2a00000 h:7f3fe2c00000]
(00.112457) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112462) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2ba5000-7f3fe2bc8000 (140K) [l:7f3fe2a00000 h:7f3fe2c00000]
(00.112469) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112474) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2dbc000-7f3fe2dc2000 (24K) [l:7f3fe2c00000 h:7f3fe2e00000]
(00.112483) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/4869 total)
(00.112490) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.112494) Pagemap generated: 6 pages 0 holes
(00.112499) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2dc5000-7f3fe2dc7000 (8K) [l:7f3fe2c00000 h:7f3fe2e00000]
(00.112506) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/4869 total)
(00.112512) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.112516) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2dc7000-7f3fe2dc8000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2c00000 h:7f3fe2e00000]
(00.112523) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112528) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2dc8000-7f3fe2dc9000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2c00000 h:7f3fe2e00000]
(00.112535) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112540) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2dc9000-7f3fe2dca000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2c00000 h:7f3fe2e00000]
(00.112546) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112551) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2dca000-7f3fe2ddb000 (68K) [l:7f3fe2c00000 h:7f3fe2e00000]
(00.112558) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.112563) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2fdb000-7f3fe2fdc000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2e00000 h:7f3fe3000000]
(00.112569) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (13 iovs, 13/4869 total)
(00.112574) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112585) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe2fdc000-7f3fe2fdd000 (4K) [l:7f3fe2e00000 h:7f3fe3000000]
(00.112592) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.112597) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f3fe3939000-7f3fe395a000 (132K) [l:7f3fe3800000 h:7f3fe3a00000]
(00.112605) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (14 iovs, 14/4869 total)
(00.112611) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.112615) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff7609a000-7fff760bc000 (136K) [l:7fff76000000 h:7fff76200000]
(00.112626) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (15 iovs, 15/4869 total)
(00.112631) Pagemap generated: 6 pages 0 holes
(00.112635) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff761fe000-7fff76200000 (8K) [l:7fff76000000 h:7fff76200000]
(00.112641) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (16 iovs, 16/4869 total)
(00.112647) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.112652) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.112656) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 17/4869 iovs:
(00.112661) page-pipe: 	buf 55 pages, 17 iovs:
(00.112665) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe1926000 1
(00.112669) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe1b3e000 3
(00.112674) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe1d59000 2
(00.112678) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe1d5e000 1
(00.112682) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe1f65000 2
(00.112687) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe2322000 8
(00.112691) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe232b000 2
(00.112695) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe253c000 2
(00.112699) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe2781000 2
(00.112704) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe298b000 2
(00.112708) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe2ba3000 2
(00.112712) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe2dbc000 6
(00.112717) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe2dc5000 5
(00.112721) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe2fdb000 2
(00.112725) page-pipe: 		0x7f3fe3939000 7
(00.112730) page-pipe: 		0x7fff760b6000 6
(00.112734) page-pipe: 		0x7fff761fe000 2
(00.112738) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.112743) PPB: 55 pages 17 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.112759) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.112770) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.112814) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.112822) Transfering pages:
(00.112828) 	buf 55/17
(00.112833) 	p 0x7f3fe1926000 [1]
(00.112860) 	p 0x7f3fe1b3e000 [3]
(00.112892) 	p 0x7f3fe1d59000 [2]
(00.112915) 	p 0x7f3fe1d5e000 [1]
(00.112931) 	p 0x7f3fe1f65000 [2]
(00.112955) 	p 0x7f3fe2322000 [8]
(00.113018) 	p 0x7f3fe232b000 [2]
(00.113042) 	p 0x7f3fe253c000 [2]
(00.113067) 	p 0x7f3fe2781000 [2]
(00.113093) 	p 0x7f3fe298b000 [2]
(00.113118) 	p 0x7f3fe2ba3000 [2]
(00.113141) 	p 0x7f3fe2dbc000 [6]
(00.113188) 	p 0x7f3fe2dc5000 [5]
(00.113233) 	p 0x7f3fe2fdb000 [2]
(00.113259) 	p 0x7f3fe3939000 [7]
(00.113312) 	p 0x7fff760b6000 [6]
(00.113362) 	p 0x7fff761fe000 [2]
(00.113399) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.113418) ----------------------------------------
(00.113438) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.113444) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.113530) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.113544) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.113550) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.113604) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.113793) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.113799) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.113830) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.113843) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.113849) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.113873) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.113884) Dumping core (pid: 2867)
(00.113889) ----------------------------------------
(00.113893) Obtaining personality ... (00.113963) 2867 has 0 sched policy
(00.113973) 	dumping 0 nice for 2867
(00.113984) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2867
(00.114034) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.114071) ----------------------------------------
(00.114080) Dumping creds for 2867)
(00.114085) ----------------------------------------
(00.114099) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.114105) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.114211) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.114252) Waiting for 2867 to trap
(00.114265) Daemon 2867 exited trapping
(00.114279) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.114301) 2867 was trapped
(00.114308) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.114335) 2867 was trapped
(00.114342) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.114366) 2867 was trapped
(00.114374) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.114400) 2867 was trapped
(00.114408) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.114434) 2867 was trapped
(00.114440) 2867 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.114462) 2867 was trapped
(00.114469) 2867 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.114492) 2867 was trapped
(00.114500) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 206: new_sp=0x7f3fe2db7008 ip 0x7f3fe20598c1
(00.114525) 2867 was trapped
(00.114532) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.114555) 2867 was trapped
(00.114561) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.114591) 2867 was trapped
(00.114599) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.114621) 2867 was trapped
(00.114628) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.114650) 2867 was trapped
(00.114657) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.114679) 2867 was trapped
(00.114686) 2867 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.114709) 2867 was stopped
(00.114737) 2867 was trapped
(00.114744) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.114765) 2867 was trapped
(00.114772) 2867 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.114795) 2867 was trapped
(00.114802) 2867 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.114840) 2867 was stopped
(00.114882) Dumping mm (pid: 2867)
(00.114886) ----------------------------------------
(00.114892) 0x7f3fe1926000-0x7f3fe193f000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.114967) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcgmanager.so.0.0.0]
(00.114993) 0x7f3fe193f000-0x7f3fe1b3e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115025) 0x7f3fe1b3e000-0x7f3fe1b40000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115056) 0x7f3fe1b40000-0x7f3fe1b41000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1a000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115085) 0x7f3fe1b41000-0x7f3fe1b5a000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115115) 0x7f3fe1b5a000-0x7f3fe1d59000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115145) 0x7f3fe1d59000-0x7f3fe1d5a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115175) 0x7f3fe1d5a000-0x7f3fe1d5b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115204) 0x7f3fe1d5b000-0x7f3fe1d5f000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.115213) 0x7f3fe1d5f000-0x7f3fe1d66000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115241) 0x7f3fe1d66000-0x7f3fe1f65000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115270) 0x7f3fe1f65000-0x7f3fe1f66000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115299) 0x7f3fe1f66000-0x7f3fe1f67000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115327) 0x7f3fe1f67000-0x7f3fe2122000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115356) 0x7f3fe2122000-0x7f3fe2322000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115386) 0x7f3fe2322000-0x7f3fe2326000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115415) 0x7f3fe2326000-0x7f3fe2328000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115444) 0x7f3fe2328000-0x7f3fe232d000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.115452) 0x7f3fe232d000-0x7f3fe233d000 (64K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115488) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 38 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1.3.5]
(00.115503) 0x7f3fe233d000-0x7f3fe253c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x10000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115531) 0x7f3fe253c000-0x7f3fe253d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115561) 0x7f3fe253d000-0x7f3fe253e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x10000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115589) 0x7f3fe253e000-0x7f3fe2582000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115617) 0x7f3fe2582000-0x7f3fe2781000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115645) 0x7f3fe2781000-0x7f3fe2782000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115685) 0x7f3fe2782000-0x7f3fe2783000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115715) 0x7f3fe2783000-0x7f3fe278b000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115745) 0x7f3fe278b000-0x7f3fe298b000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115774) 0x7f3fe298b000-0x7f3fe298c000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115803) 0x7f3fe298c000-0x7f3fe298d000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115832) 0x7f3fe298d000-0x7f3fe29a4000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115860) 0x7f3fe29a4000-0x7f3fe2ba3000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115891) 0x7f3fe2ba3000-0x7f3fe2ba4000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115919) 0x7f3fe2ba4000-0x7f3fe2ba5000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115948) 0x7f3fe2ba5000-0x7f3fe2bc8000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.115976) 0x7f3fe2dbc000-0x7f3fe2dc2000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.115984) 0x7f3fe2dc5000-0x7f3fe2dc7000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.115989) 0x7f3fe2dc7000-0x7f3fe2dc8000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.116016) 0x7f3fe2dc8000-0x7f3fe2dc9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.116044) 0x7f3fe2dc9000-0x7f3fe2dca000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.116052) 0x7f3fe2dca000-0x7f3fe2ddb000 (68K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.116087) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 44 [/sbin/upstart-udev-bridge]
(00.116103) 0x7f3fe2fdb000-0x7f3fe2fdc000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x11000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.116132) 0x7f3fe2fdc000-0x7f3fe2fdd000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x12000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.116161) 0x7f3fe3939000-0x7f3fe395a000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.116169) 0x7fff7609a000-0x7fff760bc000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.116174) 0x7fff761fe000-0x7fff76200000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.116180) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.116186) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.116332) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.116376) ========================================
(00.116382) Dumping task (pid: 2884)
(00.116387) ========================================
(00.116391) Obtaining task stat ... (00.116487) 
(00.116495) Collecting mappings (pid: 2884)
(00.116500) ----------------------------------------
(00.116617) vma 632000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.116633) vma 63a000 borrows vfi from previous 632000
(00.116676) vma 7f758dc98000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758dc8d000
(00.116745) vma 7f758de97000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758dc98000
(00.116758) vma 7f758de98000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758de97000
(00.116783) vma 7f758dea4000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758de99000
(00.116794) vma 7f758e0a3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758dea4000
(00.116805) vma 7f758e0a4000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758e0a3000
(00.116883) vma 7f758e0bc000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758e0a5000
(00.116895) vma 7f758e2bb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758e0bc000
(00.116905) vma 7f758e2bc000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758e2bb000
(00.116940) vma 7f758e2c8000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758e2bf000
(00.116952) vma 7f758e4c7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758e2c8000
(00.117018) vma 7f758e4c8000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758e4c7000
(00.117055) vma 7f758ea48000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ea2f000
(00.117067) vma 7f758ec47000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ea48000
(00.117077) vma 7f758ec48000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ec47000
(00.117167) vma 7f758ec51000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ec4d000
(00.117179) vma 7f758ee50000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ec51000
(00.117189) vma 7f758ee51000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ee50000
(00.117213) vma 7f758ee56000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ee52000
(00.117224) vma 7f758f055000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758ee56000
(00.117288) vma 7f758f056000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f055000
(00.117328) vma 7f758f05a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f057000
(00.117340) vma 7f758f259000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f05a000
(00.117350) vma 7f758f25a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f259000
(00.117373) vma 7f758f298000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f25b000
(00.117448) vma 7f758f497000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f298000
(00.117459) vma 7f758f498000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f497000
(00.117482) vma 7f758f654000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f499000
(00.117495) vma 7f758f854000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f654000
(00.117505) vma 7f758f858000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f854000
(00.117593) vma 7f758f866000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f85f000
(00.117605) vma 7f758fa65000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758f866000
(00.117615) vma 7f758fa66000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758fa65000
(00.117638) vma 7f758faab000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758fa67000
(00.117649) vma 7f758fcaa000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758faab000
(00.117712) vma 7f758fcab000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758fcaa000
(00.117737) vma 7f758fcb4000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758fcac000
(00.117749) vma 7f758feb4000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758fcb4000
(00.117759) vma 7f758feb5000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758feb4000
(00.117783) vma 7f758fecd000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758feb6000
(00.117849) vma 7f75900cc000 borrows vfi from previous 7f758fecd000
(00.117861) vma 7f75900cd000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75900cc000
(00.117884) vma 7f75900e7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75900ce000
(00.117895) vma 7f75902e6000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75900e7000
(00.117906) vma 7f75902e8000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75902e6000
(00.117983) vma 7f75902f0000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75902e9000
(00.117996) vma 7f75904ef000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75902f0000
(00.118007) vma 7f75904f0000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75904ef000
(00.118031) vma 7f7590506000 borrows vfi from previous 7f75904f1000
(00.118042) vma 7f7590705000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7590506000
(00.118052) vma 7f7590706000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7590705000
(00.118311) vma 7f7590729000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7590707000
(00.118331) vma 7f7590929000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7590729000
(00.118342) vma 7f759092c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7590929000
(00.118365) vma 7f759094d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f759092d000
(00.118376) vma 7f7590b4c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f759094d000
(00.118441) vma 7f7590b4d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7590b4c000
(00.118541) vma 7f7590d73000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7590d72000
(00.118585) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.118592) 0x400000-0x432000 (200K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118598) 0x632000-0x63a000 (32K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x32000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118604) 0x63a000-0x63b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3a000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118609) 0x253a000-0x255b000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.118614) 0x255b000-0x257d000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.118619) 0x7f758dc8d000-0x7f758dc98000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118625) 0x7f758dc98000-0x7f758de97000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118631) 0x7f758de97000-0x7f758de98000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118637) 0x7f758de98000-0x7f758de99000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118642) 0x7f758de99000-0x7f758dea4000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118647) 0x7f758dea4000-0x7f758e0a3000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118653) 0x7f758e0a3000-0x7f758e0a4000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118658) 0x7f758e0a4000-0x7f758e0a5000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118664) 0x7f758e0a5000-0x7f758e0bc000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118669) 0x7f758e0bc000-0x7f758e2bb000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118674) 0x7f758e2bb000-0x7f758e2bc000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118680) 0x7f758e2bc000-0x7f758e2bd000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118699) 0x7f758e2bd000-0x7f758e2bf000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.118705) 0x7f758e2bf000-0x7f758e2c8000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118710) 0x7f758e2c8000-0x7f758e4c7000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118716) 0x7f758e4c7000-0x7f758e4c8000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118721) 0x7f758e4c8000-0x7f758e4c9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118726) 0x7f758e4c9000-0x7f758ea2f000 (5528K) prot 0x1 flags 0x1 off 0 reg fs  shmid: 0
(00.118731) 0x7f758ea2f000-0x7f758ea48000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118737) 0x7f758ea48000-0x7f758ec47000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118742) 0x7f758ec47000-0x7f758ec48000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118748) 0x7f758ec48000-0x7f758ec49000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118753) 0x7f758ec49000-0x7f758ec4d000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.118758) 0x7f758ec4d000-0x7f758ec51000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118763) 0x7f758ec51000-0x7f758ee50000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118769) 0x7f758ee50000-0x7f758ee51000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118774) 0x7f758ee51000-0x7f758ee52000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118780) 0x7f758ee52000-0x7f758ee56000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118785) 0x7f758ee56000-0x7f758f055000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118790) 0x7f758f055000-0x7f758f056000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118796) 0x7f758f056000-0x7f758f057000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118801) 0x7f758f057000-0x7f758f05a000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118806) 0x7f758f05a000-0x7f758f259000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118812) 0x7f758f259000-0x7f758f25a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118817) 0x7f758f25a000-0x7f758f25b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118823) 0x7f758f25b000-0x7f758f298000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118829) 0x7f758f298000-0x7f758f497000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118834) 0x7f758f497000-0x7f758f498000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118839) 0x7f758f498000-0x7f758f499000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118845) 0x7f758f499000-0x7f758f654000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118850) 0x7f758f654000-0x7f758f854000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118856) 0x7f758f854000-0x7f758f858000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118861) 0x7f758f858000-0x7f758f85a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118866) 0x7f758f85a000-0x7f758f85f000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.118872) 0x7f758f85f000-0x7f758f866000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118877) 0x7f758f866000-0x7f758fa65000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118883) 0x7f758fa65000-0x7f758fa66000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118888) 0x7f758fa66000-0x7f758fa67000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118893) 0x7f758fa67000-0x7f758faab000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118899) 0x7f758faab000-0x7f758fcaa000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118904) 0x7f758fcaa000-0x7f758fcab000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118910) 0x7f758fcab000-0x7f758fcac000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118915) 0x7f758fcac000-0x7f758fcb4000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118920) 0x7f758fcb4000-0x7f758feb4000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118926) 0x7f758feb4000-0x7f758feb5000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118931) 0x7f758feb5000-0x7f758feb6000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118943) 0x7f758feb6000-0x7f758fecd000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118948) 0x7f758fecd000-0x7f75900cc000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118954) 0x7f75900cc000-0x7f75900cd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118959) 0x7f75900cd000-0x7f75900ce000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118965) 0x7f75900ce000-0x7f75900e7000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118969) 0x7f75900e7000-0x7f75902e6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118975) 0x7f75902e6000-0x7f75902e8000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118980) 0x7f75902e8000-0x7f75902e9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1a000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118986) 0x7f75902e9000-0x7f75902f0000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118991) 0x7f75902f0000-0x7f75904ef000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.118996) 0x7f75904ef000-0x7f75904f0000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119002) 0x7f75904f0000-0x7f75904f1000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119007) 0x7f75904f1000-0x7f7590506000 (84K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119012) 0x7f7590506000-0x7f7590705000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119017) 0x7f7590705000-0x7f7590706000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x14000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119023) 0x7f7590706000-0x7f7590707000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119028) 0x7f7590707000-0x7f7590729000 (136K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119033) 0x7f7590729000-0x7f7590929000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119038) 0x7f7590929000-0x7f759092c000 (12K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119044) 0x7f759092c000-0x7f759092d000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x25000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119049) 0x7f759092d000-0x7f759094d000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119054) 0x7f759094d000-0x7f7590b4c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119060) 0x7f7590b4c000-0x7f7590b4d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119065) 0x7f7590b4d000-0x7f7590b4e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119070) 0x7f7590b4e000-0x7f7590b50000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.119076) 0x7f7590b50000-0x7f7590b73000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119081) 0x7f7590cde000-0x7f7590d64000 (536K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.119086) 0x7f7590d64000-0x7f7590d6d000 (36K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.119092) 0x7f7590d6f000-0x7f7590d70000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.119097) 0x7f7590d70000-0x7f7590d72000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.119102) 0x7f7590d72000-0x7f7590d73000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119107) 0x7f7590d73000-0x7f7590d74000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.119113) 0x7f7590d74000-0x7f7590d75000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.119118) 0x7fff5d7d7000-0x7fff5d7f9000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.119123) 0x7fff5d7fe000-0x7fff5d800000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.119128) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.119133) ----------------------------------------
(00.119151) Collecting fds (pid: 2884)
(00.119155) ----------------------------------------
(00.119182) Found 12 file descriptors
(00.119189) ----------------------------------------
(00.119221) Dump private signals of 2884
(00.119232) Dump shared signals of 2884
(00.119247) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.119341) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc81102a000->0x7f7590ca9000
(00.119374) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2884
(00.119389) xsave runtime structure
(00.119394) -----------------------
(00.119398) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:9fc0 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.119403) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.119418) xstate_bv: 0
(00.119423) -----------------------
(00.119428) Putting tsock into pid 2884
(00.119509) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.119519) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.119550) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.119556) Parasite 2884 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.119581) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.119590) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.119616) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.119635) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.119643) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.119680) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.119686) sid=223 pgid=223 pid=223
(00.119902) Dumping opened files (pid: 2884)
(00.119906) ----------------------------------------
(00.119921) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.119987) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.119998) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.120113) 2884 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.120152) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 63 [/dev/null]
(00.120174) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.120218) 2884 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.120233) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.120270) 2884 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.120283) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.120319) 2884 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.120334) 	Searching for socket 498e (family 1)
(00.120345) No filter for socket
(00.120350) Dumping unix socket at 3
(00.120354) 	Dumping: ino 0x498e peer_ino 0 family    1 type    5 state 10 name /run/udev/control
(00.120370) 	Dumped: id 0x2f ino 0x498e peer 0 type 5 state 10 name 18 bytes
(00.120376) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.120412) 2884 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.120423) 	Searching for socket 498f (family 16)
(00.120436) No filter for socket
(00.120452) fdinfo: type: 0x d flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.120490) 2884 fdinfo 5: pos: 0x               8 flags:           100002/0x1
(00.120511) Dumping path for 5 fd via self 68 [/run/udev/queue.bin]
(00.120527) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/01 pos: 0x       8 fd: 5
(00.120566) 2884 fdinfo 6: pos: 0x               0 flags:                0/0x1
(00.120591) fsnotify: id 0x00000032 flags 0x00000000
(00.120630) fdinfo: type: 0x 8 flags: 0/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 6
(00.120669) 2884 fdinfo 7: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.120728) fdinfo: type: 0x 9 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 7
(00.120766) 2884 fdinfo 8: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0x1
(00.120777) 	Searching for socket 45cd (family 1)
(00.120784) 	Searching for socket 45ce (family 1)
(00.120788) 	Add a peer: ino 0x45ce peer_ino 0x45cd family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.120799) No filter for socket
(00.120804) Dumping unix socket at 8
(00.120808) 	Dumping: ino 0x45cd peer_ino 0x45ce family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.120813) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 02/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 8
(00.120852) 2884 fdinfo 9: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0x1
(00.120863) 	Searching for socket 45ce (family 1)
(00.120869) 	Searching for socket 45cd (family 1)
(00.120877) No filter for socket
(00.120882) Dumping unix socket at 9
(00.120886) 	Dumping: ino 0x45ce peer_ino 0x45cd family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.120897) 	Dumped: id 0x35 ino 0x45ce peer 0x45cd type 2 state 7 name 0 bytes
(00.120907) 	Dumped: id 0x34 ino 0x45cd peer 0x45ce type 2 state 7 name 0 bytes
(00.120913) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 02/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 9
(00.120955) 2884 fdinfo 10: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100000/0x1
(00.120975) Dumping path for 10 fd via self 73 [/lib/udev/hwdb.bin]
(00.121002) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100000/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 10
(00.121049) 2884 fdinfo 11: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0x1
(00.121073) epoll: Dumping eventpoll: id 0x000037 flags 0x02
(00.121112) epoll: Dumping: eventpoll-tfd: id 0x000037 tfd 0x000003 events 0x000019 data 0x00000000000003
(00.121128) epoll: Dumping: eventpoll-tfd: id 0x000037 tfd 0x000008 events 0x000019 data 0x00000000000008
(00.121139) epoll: Dumping: eventpoll-tfd: id 0x000037 tfd 0x000006 events 0x000019 data 0x00000000000006
(00.121149) epoll: Dumping: eventpoll-tfd: id 0x000037 tfd 0x000004 events 0x000019 data 0x00000000000004
(00.121159) epoll: Dumping: eventpoll-tfd: id 0x000037 tfd 0x000007 events 0x000019 data 0x00000000000007
(00.121176) fdinfo: type: 0x 7 flags: 02/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 11
(00.121190) ----------------------------------------
(00.121218) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.121224) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.121362) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.121374) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 2884)
(00.121379) ----------------------------------------
(00.121384)    Private vmas 512/10935 pages
(00.121408) pagemap-cache: created for pid 2884 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.121416) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 10935 segs
(00.121421) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.121510) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-432000 (200K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.121518) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-432000           nr:1     cov:204800
(00.121524) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:432000]
(00.121540) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/10935 total)
(00.121546) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121551) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 632000-63a000 (32K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.121556) pagemap-cache: 	          632000-63a000           nr:1     cov:32768
(00.121561) pagemap-cache: 	          63a000-63b000           nr:2     cov:36864
(00.121566) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:632000 h:800000]
(00.121575) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/10935 total)
(00.121580) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121585) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121590) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 253a000-255b000 (132K) [l:2400000 h:2600000]
(00.121601) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/10935 total)
(00.121608) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.121613) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/10935 total)
(00.121618) Pagemap generated: 28 pages 0 holes
(00.121623) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 255b000-257d000 (136K) [l:2400000 h:2600000]
(00.121631) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.121636) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.121642) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758dc8d000-7f758dc98000 (44K) [l:7f758dc00000 h:7f758de00000]
(00.121653) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121658) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758dc98000-7f758de97000 (2044K) [l:7f758dc00000 h:7f758de00000]
(00.121678) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121683) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758de97000-7f758de98000 (4K) [l:7f758de00000 h:7f758e000000]
(00.121694) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/10935 total)
(00.121699) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121703) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758de98000-7f758de99000 (4K) [l:7f758de00000 h:7f758e000000]
(00.121714) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121719) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758de99000-7f758dea4000 (44K) [l:7f758de00000 h:7f758e000000]
(00.121730) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121734) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758dea4000-7f758e0a3000 (2044K) [l:7f758de00000 h:7f758e000000]
(00.121754) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121759) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e0a3000-7f758e0a4000 (4K) [l:7f758e000000 h:7f758e200000]
(00.121770) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/10935 total)
(00.121775) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121779) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e0a4000-7f758e0a5000 (4K) [l:7f758e000000 h:7f758e200000]
(00.121790) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121795) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e0a5000-7f758e0bc000 (92K) [l:7f758e000000 h:7f758e200000]
(00.121814) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121819) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e0bc000-7f758e2bb000 (2044K) [l:7f758e000000 h:7f758e200000]
(00.121839) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121844) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e2bb000-7f758e2bc000 (4K) [l:7f758e200000 h:7f758e400000]
(00.121855) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/10935 total)
(00.121860) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121865) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e2bc000-7f758e2bd000 (4K) [l:7f758e200000 h:7f758e400000]
(00.121875) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121880) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e2bd000-7f758e2bf000 (8K) [l:7f758e200000 h:7f758e400000]
(00.121890) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121895) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e2bf000-7f758e2c8000 (36K) [l:7f758e200000 h:7f758e400000]
(00.121905) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121910) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e2c8000-7f758e4c7000 (2044K) [l:7f758e200000 h:7f758e400000]
(00.121929) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121935) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e4c7000-7f758e4c8000 (4K) [l:7f758e400000 h:7f758e600000]
(00.121945) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/10935 total)
(00.121950) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121955) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758e4c8000-7f758e4c9000 (4K) [l:7f758e400000 h:7f758e600000]
(00.121965) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.121969) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758ea2f000-7f758ea48000 (100K) [l:7f758ea00000 h:7f758ec00000]
(00.121974) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ea2f000-7f758ea48000     nr:1     cov:102400
(00.121980) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f758ea2f000 h:7f758ea48000]
(00.121991) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.121996) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758ea48000-7f758ec47000 (2044K) [l:7f758ea00000 h:7f758ec00000]
(00.122001) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ea48000-7f758ec47000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.122006) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f758ea48000 h:7f758ec47000]
(00.122027) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122032) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758ec47000-7f758ec48000 (4K) [l:7f758ec00000 h:7f758ee00000]
(00.122037) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ec47000-7f758ec48000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.122042) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ec48000-7f758ec49000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.122047) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ec49000-7f758ec4d000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.122052) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ec4d000-7f758ec51000     nr:4     cov:40960
(00.122057) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f758ec47000 h:7f758ee00000]
(00.122068) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/10935 total)
(00.122074) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122078) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122083) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/10935 total)
(00.122087) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122092) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122097) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758ec51000-7f758ee50000 (2044K) [l:7f758ec00000 h:7f758ee00000]
(00.122102) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ec51000-7f758ee50000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.122107) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f758ec51000 h:7f758ee50000]
(00.122158) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122167) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758ee50000-7f758ee51000 (4K) [l:7f758ee00000 h:7f758f000000]
(00.122172) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ee50000-7f758ee51000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.122177) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ee51000-7f758ee52000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.122182) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ee52000-7f758ee56000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.122187) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f758ee50000 h:7f758f000000]
(00.122199) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/10935 total)
(00.122204) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122209) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122213) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122218) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758ee56000-7f758f055000 (2044K) [l:7f758ee00000 h:7f758f000000]
(00.122222) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758ee56000-7f758f055000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.122227) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f758ee56000 h:7f758f055000]
(00.122247) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122252) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f055000-7f758f056000 (4K) [l:7f758f000000 h:7f758f200000]
(00.122265) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f055000-7f758f056000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.122270) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f056000-7f758f057000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.122275) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f057000-7f758f05a000     nr:3     cov:20480
(00.122280) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f758f055000 h:7f758f200000]
(00.122292) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/10935 total)
(00.122297) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122302) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122306) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122310) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f05a000-7f758f259000 (2044K) [l:7f758f000000 h:7f758f200000]
(00.122315) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f05a000-7f758f259000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.122320) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f758f05a000 h:7f758f259000]
(00.122341) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122346) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f259000-7f758f25a000 (4K) [l:7f758f200000 h:7f758f400000]
(00.122351) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f259000-7f758f25a000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.122356) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f25a000-7f758f25b000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.122360) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f25b000-7f758f298000     nr:3     cov:258048
(00.122365) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f758f259000 h:7f758f400000]
(00.122376) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/10935 total)
(00.122381) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122386) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122391) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122395) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f298000-7f758f497000 (2044K) [l:7f758f200000 h:7f758f400000]
(00.122419) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122424) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f497000-7f758f498000 (4K) [l:7f758f400000 h:7f758f600000]
(00.122436) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (13 iovs, 13/10935 total)
(00.122441) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122446) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f498000-7f758f499000 (4K) [l:7f758f400000 h:7f758f600000]
(00.122457) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122462) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f499000-7f758f654000 (1772K) [l:7f758f400000 h:7f758f600000]
(00.122483) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122488) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f654000-7f758f854000 (2048K) [l:7f758f600000 h:7f758f800000]
(00.122511) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122516) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f854000-7f758f858000 (16K) [l:7f758f800000 h:7f758fa00000]
(00.122521) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f854000-7f758f858000     nr:1     cov:16384
(00.122526) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f858000-7f758f85a000     nr:2     cov:24576
(00.122531) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f85a000-7f758f85f000     nr:3     cov:45056
(00.122536) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f85f000-7f758f866000     nr:4     cov:73728
(00.122541) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f758f854000 h:7f758fa00000]
(00.122552) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (14 iovs, 14/10935 total)
(00.122558) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.122562) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.122567) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (15 iovs, 15/10935 total)
(00.122571) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.122576) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122580) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758f866000-7f758fa65000 (2044K) [l:7f758f800000 h:7f758fa00000]
(00.122585) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758f866000-7f758fa65000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.122590) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f758f866000 h:7f758fa65000]
(00.122612) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122617) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758fa65000-7f758fa66000 (4K) [l:7f758fa00000 h:7f758fc00000]
(00.122621) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758fa65000-7f758fa66000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.122626) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758fa66000-7f758fa67000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.122631) pagemap-cache: 	    7f758fa67000-7f758faab000     nr:3     cov:286720
(00.122636) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f758fa65000 h:7f758fc00000]
(00.122650) page-pipe: Grow pipe 40 -> 80
(00.122656) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (16 iovs, 16/10935 total)
(00.122661) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122666) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122678) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122684) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758faab000-7f758fcaa000 (2044K) [l:7f758fa00000 h:7f758fc00000]
(00.122704) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122708) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758fcaa000-7f758fcab000 (4K) [l:7f758fc00000 h:7f758fe00000]
(00.122719) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (17 iovs, 17/10935 total)
(00.122724) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122729) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758fcab000-7f758fcac000 (4K) [l:7f758fc00000 h:7f758fe00000]
(00.122739) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122744) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758fcac000-7f758fcb4000 (32K) [l:7f758fc00000 h:7f758fe00000]
(00.122754) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122759) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758fcb4000-7f758feb4000 (2048K) [l:7f758fc00000 h:7f758fe00000]
(00.122778) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122784) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758feb4000-7f758feb5000 (4K) [l:7f758fe00000 h:7f7590000000]
(00.122794) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (18 iovs, 18/10935 total)
(00.122799) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122803) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758feb5000-7f758feb6000 (4K) [l:7f758fe00000 h:7f7590000000]
(00.122814) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122819) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758feb6000-7f758fecd000 (92K) [l:7f758fe00000 h:7f7590000000]
(00.122829) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122834) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f758fecd000-7f75900cc000 (2044K) [l:7f758fe00000 h:7f7590000000]
(00.122853) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122858) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75900cc000-7f75900cd000 (4K) [l:7f7590000000 h:7f7590200000]
(00.122868) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (19 iovs, 19/10935 total)
(00.122873) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122878) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75900cd000-7f75900ce000 (4K) [l:7f7590000000 h:7f7590200000]
(00.122888) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122893) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75900ce000-7f75900e7000 (100K) [l:7f7590000000 h:7f7590200000]
(00.122903) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122908) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75900e7000-7f75902e6000 (2044K) [l:7f7590000000 h:7f7590200000]
(00.122927) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122932) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75902e6000-7f75902e8000 (8K) [l:7f7590200000 h:7f7590400000]
(00.122941) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (20 iovs, 20/10935 total)
(00.122946) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.122950) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75902e8000-7f75902e9000 (4K) [l:7f7590200000 h:7f7590400000]
(00.122960) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.122965) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75902e9000-7f75902f0000 (28K) [l:7f7590200000 h:7f7590400000]
(00.122974) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.122979) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75902f0000-7f75904ef000 (2044K) [l:7f7590200000 h:7f7590400000]
(00.122998) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123003) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75904ef000-7f75904f0000 (4K) [l:7f7590400000 h:7f7590600000]
(00.123012) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (21 iovs, 21/10935 total)
(00.123018) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123022) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75904f0000-7f75904f1000 (4K) [l:7f7590400000 h:7f7590600000]
(00.123032) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123037) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f75904f1000-7f7590506000 (84K) [l:7f7590400000 h:7f7590600000]
(00.123046) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123052) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590506000-7f7590705000 (2044K) [l:7f7590400000 h:7f7590600000]
(00.123070) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123075) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590705000-7f7590706000 (4K) [l:7f7590600000 h:7f7590800000]
(00.123085) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (22 iovs, 22/10935 total)
(00.123090) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123095) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590706000-7f7590707000 (4K) [l:7f7590600000 h:7f7590800000]
(00.123104) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123109) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590707000-7f7590729000 (136K) [l:7f7590600000 h:7f7590800000]
(00.123118) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123129) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590729000-7f7590929000 (2048K) [l:7f7590600000 h:7f7590800000]
(00.123149) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123154) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590929000-7f759092c000 (12K) [l:7f7590800000 h:7f7590a00000]
(00.123163) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (23 iovs, 23/10935 total)
(00.123168) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.123173) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f759092c000-7f759092d000 (4K) [l:7f7590800000 h:7f7590a00000]
(00.123181) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123186) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f759092d000-7f759094d000 (128K) [l:7f7590800000 h:7f7590a00000]
(00.123195) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123200) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f759094d000-7f7590b4c000 (2044K) [l:7f7590800000 h:7f7590a00000]
(00.123217) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123222) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590b4c000-7f7590b4d000 (4K) [l:7f7590a00000 h:7f7590c00000]
(00.123229) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (24 iovs, 24/10935 total)
(00.123234) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123239) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590b4d000-7f7590b4e000 (4K) [l:7f7590a00000 h:7f7590c00000]
(00.123246) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123251) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590b4e000-7f7590b50000 (8K) [l:7f7590a00000 h:7f7590c00000]
(00.123258) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123263) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590b50000-7f7590b73000 (140K) [l:7f7590a00000 h:7f7590c00000]
(00.123270) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.123275) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590cde000-7f7590d64000 (536K) [l:7f7590c00000 h:7f7590e00000]
(00.123287) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (25 iovs, 25/10935 total)
(00.123292) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123297) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590d64000-7f7590d6d000 (36K) [l:7f7590c00000 h:7f7590e00000]
(00.123304) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (26 iovs, 26/10935 total)
(00.123309) Pagemap generated: 9 pages 0 holes
(00.123314) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590d6f000-7f7590d70000 (4K) [l:7f7590c00000 h:7f7590e00000]
(00.123321) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (27 iovs, 27/10935 total)
(00.123326) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123330) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590d70000-7f7590d72000 (8K) [l:7f7590c00000 h:7f7590e00000]
(00.123337) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.123342) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590d72000-7f7590d73000 (4K) [l:7f7590c00000 h:7f7590e00000]
(00.123349) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123354) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590d73000-7f7590d74000 (4K) [l:7f7590c00000 h:7f7590e00000]
(00.123361) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123366) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7590d74000-7f7590d75000 (4K) [l:7f7590c00000 h:7f7590e00000]
(00.123373) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.123377) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff5d7d7000-7fff5d7f9000 (136K) [l:7fff5d600000 h:7fff5d800000]
(00.123385) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (28 iovs, 28/10935 total)
(00.123391) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.123395) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff5d7fe000-7fff5d800000 (8K) [l:7fff5d600000 h:7fff5d800000]
(00.123401) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (29 iovs, 29/10935 total)
(00.123406) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.123411) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.123415) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 30/10935 iovs:
(00.123420) page-pipe: 	buf 111 pages, 30 iovs:
(00.123424) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.123428) page-pipe: 		0x639000 2
(00.123433) page-pipe: 		0x253a000 24
(00.123437) page-pipe: 		0x2557000 8
(00.123441) page-pipe: 		0x7f758de97000 2
(00.123445) page-pipe: 		0x7f758e0a3000 2
(00.123450) page-pipe: 		0x7f758e2bb000 2
(00.123454) page-pipe: 		0x7f758e4c7000 2
(00.123458) page-pipe: 		0x7f758ec47000 2
(00.123462) page-pipe: 		0x7f758ec4c000 1
(00.123466) page-pipe: 		0x7f758ee50000 2
(00.123471) page-pipe: 		0x7f758f055000 2
(00.123475) page-pipe: 		0x7f758f259000 2
(00.123479) page-pipe: 		0x7f758f497000 2
(00.123484) page-pipe: 		0x7f758f854000 8
(00.123488) page-pipe: 		0x7f758f85d000 2
(00.123492) page-pipe: 		0x7f758fa65000 2
(00.123496) page-pipe: 		0x7f758fcaa000 2
(00.123500) page-pipe: 		0x7f758feb4000 2
(00.123512) page-pipe: 		0x7f75900cc000 2
(00.123517) page-pipe: 		0x7f75902e6000 3
(00.123521) page-pipe: 		0x7f75904ef000 2
(00.123525) page-pipe: 		0x7f7590705000 2
(00.123530) page-pipe: 		0x7f7590929000 4
(00.123534) page-pipe: 		0x7f7590b4c000 3
(00.123538) page-pipe: 		0x7f7590cde000 1
(00.123542) page-pipe: 		0x7f7590d64000 9
(00.123547) page-pipe: 		0x7f7590d6f000 6
(00.123551) page-pipe: 		0x7fff5d7f2000 7
(00.123555) page-pipe: 		0x7fff5d7fe000 2
(00.123559) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.123563) PPB: 111 pages 30 segs 128 pipe 0 off
(00.123581) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.123593) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.123643) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.123651) Transfering pages:
(00.123656) 	buf 111/30
(00.123660) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.123690) 	p 0x639000 [2]
(00.123716) 	p 0x253a000 [24]
(00.123883) 	p 0x2557000 [8]
(00.123948) 	p 0x7f758de97000 [2]
(00.123973) 	p 0x7f758e0a3000 [2]
(00.123997) 	p 0x7f758e2bb000 [2]
(00.124023) 	p 0x7f758e4c7000 [2]
(00.124048) 	p 0x7f758ec47000 [2]
(00.124072) 	p 0x7f758ec4c000 [1]
(00.124087) 	p 0x7f758ee50000 [2]
(00.124111) 	p 0x7f758f055000 [2]
(00.124134) 	p 0x7f758f259000 [2]
(00.124155) 	p 0x7f758f497000 [2]
(00.124179) 	p 0x7f758f854000 [8]
(00.124238) 	p 0x7f758f85d000 [2]
(00.124262) 	p 0x7f758fa65000 [2]
(00.124287) 	p 0x7f758fcaa000 [2]
(00.124308) 	p 0x7f758feb4000 [2]
(00.124331) 	p 0x7f75900cc000 [2]
(00.124357) 	p 0x7f75902e6000 [3]
(00.124388) 	p 0x7f75904ef000 [2]
(00.124411) 	p 0x7f7590705000 [2]
(00.124435) 	p 0x7f7590929000 [4]
(00.124471) 	p 0x7f7590b4c000 [3]
(00.124501) 	p 0x7f7590cde000 [1]
(00.124518) 	p 0x7f7590d64000 [9]
(00.124590) 	p 0x7f7590d6f000 [6]
(00.124643) 	p 0x7fff5d7f2000 [7]
(00.124708) 	p 0x7fff5d7fe000 [2]
(00.124745) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.124768) ----------------------------------------
(00.124797) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.124804) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.124955) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.124969) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.124975) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.125036) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.125229) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.125237) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.125264) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.125276) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.125282) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.125303) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.125316) Dumping core (pid: 2884)
(00.125320) ----------------------------------------
(00.125324) Obtaining personality ... (00.125405) 2884 has 0 sched policy
(00.125416) 	dumping 0 nice for 2884
(00.125428) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2884
(00.125480) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.125517) ----------------------------------------
(00.125527) Dumping creds for 2884)
(00.125531) ----------------------------------------
(00.125544) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.125550) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.125623) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.125645) Waiting for 2884 to trap
(00.125675) Daemon 2884 exited trapping
(00.125689) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.125710) 2884 was trapped
(00.125717) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.125752) 2884 was trapped
(00.125760) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.125793) 2884 was trapped
(00.125800) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.125836) 2884 was trapped
(00.125844) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.125869) 2884 was trapped
(00.125877) 2884 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.125897) 2884 was trapped
(00.125904) 2884 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.125928) 2884 was trapped
(00.125936) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 223: new_sp=0x7f7590cd9008 ip 0x7f758f594633
(00.125961) 2884 was trapped
(00.125983) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.126005) 2884 was trapped
(00.126012) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.126043) 2884 was trapped
(00.126051) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.126072) 2884 was trapped
(00.126079) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.126099) 2884 was trapped
(00.126106) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.126214) 2884 was trapped
(00.126230) 2884 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.126257) 2884 was stopped
(00.126289) 2884 was trapped
(00.126297) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.126317) 2884 was trapped
(00.126325) 2884 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.126345) 2884 was trapped
(00.126352) 2884 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.126392) 2884 was stopped
(00.126435) Dumping mm (pid: 2884)
(00.126439) ----------------------------------------
(00.126446) 0x400000-0x432000 (200K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126528) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd]
(00.126554) 0x632000-0x63a000 (32K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x32000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126586) 0x63a000-0x63b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3a000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126617) 0x253a000-0x255b000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.126627) 0x255b000-0x257d000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.126632) 0x7f758dc8d000-0x7f758dc98000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126661) 0x7f758dc98000-0x7f758de97000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126692) 0x7f758de97000-0x7f758de98000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126721) 0x7f758de98000-0x7f758de99000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126751) 0x7f758de99000-0x7f758dea4000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126782) 0x7f758dea4000-0x7f758e0a3000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126811) 0x7f758e0a3000-0x7f758e0a4000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126840) 0x7f758e0a4000-0x7f758e0a5000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126868) 0x7f758e0a5000-0x7f758e0bc000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126898) 0x7f758e0bc000-0x7f758e2bb000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126927) 0x7f758e2bb000-0x7f758e2bc000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126955) 0x7f758e2bc000-0x7f758e2bd000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.126983) 0x7f758e2bd000-0x7f758e2bf000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.126991) 0x7f758e2bf000-0x7f758e2c8000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127019) 0x7f758e2c8000-0x7f758e4c7000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127048) 0x7f758e4c7000-0x7f758e4c8000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127076) 0x7f758e4c8000-0x7f758e4c9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127105) 0x7f758e4c9000-0x7f758ea2f000 (5528K) prot 0x1 flags 0x1 off 0 reg fs  shmid: 0
(00.127134) 0x7f758ea2f000-0x7f758ea48000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127164) 0x7f758ea48000-0x7f758ec47000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127192) 0x7f758ec47000-0x7f758ec48000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127221) 0x7f758ec48000-0x7f758ec49000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127250) 0x7f758ec49000-0x7f758ec4d000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.127258) 0x7f758ec4d000-0x7f758ec51000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127294) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 41 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libattr.so.1.1.0]
(00.127312) 0x7f758ec51000-0x7f758ee50000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127341) 0x7f758ee50000-0x7f758ee51000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127370) 0x7f758ee51000-0x7f758ee52000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127401) 0x7f758ee52000-0x7f758ee56000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127440) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 42 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libuuid.so.1.3.0]
(00.127468) 0x7f758ee56000-0x7f758f055000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127498) 0x7f758f055000-0x7f758f056000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127527) 0x7f758f056000-0x7f758f057000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127556) 0x7f758f057000-0x7f758f05a000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127585) 0x7f758f05a000-0x7f758f259000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127615) 0x7f758f259000-0x7f758f25a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127643) 0x7f758f25a000-0x7f758f25b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127672) 0x7f758f25b000-0x7f758f298000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127701) 0x7f758f298000-0x7f758f497000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127729) 0x7f758f497000-0x7f758f498000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127757) 0x7f758f498000-0x7f758f499000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127786) 0x7f758f499000-0x7f758f654000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127816) 0x7f758f654000-0x7f758f854000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127846) 0x7f758f854000-0x7f758f858000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127875) 0x7f758f858000-0x7f758f85a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127905) 0x7f758f85a000-0x7f758f85f000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.127912) 0x7f758f85f000-0x7f758f866000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127940) 0x7f758f866000-0x7f758fa65000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127969) 0x7f758fa65000-0x7f758fa66000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.127998) 0x7f758fa66000-0x7f758fa67000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128027) 0x7f758fa67000-0x7f758faab000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128057) 0x7f758faab000-0x7f758fcaa000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128086) 0x7f758fcaa000-0x7f758fcab000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128114) 0x7f758fcab000-0x7f758fcac000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128142) 0x7f758fcac000-0x7f758fcb4000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128173) 0x7f758fcb4000-0x7f758feb4000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128202) 0x7f758feb4000-0x7f758feb5000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128231) 0x7f758feb5000-0x7f758feb6000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128261) 0x7f758feb6000-0x7f758fecd000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128291) 0x7f758fecd000-0x7f75900cc000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128320) 0x7f75900cc000-0x7f75900cd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128349) 0x7f75900cd000-0x7f75900ce000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128378) 0x7f75900ce000-0x7f75900e7000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128408) 0x7f75900e7000-0x7f75902e6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128436) 0x7f75902e6000-0x7f75902e8000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128464) 0x7f75902e8000-0x7f75902e9000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1a000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128494) 0x7f75902e9000-0x7f75902f0000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128534) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 51 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libacl.so.1.1.0]
(00.128551) 0x7f75902f0000-0x7f75904ef000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128579) 0x7f75904ef000-0x7f75904f0000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128608) 0x7f75904f0000-0x7f75904f1000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128635) 0x7f75904f1000-0x7f7590506000 (84K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128679) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 52 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkmod.so.2.2.5]
(00.128694) 0x7f7590506000-0x7f7590705000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128735) 0x7f7590705000-0x7f7590706000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x14000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128765) 0x7f7590706000-0x7f7590707000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x15000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128795) 0x7f7590707000-0x7f7590729000 (136K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128836) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 53 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libblkid.so.1.1.0]
(00.128851) 0x7f7590729000-0x7f7590929000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128879) 0x7f7590929000-0x7f759092c000 (12K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128909) 0x7f759092c000-0x7f759092d000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x25000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128939) 0x7f759092d000-0x7f759094d000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128968) 0x7f759094d000-0x7f7590b4c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.128998) 0x7f7590b4c000-0x7f7590b4d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.129026) 0x7f7590b4d000-0x7f7590b4e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.129055) 0x7f7590b4e000-0x7f7590b50000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.129064) 0x7f7590b50000-0x7f7590b73000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.129091) 0x7f7590cde000-0x7f7590d64000 (536K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.129099) 0x7f7590d64000-0x7f7590d6d000 (36K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.129105) 0x7f7590d6f000-0x7f7590d70000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.129110) 0x7f7590d70000-0x7f7590d72000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.129115) 0x7f7590d72000-0x7f7590d73000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.129142) 0x7f7590d73000-0x7f7590d74000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.129171) 0x7f7590d74000-0x7f7590d75000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.129179) 0x7fff5d7d7000-0x7fff5d7f9000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.129185) 0x7fff5d7fe000-0x7fff5d800000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.129191) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.129197) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.129366) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.129435) ========================================
(00.129442) Dumping task (pid: 2921)
(00.129446) ========================================
(00.129451) Obtaining task stat ... (00.129548) 
(00.129556) Collecting mappings (pid: 2921)
(00.129561) ----------------------------------------
(00.129678) vma 7fa11ca14000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11c9fb000
(00.129692) vma 7fa11cc13000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11ca14000
(00.129702) vma 7fa11cc14000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11cc13000
(00.129739) vma 7fa11cc20000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11cc19000
(00.129815) vma 7fa11ce1f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11cc20000
(00.129827) vma 7fa11ce20000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11ce1f000
(00.129852) vma 7fa11cfdc000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11ce21000
(00.129863) vma 7fa11d1dc000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11cfdc000
(00.129874) vma 7fa11d1e0000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d1dc000
(00.129966) vma 7fa11d22b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d1e7000
(00.129979) vma 7fa11d42a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d22b000
(00.129990) vma 7fa11d42b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d42a000
(00.130013) vma 7fa11d434000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d42c000
(00.130025) vma 7fa11d634000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d434000
(00.130091) vma 7fa11d635000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d634000
(00.130139) vma 7fa11d64d000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d636000
(00.130155) vma 7fa11d84c000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d64d000
(00.130166) vma 7fa11d84d000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11d84c000
(00.130275) vma 7fa11da71000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11da70000
(00.130310) vma 7fa11dc93000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11da73000
(00.130322) vma 7fa11dc95000 borrows vfi from previous 7fa11dc93000
(00.130392) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.130399) 0x7fa11c9fb000-0x7fa11ca14000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130417) 0x7fa11ca14000-0x7fa11cc13000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130424) 0x7fa11cc13000-0x7fa11cc14000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130429) 0x7fa11cc14000-0x7fa11cc15000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130434) 0x7fa11cc15000-0x7fa11cc19000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.130440) 0x7fa11cc19000-0x7fa11cc20000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130445) 0x7fa11cc20000-0x7fa11ce1f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130450) 0x7fa11ce1f000-0x7fa11ce20000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130456) 0x7fa11ce20000-0x7fa11ce21000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130461) 0x7fa11ce21000-0x7fa11cfdc000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130466) 0x7fa11cfdc000-0x7fa11d1dc000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130472) 0x7fa11d1dc000-0x7fa11d1e0000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130477) 0x7fa11d1e0000-0x7fa11d1e2000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130483) 0x7fa11d1e2000-0x7fa11d1e7000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.130488) 0x7fa11d1e7000-0x7fa11d22b000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130493) 0x7fa11d22b000-0x7fa11d42a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130499) 0x7fa11d42a000-0x7fa11d42b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130504) 0x7fa11d42b000-0x7fa11d42c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130509) 0x7fa11d42c000-0x7fa11d434000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130514) 0x7fa11d434000-0x7fa11d634000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130520) 0x7fa11d634000-0x7fa11d635000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130525) 0x7fa11d635000-0x7fa11d636000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130530) 0x7fa11d636000-0x7fa11d64d000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130536) 0x7fa11d64d000-0x7fa11d84c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130541) 0x7fa11d84c000-0x7fa11d84d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130546) 0x7fa11d84d000-0x7fa11d84e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130551) 0x7fa11d84e000-0x7fa11d871000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130557) 0x7fa11da66000-0x7fa11da6b000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.130562) 0x7fa11da6e000-0x7fa11da70000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.130567) 0x7fa11da70000-0x7fa11da71000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130573) 0x7fa11da71000-0x7fa11da72000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130578) 0x7fa11da72000-0x7fa11da73000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.130583) 0x7fa11da73000-0x7fa11da94000 (132K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130588) 0x7fa11dc93000-0x7fa11dc95000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130593) 0x7fa11dc95000-0x7fa11dc96000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.130599) 0x7fa11dc96000-0x7fa11dc98000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.130604) 0x7fa11e6ea000-0x7fa11e70b000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.130609) 0x7fffac699000-0x7fffac6bb000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.130615) 0x7fffac6cc000-0x7fffac6ce000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.130620) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.130625) ----------------------------------------
(00.130634) Collecting fds (pid: 2921)
(00.130639) ----------------------------------------
(00.130661) Found 6 file descriptors
(00.130667) ----------------------------------------
(00.130693) Dump private signals of 2921
(00.130703) Dump shared signals of 2921
(00.130715) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x7fa11c9fb000
(00.130813) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811046000->0x7fa11da4d000
(00.130847) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2921
(00.130863) xsave runtime structure
(00.130869) -----------------------
(00.130873) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.130878) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.130883) xstate_bv: 0
(00.130887) -----------------------
(00.130891) Putting tsock into pid 2921
(00.130975) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.130985) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.131016) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.131023) Parasite 2921 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.131046) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.131053) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.131081) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.131102) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.131110) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.131147) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.131154) sid=259 pgid=259 pid=260
(00.131367) Dumping opened files (pid: 2921)
(00.131372) ----------------------------------------
(00.131386) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.131443) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.131453) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.131557) 2921 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.131591) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 48 [/dev/null]
(00.131610) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.131650) 2921 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.131662) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.131700) 2921 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.131712) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.131747) 2921 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0x1
(00.131761) 	Searching for socket 49a8 (family 1)
(00.131767) 	Searching for socket 45f0 (family 1)
(00.131776) No filter for socket
(00.131781) Dumping unix socket at 3
(00.131786) 	Dumping: ino 0x49a8 peer_ino 0x45f0 family    1 type    1 state  1 name (null)
(00.131801) 	Dumped: id 0x3f ino 0x49a8 peer 0x45f0 type 1 state 1 name 0 bytes
(00.131813) 	Dumped: id 0xa ino 0x45f0 peer 0x49a8 type 1 state 1 name 20 bytes
(00.131819) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 04002/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.131857) 2921 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4000/0x1
(00.131867) Dumping pipe 52 with id 0x40 pipe_id 0x49a9
(00.131882) Dumping data from pipe 0x49a9 fd 52
(00.131910) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04000/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.131948) 2921 fdinfo 5: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4001/0x1
(00.131959) Dumping pipe 53 with id 0x41 pipe_id 0x49a9
(00.131969) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 04001/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 5
(00.131980) ----------------------------------------
(00.132004) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.132011) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.132080) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.132091) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 2921)
(00.132096) ----------------------------------------
(00.132101)    Private vmas 512/3819 pages
(00.132121) pagemap-cache: created for pid 2921 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.132128) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3819 segs
(00.132133) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.132220) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11c9fb000-7fa11ca14000 (100K) [l:7fa11c800000 h:7fa11ca00000]
(00.132241) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3819 total)
(00.132246) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132251) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11ca14000-7fa11cc13000 (2044K) [l:7fa11ca00000 h:7fa11cc00000]
(00.132256) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11ca14000-7fa11cc13000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.132262) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fa11ca14000 h:7fa11cc13000]
(00.132285) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132290) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11cc13000-7fa11cc14000 (4K) [l:7fa11cc00000 h:7fa11ce00000]
(00.132303) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11cc13000-7fa11cc14000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.132309) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11cc14000-7fa11cc15000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.132314) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11cc15000-7fa11cc19000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.132319) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11cc19000-7fa11cc20000     nr:4     cov:53248
(00.132324) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fa11cc13000 h:7fa11ce00000]
(00.132337) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3819 total)
(00.132342) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132347) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132352) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3819 total)
(00.132356) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132361) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132365) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11cc20000-7fa11ce1f000 (2044K) [l:7fa11cc00000 h:7fa11ce00000]
(00.132370) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11cc20000-7fa11ce1f000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.132375) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fa11cc20000 h:7fa11ce1f000]
(00.132398) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132403) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11ce1f000-7fa11ce20000 (4K) [l:7fa11ce00000 h:7fa11d000000]
(00.132408) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11ce1f000-7fa11ce20000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.132413) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11ce20000-7fa11ce21000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.132418) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11ce21000-7fa11cfdc000     nr:3     cov:1822720
(00.132423) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fa11ce1f000 h:7fa11d000000]
(00.132435) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3819 total)
(00.132440) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132445) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132451) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132456) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11cfdc000-7fa11d1dc000 (2048K) [l:7fa11ce00000 h:7fa11d000000]
(00.132473) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132478) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d1dc000-7fa11d1e0000 (16K) [l:7fa11d000000 h:7fa11d200000]
(00.132485) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3819 total)
(00.132490) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.132495) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d1e0000-7fa11d1e2000 (8K) [l:7fa11d000000 h:7fa11d200000]
(00.132502) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.132507) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d1e2000-7fa11d1e7000 (20K) [l:7fa11d000000 h:7fa11d200000]
(00.132513) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3819 total)
(00.132519) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.132523) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d1e7000-7fa11d22b000 (272K) [l:7fa11d000000 h:7fa11d200000]
(00.132538) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132543) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d22b000-7fa11d42a000 (2044K) [l:7fa11d200000 h:7fa11d400000]
(00.132548) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d22b000-7fa11d42a000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.132553) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fa11d22b000 h:7fa11d42a000]
(00.132574) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132579) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d42a000-7fa11d42b000 (4K) [l:7fa11d400000 h:7fa11d600000]
(00.132584) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d42a000-7fa11d42b000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.132589) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d42b000-7fa11d42c000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.132594) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d42c000-7fa11d434000     nr:3     cov:40960
(00.132599) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fa11d42a000 h:7fa11d600000]
(00.132613) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.132618) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3819 total)
(00.132623) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132627) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132632) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132636) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d434000-7fa11d634000 (2048K) [l:7fa11d400000 h:7fa11d600000]
(00.132658) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132663) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d634000-7fa11d635000 (4K) [l:7fa11d600000 h:7fa11d800000]
(00.132668) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d634000-7fa11d635000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.132673) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d635000-7fa11d636000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.132678) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d636000-7fa11d64d000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.132683) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fa11d634000 h:7fa11d800000]
(00.132699) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3819 total)
(00.132705) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132710) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132714) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132719) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d64d000-7fa11d84c000 (2044K) [l:7fa11d600000 h:7fa11d800000]
(00.132724) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d64d000-7fa11d84c000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.132729) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fa11d64d000 h:7fa11d84c000]
(00.132746) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132751) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11d84c000-7fa11d84d000 (4K) [l:7fa11d800000 h:7fa11da00000]
(00.132756) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d84c000-7fa11d84d000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.132761) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d84d000-7fa11d84e000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.132766) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11d84e000-7fa11d871000     nr:3     cov:151552
(00.132771) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fa11d84c000 h:7fa11da00000]
(00.132779) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3819 total)
(00.132784) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132789) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132794) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132798) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11da66000-7fa11da6b000 (20K) [l:7fa11da00000 h:7fa11dc00000]
(00.132803) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11da66000-7fa11da6b000     nr:1     cov:20480
(00.132808) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11da6e000-7fa11da70000     nr:2     cov:28672
(00.132812) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11da70000-7fa11da71000     nr:3     cov:32768
(00.132817) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11da71000-7fa11da72000     nr:4     cov:36864
(00.132822) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11da72000-7fa11da73000     nr:5     cov:40960
(00.132827) pagemap-cache: 	    7fa11da73000-7fa11da94000     nr:6     cov:176128
(00.132832) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fa11da66000 h:7fa11dc00000]
(00.132842) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3819 total)
(00.132847) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.132852) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3819 total)
(00.132857) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.132861) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132866) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132870) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132875) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132879) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11dc93000-7fa11dc95000 (8K) [l:7fa11dc00000 h:7fa11de00000]
(00.132888) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.132893) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3819 total)
(00.132898) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.132902) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11dc95000-7fa11dc96000 (4K) [l:7fa11dc00000 h:7fa11de00000]
(00.132911) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.132916) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11dc96000-7fa11dc98000 (8K) [l:7fa11dc00000 h:7fa11de00000]
(00.132923) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.132928) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fa11e6ea000-7fa11e70b000 (132K) [l:7fa11e600000 h:7fa11e800000]
(00.132937) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3819 total)
(00.132942) Pagemap generated: 13 pages 0 holes
(00.132947) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffac699000-7fffac6bb000 (136K) [l:7fffac600000 h:7fffac800000]
(00.132955) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (13 iovs, 13/3819 total)
(00.132961) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.132965) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffac6cc000-7fffac6ce000 (8K) [l:7fffac600000 h:7fffac800000]
(00.132972) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (14 iovs, 14/3819 total)
(00.132978) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.132983) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.132988) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 15/3819 iovs:
(00.132992) page-pipe: 	buf 52 pages, 15 iovs:
(00.132997) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11c9fb000 1
(00.133001) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11cc13000 2
(00.133005) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11cc18000 1
(00.133009) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11ce1f000 2
(00.133014) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11d1dc000 8
(00.133018) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11d1e5000 2
(00.133022) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11d42a000 2
(00.133026) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11d634000 2
(00.133031) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11d84c000 2
(00.133035) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11da66000 5
(00.133040) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11da6e000 5
(00.133051) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11dc93000 3
(00.133056) page-pipe: 		0x7fa11e6ea000 13
(00.133060) page-pipe: 		0x7fffac6b9000 2
(00.133064) page-pipe: 		0x7fffac6cc000 2
(00.133069) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.133073) PPB: 52 pages 15 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.133089) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.133100) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.133143) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.133151) Transfering pages:
(00.133156) 	buf 52/15
(00.133160) 	p 0x7fa11c9fb000 [1]
(00.133184) 	p 0x7fa11cc13000 [2]
(00.133210) 	p 0x7fa11cc18000 [1]
(00.133226) 	p 0x7fa11ce1f000 [2]
(00.133250) 	p 0x7fa11d1dc000 [8]
(00.133312) 	p 0x7fa11d1e5000 [2]
(00.133335) 	p 0x7fa11d42a000 [2]
(00.133357) 	p 0x7fa11d634000 [2]
(00.133379) 	p 0x7fa11d84c000 [2]
(00.133402) 	p 0x7fa11da66000 [5]
(00.133447) 	p 0x7fa11da6e000 [5]
(00.133494) 	p 0x7fa11dc93000 [3]
(00.133522) 	p 0x7fa11e6ea000 [13]
(00.133615) 	p 0x7fffac6b9000 [2]
(00.133639) 	p 0x7fffac6cc000 [2]
(00.133677) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.133695) ----------------------------------------
(00.133713) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.133720) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.133792) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.133806) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.133812) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.133867) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.134053) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.134060) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.134091) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.134104) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
(00.134110) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.134144) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.134156) Dumping core (pid: 2921)
(00.134161) ----------------------------------------
(00.134165) Obtaining personality ... (00.134244) 2921 has 0 sched policy
(00.134257) 	dumping 0 nice for 2921
(00.134269) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2921
(00.134321) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.134360) ----------------------------------------
(00.134369) Dumping creds for 2921)
(00.134374) ----------------------------------------
(00.134387) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.134393) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.134459) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.134483) Waiting for 2921 to trap
(00.134511) Daemon 2921 exited trapping
(00.134525) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.134545) 2921 was trapped
(00.134552) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.134589) 2921 was trapped
(00.134597) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.134631) 2921 was trapped
(00.134639) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.134677) 2921 was trapped
(00.134685) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.134710) 2921 was trapped
(00.134717) 2921 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.134737) 2921 was trapped
(00.134744) 2921 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.134767) 2921 was trapped
(00.134774) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 260: new_sp=0x7fa11da61008 ip 0x7fa11cf138c1
(00.134800) 2921 was trapped
(00.134808) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.134827) 2921 was trapped
(00.134835) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.134865) 2921 was trapped
(00.134872) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.134895) 2921 was trapped
(00.134902) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.134923) 2921 was trapped
(00.134930) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.134951) 2921 was trapped
(00.134958) 2921 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.134981) 2921 was stopped
(00.135009) 2921 was trapped
(00.135016) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.135035) 2921 was trapped
(00.135043) 2921 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.135062) 2921 was trapped
(00.135069) 2921 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.135105) 2921 was stopped
(00.135147) Dumping mm (pid: 2921)
(00.135164) ----------------------------------------
(00.135171) 0x7fa11c9fb000-0x7fa11ca14000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135232) 0x7fa11ca14000-0x7fa11cc13000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135267) 0x7fa11cc13000-0x7fa11cc14000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135297) 0x7fa11cc14000-0x7fa11cc15000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135327) 0x7fa11cc15000-0x7fa11cc19000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.135335) 0x7fa11cc19000-0x7fa11cc20000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135362) 0x7fa11cc20000-0x7fa11ce1f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135392) 0x7fa11ce1f000-0x7fa11ce20000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135421) 0x7fa11ce20000-0x7fa11ce21000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135450) 0x7fa11ce21000-0x7fa11cfdc000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135480) 0x7fa11cfdc000-0x7fa11d1dc000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135509) 0x7fa11d1dc000-0x7fa11d1e0000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135537) 0x7fa11d1e0000-0x7fa11d1e2000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135567) 0x7fa11d1e2000-0x7fa11d1e7000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.135575) 0x7fa11d1e7000-0x7fa11d22b000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135603) 0x7fa11d22b000-0x7fa11d42a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135633) 0x7fa11d42a000-0x7fa11d42b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135662) 0x7fa11d42b000-0x7fa11d42c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135691) 0x7fa11d42c000-0x7fa11d434000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135721) 0x7fa11d434000-0x7fa11d634000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135750) 0x7fa11d634000-0x7fa11d635000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135779) 0x7fa11d635000-0x7fa11d636000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135807) 0x7fa11d636000-0x7fa11d64d000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135837) 0x7fa11d64d000-0x7fa11d84c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135866) 0x7fa11d84c000-0x7fa11d84d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135895) 0x7fa11d84d000-0x7fa11d84e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135924) 0x7fa11d84e000-0x7fa11d871000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135954) 0x7fa11da66000-0x7fa11da6b000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.135962) 0x7fa11da6e000-0x7fa11da70000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.135967) 0x7fa11da70000-0x7fa11da71000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.135995) 0x7fa11da71000-0x7fa11da72000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.136024) 0x7fa11da72000-0x7fa11da73000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.136032) 0x7fa11da73000-0x7fa11da94000 (132K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.136072) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 42 [/sbin/upstart-file-bridge]
(00.136097) 0x7fa11dc93000-0x7fa11dc95000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.136126) 0x7fa11dc95000-0x7fa11dc96000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.136156) 0x7fa11dc96000-0x7fa11dc98000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.136164) 0x7fa11e6ea000-0x7fa11e70b000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.136169) 0x7fffac699000-0x7fffac6bb000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.136176) 0x7fffac6cc000-0x7fffac6ce000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.136181) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.136187) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.136330) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.136371) ========================================
(00.136377) Dumping task (pid: 2927)
(00.136382) ========================================
(00.136394) Obtaining task stat ... (00.136496) 
(00.136504) Collecting mappings (pid: 2927)
(00.136509) ----------------------------------------
(00.136725) vma 677000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.136743) vma 679000 borrows vfi from previous 677000
(00.136968) vma 7f9984bb3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984ba8000
(00.136981) vma 7f9984db2000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984bb3000
(00.136991) vma 7f9984db3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984db2000
(00.137015) vma 7f9984dcb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984db4000
(00.137078) vma 7f9984fca000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984dcb000
(00.137090) vma 7f9984fcb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984fca000
(00.137125) vma 7f9984fd7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984fce000
(00.137136) vma 7f99851d6000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9984fd7000
(00.137147) vma 7f99851d7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f99851d6000
(00.137230) vma 7f99851dc000 borrows vfi from previous 7f99851d8000
(00.137242) vma 7f99853db000 borrows vfi from previous 7f99851dc000
(00.137252) vma 7f99853dc000 borrows vfi from previous 7f99853db000
(00.137276) vma 7f9985439000 borrows vfi from previous 7f99853dd000
(00.137287) vma 7f9985638000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985439000
(00.137355) vma 7f998563a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985638000
(00.137391) vma 7f998564d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985642000
(00.137402) vma 7f998584c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998564d000
(00.137412) vma 7f998584d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998584c000
(00.137498) vma 7f9985853000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998584e000
(00.137511) vma 7f9985a52000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985853000
(00.137521) vma 7f9985a53000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985a52000
(00.137545) vma 7f9985c0f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985a54000
(00.137556) vma 7f9985e0f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985c0f000
(00.137566) vma 7f9985e13000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985e0f000
(00.137654) vma 7f9985e1e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985e1a000
(00.137666) vma 7f998601d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9985e1e000
(00.137676) vma 7f998601e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998601d000
(00.137699) vma 7f9986029000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998601f000
(00.137766) vma 7f9986228000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986029000
(00.137777) vma 7f9986229000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986228000
(00.137801) vma 7f998622d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998622a000
(00.137812) vma 7f998642c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998622d000
(00.137822) vma 7f998642d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998642c000
(00.137902) vma 7f9986435000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998642e000
(00.137914) vma 7f9986634000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986435000
(00.137924) vma 7f9986635000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986634000
(00.137947) vma 7f9986639000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986636000
(00.137958) vma 7f9986838000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986639000
(00.137968) vma 7f9986839000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986838000
(00.138044) vma 7f9986853000 borrows vfi from previous 7f998683a000
(00.138056) vma 7f9986a52000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986853000
(00.138066) vma 7f9986a53000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986a52000
(00.138100) vma 7f9986a70000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986a58000
(00.138285) vma 7f9986c6f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986a70000
(00.138317) vma 7f9986c70000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986c6f000
(00.138429) vma 7f9986e94000 borrows vfi from previous 7f9986e93000
(00.138554) Collected, longest area occupies 16351 pages
(00.138568) 0x400000-0x477000 (476K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138580) 0x677000-0x679000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x77000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138590) 0x679000-0x680000 (28K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x79000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138601) 0x680000-0x681000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138611) 0x189c000-0x18d6000 (232K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.138621) 0x7f9974000000-0x7f9974296000 (2648K) prot 0x3 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138632) 0x7f9974296000-0x7f9978000000 (62888K) prot 0 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138642) 0x7f9978000000-0x7f9978021000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138675) 0x7f9978021000-0x7f997c000000 (65404K) prot 0 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138688) 0x7f997c000000-0x7f997c021000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138701) 0x7f997c021000-0x7f9980000000 (65404K) prot 0 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138706) 0x7f99833a5000-0x7f99833a6000 (4K) prot 0 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138712) 0x7f99833a6000-0x7f9983ba6000 (8192K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138717) 0x7f9983ba6000-0x7f9983ba7000 (4K) prot 0 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138722) 0x7f9983ba7000-0x7f99843a7000 (8192K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138727) 0x7f99843a7000-0x7f99843a8000 (4K) prot 0 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138733) 0x7f99843a8000-0x7f9984ba8000 (8192K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138738) 0x7f9984ba8000-0x7f9984bb3000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138744) 0x7f9984bb3000-0x7f9984db2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138749) 0x7f9984db2000-0x7f9984db3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138754) 0x7f9984db3000-0x7f9984db4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138760) 0x7f9984db4000-0x7f9984dcb000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138765) 0x7f9984dcb000-0x7f9984fca000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138770) 0x7f9984fca000-0x7f9984fcb000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138776) 0x7f9984fcb000-0x7f9984fcc000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138781) 0x7f9984fcc000-0x7f9984fce000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138786) 0x7f9984fce000-0x7f9984fd7000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138791) 0x7f9984fd7000-0x7f99851d6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138796) 0x7f99851d6000-0x7f99851d7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138801) 0x7f99851d7000-0x7f99851d8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138807) 0x7f99851d8000-0x7f99851dc000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138812) 0x7f99851dc000-0x7f99853db000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138817) 0x7f99853db000-0x7f99853dc000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138823) 0x7f99853dc000-0x7f99853dd000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138828) 0x7f99853dd000-0x7f9985439000 (368K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138833) 0x7f9985439000-0x7f9985638000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x5c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138838) 0x7f9985638000-0x7f998563a000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x5b000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138844) 0x7f998563a000-0x7f9985640000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x5d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138849) 0x7f9985640000-0x7f9985642000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138854) 0x7f9985642000-0x7f998564d000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138860) 0x7f998564d000-0x7f998584c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138865) 0x7f998584c000-0x7f998584d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138870) 0x7f998584d000-0x7f998584e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138876) 0x7f998584e000-0x7f9985853000 (20K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138881) 0x7f9985853000-0x7f9985a52000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x5000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138886) 0x7f9985a52000-0x7f9985a53000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138891) 0x7f9985a53000-0x7f9985a54000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x5000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138896) 0x7f9985a54000-0x7f9985c0f000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138902) 0x7f9985c0f000-0x7f9985e0f000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138907) 0x7f9985e0f000-0x7f9985e13000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138912) 0x7f9985e13000-0x7f9985e15000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138918) 0x7f9985e15000-0x7f9985e1a000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.138929) 0x7f9985e1a000-0x7f9985e1e000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138935) 0x7f9985e1e000-0x7f998601d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138940) 0x7f998601d000-0x7f998601e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138945) 0x7f998601e000-0x7f998601f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138950) 0x7f998601f000-0x7f9986029000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138955) 0x7f9986029000-0x7f9986228000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138960) 0x7f9986228000-0x7f9986229000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138966) 0x7f9986229000-0x7f998622a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138971) 0x7f998622a000-0x7f998622d000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138976) 0x7f998622d000-0x7f998642c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138982) 0x7f998642c000-0x7f998642d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138987) 0x7f998642d000-0x7f998642e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138992) 0x7f998642e000-0x7f9986435000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.138997) 0x7f9986435000-0x7f9986634000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139002) 0x7f9986634000-0x7f9986635000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139007) 0x7f9986635000-0x7f9986636000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139013) 0x7f9986636000-0x7f9986639000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139018) 0x7f9986639000-0x7f9986838000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139039) 0x7f9986838000-0x7f9986839000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139045) 0x7f9986839000-0x7f998683a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139051) 0x7f998683a000-0x7f9986853000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139056) 0x7f9986853000-0x7f9986a52000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139061) 0x7f9986a52000-0x7f9986a53000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139066) 0x7f9986a53000-0x7f9986a54000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139072) 0x7f9986a54000-0x7f9986a58000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.139077) 0x7f9986a58000-0x7f9986a70000 (96K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139082) 0x7f9986a70000-0x7f9986c6f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139088) 0x7f9986c6f000-0x7f9986c70000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139093) 0x7f9986c70000-0x7f9986c71000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139098) 0x7f9986c71000-0x7f9986c94000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139103) 0x7f9986e88000-0x7f9986e8e000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.139109) 0x7f9986e91000-0x7f9986e93000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.139114) 0x7f9986e93000-0x7f9986e94000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139119) 0x7f9986e94000-0x7f9986e95000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.139124) 0x7f9986e95000-0x7f9986e96000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.139129) 0x7fffab55c000-0x7fffab57e000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.139135) 0x7fffab59a000-0x7fffab59c000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.139140) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.139145) ----------------------------------------
(00.139155) Collecting fds (pid: 2927)
(00.139159) ----------------------------------------
(00.139186) Found 5 file descriptors
(00.139192) ----------------------------------------
(00.139224) Dump private signals of 2927
(00.139238) Dump private signals of 2929
(00.139247) Dump private signals of 2930
(00.139257) Dump private signals of 2931
(00.139266) Dump shared signals of 2927
(00.139281) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.139379) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc810f57000->0x7f9986d80000
(00.139412) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2927
(00.139430) xsave runtime structure
(00.139436) -----------------------
(00.139440) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.139445) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.139450) xstate_bv: 0
(00.139454) -----------------------
(00.139459) Putting tsock into pid 2927
(00.139530) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.139541) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.139569) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.139575) Parasite 2927 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.139601) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.139607) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.139635) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.139657) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.139663) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.139700) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.139706) sid=266 pgid=266 pid=266
(00.139930) Dumping opened files (pid: 2927)
(00.139935) ----------------------------------------
(00.139948) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.140003) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.140011) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.140115) 2927 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0
(00.140133) 	Searching for socket 4608 (family 1)
(00.140144) No filter for socket
(00.140149) Dumping unix socket at 0
(00.140153) 	Dumping: ino 0x4608 peer_ino 0 family    1 type    2 state  7 name /dev/log
(00.140171) 	Dumped: id 0x43 ino 0x4608 peer 0 type 2 state 7 name 9 bytes
(00.140177) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 02/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.140222) 2927 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x            2b80 flags:           102001/0x1
(00.140249) Dumping path for 1 fd via self 58 [/var/log/syslog]
(00.140268) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0102001/01 pos: 0x    2b80 fd: 1
(00.140308) 2927 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x           e0bbe flags:           102001/0x1
(00.140326) Dumping path for 2 fd via self 59 [/var/log/auth.log]
(00.140340) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0102001/01 pos: 0x   e0bbe fd: 2
(00.140377) 2927 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100000/0
(00.140396) Dumping path for 3 fd via self 60 [/proc/kmsg]
(00.140411) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100000/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.140445) 2927 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x             524 flags:           102001/0x1
(00.140463) Dumping path for 4 fd via self 61 [/var/log/kern.log]
(00.140476) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0102001/01 pos: 0x     524 fd: 4
(00.140487) ----------------------------------------
(00.140513) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.140520) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.140649) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.140661) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 2927)
(00.140666) ----------------------------------------
(00.140672)    Private vmas 16351/63961 pages
(00.140698) pagemap-cache: created for pid 2927 (takes 130808 bytes)
(00.140705) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 63961 segs
(00.140710) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.140796) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-477000 (476K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.140803) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-477000           nr:1     cov:487424
(00.140809) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:477000]
(00.140827) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/63961 total)
(00.140834) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.140839) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 677000-679000 (8K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.140844) pagemap-cache: 	          677000-679000           nr:1     cov:8192
(00.140849) pagemap-cache: 	          679000-680000           nr:2     cov:36864
(00.140854) pagemap-cache: 	          680000-681000           nr:3     cov:40960
(00.140859) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:677000 h:800000]
(00.140868) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/63961 total)
(00.140881) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.140887) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.140891) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.140895) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 189c000-18d6000 (232K) [l:1800000 h:1a00000]
(00.140907) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/63961 total)
(00.140915) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.140920) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.140925) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/63961 total)
(00.140930) Pagemap generated: 40 pages 0 holes
(00.140934) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f9974000000-7f9974296000 (2648K) [l:7f9974000000 h:7f9974200000]
(00.141015) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/63961 total)
(00.141022) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/63961 total)
(00.141029) page-pipe: Grow pipe 40 -> 80
(00.141042) page-pipe: Grow pipe 80 -> 100
(00.141062) page-pipe: Grow pipe 100 -> 200
(00.141071) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 6)
(00.141080) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 6/63961 total)
(00.141087) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.141093) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.141099) page-pipe: Grow pipe 40 -> 80
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(00.143331) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f9986e95000-7f9986e96000 (4K) [l:7f9986e00000 h:7f9987000000]
(00.143339) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.143344) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffab55c000-7fffab57e000 (136K) [l:7fffab400000 h:7fffab600000]
(00.143353) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (26 iovs, 32/63961 total)
(00.143358) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.143363) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffab59a000-7fffab59c000 (8K) [l:7fffab400000 h:7fffab600000]
(00.143370) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (27 iovs, 33/63961 total)
(00.143375) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.143380) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.143384) page-pipe: * 2 pipes 34/63961 iovs:
(00.143388) page-pipe: 	buf 512 pages, 6 iovs:
(00.143393) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.143397) page-pipe: 		0x678000 9
(00.143401) page-pipe: 		0x189c000 38
(00.143406) page-pipe: 		0x18ce000 2
(00.143410) page-pipe: 		0x7f9974000000 1
(00.143414) page-pipe: 		0x7f9974002000 461
(00.143418) page-pipe: 	buf 287 pages, 28 iovs:
(00.143423) page-pipe: 		0x7f99741cf000 199
(00.143427) page-pipe: 		0x7f9978000000 2
(00.143431) page-pipe: 		0x7f997c000000 5
(00.143435) page-pipe: 		0x7f9983ba2000 4
(00.143440) page-pipe: 		0x7f9984384000 2
(00.143444) page-pipe: 		0x7f99843a5000 2
(00.143448) page-pipe: 		0x7f9984ba2000 3
(00.143452) page-pipe: 		0x7f9984ba6000 2
(00.143456) page-pipe: 		0x7f9984db2000 2
(00.143461) page-pipe: 		0x7f9984fca000 2
(00.143465) page-pipe: 		0x7f99851d6000 2
(00.143469) page-pipe: 		0x7f99853db000 2
(00.143473) page-pipe: 		0x7f9985638000 10
(00.143478) page-pipe: 		0x7f998584c000 2
(00.143482) page-pipe: 		0x7f9985a52000 2
(00.143486) page-pipe: 		0x7f9985e0f000 11
(00.143490) page-pipe: 		0x7f998601d000 2
(00.143495) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986228000 2
(00.143499) page-pipe: 		0x7f998642c000 2
(00.143503) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986634000 2
(00.143508) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986838000 2
(00.143512) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986a52000 2
(00.143516) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986a57000 1
(00.143520) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986c6f000 2
(00.143525) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986e88000 6
(00.143529) page-pipe: 		0x7f9986e91000 5
(00.143533) page-pipe: 		0x7fffab577000 7
(00.143537) page-pipe: 		0x7fffab59a000 2
(00.143542) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.143546) PPB: 512 pages 6 segs 512 pipe 0 off
(00.143564) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.143586) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.143695) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.143703) PPB: 287 pages 28 segs 512 pipe 6 off
(00.143713) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.143722) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.143791) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.143800) Transfering pages:
(00.143805) 	buf 512/6
(00.143809) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.143847) 	p 0x678000 [9]
(00.143925) 	p 0x189c000 [38]
(00.144198) 	p 0x18ce000 [2]
(00.144230) 	p 0x7f9974000000 [1]
(00.144248) 	p 0x7f9974002000 [461]
(00.147716) 	buf 287/28
(00.147743) 	p 0x7f99741cf000 [199]
(00.149243) 	p 0x7f9978000000 [2]
(00.149300) 	p 0x7f997c000000 [5]
(00.149346) 	p 0x7f9983ba2000 [4]
(00.149387) 	p 0x7f9984384000 [2]
(00.149413) 	p 0x7f99843a5000 [2]
(00.149438) 	p 0x7f9984ba2000 [3]
(00.149471) 	p 0x7f9984ba6000 [2]
(00.149500) 	p 0x7f9984db2000 [2]
(00.149527) 	p 0x7f9984fca000 [2]
(00.149552) 	p 0x7f99851d6000 [2]
(00.149576) 	p 0x7f99853db000 [2]
(00.149602) 	p 0x7f9985638000 [10]
(00.149686) 	p 0x7f998584c000 [2]
(00.149711) 	p 0x7f9985a52000 [2]
(00.149738) 	p 0x7f9985e0f000 [11]
(00.149833) 	p 0x7f998601d000 [2]
(00.149860) 	p 0x7f9986228000 [2]
(00.149885) 	p 0x7f998642c000 [2]
(00.149910) 	p 0x7f9986634000 [2]
(00.149933) 	p 0x7f9986838000 [2]
(00.149958) 	p 0x7f9986a52000 [2]
(00.149986) 	p 0x7f9986a57000 [1]
(00.150003) 	p 0x7f9986c6f000 [2]
(00.150027) 	p 0x7f9986e88000 [6]
(00.150081) 	p 0x7f9986e91000 [5]
(00.150170) 	p 0x7fffab577000 [7]
(00.150252) 	p 0x7fffab59a000 [2]
(00.150294) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.150357) ----------------------------------------
(00.150382) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.150389) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.150536) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.150549) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
(00.150555) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.150604) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.150794) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.150801) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.150830) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.150843) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.150849) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.150872) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.150883) Dumping core (pid: 2927)
(00.150887) ----------------------------------------
(00.150891) Obtaining personality ... (00.150975) 2927 has 0 sched policy
(00.150985) 	dumping 0 nice for 2927
(00.150998) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2927
(00.151049) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.151087) ----------------------------------------
(00.151097) Dumping core for thread (pid: 2929)
(00.151101) ----------------------------------------
pie: Parasite cmd 3/0x3 process
(00.151193) Error (parasite-syscall.c:387): si_code=4 si_pid=2929 si_status=5
(00.151220) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2929
(00.151230) 2929 has 0 sched policy
(00.151235) 	dumping 0 nice for 2929
(00.151322) ----------------------------------------
(00.151332) Dumping core for thread (pid: 2930)
(00.151336) ----------------------------------------
pie: Parasite cmd 3/0x3 process
(00.151396) Error (parasite-syscall.c:387): si_code=4 si_pid=2930 si_status=5
(00.151413) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2930
(00.151422) 2930 has 0 sched policy
(00.151428) 	dumping 0 nice for 2930
(00.151488) ----------------------------------------
(00.151498) Dumping core for thread (pid: 2931)
(00.151502) ----------------------------------------
pie: Parasite cmd 3/0x3 process
(00.151559) Error (parasite-syscall.c:387): si_code=4 si_pid=2931 si_status=5
(00.151576) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2931
(00.151584) 2931 has 0 sched policy
(00.151589) 	dumping 0 nice for 2931
(00.151646) ----------------------------------------
(00.151658) Dumping creds for 2927)
(00.151669) ----------------------------------------
(00.151685) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.151691) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.151762) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.151784) Waiting for 2927 to trap
(00.151811) Daemon 2927 exited trapping
(00.151824) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.151841) 2927 was trapped
(00.151848) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.151881) 2927 was trapped
(00.151890) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.151922) 2927 was trapped
(00.151931) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.151966) 2927 was trapped
(00.151974) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.152010) 2927 was trapped
(00.152017) 2927 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.152038) 2927 was trapped
(00.152045) 2927 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.152066) 2927 was trapped
(00.152073) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 266: new_sp=0x7f9986e7f008 ip 0x7f9985b468e1
(00.152099) 2927 was trapped
(00.152106) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.152125) 2927 was trapped
(00.152133) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.152160) 2927 was trapped
(00.152167) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.152189) 2927 was trapped
(00.152196) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.152216) 2927 was trapped
(00.152222) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.152243) 2927 was trapped
(00.152250) 2927 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.152273) 2927 was stopped
(00.152299) 2927 was trapped
(00.152308) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.152329) 2927 was trapped
(00.152336) 2927 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.152355) 2927 was trapped
(00.152362) 2927 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.152402) 2927 was stopped
(00.152448) Dumping mm (pid: 2927)
(00.152452) ----------------------------------------
(00.152460) 0x400000-0x477000 (476K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152540) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/usr/sbin/rsyslogd]
(00.152565) 0x677000-0x679000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x77000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152596) 0x679000-0x680000 (28K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x79000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152628) 0x680000-0x681000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152636) 0x189c000-0x18d6000 (232K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.152641) 0x7f9974000000-0x7f9974296000 (2648K) prot 0x3 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152647) 0x7f9974296000-0x7f9978000000 (62888K) prot 0 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152652) 0x7f9978000000-0x7f9978021000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152658) 0x7f9978021000-0x7f997c000000 (65404K) prot 0 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152663) 0x7f997c000000-0x7f997c021000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152669) 0x7f997c021000-0x7f9980000000 (65404K) prot 0 flags 0x4022 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152674) 0x7f99833a5000-0x7f99833a6000 (4K) prot 0 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152679) 0x7f99833a6000-0x7f9983ba6000 (8192K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152685) 0x7f9983ba6000-0x7f9983ba7000 (4K) prot 0 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152690) 0x7f9983ba7000-0x7f99843a7000 (8192K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152695) 0x7f99843a7000-0x7f99843a8000 (4K) prot 0 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152700) 0x7f99843a8000-0x7f9984ba8000 (8192K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152706) 0x7f9984ba8000-0x7f9984bb3000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152734) 0x7f9984bb3000-0x7f9984db2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152765) 0x7f9984db2000-0x7f9984db3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152795) 0x7f9984db3000-0x7f9984db4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152824) 0x7f9984db4000-0x7f9984dcb000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152854) 0x7f9984dcb000-0x7f9984fca000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152884) 0x7f9984fca000-0x7f9984fcb000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152930) 0x7f9984fcb000-0x7f9984fcc000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152960) 0x7f9984fcc000-0x7f9984fce000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.152969) 0x7f9984fce000-0x7f9984fd7000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.152996) 0x7f9984fd7000-0x7f99851d6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153025) 0x7f99851d6000-0x7f99851d7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153054) 0x7f99851d7000-0x7f99851d8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153083) 0x7f99851d8000-0x7f99851dc000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153122) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 38 [/usr/lib/rsyslog/imklog.so]
(00.153138) 0x7f99851dc000-0x7f99853db000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153166) 0x7f99853db000-0x7f99853dc000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153195) 0x7f99853dc000-0x7f99853dd000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153223) 0x7f99853dd000-0x7f9985439000 (368K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153260) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 39 [/usr/lib/rsyslog/imuxsock.so]
(00.153277) 0x7f9985439000-0x7f9985638000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x5c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153306) 0x7f9985638000-0x7f998563a000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x5b000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153335) 0x7f998563a000-0x7f9985640000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x5d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153364) 0x7f9985640000-0x7f9985642000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.153373) 0x7f9985642000-0x7f998564d000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153402) 0x7f998564d000-0x7f998584c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153431) 0x7f998584c000-0x7f998584d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153460) 0x7f998584d000-0x7f998584e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153490) 0x7f998584e000-0x7f9985853000 (20K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153528) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 41 [/usr/lib/rsyslog/lmnet.so]
(00.153543) 0x7f9985853000-0x7f9985a52000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x5000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153571) 0x7f9985a52000-0x7f9985a53000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153599) 0x7f9985a53000-0x7f9985a54000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x5000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153627) 0x7f9985a54000-0x7f9985c0f000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153655) 0x7f9985c0f000-0x7f9985e0f000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153683) 0x7f9985e0f000-0x7f9985e13000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153711) 0x7f9985e13000-0x7f9985e15000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153739) 0x7f9985e15000-0x7f9985e1a000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.153746) 0x7f9985e1a000-0x7f9985e1e000 (16K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153772) 0x7f9985e1e000-0x7f998601d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153799) 0x7f998601d000-0x7f998601e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153828) 0x7f998601e000-0x7f998601f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x4000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153856) 0x7f998601f000-0x7f9986029000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153886) 0x7f9986029000-0x7f9986228000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153913) 0x7f9986228000-0x7f9986229000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153942) 0x7f9986229000-0x7f998622a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.153969) 0x7f998622a000-0x7f998622d000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154008) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 45 [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libestr.so.0.0.0]
(00.154023) 0x7f998622d000-0x7f998642c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154051) 0x7f998642c000-0x7f998642d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154079) 0x7f998642d000-0x7f998642e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154107) 0x7f998642e000-0x7f9986435000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154198) 0x7f9986435000-0x7f9986634000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154234) 0x7f9986634000-0x7f9986635000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154266) 0x7f9986635000-0x7f9986636000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154294) 0x7f9986636000-0x7f9986639000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154323) 0x7f9986639000-0x7f9986838000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154352) 0x7f9986838000-0x7f9986839000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154380) 0x7f9986839000-0x7f998683a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154410) 0x7f998683a000-0x7f9986853000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154439) 0x7f9986853000-0x7f9986a52000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154467) 0x7f9986a52000-0x7f9986a53000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154496) 0x7f9986a53000-0x7f9986a54000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154524) 0x7f9986a54000-0x7f9986a58000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.154532) 0x7f9986a58000-0x7f9986a70000 (96K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154569) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 49 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1.2.8]
(00.154588) 0x7f9986a70000-0x7f9986c6f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154617) 0x7f9986c6f000-0x7f9986c70000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154646) 0x7f9986c70000-0x7f9986c71000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154673) 0x7f9986c71000-0x7f9986c94000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154702) 0x7f9986e88000-0x7f9986e8e000 (24K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.154710) 0x7f9986e91000-0x7f9986e93000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.154716) 0x7f9986e93000-0x7f9986e94000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154742) 0x7f9986e94000-0x7f9986e95000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.154769) 0x7f9986e95000-0x7f9986e96000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.154776) 0x7fffab55c000-0x7fffab57e000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.154782) 0x7fffab59a000-0x7fffab59c000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.154788) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.154794) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.154962) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.155038) ========================================
(00.155044) Dumping task (pid: 2962)
(00.155049) ========================================
(00.155053) Obtaining task stat ... (00.155149) 
(00.155157) Collecting mappings (pid: 2962)
(00.155162) ----------------------------------------
(00.155291) vma 7f66dc9a7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dc99c000
(00.155304) vma 7f66dcba6000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dc9a7000
(00.155315) vma 7f66dcba7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dcba6000
(00.155340) vma 7f66dcd63000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dcba8000
(00.155351) vma 7f66dcf63000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dcd63000
(00.155478) vma 7f66dcf67000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dcf63000
(00.155549) vma 7f66dd191000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dd190000
(00.155658) vma 7f66dd524000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dd193000
(00.155671) vma 7f66dd525000 borrows vfi from previous 7f66dd524000
(00.155716) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.155724) 0x7f66dc99c000-0x7f66dc9a7000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155730) 0x7f66dc9a7000-0x7f66dcba6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155736) 0x7f66dcba6000-0x7f66dcba7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155741) 0x7f66dcba7000-0x7f66dcba8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155747) 0x7f66dcba8000-0x7f66dcd63000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155752) 0x7f66dcd63000-0x7f66dcf63000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155772) 0x7f66dcf63000-0x7f66dcf67000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155778) 0x7f66dcf67000-0x7f66dcf69000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155784) 0x7f66dcf69000-0x7f66dcf6e000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.155789) 0x7f66dcf6e000-0x7f66dcf91000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155795) 0x7f66dcff9000-0x7f66dd18b000 (1608K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.155800) 0x7f66dd18d000-0x7f66dd190000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.155805) 0x7f66dd190000-0x7f66dd191000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155811) 0x7f66dd191000-0x7f66dd192000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155816) 0x7f66dd192000-0x7f66dd193000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.155821) 0x7f66dd193000-0x7f66dd324000 (1604K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155827) 0x7f66dd524000-0x7f66dd525000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x191000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155832) 0x7f66dd525000-0x7f66dd52a000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x192000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.155837) 0x7f66dd52a000-0x7f66dd535000 (44K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.155843) 0x7f66de115000-0x7f66de1c0000 (684K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.155848) 0x7fff90a6e000-0x7fff90a90000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.155853) 0x7fff90bfe000-0x7fff90c00000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.155859) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.155864) ----------------------------------------
(00.155874) Collecting fds (pid: 2962)
(00.155878) ----------------------------------------
(00.155901) Found 9 file descriptors
(00.155907) ----------------------------------------
(00.155933) Dump private signals of 2962
(00.155943) Dump shared signals of 2962
(00.155955) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x7f66dc99c000
(00.156052) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc81104b000->0x7f66dcfe5000
(00.156086) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 2962
(00.156103) xsave runtime structure
(00.156108) -----------------------
(00.156112) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.156118) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.156122) xstate_bv: 0
(00.156127) -----------------------
(00.156131) Putting tsock into pid 2962
(00.156203) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.156212) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.156241) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.156247) Parasite 2962 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.156270) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.156276) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.156303) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.156321) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.156328) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.156363) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.156369) sid=301 pgid=301 pid=301
(00.156590) Dumping opened files (pid: 2962)
(00.156595) ----------------------------------------
(00.156610) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.156671) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.156680) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.156789) 2962 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.156824) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 44 [/dev/null]
(00.156844) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.156885) 2962 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.156906) Dumping path for 1 fd via self 45 [/dev/null]
(00.156919) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.156956) 2962 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.156981) Dumping path for 2 fd via self 46 [/dev/null]
(00.156994) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.157031) 2962 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x             b7c flags:           100001/0
(00.157059) Dumping path for 3 fd via self 47 [/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases]
(00.157075) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100001/0 pos: 0x     b7c fd: 3
(00.157113) 2962 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0x1
(00.157126) 	Searching for socket 4601 (family 17)
(00.157131) Dumping packet socket fd 48 id 0x52
(00.157155) fdinfo: type: 0x a flags: 02/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.157193) 2962 fdinfo 5: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0x1
(00.157204) 	Searching for socket 4604 (family 2)
(00.157216) No filter for socket
(00.157229) Dumping inet socket at 5
(00.157236) 	Dumping: ino 0x    4604 family    2 type    2 port       68 state  7 src_addr
(00.157242) 	Dumped: family 2 type 2 proto 17 port 68 state 7 src_addr
(00.157248) fdinfo: type: 0x 4 flags: 02/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 5
(00.157284) 2962 fdinfo 6: pos: 0x               0 flags:                2/0x1
(00.157295) 	Searching for socket 49c5 (family 1)
(00.157301) 	Searching for socket 4608 (family 1)
(00.157310) No filter for socket
(00.157314) Dumping unix socket at 6
(00.157320) 	Dumping: ino 0x49c5 peer_ino 0x4608 family    1 type    2 state  7 name (null)
(00.157334) 	Dumped: id 0x54 ino 0x49c5 peer 0x4608 type 2 state 7 name 0 bytes
(00.157340) fdinfo: type: 0x 5 flags: 02/01 pos: 0x       0 fd: 6
(00.157375) 2962 fdinfo 20: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0
(00.157385) 	Searching for socket 49ac (family 2)
(00.157395) No filter for socket
(00.157405) Dumping inet socket at 20
(00.157411) 	Dumping: ino 0x    49ac family    2 type    2 port    17425 state  7 src_addr
(00.157417) 	Dumped: family 2 type 2 proto 17 port 17425 state 7 src_addr
(00.157422) fdinfo: type: 0x 4 flags: 04002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 20
(00.157456) 2962 fdinfo 21: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0
(00.157466) 	Searching for socket 49ad (family 10)
(00.157478) No filter for socket
(00.157488) Dumping inet socket at 21
(00.157494) 	Dumping: ino 0x    49ad family   10 type    2 port    24963 state  7 src_addr ::
(00.157500) 	Dumped: family 10 type 2 proto 17 port 24963 state 7 src_addr ::
(00.157505) fdinfo: type: 0x 4 flags: 04002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 21
(00.157516) ----------------------------------------
(00.157537) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.157543) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.157592) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.157606) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 2962)
(00.157610) ----------------------------------------
(00.157616)    Private vmas 512/2558 pages
(00.157633) pagemap-cache: created for pid 2962 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.157639) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 2558 segs
(00.157644) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.157734) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dc99c000-7f66dc9a7000 (44K) [l:7f66dc800000 h:7f66dca00000]
(00.157749) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/2558 total)
(00.157755) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.157760) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dc9a7000-7f66dcba6000 (2044K) [l:7f66dc800000 h:7f66dca00000]
(00.157780) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.157785) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcba6000-7f66dcba7000 (4K) [l:7f66dca00000 h:7f66dcc00000]
(00.157792) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/2558 total)
(00.157798) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.157802) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcba7000-7f66dcba8000 (4K) [l:7f66dca00000 h:7f66dcc00000]
(00.157810) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.157815) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcba8000-7f66dcd63000 (1772K) [l:7f66dca00000 h:7f66dcc00000]
(00.157838) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.157843) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcd63000-7f66dcf63000 (2048K) [l:7f66dcc00000 h:7f66dce00000]
(00.157862) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.157867) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcf63000-7f66dcf67000 (16K) [l:7f66dce00000 h:7f66dd000000]
(00.157875) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/2558 total)
(00.157881) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.157885) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcf67000-7f66dcf69000 (8K) [l:7f66dce00000 h:7f66dd000000]
(00.157901) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.157907) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcf69000-7f66dcf6e000 (20K) [l:7f66dce00000 h:7f66dd000000]
(00.157915) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.157919) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcf6e000-7f66dcf91000 (140K) [l:7f66dce00000 h:7f66dd000000]
(00.157927) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.157932) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dcff9000-7f66dd18b000 (1608K) [l:7f66dce00000 h:7f66dd000000]
(00.157984) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/2558 total)
(00.157991) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.157997) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.158005) page-pipe: Grow pipe 40 -> 80
(00.158018) page-pipe: Grow pipe 80 -> 100
(00.158024) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/2558 total)
(00.158040) page-pipe: Grow pipe 100 -> 200
(00.158047) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/2558 total)
(00.158053) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/2558 total)
(00.158058) Pagemap generated: 399 pages 0 holes
(00.158062) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd18d000-7f66dd190000 (12K) [l:7f66dd000000 h:7f66dd200000]
(00.158071) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/2558 total)
(00.158077) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.158081) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd190000-7f66dd191000 (4K) [l:7f66dd000000 h:7f66dd200000]
(00.158089) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.158094) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd191000-7f66dd192000 (4K) [l:7f66dd000000 h:7f66dd200000]
(00.158103) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.158108) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd192000-7f66dd193000 (4K) [l:7f66dd000000 h:7f66dd200000]
(00.158136) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.158142) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd193000-7f66dd324000 (1604K) [l:7f66dd000000 h:7f66dd200000]
(00.158165) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.158170) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd524000-7f66dd525000 (4K) [l:7f66dd400000 h:7f66dd600000]
(00.158180) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/2558 total)
(00.158186) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.158190) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd525000-7f66dd52a000 (20K) [l:7f66dd400000 h:7f66dd600000]
(00.158197) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.158202) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66dd52a000-7f66dd535000 (44K) [l:7f66dd400000 h:7f66dd600000]
(00.158209) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/2558 total)
(00.158214) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.158219) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f66de115000-7f66de1c0000 (684K) [l:7f66de000000 h:7f66de200000]
(00.158239) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/2558 total)
(00.158244) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/2558 total)
(00.158249) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/2558 total)
(00.158255) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 13)
(00.158266) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 13/2558 total)
(00.158273) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.158278) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 14/2558 total)
(00.158284) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.158289) Pagemap generated: 140 pages 0 holes
(00.158294) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff90a6e000-7fff90a90000 (136K) [l:7fff90a00000 h:7fff90c00000]
(00.158298) pagemap-cache: 	    7fff90a6e000-7fff90a90000     nr:1     cov:139264
(00.158304) pagemap-cache: 	    7fff90bfe000-7fff90c00000     nr:2     cov:147456
(00.158309) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fff90a6e000 h:7fff90c00000]
(00.158318) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 15/2558 total)
(00.158324) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.158328) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 16/2558 total)
(00.158333) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.158337) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.158341) page-pipe: * 2 pipes 17/2558 iovs:
(00.158346) page-pipe: 	buf 512 pages, 13 iovs:
(00.158350) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dc99c000 1
(00.158355) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dcba6000 2
(00.158359) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dcf63000 11
(00.158363) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dcff9000 138
(00.158367) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dd084000 194
(00.158371) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dd147000 64
(00.158376) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dd188000 3
(00.158389) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dd18d000 6
(00.158394) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dd524000 6
(00.158399) page-pipe: 		0x7f66dd531000 4
(00.158403) page-pipe: 		0x7f66de115000 11
(00.158407) page-pipe: 		0x7f66de121000 12
(00.158411) page-pipe: 		0x7f66de12e000 60
(00.158416) page-pipe: 	buf 64 pages, 4 iovs:
(00.158420) page-pipe: 		0x7f66de16a000 20
(00.158424) page-pipe: 		0x7f66de17f000 37
(00.158428) page-pipe: 		0x7fff90a8b000 5
(00.158433) page-pipe: 		0x7fff90bfe000 2
(00.158437) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.158441) PPB: 512 pages 13 segs 512 pipe 0 off
(00.158455) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.158467) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.158552) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.158560) PPB: 64 pages 4 segs 64 pipe 13 off
(00.158570) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.158579) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.158614) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.158622) Transfering pages:
(00.158627) 	buf 512/13
(00.158631) 	p 0x7f66dc99c000 [1]
(00.158665) 	p 0x7f66dcba6000 [2]
(00.158692) 	p 0x7f66dcf63000 [11]
(00.158781) 	p 0x7f66dcff9000 [138]
(00.159744) 	p 0x7f66dd084000 [194]
(00.161219) 	p 0x7f66dd147000 [64]
(00.161730) 	p 0x7f66dd188000 [3]
(00.161773) 	p 0x7f66dd18d000 [6]
(00.161835) 	p 0x7f66dd524000 [6]
(00.161887) 	p 0x7f66dd531000 [4]
(00.161927) 	p 0x7f66de115000 [11]
(00.162020) 	p 0x7f66de121000 [12]
(00.162194) 	p 0x7f66de12e000 [60]
(00.162704) 	buf 64/4
(00.162718) 	p 0x7f66de16a000 [20]
(00.162876) 	p 0x7f66de17f000 [37]
(00.163155) 	p 0x7fff90a8b000 [5]
(00.163210) 	p 0x7fff90bfe000 [2]
(00.163251) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.163290) ----------------------------------------
(00.163325) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.163331) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.163404) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.163420) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.163427) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.163487) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.163681) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.163687) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.163717) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.163730) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.163736) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.163759) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.163770) Dumping core (pid: 2962)
(00.163775) ----------------------------------------
(00.163779) Obtaining personality ... (00.163865) 2962 has 0 sched policy
(00.163875) 	dumping 0 nice for 2962
(00.163886) cg: Dumping cgroups for 2962
(00.163939) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.163976) ----------------------------------------
(00.163986) Dumping creds for 2962)
(00.163990) ----------------------------------------
(00.164003) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.164009) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.164083) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.164104) Waiting for 2962 to trap
(00.164133) Daemon 2962 exited trapping
(00.164148) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.164166) 2962 was trapped
(00.164173) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.164211) 2962 was trapped
(00.164219) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.164251) 2962 was trapped
(00.164259) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.164295) 2962 was trapped
(00.164303) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.164327) 2962 was trapped
(00.164335) 2962 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.164355) 2962 was trapped
(00.164363) 2962 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.164385) 2962 was trapped
(00.164393) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 301: new_sp=0x7f66dcff4008 ip 0x7f66dcc9a8c1
(00.164416) 2962 was trapped
(00.164423) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.164446) 2962 was trapped
(00.164453) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.164499) 2962 was trapped
(00.164506) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.164527) 2962 was trapped
(00.164534) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.164554) 2962 was trapped
(00.164563) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.164582) 2962 was trapped
(00.164590) 2962 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.164612) 2962 was stopped
(00.164639) 2962 was trapped
(00.164646) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.164666) 2962 was trapped
(00.164672) 2962 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.164693) 2962 was trapped
(00.164700) 2962 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.164735) 2962 was stopped
(00.164777) Dumping mm (pid: 2962)
(00.164782) ----------------------------------------
(00.164787) 0x7f66dc99c000-0x7f66dc9a7000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.164851) 0x7f66dc9a7000-0x7f66dcba6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.164885) 0x7f66dcba6000-0x7f66dcba7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.164917) 0x7f66dcba7000-0x7f66dcba8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.164947) 0x7f66dcba8000-0x7f66dcd63000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.164977) 0x7f66dcd63000-0x7f66dcf63000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165007) 0x7f66dcf63000-0x7f66dcf67000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165037) 0x7f66dcf67000-0x7f66dcf69000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165067) 0x7f66dcf69000-0x7f66dcf6e000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.165075) 0x7f66dcf6e000-0x7f66dcf91000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165103) 0x7f66dcff9000-0x7f66dd18b000 (1608K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.165111) 0x7f66dd18d000-0x7f66dd190000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.165117) 0x7f66dd190000-0x7f66dd191000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165144) 0x7f66dd191000-0x7f66dd192000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165175) 0x7f66dd192000-0x7f66dd193000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.165184) 0x7f66dd193000-0x7f66dd324000 (1604K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165225) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 38 [/sbin/dhclient]
(00.165249) 0x7f66dd524000-0x7f66dd525000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x191000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165280) 0x7f66dd525000-0x7f66dd52a000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x192000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.165309) 0x7f66dd52a000-0x7f66dd535000 (44K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.165317) 0x7f66de115000-0x7f66de1c0000 (684K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.165322) 0x7fff90a6e000-0x7fff90a90000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.165328) 0x7fff90bfe000-0x7fff90c00000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.165333) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.165339) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.165472) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.165508) ========================================
(00.165513) Dumping task (pid: 3048)
(00.165518) ========================================
(00.165522) Obtaining task stat ... (00.165614) 
(00.165622) Collecting mappings (pid: 3048)
(00.165627) ----------------------------------------
(00.165744) vma 7f1fc600a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc5fff000
(00.165758) vma 7f1fc6209000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc600a000
(00.165769) vma 7f1fc620a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6209000
(00.165793) vma 7f1fc6216000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc620b000
(00.165804) vma 7f1fc6415000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6216000
(00.165870) vma 7f1fc6416000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6415000
(00.165896) vma 7f1fc6420000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6417000
(00.165908) vma 7f1fc661f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6420000
(00.165918) vma 7f1fc6620000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc661f000
(00.165941) vma 7f1fc6638000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6621000
(00.166003) vma 7f1fc6838000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6638000
(00.166029) vma 7f1fc6839000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6838000
(00.166068) vma 7f1fc683e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc683c000
(00.166079) vma 7f1fc6a3e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc683e000
(00.166089) vma 7f1fc6a3f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6a3e000
(00.166228) vma 7f1fc6a4a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6a40000
(00.166245) vma 7f1fc6c49000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6a4a000
(00.166255) vma 7f1fc6c4a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6c49000
(00.166280) vma 7f1fc6c77000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6c4b000
(00.166291) vma 7f1fc6e76000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6c77000
(00.166356) vma 7f1fc6e78000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6e76000
(00.166393) vma 7f1fc6e81000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6e7a000
(00.166404) vma 7f1fc7080000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc6e81000
(00.166414) vma 7f1fc7081000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7080000
(00.166492) vma 7f1fc709b000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7082000
(00.166504) vma 7f1fc729a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc709b000
(00.166515) vma 7f1fc729b000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc729a000
(00.166550) vma 7f1fc72dd000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc72a0000
(00.166562) vma 7f1fc74dc000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc72dd000
(00.166625) vma 7f1fc74dd000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc74dc000
(00.166651) vma 7f1fc74e1000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc74de000
(00.166663) vma 7f1fc76e0000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc74e1000
(00.166673) vma 7f1fc76e1000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc76e0000
(00.166696) vma 7f1fc76fb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc76e2000
(00.166756) vma 7f1fc78fa000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc76fb000
(00.166769) vma 7f1fc78fb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc78fa000
(00.166803) vma 7f1fc791d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7906000
(00.166814) vma 7f1fc7b1c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc791d000
(00.166824) vma 7f1fc7b1d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7b1c000
(00.166919) vma 7f1fc7cdb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7b20000
(00.166931) vma 7f1fc7edb000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7cdb000
(00.166941) vma 7f1fc7edf000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7edb000
(00.166974) vma 7f1fc7ee9000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7ee6000
(00.167044) vma 7f1fc80e8000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc7ee9000
(00.167056) vma 7f1fc80e9000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc80e8000
(00.167080) vma 7f1fc81a6000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc80ea000
(00.167091) vma 7f1fc83a6000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc81a6000
(00.167102) vma 7f1fc83b3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc83a6000
(00.167176) vma 7f1fc83f8000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc83b5000
(00.167188) vma 7f1fc85f8000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc83f8000
(00.167198) vma 7f1fc85f9000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc85f8000
(00.167222) vma 7f1fc8604000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc85fb000
(00.167233) vma 7f1fc8804000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8604000
(00.167244) vma 7f1fc8805000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8804000
(00.167331) vma 7f1fc884c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8834000
(00.167343) vma 7f1fc8a4b000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc884c000
(00.167353) vma 7f1fc8a4c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8a4b000
(00.167376) vma 7f1fc8a4f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8a4d000
(00.167442) vma 7f1fc8c4e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8a4f000
(00.167453) vma 7f1fc8c4f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8c4e000
(00.167476) vma 7f1fc8e01000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8c50000
(00.167488) vma 7f1fc9000000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc8e01000
(00.167498) vma 7f1fc901b000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9000000
(00.167589) vma 7f1fc906e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc902a000
(00.167600) vma 7f1fc926d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc906e000
(00.167611) vma 7f1fc926e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc926d000
(00.167634) vma 7f1fc9272000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc926f000
(00.167645) vma 7f1fc9471000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9272000
(00.167711) vma 7f1fc9472000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9471000
(00.167736) vma 7f1fc9493000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9473000
(00.167748) vma 7f1fc9692000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9493000
(00.167758) vma 7f1fc9693000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9692000
(00.167859) vma 7f1fc96a3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9696000
(00.167872) vma 7f1fc98a2000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc96a3000
(00.167882) vma 7f1fc98a3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc98a2000
(00.167906) vma 7f1fc98ac000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc98a4000
(00.167917) vma 7f1fc9aab000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc98ac000
(00.167928) vma 7f1fc9aac000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9aab000
(00.168038) vma 7f1fc9cd1000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9cd0000
(00.168117) vma 7f1fc9f8a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9cd3000
(00.168129) vma 7f1fc9f8d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f1fc9f8a000
(00.168175) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.168182) 0x7f1fc5fff000-0x7f1fc600a000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168189) 0x7f1fc600a000-0x7f1fc6209000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168194) 0x7f1fc6209000-0x7f1fc620a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168200) 0x7f1fc620a000-0x7f1fc620b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168205) 0x7f1fc620b000-0x7f1fc6216000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168210) 0x7f1fc6216000-0x7f1fc6415000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168216) 0x7f1fc6415000-0x7f1fc6416000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168221) 0x7f1fc6416000-0x7f1fc6417000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168227) 0x7f1fc6417000-0x7f1fc6420000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168232) 0x7f1fc6420000-0x7f1fc661f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168237) 0x7f1fc661f000-0x7f1fc6620000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168243) 0x7f1fc6620000-0x7f1fc6621000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168248) 0x7f1fc6621000-0x7f1fc6638000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168253) 0x7f1fc6638000-0x7f1fc6838000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168259) 0x7f1fc6838000-0x7f1fc6839000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168264) 0x7f1fc6839000-0x7f1fc683a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168269) 0x7f1fc683a000-0x7f1fc683c000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168274) 0x7f1fc683c000-0x7f1fc683e000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168280) 0x7f1fc683e000-0x7f1fc6a3e000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168286) 0x7f1fc6a3e000-0x7f1fc6a3f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168291) 0x7f1fc6a3f000-0x7f1fc6a40000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168296) 0x7f1fc6a40000-0x7f1fc6a4a000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168302) 0x7f1fc6a4a000-0x7f1fc6c49000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168307) 0x7f1fc6c49000-0x7f1fc6c4a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168312) 0x7f1fc6c4a000-0x7f1fc6c4b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168318) 0x7f1fc6c4b000-0x7f1fc6c77000 (176K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168323) 0x7f1fc6c77000-0x7f1fc6e76000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x2c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168328) 0x7f1fc6e76000-0x7f1fc6e78000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2b000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168333) 0x7f1fc6e78000-0x7f1fc6e79000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x2d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168338) 0x7f1fc6e79000-0x7f1fc6e7a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168344) 0x7f1fc6e7a000-0x7f1fc6e81000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168349) 0x7f1fc6e81000-0x7f1fc7080000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168354) 0x7f1fc7080000-0x7f1fc7081000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168359) 0x7f1fc7081000-0x7f1fc7082000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168365) 0x7f1fc7082000-0x7f1fc709b000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168370) 0x7f1fc709b000-0x7f1fc729a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168376) 0x7f1fc729a000-0x7f1fc729b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168391) 0x7f1fc729b000-0x7f1fc729c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168397) 0x7f1fc729c000-0x7f1fc72a0000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168402) 0x7f1fc72a0000-0x7f1fc72dd000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168408) 0x7f1fc72dd000-0x7f1fc74dc000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168413) 0x7f1fc74dc000-0x7f1fc74dd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168418) 0x7f1fc74dd000-0x7f1fc74de000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168423) 0x7f1fc74de000-0x7f1fc74e1000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168429) 0x7f1fc74e1000-0x7f1fc76e0000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168434) 0x7f1fc76e0000-0x7f1fc76e1000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168439) 0x7f1fc76e1000-0x7f1fc76e2000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168444) 0x7f1fc76e2000-0x7f1fc76fb000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168450) 0x7f1fc76fb000-0x7f1fc78fa000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168455) 0x7f1fc78fa000-0x7f1fc78fb000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168460) 0x7f1fc78fb000-0x7f1fc78fc000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168466) 0x7f1fc78fc000-0x7f1fc7906000 (40K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168471) 0x7f1fc7906000-0x7f1fc791d000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168476) 0x7f1fc791d000-0x7f1fc7b1c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168481) 0x7f1fc7b1c000-0x7f1fc7b1d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168486) 0x7f1fc7b1d000-0x7f1fc7b1e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168492) 0x7f1fc7b1e000-0x7f1fc7b20000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168497) 0x7f1fc7b20000-0x7f1fc7cdb000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168502) 0x7f1fc7cdb000-0x7f1fc7edb000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168507) 0x7f1fc7edb000-0x7f1fc7edf000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168512) 0x7f1fc7edf000-0x7f1fc7ee1000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168518) 0x7f1fc7ee1000-0x7f1fc7ee6000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168523) 0x7f1fc7ee6000-0x7f1fc7ee9000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168528) 0x7f1fc7ee9000-0x7f1fc80e8000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168533) 0x7f1fc80e8000-0x7f1fc80e9000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168538) 0x7f1fc80e9000-0x7f1fc80ea000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168544) 0x7f1fc80ea000-0x7f1fc81a6000 (752K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168549) 0x7f1fc81a6000-0x7f1fc83a6000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xbc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168554) 0x7f1fc83a6000-0x7f1fc83b3000 (52K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xbc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168560) 0x7f1fc83b3000-0x7f1fc83b5000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xc9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168565) 0x7f1fc83b5000-0x7f1fc83f8000 (268K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168570) 0x7f1fc83f8000-0x7f1fc85f8000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168575) 0x7f1fc85f8000-0x7f1fc85f9000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168581) 0x7f1fc85f9000-0x7f1fc85fb000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168586) 0x7f1fc85fb000-0x7f1fc8604000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168591) 0x7f1fc8604000-0x7f1fc8804000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168597) 0x7f1fc8804000-0x7f1fc8805000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168602) 0x7f1fc8805000-0x7f1fc8806000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168607) 0x7f1fc8806000-0x7f1fc8834000 (184K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168612) 0x7f1fc8834000-0x7f1fc884c000 (96K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168624) 0x7f1fc884c000-0x7f1fc8a4b000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168630) 0x7f1fc8a4b000-0x7f1fc8a4c000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168635) 0x7f1fc8a4c000-0x7f1fc8a4d000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168640) 0x7f1fc8a4d000-0x7f1fc8a4f000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168646) 0x7f1fc8a4f000-0x7f1fc8c4e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168651) 0x7f1fc8c4e000-0x7f1fc8c4f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168656) 0x7f1fc8c4f000-0x7f1fc8c50000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168661) 0x7f1fc8c50000-0x7f1fc8e01000 (1732K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168667) 0x7f1fc8e01000-0x7f1fc9000000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1b1000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168672) 0x7f1fc9000000-0x7f1fc901b000 (108K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1b0000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168677) 0x7f1fc901b000-0x7f1fc9026000 (44K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1cb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168682) 0x7f1fc9026000-0x7f1fc902a000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168688) 0x7f1fc902a000-0x7f1fc906e000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168693) 0x7f1fc906e000-0x7f1fc926d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168698) 0x7f1fc926d000-0x7f1fc926e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168703) 0x7f1fc926e000-0x7f1fc926f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168709) 0x7f1fc926f000-0x7f1fc9272000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168713) 0x7f1fc9272000-0x7f1fc9471000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168719) 0x7f1fc9471000-0x7f1fc9472000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168724) 0x7f1fc9472000-0x7f1fc9473000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168729) 0x7f1fc9473000-0x7f1fc9493000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168734) 0x7f1fc9493000-0x7f1fc9692000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168740) 0x7f1fc9692000-0x7f1fc9693000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168745) 0x7f1fc9693000-0x7f1fc9694000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168750) 0x7f1fc9694000-0x7f1fc9696000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168755) 0x7f1fc9696000-0x7f1fc96a3000 (52K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168761) 0x7f1fc96a3000-0x7f1fc98a2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168766) 0x7f1fc98a2000-0x7f1fc98a3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168771) 0x7f1fc98a3000-0x7f1fc98a4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168776) 0x7f1fc98a4000-0x7f1fc98ac000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168782) 0x7f1fc98ac000-0x7f1fc9aab000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168787) 0x7f1fc9aab000-0x7f1fc9aac000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168792) 0x7f1fc9aac000-0x7f1fc9aad000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168797) 0x7f1fc9aad000-0x7f1fc9aae000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168803) 0x7f1fc9aae000-0x7f1fc9ad1000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168808) 0x7f1fc9cbf000-0x7f1fc9ccb000 (48K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168813) 0x7f1fc9cce000-0x7f1fc9cd0000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168818) 0x7f1fc9cd0000-0x7f1fc9cd1000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168823) 0x7f1fc9cd1000-0x7f1fc9cd2000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168829) 0x7f1fc9cd2000-0x7f1fc9cd3000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168834) 0x7f1fc9cd3000-0x7f1fc9d8a000 (732K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168839) 0x7f1fc9f8a000-0x7f1fc9f8d000 (12K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xb7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168844) 0x7f1fc9f8d000-0x7f1fc9f8e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xba000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.168850) 0x7f1fc9f8e000-0x7f1fc9f98000 (40K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168860) 0x7f1fca49e000-0x7f1fca4bf000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.168866) 0x7fffeccb0000-0x7fffeccd2000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.168872) 0x7fffeccd3000-0x7fffeccd5000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.168877) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.168882) ----------------------------------------
(00.168892) Collecting fds (pid: 3048)
(00.168896) ----------------------------------------
(00.168918) Found 5 file descriptors
(00.168924) ----------------------------------------
(00.168956) Dump private signals of 3048
(00.168967) Dump shared signals of 3048
(00.168979) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x7f1fc5fff000
(00.169074) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811019000->0x7f1fc9c79000
(00.169108) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 3048
(00.169121) xsave runtime structure
(00.169126) -----------------------
(00.169130) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.169136) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.169141) xstate_bv: 0
(00.169145) -----------------------
(00.169149) Putting tsock into pid 3048
(00.169220) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.169230) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.169258) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.169265) Parasite 3048 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.169292) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.169301) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.169326) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.169346) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.169354) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.169390) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.169397) sid=387 pgid=387 pid=387
(00.169618) Dumping opened files (pid: 3048)
(00.169623) ----------------------------------------
(00.169637) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.169690) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.169699) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.169808) 3048 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.169844) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 68 [/dev/null]
(00.169866) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.169909) 3048 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.169922) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.169960) 3048 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.169973) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.170010) 3048 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0
(00.170023) 	Searching for socket 4a82 (family 2)
(00.170036) No filter for socket
(00.170051) Dumping inet socket at 3
(00.170057) 	Dumping: ino 0x    4a82 family    2 type    1 port       22 state 10 src_addr
(00.170064) 	Dumped: family 2 type 1 proto 6 port 22 state 10 src_addr
(00.170074) fdinfo: type: 0x 4 flags: 04002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 3
(00.170113) 3048 fdinfo 4: pos: 0x               0 flags:             4002/0
(00.170158) 	Searching for socket 4a84 (family 10)
(00.170174) No filter for socket
(00.170187) Dumping inet socket at 4
(00.170192) 	Dumping: ino 0x    4a84 family   10 type    1 port       22 state 10 src_addr ::
(00.170198) 	Dumped: family 10 type 1 proto 6 port 22 state 10 src_addr ::
(00.170203) fdinfo: type: 0x 4 flags: 04002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 4
(00.170219) ----------------------------------------
(00.170247) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.170255) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.170417) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.170429) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 3048)
(00.170433) ----------------------------------------
(00.170439)    Private vmas 512/15341 pages
(00.170457) pagemap-cache: created for pid 3048 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.170464) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 15341 segs
(00.170482) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.170571) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc5fff000-7f1fc600a000 (44K) [l:7f1fc5e00000 h:7f1fc6000000]
(00.170591) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/15341 total)
(00.170597) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170602) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc600a000-7f1fc6209000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc6000000 h:7f1fc6200000]
(00.170607) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc600a000-7f1fc6209000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.170613) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f1fc600a000 h:7f1fc6209000]
(00.170636) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170641) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6209000-7f1fc620a000 (4K) [l:7f1fc6200000 h:7f1fc6400000]
(00.170646) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6209000-7f1fc620a000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.170651) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc620a000-7f1fc620b000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.170656) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc620b000-7f1fc6216000     nr:3     cov:53248
(00.170661) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc6209000 h:7f1fc6400000]
(00.170673) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/15341 total)
(00.170679) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170683) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170688) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170692) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6216000-7f1fc6415000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc6200000 h:7f1fc6400000]
(00.170698) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6216000-7f1fc6415000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.170702) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f1fc6216000 h:7f1fc6415000]
(00.170723) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170728) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6415000-7f1fc6416000 (4K) [l:7f1fc6400000 h:7f1fc6600000]
(00.170733) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6415000-7f1fc6416000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.170738) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6416000-7f1fc6417000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.170743) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6417000-7f1fc6420000     nr:3     cov:45056
(00.170748) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc6415000 h:7f1fc6600000]
(00.170761) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/15341 total)
(00.170766) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170771) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170775) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170780) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6420000-7f1fc661f000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc6400000 h:7f1fc6600000]
(00.170785) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6420000-7f1fc661f000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.170789) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f1fc6420000 h:7f1fc661f000]
(00.170810) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170815) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc661f000-7f1fc6620000 (4K) [l:7f1fc6600000 h:7f1fc6800000]
(00.170820) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc661f000-7f1fc6620000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.170825) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6620000-7f1fc6621000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.170830) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6621000-7f1fc6638000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.170834) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc661f000 h:7f1fc6800000]
(00.170847) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/15341 total)
(00.170852) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170857) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170861) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170865) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6638000-7f1fc6838000 (2048K) [l:7f1fc6600000 h:7f1fc6800000]
(00.170886) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170891) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6838000-7f1fc6839000 (4K) [l:7f1fc6800000 h:7f1fc6a00000]
(00.170896) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6838000-7f1fc6839000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.170901) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6839000-7f1fc683a000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.170906) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc683a000-7f1fc683c000     nr:3     cov:16384
(00.170911) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc683c000-7f1fc683e000     nr:4     cov:24576
(00.170916) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc6838000 h:7f1fc6a00000]
(00.170928) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/15341 total)
(00.170933) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170938) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.170942) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170946) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170950) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc683e000-7f1fc6a3e000 (2048K) [l:7f1fc6800000 h:7f1fc6a00000]
(00.170978) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.170984) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6a3e000-7f1fc6a3f000 (4K) [l:7f1fc6a00000 h:7f1fc6c00000]
(00.170989) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6a3e000-7f1fc6a3f000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.170995) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6a3f000-7f1fc6a40000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.171000) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6a40000-7f1fc6a4a000     nr:3     cov:49152
(00.171005) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc6a3e000 h:7f1fc6c00000]
(00.171017) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/15341 total)
(00.171023) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171028) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171032) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171037) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6a4a000-7f1fc6c49000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc6a00000 h:7f1fc6c00000]
(00.171042) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6a4a000-7f1fc6c49000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.171047) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f1fc6a4a000 h:7f1fc6c49000]
(00.171067) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171072) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6c49000-7f1fc6c4a000 (4K) [l:7f1fc6c00000 h:7f1fc6e00000]
(00.171077) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6c49000-7f1fc6c4a000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.171082) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6c4a000-7f1fc6c4b000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.171087) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6c4b000-7f1fc6c77000     nr:3     cov:188416
(00.171091) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc6c49000 h:7f1fc6e00000]
(00.171103) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/15341 total)
(00.171108) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171113) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171117) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171122) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6c77000-7f1fc6e76000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc6c00000 h:7f1fc6e00000]
(00.171127) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6c77000-7f1fc6e76000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.171132) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f1fc6c77000 h:7f1fc6e76000]
(00.171152) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171157) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6e76000-7f1fc6e78000 (8K) [l:7f1fc6e00000 h:7f1fc7000000]
(00.171162) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6e76000-7f1fc6e78000     nr:1     cov:8192
(00.171167) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6e78000-7f1fc6e79000     nr:2     cov:12288
(00.171171) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6e79000-7f1fc6e7a000     nr:3     cov:16384
(00.171176) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc6e7a000-7f1fc6e81000     nr:4     cov:45056
(00.171181) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc6e76000 h:7f1fc7000000]
(00.171192) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/15341 total)
(00.171197) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.171202) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171206) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171211) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171215) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc6e81000-7f1fc7080000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc6e00000 h:7f1fc7000000]
(00.171235) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171240) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7080000-7f1fc7081000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7000000 h:7f1fc7200000]
(00.171253) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.171258) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/15341 total)
(00.171263) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171268) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7081000-7f1fc7082000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7000000 h:7f1fc7200000]
(00.171279) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171284) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7082000-7f1fc709b000 (100K) [l:7f1fc7000000 h:7f1fc7200000]
(00.171295) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171299) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc709b000-7f1fc729a000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc7000000 h:7f1fc7200000]
(00.171319) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171324) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc729a000-7f1fc729b000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7200000 h:7f1fc7400000]
(00.171335) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/15341 total)
(00.171340) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171345) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc729b000-7f1fc729c000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7200000 h:7f1fc7400000]
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(00.171360) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc729c000-7f1fc72a0000 (16K) [l:7f1fc7200000 h:7f1fc7400000]
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(00.171376) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171388) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc72a0000-7f1fc72dd000 (244K) [l:7f1fc7200000 h:7f1fc7400000]
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(00.171404) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc72dd000-7f1fc74dc000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc7200000 h:7f1fc7400000]
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(00.171428) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc74dc000-7f1fc74dd000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7400000 h:7f1fc7600000]
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(00.171448) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc74dd000-7f1fc74de000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7400000 h:7f1fc7600000]
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(00.171463) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc74de000-7f1fc74e1000 (12K) [l:7f1fc7400000 h:7f1fc7600000]
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(00.171477) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc74e1000-7f1fc76e0000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc7400000 h:7f1fc7600000]
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(00.171501) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc76e0000-7f1fc76e1000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7600000 h:7f1fc7800000]
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(00.171516) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171521) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc76e1000-7f1fc76e2000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7600000 h:7f1fc7800000]
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(00.171535) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc76e2000-7f1fc76fb000 (100K) [l:7f1fc7600000 h:7f1fc7800000]
(00.171545) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171550) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc76fb000-7f1fc78fa000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc7600000 h:7f1fc7800000]
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(00.171574) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc78fa000-7f1fc78fb000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7800000 h:7f1fc7a00000]
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(00.171589) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171593) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc78fb000-7f1fc78fc000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7800000 h:7f1fc7a00000]
(00.171603) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171608) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc78fc000-7f1fc7906000 (40K) [l:7f1fc7800000 h:7f1fc7a00000]
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(00.171622) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7906000-7f1fc791d000 (92K) [l:7f1fc7800000 h:7f1fc7a00000]
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(00.171636) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc791d000-7f1fc7b1c000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc7800000 h:7f1fc7a00000]
(00.171656) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171661) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7b1c000-7f1fc7b1d000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7a00000 h:7f1fc7c00000]
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(00.171675) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171680) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7b1d000-7f1fc7b1e000 (4K) [l:7f1fc7a00000 h:7f1fc7c00000]
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(00.171694) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7b1e000-7f1fc7b20000 (8K) [l:7f1fc7a00000 h:7f1fc7c00000]
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(00.171708) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7b20000-7f1fc7cdb000 (1772K) [l:7f1fc7a00000 h:7f1fc7c00000]
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(00.171730) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7cdb000-7f1fc7edb000 (2048K) [l:7f1fc7c00000 h:7f1fc7e00000]
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(00.171755) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7edb000-7f1fc7edf000 (16K) [l:7f1fc7e00000 h:7f1fc8000000]
(00.171765) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (15 iovs, 15/15341 total)
(00.171771) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.171776) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.171780) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7edf000-7f1fc7ee1000 (8K) [l:7f1fc7e00000 h:7f1fc8000000]
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(00.171795) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7ee1000-7f1fc7ee6000 (20K) [l:7f1fc7e00000 h:7f1fc8000000]
(00.171805) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (16 iovs, 16/15341 total)
(00.171810) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.171815) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7ee6000-7f1fc7ee9000 (12K) [l:7f1fc7e00000 h:7f1fc8000000]
(00.171824) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171835) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc7ee9000-7f1fc80e8000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc7e00000 h:7f1fc8000000]
(00.171855) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171860) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc80e8000-7f1fc80e9000 (4K) [l:7f1fc8000000 h:7f1fc8200000]
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(00.171875) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171880) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc80e9000-7f1fc80ea000 (4K) [l:7f1fc8000000 h:7f1fc8200000]
(00.171889) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.171894) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc80ea000-7f1fc81a6000 (752K) [l:7f1fc8000000 h:7f1fc8200000]
(00.171904) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.171909) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc81a6000-7f1fc83a6000 (2048K) [l:7f1fc8000000 h:7f1fc8200000]
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(00.171932) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc83a6000-7f1fc83b3000 (52K) [l:7f1fc8200000 h:7f1fc8400000]
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(00.171944) Pagemap generated: 13 pages 0 holes
(00.171948) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc83b3000-7f1fc83b5000 (8K) [l:7f1fc8200000 h:7f1fc8400000]
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(00.171961) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc83b5000-7f1fc83f8000 (268K) [l:7f1fc8200000 h:7f1fc8400000]
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(00.171993) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc85f8000-7f1fc85f9000 (4K) [l:7f1fc8400000 h:7f1fc8600000]
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(00.172004) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172009) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc85f9000-7f1fc85fb000 (8K) [l:7f1fc8400000 h:7f1fc8600000]
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(00.172020) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc85fb000-7f1fc8604000 (36K) [l:7f1fc8400000 h:7f1fc8600000]
(00.172028) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172033) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc8604000-7f1fc8804000 (2048K) [l:7f1fc8600000 h:7f1fc8800000]
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(00.172055) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc8804000-7f1fc8805000 (4K) [l:7f1fc8800000 h:7f1fc8a00000]
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(00.172065) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8805000-7f1fc8806000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.172070) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8806000-7f1fc8834000     nr:3     cov:196608
(00.172074) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8834000-7f1fc884c000     nr:4     cov:294912
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(00.172092) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (20 iovs, 20/15341 total)
(00.172097) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172102) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172106) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172110) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
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(00.172149) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc8a4b000-7f1fc8a4c000 (4K) [l:7f1fc8a00000 h:7f1fc8c00000]
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(00.172159) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8a4c000-7f1fc8a4d000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.172164) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8a4d000-7f1fc8a4f000     nr:3     cov:16384
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(00.172196) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172202) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172206) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172211) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc8a4f000-7f1fc8c4e000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc8a00000 h:7f1fc8c00000]
(00.172216) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8a4f000-7f1fc8c4e000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.172220) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f1fc8a4f000 h:7f1fc8c4e000]
(00.172247) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172252) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc8c4e000-7f1fc8c4f000 (4K) [l:7f1fc8c00000 h:7f1fc8e00000]
(00.172257) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8c4e000-7f1fc8c4f000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.172262) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8c4f000-7f1fc8c50000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.172267) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f1fc8c4e000 h:7f1fc8e00000]
(00.172278) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (22 iovs, 22/15341 total)
(00.172284) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172291) page-pipe: Grow pipe 40 -> 80
(00.172296) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172301) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc8c50000-7f1fc8e01000 (1732K) [l:7f1fc8c00000 h:7f1fc8e00000]
(00.172306) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8c50000-7f1fc8e01000     nr:1     cov:1773568
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(00.172325) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172330) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc8e01000-7f1fc9000000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc8e00000 h:7f1fc9000000]
(00.172335) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc8e01000-7f1fc9000000     nr:1     cov:2093056
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(00.172349) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172354) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9000000-7f1fc901b000 (108K) [l:7f1fc9000000 h:7f1fc9200000]
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(00.172364) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc901b000-7f1fc9026000     nr:2     cov:155648
(00.172368) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc9026000-7f1fc902a000     nr:3     cov:172032
(00.172373) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc902a000-7f1fc906e000     nr:4     cov:450560
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(00.172399) Pagemap generated: 27 pages 0 holes
(00.172404) Pagemap generated: 11 pages 0 holes
(00.172409) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (24 iovs, 24/15341 total)
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(00.172418) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172422) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc906e000-7f1fc926d000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc9000000 h:7f1fc9200000]
(00.172427) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc906e000-7f1fc926d000     nr:1     cov:2093056
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(00.172457) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc926d000-7f1fc926e000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9200000 h:7f1fc9400000]
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(00.172467) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc926e000-7f1fc926f000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.172472) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc926f000-7f1fc9272000     nr:3     cov:20480
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(00.172492) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172497) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172501) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172505) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9272000-7f1fc9471000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc9200000 h:7f1fc9400000]
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(00.172540) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9471000-7f1fc9472000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9400000 h:7f1fc9600000]
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(00.172550) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc9472000-7f1fc9473000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.172554) pagemap-cache: 	    7f1fc9473000-7f1fc9493000     nr:3     cov:139264
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(00.172575) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172579) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172584) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.172588) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9493000-7f1fc9692000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc9400000 h:7f1fc9600000]
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(00.172636) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172640) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9693000-7f1fc9694000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9600000 h:7f1fc9800000]
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(00.172656) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9694000-7f1fc9696000 (8K) [l:7f1fc9600000 h:7f1fc9800000]
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(00.172671) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9696000-7f1fc96a3000 (52K) [l:7f1fc9600000 h:7f1fc9800000]
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(00.172687) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc96a3000-7f1fc98a2000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc9600000 h:7f1fc9800000]
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(00.172711) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc98a2000-7f1fc98a3000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9800000 h:7f1fc9a00000]
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(00.172726) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
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(00.172746) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc98a4000-7f1fc98ac000 (32K) [l:7f1fc9800000 h:7f1fc9a00000]
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(00.172762) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc98ac000-7f1fc9aab000 (2044K) [l:7f1fc9800000 h:7f1fc9a00000]
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(00.172784) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9aab000-7f1fc9aac000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9a00000 h:7f1fc9c00000]
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(00.172797) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.172801) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9aac000-7f1fc9aad000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9a00000 h:7f1fc9c00000]
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(00.172814) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9aad000-7f1fc9aae000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9a00000 h:7f1fc9c00000]
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(00.172827) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9aae000-7f1fc9ad1000 (140K) [l:7f1fc9a00000 h:7f1fc9c00000]
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(00.172841) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9cbf000-7f1fc9ccb000 (48K) [l:7f1fc9c00000 h:7f1fc9e00000]
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(00.172873) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9cce000-7f1fc9cd0000 (8K) [l:7f1fc9c00000 h:7f1fc9e00000]
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(00.172892) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9cd0000-7f1fc9cd1000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9c00000 h:7f1fc9e00000]
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(00.172906) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9cd1000-7f1fc9cd2000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9c00000 h:7f1fc9e00000]
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(00.172920) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9cd2000-7f1fc9cd3000 (4K) [l:7f1fc9c00000 h:7f1fc9e00000]
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(00.172934) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9cd3000-7f1fc9d8a000 (732K) [l:7f1fc9c00000 h:7f1fc9e00000]
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(00.172949) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9f8a000-7f1fc9f8d000 (12K) [l:7f1fc9e00000 h:7f1fca000000]
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(00.172978) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fc9f8e000-7f1fc9f98000 (40K) [l:7f1fc9e00000 h:7f1fca000000]
(00.172985) Pagemap generated: 10 pages 0 holes
(00.172990) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f1fca49e000-7f1fca4bf000 (132K) [l:7f1fca400000 h:7f1fca600000]
(00.173000) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (33 iovs, 33/15341 total)
(00.173005) Pagemap generated: 17 pages 0 holes
(00.173010) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffeccb0000-7fffeccd2000 (136K) [l:7fffecc00000 h:7fffece00000]
(00.173020) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (34 iovs, 34/15341 total)
(00.173030) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.173035) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffeccd3000-7fffeccd5000 (8K) [l:7fffecc00000 h:7fffece00000]
(00.173043) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (35 iovs, 35/15341 total)
(00.173048) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.173053) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.173058) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 36/15341 iovs:
(00.173062) page-pipe: 	buf 174 pages, 36 iovs:
(00.173067) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc5fff000 1
(00.173071) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc6209000 2
(00.173076) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc6415000 2
(00.173080) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc661f000 2
(00.173084) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc6838000 2
(00.173089) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc6a3e000 2
(00.173093) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc6c49000 2
(00.173097) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc6e76000 3
(00.173101) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc7080000 2
(00.173106) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc729a000 2
(00.173110) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc729f000 1
(00.173114) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc74dc000 2
(00.173119) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc76e0000 2
(00.173123) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc78fa000 2
(00.173127) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc7b1c000 2
(00.173132) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc7edb000 8
(00.173136) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc7ee4000 2
(00.173140) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc80e8000 2
(00.173144) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc83a6000 15
(00.173149) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc85f8000 3
(00.173153) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc8804000 2
(00.173158) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc8a4b000 2
(00.173162) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc8c4e000 2
(00.173166) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9000000 39
(00.173170) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9028000 2
(00.173175) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc926d000 2
(00.173179) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9471000 2
(00.173183) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9692000 3
(00.173187) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc98a2000 2
(00.173192) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9aab000 2
(00.173196) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9cbf000 12
(00.173200) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9cce000 5
(00.173205) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fc9f8a000 14
(00.173209) page-pipe: 		0x7f1fca49e000 17
(00.173213) page-pipe: 		0x7fffecccb000 7
(00.173218) page-pipe: 		0x7fffeccd3000 2
(00.173222) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.173226) PPB: 174 pages 36 segs 256 pipe 0 off
(00.173245) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.173257) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.173314) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.173323) Transfering pages:
(00.173328) 	buf 174/36
(00.173332) 	p 0x7f1fc5fff000 [1]
(00.173361) 	p 0x7f1fc6209000 [2]
(00.173387) 	p 0x7f1fc6415000 [2]
(00.173409) 	p 0x7f1fc661f000 [2]
(00.173439) 	p 0x7f1fc6838000 [2]
(00.173461) 	p 0x7f1fc6a3e000 [2]
(00.173484) 	p 0x7f1fc6c49000 [2]
(00.173506) 	p 0x7f1fc6e76000 [3]
(00.173536) 	p 0x7f1fc7080000 [2]
(00.173560) 	p 0x7f1fc729a000 [2]
(00.173587) 	p 0x7f1fc729f000 [1]
(00.173605) 	p 0x7f1fc74dc000 [2]
(00.173628) 	p 0x7f1fc76e0000 [2]
(00.173651) 	p 0x7f1fc78fa000 [2]
(00.173673) 	p 0x7f1fc7b1c000 [2]
(00.173696) 	p 0x7f1fc7edb000 [8]
(00.173757) 	p 0x7f1fc7ee4000 [2]
(00.173784) 	p 0x7f1fc80e8000 [2]
(00.173807) 	p 0x7f1fc83a6000 [15]
(00.173918) 	p 0x7f1fc85f8000 [3]
(00.173949) 	p 0x7f1fc8804000 [2]
(00.173971) 	p 0x7f1fc8a4b000 [2]
(00.173996) 	p 0x7f1fc8c4e000 [2]
(00.174018) 	p 0x7f1fc9000000 [39]
(00.174349) 	p 0x7f1fc9028000 [2]
(00.174390) 	p 0x7f1fc926d000 [2]
(00.174415) 	p 0x7f1fc9471000 [2]
(00.174440) 	p 0x7f1fc9692000 [3]
(00.174470) 	p 0x7f1fc98a2000 [2]
(00.174493) 	p 0x7f1fc9aab000 [2]
(00.174518) 	p 0x7f1fc9cbf000 [12]
(00.174614) 	p 0x7f1fc9cce000 [5]
(00.174668) 	p 0x7f1fc9f8a000 [14]
(00.174778) 	p 0x7f1fca49e000 [17]
(00.174922) 	p 0x7fffecccb000 [7]
(00.174982) 	p 0x7fffeccd3000 [2]
(00.175023) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.175051) ----------------------------------------
(00.175081) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.175088) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.175269) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.175286) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.175292) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.175340) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.175530) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.175537) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.175579) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.175592) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.175598) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.175620) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.175633) Dumping core (pid: 3048)
(00.175637) ----------------------------------------
(00.175641) Obtaining personality ... (00.175729) 3048 has 0 sched policy
(00.175739) 	dumping 0 nice for 3048
(00.175750) cg: Dumping cgroups for 3048
(00.175802) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.175838) ----------------------------------------
(00.175847) Dumping creds for 3048)
(00.175852) ----------------------------------------
(00.175864) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.175870) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.175940) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.175964) Waiting for 3048 to trap
(00.175994) Daemon 3048 exited trapping
(00.176009) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.176026) 3048 was trapped
(00.176034) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.176071) 3048 was trapped
(00.176079) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.176113) 3048 was trapped
(00.176120) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.176154) 3048 was trapped
(00.176162) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.176188) 3048 was trapped
(00.176195) 3048 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.176215) 3048 was trapped
(00.176222) 3048 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.176245) 3048 was trapped
(00.176252) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 387: new_sp=0x7f1fc9cba008 ip 0x7f1fc7c128c1
(00.176276) 3048 was trapped
(00.176283) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.176303) 3048 was trapped
(00.176310) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.176338) 3048 was trapped
(00.176345) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.176365) 3048 was trapped
(00.176372) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.176392) 3048 was trapped
(00.176399) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.176421) 3048 was trapped
(00.176429) 3048 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.176451) 3048 was stopped
(00.176478) 3048 was trapped
(00.176486) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.176506) 3048 was trapped
(00.176513) 3048 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.176534) 3048 was trapped
(00.176542) 3048 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.176578) 3048 was stopped
(00.176621) Dumping mm (pid: 3048)
(00.176626) ----------------------------------------
(00.176633) 0x7f1fc5fff000-0x7f1fc600a000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176694) 0x7f1fc600a000-0x7f1fc6209000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176727) 0x7f1fc6209000-0x7f1fc620a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176757) 0x7f1fc620a000-0x7f1fc620b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176788) 0x7f1fc620b000-0x7f1fc6216000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176819) 0x7f1fc6216000-0x7f1fc6415000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176848) 0x7f1fc6415000-0x7f1fc6416000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176877) 0x7f1fc6416000-0x7f1fc6417000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176906) 0x7f1fc6417000-0x7f1fc6420000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176936) 0x7f1fc6420000-0x7f1fc661f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176966) 0x7f1fc661f000-0x7f1fc6620000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.176996) 0x7f1fc6620000-0x7f1fc6621000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177025) 0x7f1fc6621000-0x7f1fc6638000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177068) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 37 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libresolv-2.19.so]
(00.177093) 0x7f1fc6638000-0x7f1fc6838000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177123) 0x7f1fc6838000-0x7f1fc6839000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177152) 0x7f1fc6839000-0x7f1fc683a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177195) 0x7f1fc683a000-0x7f1fc683c000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.177204) 0x7f1fc683c000-0x7f1fc683e000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177241) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 38 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1.4]
(00.177258) 0x7f1fc683e000-0x7f1fc6a3e000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177287) 0x7f1fc6a3e000-0x7f1fc6a3f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177319) 0x7f1fc6a3f000-0x7f1fc6a40000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177350) 0x7f1fc6a40000-0x7f1fc6a4a000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177390) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 39 [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkrb5support.so.0.1]
(00.177407) 0x7f1fc6a4a000-0x7f1fc6c49000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177436) 0x7f1fc6c49000-0x7f1fc6c4a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177467) 0x7f1fc6c4a000-0x7f1fc6c4b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177497) 0x7f1fc6c4b000-0x7f1fc6c77000 (176K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177536) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 40 [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libk5crypto.so.3.1]
(00.177551) 0x7f1fc6c77000-0x7f1fc6e76000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x2c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177580) 0x7f1fc6e76000-0x7f1fc6e78000 (8K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2b000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177610) 0x7f1fc6e78000-0x7f1fc6e79000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x2d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177640) 0x7f1fc6e79000-0x7f1fc6e7a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.177648) 0x7f1fc6e7a000-0x7f1fc6e81000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177675) 0x7f1fc6e81000-0x7f1fc7080000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177705) 0x7f1fc7080000-0x7f1fc7081000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177735) 0x7f1fc7081000-0x7f1fc7082000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177765) 0x7f1fc7082000-0x7f1fc709b000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177796) 0x7f1fc709b000-0x7f1fc729a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177826) 0x7f1fc729a000-0x7f1fc729b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177857) 0x7f1fc729b000-0x7f1fc729c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177886) 0x7f1fc729c000-0x7f1fc72a0000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.177893) 0x7f1fc72a0000-0x7f1fc72dd000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177922) 0x7f1fc72dd000-0x7f1fc74dc000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177952) 0x7f1fc74dc000-0x7f1fc74dd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.177982) 0x7f1fc74dd000-0x7f1fc74de000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178011) 0x7f1fc74de000-0x7f1fc74e1000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178042) 0x7f1fc74e1000-0x7f1fc76e0000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178072) 0x7f1fc76e0000-0x7f1fc76e1000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178101) 0x7f1fc76e1000-0x7f1fc76e2000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178225) 0x7f1fc76e2000-0x7f1fc76fb000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178277) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 45 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libaudit.so.1.0.0]
(00.178298) 0x7f1fc76fb000-0x7f1fc78fa000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178329) 0x7f1fc78fa000-0x7f1fc78fb000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178359) 0x7f1fc78fb000-0x7f1fc78fc000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178388) 0x7f1fc78fc000-0x7f1fc7906000 (40K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.178396) 0x7f1fc7906000-0x7f1fc791d000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178424) 0x7f1fc791d000-0x7f1fc7b1c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178453) 0x7f1fc7b1c000-0x7f1fc7b1d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178483) 0x7f1fc7b1d000-0x7f1fc7b1e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178524) 0x7f1fc7b1e000-0x7f1fc7b20000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.178532) 0x7f1fc7b20000-0x7f1fc7cdb000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178561) 0x7f1fc7cdb000-0x7f1fc7edb000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178592) 0x7f1fc7edb000-0x7f1fc7edf000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178621) 0x7f1fc7edf000-0x7f1fc7ee1000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178650) 0x7f1fc7ee1000-0x7f1fc7ee6000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.178658) 0x7f1fc7ee6000-0x7f1fc7ee9000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178696) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 48 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcom_err.so.2.1]
(00.178711) 0x7f1fc7ee9000-0x7f1fc80e8000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178739) 0x7f1fc80e8000-0x7f1fc80e9000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178769) 0x7f1fc80e9000-0x7f1fc80ea000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178798) 0x7f1fc80ea000-0x7f1fc81a6000 (752K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178836) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 49 [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkrb5.so.3.3]
(00.178852) 0x7f1fc81a6000-0x7f1fc83a6000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xbc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178881) 0x7f1fc83a6000-0x7f1fc83b3000 (52K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xbc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178912) 0x7f1fc83b3000-0x7f1fc83b5000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xc9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178941) 0x7f1fc83b5000-0x7f1fc83f8000 (268K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.178980) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 50 [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgssapi_krb5.so.2.2]
(00.178997) 0x7f1fc83f8000-0x7f1fc85f8000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179025) 0x7f1fc85f8000-0x7f1fc85f9000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179054) 0x7f1fc85f9000-0x7f1fc85fb000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179083) 0x7f1fc85fb000-0x7f1fc8604000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179124) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 51 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypt-2.19.so]
(00.179139) 0x7f1fc8604000-0x7f1fc8804000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179167) 0x7f1fc8804000-0x7f1fc8805000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179196) 0x7f1fc8805000-0x7f1fc8806000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179226) 0x7f1fc8806000-0x7f1fc8834000 (184K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.179234) 0x7f1fc8834000-0x7f1fc884c000 (96K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179263) 0x7f1fc884c000-0x7f1fc8a4b000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179291) 0x7f1fc8a4b000-0x7f1fc8a4c000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179319) 0x7f1fc8a4c000-0x7f1fc8a4d000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179348) 0x7f1fc8a4d000-0x7f1fc8a4f000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179386) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 53 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libutil-2.19.so]
(00.179401) 0x7f1fc8a4f000-0x7f1fc8c4e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179429) 0x7f1fc8c4e000-0x7f1fc8c4f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179460) 0x7f1fc8c4f000-0x7f1fc8c50000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179491) 0x7f1fc8c50000-0x7f1fc8e01000 (1732K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179534) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 54 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.0]
(00.179549) 0x7f1fc8e01000-0x7f1fc9000000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1b1000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179578) 0x7f1fc9000000-0x7f1fc901b000 (108K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1b0000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179607) 0x7f1fc901b000-0x7f1fc9026000 (44K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1cb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179637) 0x7f1fc9026000-0x7f1fc902a000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.179644) 0x7f1fc902a000-0x7f1fc906e000 (272K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179683) 0x7f1fc906e000-0x7f1fc926d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179712) 0x7f1fc926d000-0x7f1fc926e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x43000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179741) 0x7f1fc926e000-0x7f1fc926f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x44000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179771) 0x7f1fc926f000-0x7f1fc9272000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179811) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 56 [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libck-connector.so.0.0.0]
(00.179826) 0x7f1fc9272000-0x7f1fc9471000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179854) 0x7f1fc9471000-0x7f1fc9472000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179883) 0x7f1fc9472000-0x7f1fc9473000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179912) 0x7f1fc9473000-0x7f1fc9493000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179942) 0x7f1fc9493000-0x7f1fc9692000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.179971) 0x7f1fc9692000-0x7f1fc9693000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180000) 0x7f1fc9693000-0x7f1fc9694000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180030) 0x7f1fc9694000-0x7f1fc9696000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.180039) 0x7f1fc9696000-0x7f1fc96a3000 (52K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180076) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 58 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpam.so.0.83.1]
(00.180091) 0x7f1fc96a3000-0x7f1fc98a2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180119) 0x7f1fc98a2000-0x7f1fc98a3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180148) 0x7f1fc98a3000-0x7f1fc98a4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180177) 0x7f1fc98a4000-0x7f1fc98ac000 (32K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180215) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 59 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwrap.so.0.7.6]
(00.180230) 0x7f1fc98ac000-0x7f1fc9aab000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180258) 0x7f1fc9aab000-0x7f1fc9aac000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180289) 0x7f1fc9aac000-0x7f1fc9aad000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180318) 0x7f1fc9aad000-0x7f1fc9aae000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.180326) 0x7f1fc9aae000-0x7f1fc9ad1000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180353) 0x7f1fc9cbf000-0x7f1fc9ccb000 (48K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.180360) 0x7f1fc9cce000-0x7f1fc9cd0000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.180366) 0x7f1fc9cd0000-0x7f1fc9cd1000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180393) 0x7f1fc9cd1000-0x7f1fc9cd2000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180423) 0x7f1fc9cd2000-0x7f1fc9cd3000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.180431) 0x7f1fc9cd3000-0x7f1fc9d8a000 (732K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180467) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 62 [/usr/sbin/sshd]
(00.180482) 0x7f1fc9f8a000-0x7f1fc9f8d000 (12K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xb7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180511) 0x7f1fc9f8d000-0x7f1fc9f8e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xba000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.180542) 0x7f1fc9f8e000-0x7f1fc9f98000 (40K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.180550) 0x7f1fca49e000-0x7f1fca4bf000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.180556) 0x7fffeccb0000-0x7fffeccd2000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.180561) 0x7fffeccd3000-0x7fffeccd5000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.180566) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.180572) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.180765) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.180841) ========================================
(00.180849) Dumping task (pid: 3069)
(00.180853) ========================================
(00.180858) Obtaining task stat ... (00.180953) 
(00.180961) Collecting mappings (pid: 3069)
(00.180966) ----------------------------------------
(00.181083) vma 609000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.181096) vma 60a000 borrows vfi from previous 609000
(00.181155) vma 7f6802c23000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6802c18000
(00.181167) vma 7f6802e22000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6802c23000
(00.181234) vma 7f6802e23000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6802e22000
(00.181261) vma 7f6802e2f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6802e24000
(00.181272) vma 7f680302e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6802e2f000
(00.181283) vma 7f680302f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f680302e000
(00.181305) vma 7f6803047000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803030000
(00.181368) vma 7f6803246000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803047000
(00.181381) vma 7f6803247000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803246000
(00.181414) vma 7f6803253000 borrows vfi from previous 7f680324a000
(00.181425) vma 7f6803452000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803253000
(00.181435) vma 7f6803453000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803452000
(00.181515) vma 7f6803491000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803454000
(00.181527) vma 7f6803690000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803491000
(00.181537) vma 7f6803691000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803690000
(00.181560) vma 7f6803695000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803692000
(00.181571) vma 7f6803894000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803695000
(00.181646) vma 7f6803895000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803894000
(00.181671) vma 7f68038af000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803896000
(00.181682) vma 7f6803aae000 borrows vfi from previous 7f68038af000
(00.181693) vma 7f6803aaf000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803aae000
(00.181780) vma 7f6803c75000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803aba000
(00.181793) vma 7f6803e75000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803c75000
(00.181803) vma 7f6803e79000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803e75000
(00.181838) vma 7f6803ea0000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803e80000
(00.181850) vma 7f680409f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f6803ea0000
(00.181912) vma 7f68040a0000 borrows vfi from previous 7f680409f000
(00.181947) vma 7f68040b0000 borrows vfi from previous 7f68040a3000
(00.181958) vma 7f68042af000 borrows vfi from previous 7f68040b0000
(00.181968) vma 7f68042b0000 borrows vfi from previous 7f68042af000
(00.182064) vma 7f68044d4000 borrows vfi from previous 7f68044d3000
(00.182104) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.182111) 0x400000-0x40a000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182140) 0x609000-0x60a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182149) 0x60a000-0x60b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182154) 0x60b000-0x60c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182160) 0x117c000-0x119d000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.182167) 0x7f6802c18000-0x7f6802c23000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182172) 0x7f6802c23000-0x7f6802e22000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182177) 0x7f6802e22000-0x7f6802e23000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182183) 0x7f6802e23000-0x7f6802e24000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182188) 0x7f6802e24000-0x7f6802e2f000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182193) 0x7f6802e2f000-0x7f680302e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182199) 0x7f680302e000-0x7f680302f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182204) 0x7f680302f000-0x7f6803030000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182209) 0x7f6803030000-0x7f6803047000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182215) 0x7f6803047000-0x7f6803246000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182220) 0x7f6803246000-0x7f6803247000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182225) 0x7f6803247000-0x7f6803248000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182231) 0x7f6803248000-0x7f680324a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182236) 0x7f680324a000-0x7f6803253000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182241) 0x7f6803253000-0x7f6803452000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182247) 0x7f6803452000-0x7f6803453000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182252) 0x7f6803453000-0x7f6803454000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182268) 0x7f6803454000-0x7f6803491000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182275) 0x7f6803491000-0x7f6803690000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182280) 0x7f6803690000-0x7f6803691000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182285) 0x7f6803691000-0x7f6803692000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182291) 0x7f6803692000-0x7f6803695000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182296) 0x7f6803695000-0x7f6803894000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182301) 0x7f6803894000-0x7f6803895000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182306) 0x7f6803895000-0x7f6803896000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182312) 0x7f6803896000-0x7f68038af000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182317) 0x7f68038af000-0x7f6803aae000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182322) 0x7f6803aae000-0x7f6803aaf000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182327) 0x7f6803aaf000-0x7f6803ab0000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182333) 0x7f6803ab0000-0x7f6803aba000 (40K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182338) 0x7f6803aba000-0x7f6803c75000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182343) 0x7f6803c75000-0x7f6803e75000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182349) 0x7f6803e75000-0x7f6803e79000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182354) 0x7f6803e79000-0x7f6803e7b000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182359) 0x7f6803e7b000-0x7f6803e80000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182365) 0x7f6803e80000-0x7f6803ea0000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182370) 0x7f6803ea0000-0x7f680409f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182375) 0x7f680409f000-0x7f68040a0000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182381) 0x7f68040a0000-0x7f68040a1000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182386) 0x7f68040a1000-0x7f68040a3000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182391) 0x7f68040a3000-0x7f68040b0000 (52K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182396) 0x7f68040b0000-0x7f68042af000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182402) 0x7f68042af000-0x7f68042b0000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182407) 0x7f68042b0000-0x7f68042b1000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182412) 0x7f68042b1000-0x7f68042d4000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182417) 0x7f68044c9000-0x7f68044ce000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182422) 0x7f68044cf000-0x7f68044d3000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182428) 0x7f68044d3000-0x7f68044d4000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182433) 0x7f68044d4000-0x7f68044d5000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.182438) 0x7f68044d5000-0x7f68044d6000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182443) 0x7fff526a9000-0x7fff526cb000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.182448) 0x7fff526e6000-0x7fff526e8000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.182454) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.182459) ----------------------------------------
(00.182468) Collecting fds (pid: 3069)
(00.182473) ----------------------------------------
(00.182494) Found 4 file descriptors
(00.182500) ----------------------------------------
(00.182528) Dump private signals of 3069
(00.182542) Dump shared signals of 3069
(00.182554) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.182639) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc81103e000->0x7f68044a8000
(00.182674) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 3069
(00.182688) xsave runtime structure
(00.182693) -----------------------
(00.182697) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.182702) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.182717) xstate_bv: 0
(00.182722) -----------------------
(00.182726) Putting tsock into pid 3069
(00.182810) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.182820) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.182849) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.182856) Parasite 3069 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.182880) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.182887) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.182913) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.182934) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.182941) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.182976) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.182982) sid=408 pgid=408 pid=408
(00.183206) Dumping opened files (pid: 3069)
(00.183211) ----------------------------------------
(00.183224) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.183273) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.183282) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.183388) 3069 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100000/0
(00.183425) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 52 [/dev/null]
(00.183446) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100000/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.183488) 3069 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100001/0
(00.183510) Dumping path for 1 fd via self 53 [/dev/null]
(00.183522) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100001/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.183561) 3069 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100001/0
(00.183585) Dumping path for 2 fd via self 54 [/dev/null]
(00.183598) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100001/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.183637) 3069 fdinfo 3: pos: 0x               4 flags:           100002/0x1
(00.183659) Dumping path for 3 fd via self 55 [/run/crond.pid]
(00.183672) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/01 pos: 0x       4 fd: 3
(00.183686) ----------------------------------------
(00.183710) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.183717) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.183804) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.183816) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 3069)
(00.183821) ----------------------------------------
(00.183826)    Private vmas 512/5914 pages
(00.183843) pagemap-cache: created for pid 3069 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.183849) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 5914 segs
(00.183854) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.183941) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-40a000 (40K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.183948) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-40a000           nr:1     cov:40960
(00.183954) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:40a000]
(00.183966) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/5914 total)
(00.183972) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.183977) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 609000-60a000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.183982) pagemap-cache: 	          609000-60a000           nr:1     cov:4096
(00.183987) pagemap-cache: 	          60a000-60b000           nr:2     cov:8192
(00.183992) pagemap-cache: 	          60b000-60c000           nr:3     cov:12288
(00.183997) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:609000 h:800000]
(00.184006) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/5914 total)
(00.184012) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184016) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184021) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184025) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 117c000-119d000 (132K) [l:1000000 h:1200000]
(00.184033) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/5914 total)
(00.184038) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/5914 total)
(00.184043) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.184048) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6802c18000-7f6802c23000 (44K) [l:7f6802c00000 h:7f6802e00000]
(00.184053) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6802c18000-7f6802c23000     nr:1     cov:45056
(00.184058) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f6802c18000 h:7f6802c23000]
(00.184070) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184075) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6802c23000-7f6802e22000 (2044K) [l:7f6802c00000 h:7f6802e00000]
(00.184088) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6802c23000-7f6802e22000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.184094) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f6802c23000 h:7f6802e22000]
(00.184116) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184121) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6802e22000-7f6802e23000 (4K) [l:7f6802e00000 h:7f6803000000]
(00.184125) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6802e22000-7f6802e23000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.184130) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6802e23000-7f6802e24000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.184135) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6802e24000-7f6802e2f000     nr:3     cov:53248
(00.184140) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f6802e22000 h:7f6803000000]
(00.184152) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/5914 total)
(00.184157) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184162) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184166) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184170) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6802e2f000-7f680302e000 (2044K) [l:7f6802e00000 h:7f6803000000]
(00.184175) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6802e2f000-7f680302e000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.184180) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f6802e2f000 h:7f680302e000]
(00.184201) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184206) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f680302e000-7f680302f000 (4K) [l:7f6803000000 h:7f6803200000]
(00.184211) pagemap-cache: 	    7f680302e000-7f680302f000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.184216) pagemap-cache: 	    7f680302f000-7f6803030000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.184221) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803030000-7f6803047000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.184225) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f680302e000 h:7f6803200000]
(00.184237) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/5914 total)
(00.184242) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184247) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184251) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184256) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803047000-7f6803246000 (2044K) [l:7f6803000000 h:7f6803200000]
(00.184261) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803047000-7f6803246000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.184266) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f6803047000 h:7f6803246000]
(00.184286) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184292) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803246000-7f6803247000 (4K) [l:7f6803200000 h:7f6803400000]
(00.184297) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803246000-7f6803247000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.184301) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803247000-7f6803248000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.184306) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803248000-7f680324a000     nr:3     cov:16384
(00.184311) pagemap-cache: 	    7f680324a000-7f6803253000     nr:4     cov:53248
(00.184316) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f6803246000 h:7f6803400000]
(00.184327) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/5914 total)
(00.184333) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184339) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.184344) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184348) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184352) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184357) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803253000-7f6803452000 (2044K) [l:7f6803200000 h:7f6803400000]
(00.184362) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803253000-7f6803452000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.184367) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f6803253000 h:7f6803452000]
(00.184387) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184392) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803452000-7f6803453000 (4K) [l:7f6803400000 h:7f6803600000]
(00.184397) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803452000-7f6803453000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.184402) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803453000-7f6803454000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.184407) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803454000-7f6803491000     nr:3     cov:258048
(00.184411) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f6803452000 h:7f6803600000]
(00.184423) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/5914 total)
(00.184428) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184432) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184437) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184441) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803491000-7f6803690000 (2044K) [l:7f6803400000 h:7f6803600000]
(00.184461) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184466) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803690000-7f6803691000 (4K) [l:7f6803600000 h:7f6803800000]
(00.184484) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/5914 total)
(00.184490) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184494) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803691000-7f6803692000 (4K) [l:7f6803600000 h:7f6803800000]
(00.184505) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184510) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803692000-7f6803695000 (12K) [l:7f6803600000 h:7f6803800000]
(00.184520) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184525) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803695000-7f6803894000 (2044K) [l:7f6803600000 h:7f6803800000]
(00.184545) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184550) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803894000-7f6803895000 (4K) [l:7f6803800000 h:7f6803a00000]
(00.184560) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/5914 total)
(00.184565) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184570) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803895000-7f6803896000 (4K) [l:7f6803800000 h:7f6803a00000]
(00.184580) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184585) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803896000-7f68038af000 (100K) [l:7f6803800000 h:7f6803a00000]
(00.184596) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184600) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68038af000-7f6803aae000 (2044K) [l:7f6803800000 h:7f6803a00000]
(00.184625) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184630) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803aae000-7f6803aaf000 (4K) [l:7f6803a00000 h:7f6803c00000]
(00.184642) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/5914 total)
(00.184647) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184651) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803aaf000-7f6803ab0000 (4K) [l:7f6803a00000 h:7f6803c00000]
(00.184662) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184668) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803ab0000-7f6803aba000 (40K) [l:7f6803a00000 h:7f6803c00000]
(00.184679) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184684) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803aba000-7f6803c75000 (1772K) [l:7f6803a00000 h:7f6803c00000]
(00.184705) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184710) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803c75000-7f6803e75000 (2048K) [l:7f6803c00000 h:7f6803e00000]
(00.184733) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184738) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803e75000-7f6803e79000 (16K) [l:7f6803e00000 h:7f6804000000]
(00.184743) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803e75000-7f6803e79000     nr:1     cov:16384
(00.184748) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803e79000-7f6803e7b000     nr:2     cov:24576
(00.184752) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803e7b000-7f6803e80000     nr:3     cov:45056
(00.184757) pagemap-cache: 	    7f6803e80000-7f6803ea0000     nr:4     cov:176128
(00.184762) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f6803e75000 h:7f6804000000]
(00.184773) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/5914 total)
(00.184778) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.184783) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.184789) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.184793) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/5914 total)
(00.184798) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.184803) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184807) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f6803ea0000-7f680409f000 (2044K) [l:7f6803e00000 h:7f6804000000]
(00.184827) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184832) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f680409f000-7f68040a0000 (4K) [l:7f6804000000 h:7f6804200000]
(00.184843) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (13 iovs, 13/5914 total)
(00.184848) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184852) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68040a0000-7f68040a1000 (4K) [l:7f6804000000 h:7f6804200000]
(00.184863) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184868) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68040a1000-7f68040a3000 (8K) [l:7f6804000000 h:7f6804200000]
(00.184878) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184883) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68040a3000-7f68040b0000 (52K) [l:7f6804000000 h:7f6804200000]
(00.184893) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184898) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68040b0000-7f68042af000 (2044K) [l:7f6804000000 h:7f6804200000]
(00.184916) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184921) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68042af000-7f68042b0000 (4K) [l:7f6804200000 h:7f6804400000]
(00.184929) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (14 iovs, 14/5914 total)
(00.184935) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184944) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68042b0000-7f68042b1000 (4K) [l:7f6804200000 h:7f6804400000]
(00.184953) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.184958) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68042b1000-7f68042d4000 (140K) [l:7f6804200000 h:7f6804400000]
(00.184967) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.184971) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68044c9000-7f68044ce000 (20K) [l:7f6804400000 h:7f6804600000]
(00.184980) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (15 iovs, 15/5914 total)
(00.184985) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.184990) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68044cf000-7f68044d3000 (16K) [l:7f6804400000 h:7f6804600000]
(00.184998) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (16 iovs, 16/5914 total)
(00.185003) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (17 iovs, 17/5914 total)
(00.185007) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.185012) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68044d3000-7f68044d4000 (4K) [l:7f6804400000 h:7f6804600000]
(00.185019) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.185024) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68044d4000-7f68044d5000 (4K) [l:7f6804400000 h:7f6804600000]
(00.185031) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.185036) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f68044d5000-7f68044d6000 (4K) [l:7f6804400000 h:7f6804600000]
(00.185043) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.185048) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff526a9000-7fff526cb000 (136K) [l:7fff52600000 h:7fff52800000]
(00.185057) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (18 iovs, 18/5914 total)
(00.185062) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (19 iovs, 19/5914 total)
(00.185067) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.185071) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff526e6000-7fff526e8000 (8K) [l:7fff52600000 h:7fff52800000]
(00.185079) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (20 iovs, 20/5914 total)
(00.185084) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.185089) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.185093) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 21/5914 iovs:
(00.185097) page-pipe: 	buf 58 pages, 21 iovs:
(00.185102) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.185106) page-pipe: 		0x609000 3
(00.185111) page-pipe: 		0x117c000 6
(00.185115) page-pipe: 		0x1187000 1
(00.185119) page-pipe: 		0x7f6802e22000 2
(00.185123) page-pipe: 		0x7f680302e000 2
(00.185127) page-pipe: 		0x7f6803246000 2
(00.185132) page-pipe: 		0x7f6803452000 2
(00.185136) page-pipe: 		0x7f6803690000 2
(00.185140) page-pipe: 		0x7f6803894000 2
(00.185145) page-pipe: 		0x7f6803aae000 2
(00.185149) page-pipe: 		0x7f6803e75000 8
(00.185153) page-pipe: 		0x7f6803e7e000 2
(00.185157) page-pipe: 		0x7f680409f000 3
(00.185161) page-pipe: 		0x7f68042af000 2
(00.185166) page-pipe: 		0x7f68044c9000 5
(00.185170) page-pipe: 		0x7f68044cf000 1
(00.185174) page-pipe: 		0x7f68044d1000 5
(00.185178) page-pipe: 		0x7fff526c5000 3
(00.185183) page-pipe: 		0x7fff526c9000 2
(00.185187) page-pipe: 		0x7fff526e6000 2
(00.185191) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.185195) PPB: 58 pages 21 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.185212) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.185223) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.185267) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.185275) Transfering pages:
(00.185279) 	buf 58/21
(00.185284) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.185311) 	p 0x609000 [3]
(00.185343) 	p 0x117c000 [6]
(00.185396) 	p 0x1187000 [1]
(00.185417) 	p 0x7f6802e22000 [2]
(00.185440) 	p 0x7f680302e000 [2]
(00.185462) 	p 0x7f6803246000 [2]
(00.185485) 	p 0x7f6803452000 [2]
(00.185506) 	p 0x7f6803690000 [2]
(00.185528) 	p 0x7f6803894000 [2]
(00.185550) 	p 0x7f6803aae000 [2]
(00.185576) 	p 0x7f6803e75000 [8]
(00.185636) 	p 0x7f6803e7e000 [2]
(00.185658) 	p 0x7f680409f000 [3]
(00.185689) 	p 0x7f68042af000 [2]
(00.185715) 	p 0x7f68044c9000 [5]
(00.185755) 	p 0x7f68044cf000 [1]
(00.185772) 	p 0x7f68044d1000 [5]
(00.185815) 	p 0x7fff526c5000 [3]
(00.185846) 	p 0x7fff526c9000 [2]
(00.185872) 	p 0x7fff526e6000 [2]
(00.185905) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.185926) ----------------------------------------
(00.185946) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.185952) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.186044) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.186057) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.186073) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.186219) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.186416) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.186422) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.186451) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.186463) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.186469) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.186486) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.186498) Dumping core (pid: 3069)
(00.186502) ----------------------------------------
(00.186506) Obtaining personality ... (00.186583) 3069 has 0 sched policy
(00.186592) 	dumping 0 nice for 3069
(00.186603) cg: Dumping cgroups for 3069
(00.186655) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.186690) ----------------------------------------
(00.186700) Dumping creds for 3069)
(00.186704) ----------------------------------------
(00.186717) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.186723) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.186795) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.186818) Waiting for 3069 to trap
(00.186846) Daemon 3069 exited trapping
(00.186861) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.186879) 3069 was trapped
(00.186886) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.186921) 3069 was trapped
(00.186930) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.186962) 3069 was trapped
(00.186970) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.186996) 3069 was trapped
(00.187003) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.187037) 3069 was trapped
(00.187044) 3069 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.187066) 3069 was trapped
(00.187073) 3069 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.187096) 3069 was trapped
(00.187103) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 408: new_sp=0x7f68044c4008 ip 0x7f6803b7b99e
(00.187129) 3069 was trapped
(00.187136) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.187158) 3069 was trapped
(00.187165) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.187194) 3069 was trapped
(00.187201) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.187223) 3069 was trapped
(00.187230) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.187251) 3069 was trapped
(00.187258) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.187280) 3069 was trapped
(00.187287) 3069 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.187312) 3069 was stopped
(00.187338) 3069 was trapped
(00.187345) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.187366) 3069 was trapped
(00.187373) 3069 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.187396) 3069 was trapped
(00.187404) 3069 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.187440) 3069 was stopped
(00.187481) Dumping mm (pid: 3069)
(00.187485) ----------------------------------------
(00.187491) 0x400000-0x40a000 (40K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187567) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/usr/sbin/cron]
(00.187593) 0x609000-0x60a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187627) 0x60a000-0x60b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187658) 0x60b000-0x60c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.187666) 0x117c000-0x119d000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.187672) 0x7f6802c18000-0x7f6802c23000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187701) 0x7f6802c23000-0x7f6802e22000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187731) 0x7f6802e22000-0x7f6802e23000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187761) 0x7f6802e23000-0x7f6802e24000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187789) 0x7f6802e24000-0x7f6802e2f000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187819) 0x7f6802e2f000-0x7f680302e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187848) 0x7f680302e000-0x7f680302f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187877) 0x7f680302f000-0x7f6803030000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187906) 0x7f6803030000-0x7f6803047000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187951) 0x7f6803047000-0x7f6803246000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.187982) 0x7f6803246000-0x7f6803247000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188011) 0x7f6803247000-0x7f6803248000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188041) 0x7f6803248000-0x7f680324a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.188049) 0x7f680324a000-0x7f6803253000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188078) 0x7f6803253000-0x7f6803452000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188108) 0x7f6803452000-0x7f6803453000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188137) 0x7f6803453000-0x7f6803454000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188165) 0x7f6803454000-0x7f6803491000 (244K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188194) 0x7f6803491000-0x7f6803690000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188222) 0x7f6803690000-0x7f6803691000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x3c000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188250) 0x7f6803691000-0x7f6803692000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3d000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188280) 0x7f6803692000-0x7f6803695000 (12K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188309) 0x7f6803695000-0x7f6803894000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188339) 0x7f6803894000-0x7f6803895000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x2000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188368) 0x7f6803895000-0x7f6803896000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x3000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188397) 0x7f6803896000-0x7f68038af000 (100K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188427) 0x7f68038af000-0x7f6803aae000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188455) 0x7f6803aae000-0x7f6803aaf000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x18000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188484) 0x7f6803aaf000-0x7f6803ab0000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x19000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188513) 0x7f6803ab0000-0x7f6803aba000 (40K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.188521) 0x7f6803aba000-0x7f6803c75000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188549) 0x7f6803c75000-0x7f6803e75000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188579) 0x7f6803e75000-0x7f6803e79000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188608) 0x7f6803e79000-0x7f6803e7b000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188636) 0x7f6803e7b000-0x7f6803e80000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.188644) 0x7f6803e80000-0x7f6803ea0000 (128K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188672) 0x7f6803ea0000-0x7f680409f000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188702) 0x7f680409f000-0x7f68040a0000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1f000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188731) 0x7f68040a0000-0x7f68040a1000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x20000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188762) 0x7f68040a1000-0x7f68040a3000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.188770) 0x7f68040a3000-0x7f68040b0000 (52K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188799) 0x7f68040b0000-0x7f68042af000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188828) 0x7f68042af000-0x7f68042b0000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xc000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188857) 0x7f68042b0000-0x7f68042b1000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xd000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188887) 0x7f68042b1000-0x7f68042d4000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188917) 0x7f68044c9000-0x7f68044ce000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.188925) 0x7f68044cf000-0x7f68044d3000 (16K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.188931) 0x7f68044d3000-0x7f68044d4000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188958) 0x7f68044d4000-0x7f68044d5000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.188988) 0x7f68044d5000-0x7f68044d6000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.188996) 0x7fff526a9000-0x7fff526cb000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.189001) 0x7fff526e6000-0x7fff526e8000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.189007) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.189017) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.189150) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 32 [/var/spool/cron]
(00.189203) Dumping task cwd id 0x6f root id 0x1f
(00.189254) ========================================
(00.189260) Dumping task (pid: 14456)
(00.189265) ========================================
(00.189269) Obtaining task stat ... (00.189372) 
(00.189382) Collecting mappings (pid: 14456)
(00.189387) ----------------------------------------
(00.189508) vma 606000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.189522) vma 607000 borrows vfi from previous 606000
(00.189564) vma 7f0f62aa3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62a98000
(00.189576) vma 7f0f62ca2000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62aa3000
(00.189646) vma 7f0f62ca3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62ca2000
(00.189674) vma 7f0f62caf000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62ca4000
(00.189686) vma 7f0f62eae000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62caf000
(00.189696) vma 7f0f62eaf000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62eae000
(00.189721) vma 7f0f62ec7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62eb0000
(00.189808) vma 7f0f630c6000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f62ec7000
(00.189820) vma 7f0f630c7000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f630c6000
(00.189857) vma 7f0f630d3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f630ca000
(00.189868) vma 7f0f632d2000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f630d3000
(00.189879) vma 7f0f632d3000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f632d2000
(00.189972) vma 7f0f6348f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f632d4000
(00.189985) vma 7f0f6368f000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f6348f000
(00.189996) vma 7f0f63693000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f6368f000
(00.190093) vma 7f0f638bd000 borrows vfi from previous 7f0f638bc000
(00.190191) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.190202) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190208) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190214) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190219) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.190224) 0x1957000-0x1978000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.190230) 0x7f0f62a98000-0x7f0f62aa3000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190235) 0x7f0f62aa3000-0x7f0f62ca2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190241) 0x7f0f62ca2000-0x7f0f62ca3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190246) 0x7f0f62ca3000-0x7f0f62ca4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190251) 0x7f0f62ca4000-0x7f0f62caf000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190256) 0x7f0f62caf000-0x7f0f62eae000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190261) 0x7f0f62eae000-0x7f0f62eaf000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190267) 0x7f0f62eaf000-0x7f0f62eb0000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190272) 0x7f0f62eb0000-0x7f0f62ec7000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190277) 0x7f0f62ec7000-0x7f0f630c6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190282) 0x7f0f630c6000-0x7f0f630c7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190289) 0x7f0f630c7000-0x7f0f630c8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190294) 0x7f0f630c8000-0x7f0f630ca000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.190299) 0x7f0f630ca000-0x7f0f630d3000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190304) 0x7f0f630d3000-0x7f0f632d2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190310) 0x7f0f632d2000-0x7f0f632d3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190315) 0x7f0f632d3000-0x7f0f632d4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190320) 0x7f0f632d4000-0x7f0f6348f000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190326) 0x7f0f6348f000-0x7f0f6368f000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190331) 0x7f0f6368f000-0x7f0f63693000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190337) 0x7f0f63693000-0x7f0f63695000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190356) 0x7f0f63695000-0x7f0f6369a000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.190362) 0x7f0f6369a000-0x7f0f636bd000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190368) 0x7f0f638b4000-0x7f0f638b7000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.190373) 0x7f0f638ba000-0x7f0f638bc000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.190378) 0x7f0f638bc000-0x7f0f638bd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190384) 0x7f0f638bd000-0x7f0f638be000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.190389) 0x7f0f638be000-0x7f0f638bf000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.190394) 0x7fffb6fdc000-0x7fffb6ffe000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.190399) 0x7fffb6ffe000-0x7fffb7000000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.190405) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.190410) ----------------------------------------
(00.190421) Collecting fds (pid: 14456)
(00.190425) ----------------------------------------
(00.190453) Found 3 file descriptors
(00.190459) ----------------------------------------
(00.190490) Dump private signals of 14456
(00.190502) Dump shared signals of 14456
(00.190513) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.190603) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811049000->0x7f0f6389e000
(00.190635) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 14456
(00.190650) xsave runtime structure
(00.190655) -----------------------
(00.190659) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.190664) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.190669) xstate_bv: 0
(00.190673) -----------------------
(00.190678) Putting tsock into pid 14456
(00.190747) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.190755) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.190779) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.190786) Parasite 14456 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.190811) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.190818) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.190844) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.190864) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.190871) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.190908) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.190915) sid=8695 pgid=8695 pid=8695
(00.191139) Dumping opened files (pid: 14456)
(00.191143) ----------------------------------------
(00.191158) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.191207) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.191216) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.191330) 14456 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.191365) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 47 [/dev/null]
(00.191387) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.191430) 14456 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.191440) tty: Dumping tty 48 with id 0x71
(00.191468) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.191475) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.191515) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.191547) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.191596) 14456 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.191609) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.191621) ----------------------------------------
(00.191640) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.191646) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.191704) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.191715) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 14456)
(00.191720) ----------------------------------------
(00.191725)    Private vmas 512/3197 pages
(00.191741) pagemap-cache: created for pid 14456 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.191747) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3197 segs
(00.191764) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.191843) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-407000 (28K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.191851) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-407000           nr:1     cov:28672
(00.191856) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:407000]
(00.191867) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3197 total)
(00.191873) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.191878) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 606000-607000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.191883) pagemap-cache: 	          606000-607000           nr:1     cov:4096
(00.191888) pagemap-cache: 	          607000-608000           nr:2     cov:8192
(00.191893) pagemap-cache: 	          608000-60a000           nr:3     cov:16384
(00.191898) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:606000 h:800000]
(00.191907) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3197 total)
(00.191913) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.191918) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.191922) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.191926) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 1957000-1978000 (132K) [l:1800000 h:1a00000]
(00.191934) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3197 total)
(00.191939) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.191944) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62a98000-7f0f62aa3000 (44K) [l:7f0f62a00000 h:7f0f62c00000]
(00.191955) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.191960) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62aa3000-7f0f62ca2000 (2044K) [l:7f0f62a00000 h:7f0f62c00000]
(00.191981) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.191987) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62ca2000-7f0f62ca3000 (4K) [l:7f0f62c00000 h:7f0f62e00000]
(00.191997) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3197 total)
(00.192003) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192007) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62ca3000-7f0f62ca4000 (4K) [l:7f0f62c00000 h:7f0f62e00000]
(00.192018) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192022) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62ca4000-7f0f62caf000 (44K) [l:7f0f62c00000 h:7f0f62e00000]
(00.192033) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192038) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62caf000-7f0f62eae000 (2044K) [l:7f0f62c00000 h:7f0f62e00000]
(00.192058) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192062) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62eae000-7f0f62eaf000 (4K) [l:7f0f62e00000 h:7f0f63000000]
(00.192073) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3197 total)
(00.192078) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192083) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62eaf000-7f0f62eb0000 (4K) [l:7f0f62e00000 h:7f0f63000000]
(00.192093) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192098) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62eb0000-7f0f62ec7000 (92K) [l:7f0f62e00000 h:7f0f63000000]
(00.192108) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192113) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f62ec7000-7f0f630c6000 (2044K) [l:7f0f62e00000 h:7f0f63000000]
(00.192133) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192138) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f630c6000-7f0f630c7000 (4K) [l:7f0f63000000 h:7f0f63200000]
(00.192148) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3197 total)
(00.192153) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192158) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f630c7000-7f0f630c8000 (4K) [l:7f0f63000000 h:7f0f63200000]
(00.192168) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192173) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f630c8000-7f0f630ca000 (8K) [l:7f0f63000000 h:7f0f63200000]
(00.192183) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192188) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f630ca000-7f0f630d3000 (36K) [l:7f0f63000000 h:7f0f63200000]
(00.192198) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192203) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f630d3000-7f0f632d2000 (2044K) [l:7f0f63000000 h:7f0f63200000]
(00.192231) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192236) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f632d2000-7f0f632d3000 (4K) [l:7f0f63200000 h:7f0f63400000]
(00.192248) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3197 total)
(00.192253) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192258) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f632d3000-7f0f632d4000 (4K) [l:7f0f63200000 h:7f0f63400000]
(00.192270) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192275) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f632d4000-7f0f6348f000 (1772K) [l:7f0f63200000 h:7f0f63400000]
(00.192305) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192311) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f6348f000-7f0f6368f000 (2048K) [l:7f0f63400000 h:7f0f63600000]
(00.192333) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192338) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f6368f000-7f0f63693000 (16K) [l:7f0f63600000 h:7f0f63800000]
(00.192348) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.192353) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3197 total)
(00.192358) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.192363) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f63693000-7f0f63695000 (8K) [l:7f0f63600000 h:7f0f63800000]
(00.192371) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.192376) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f63695000-7f0f6369a000 (20K) [l:7f0f63600000 h:7f0f63800000]
(00.192384) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3197 total)
(00.192389) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.192393) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f6369a000-7f0f636bd000 (140K) [l:7f0f63600000 h:7f0f63800000]
(00.192401) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.192406) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f638b4000-7f0f638b7000 (12K) [l:7f0f63800000 h:7f0f63a00000]
(00.192415) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3197 total)
(00.192420) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.192424) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f638ba000-7f0f638bc000 (8K) [l:7f0f63800000 h:7f0f63a00000]
(00.192432) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3197 total)
(00.192437) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.192443) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f638bc000-7f0f638bd000 (4K) [l:7f0f63800000 h:7f0f63a00000]
(00.192450) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192455) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f638bd000-7f0f638be000 (4K) [l:7f0f63800000 h:7f0f63a00000]
(00.192463) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.192468) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192473) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f0f638be000-7f0f638bf000 (4K) [l:7f0f63800000 h:7f0f63a00000]
(00.192480) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.192485) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffb6fdc000-7fffb6ffe000 (136K) [l:7fffb6e00000 h:7fffb7000000]
(00.192494) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3197 total)
(00.192499) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3197 total)
(00.192504) Pagemap generated: 6 pages 0 holes
(00.192508) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffb6ffe000-7fffb7000000 (8K) [l:7fffb6e00000 h:7fffb7000000]
(00.192515) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.192520) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.192524) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 13/3197 iovs:
(00.192529) page-pipe: 	buf 42 pages, 13 iovs:
(00.192533) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.192538) page-pipe: 		0x606000 2
(00.192542) page-pipe: 		0x1957000 5
(00.192546) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f62ca2000 2
(00.192551) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f62eae000 2
(00.192555) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f630c6000 2
(00.192559) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f632d2000 2
(00.192563) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f6368f000 8
(00.192568) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f63698000 2
(00.192572) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f638b4000 3
(00.192576) page-pipe: 		0x7f0f638ba000 5
(00.192580) page-pipe: 		0x7fffb6ff7000 4
(00.192585) page-pipe: 		0x7fffb6ffc000 4
(00.192589) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.192593) PPB: 42 pages 13 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.192608) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.192618) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.192662) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.192671) Transfering pages:
(00.192676) 	buf 42/13
(00.192680) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.192706) 	p 0x606000 [2]
(00.192733) 	p 0x1957000 [5]
(00.192777) 	p 0x7f0f62ca2000 [2]
(00.192801) 	p 0x7f0f62eae000 [2]
(00.192826) 	p 0x7f0f630c6000 [2]
(00.192848) 	p 0x7f0f632d2000 [2]
(00.192870) 	p 0x7f0f6368f000 [8]
(00.192928) 	p 0x7f0f63698000 [2]
(00.192954) 	p 0x7f0f638b4000 [3]
(00.192990) 	p 0x7f0f638ba000 [5]
(00.193031) 	p 0x7fffb6ff7000 [4]
(00.193067) 	p 0x7fffb6ffc000 [4]
(00.193115) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.193133) ----------------------------------------
(00.193149) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.193157) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.193215) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.193226) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
(00.193233) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.193301) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.193489) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.193495) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.193524) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.193538) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.193543) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.193570) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.193583) Dumping core (pid: 14456)
(00.193587) ----------------------------------------
(00.193591) Obtaining personality ... (00.193663) 14456 has 0 sched policy
(00.193673) 	dumping 0 nice for 14456
(00.193684) cg: Dumping cgroups for 14456
(00.193737) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.193771) ----------------------------------------
(00.193781) Dumping creds for 14456)
(00.193785) ----------------------------------------
(00.193797) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.193804) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.193875) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.193896) Waiting for 14456 to trap
(00.193925) Daemon 14456 exited trapping
(00.193939) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.193955) 14456 was trapped
(00.193961) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.193997) 14456 was trapped
(00.194005) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.194039) 14456 was trapped
(00.194046) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.194072) 14456 was trapped
(00.194079) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.194103) 14456 was trapped
(00.194110) 14456 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.194160) 14456 was trapped
(00.194173) 14456 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.194192) 14456 was trapped
(00.194199) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 8695: new_sp=0x7f0f638af008 ip 0x7f0f6339599e
(00.194229) 14456 was trapped
(00.194237) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.194259) 14456 was trapped
(00.194266) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.194296) 14456 was trapped
(00.194303) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.194326) 14456 was trapped
(00.194333) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.194354) 14456 was trapped
(00.194361) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.194382) 14456 was trapped
(00.194389) 14456 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.194413) 14456 was stopped
(00.194441) 14456 was trapped
(00.194448) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.194470) 14456 was trapped
(00.194477) 14456 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.194499) 14456 was trapped
(00.194506) 14456 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.194541) 14456 was stopped
(00.194582) Dumping mm (pid: 14456)
(00.194587) ----------------------------------------
(00.194593) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194671) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/sbin/getty]
(00.194697) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194729) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194759) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.194767) 0x1957000-0x1978000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.194773) 0x7f0f62a98000-0x7f0f62aa3000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194800) 0x7f0f62aa3000-0x7f0f62ca2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194829) 0x7f0f62ca2000-0x7f0f62ca3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194858) 0x7f0f62ca3000-0x7f0f62ca4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194887) 0x7f0f62ca4000-0x7f0f62caf000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194918) 0x7f0f62caf000-0x7f0f62eae000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194946) 0x7f0f62eae000-0x7f0f62eaf000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.194974) 0x7f0f62eaf000-0x7f0f62eb0000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195002) 0x7f0f62eb0000-0x7f0f62ec7000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195047) 0x7f0f62ec7000-0x7f0f630c6000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195078) 0x7f0f630c6000-0x7f0f630c7000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195107) 0x7f0f630c7000-0x7f0f630c8000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195136) 0x7f0f630c8000-0x7f0f630ca000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.195143) 0x7f0f630ca000-0x7f0f630d3000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195171) 0x7f0f630d3000-0x7f0f632d2000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195200) 0x7f0f632d2000-0x7f0f632d3000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195230) 0x7f0f632d3000-0x7f0f632d4000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195259) 0x7f0f632d4000-0x7f0f6348f000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195289) 0x7f0f6348f000-0x7f0f6368f000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195316) 0x7f0f6368f000-0x7f0f63693000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195345) 0x7f0f63693000-0x7f0f63695000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195374) 0x7f0f63695000-0x7f0f6369a000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.195381) 0x7f0f6369a000-0x7f0f636bd000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195408) 0x7f0f638b4000-0x7f0f638b7000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.195416) 0x7f0f638ba000-0x7f0f638bc000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.195421) 0x7f0f638bc000-0x7f0f638bd000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195449) 0x7f0f638bd000-0x7f0f638be000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.195478) 0x7f0f638be000-0x7f0f638bf000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.195486) 0x7fffb6fdc000-0x7fffb6ffe000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.195492) 0x7fffb6ffe000-0x7fffb7000000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.195497) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.195503) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.195662) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.195707) ========================================
(00.195713) Dumping task (pid: 14457)
(00.195718) ========================================
(00.195722) Obtaining task stat ... (00.195820) 
(00.195828) Collecting mappings (pid: 14457)
(00.195833) ----------------------------------------
(00.195956) vma 606000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.195971) vma 607000 borrows vfi from previous 606000
(00.196014) vma 7f987dc39000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987dc2e000
(00.196026) vma 7f987de38000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987dc39000
(00.196095) vma 7f987de39000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987de38000
(00.196122) vma 7f987de45000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987de3a000
(00.196133) vma 7f987e044000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987de45000
(00.196144) vma 7f987e045000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e044000
(00.196169) vma 7f987e05d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e046000
(00.196253) vma 7f987e25c000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e05d000
(00.196265) vma 7f987e25d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e25c000
(00.196300) vma 7f987e269000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e260000
(00.196312) vma 7f987e468000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e269000
(00.196322) vma 7f987e469000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e468000
(00.196413) vma 7f987e625000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e46a000
(00.196427) vma 7f987e825000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e625000
(00.196438) vma 7f987e829000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987e825000
(00.196535) vma 7f987ea53000 borrows vfi from previous 7f987ea52000
(00.196577) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.196584) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196590) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196595) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196601) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.196606) 0x72c000-0x74d000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.196623) 0x7f987dc2e000-0x7f987dc39000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196629) 0x7f987dc39000-0x7f987de38000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196634) 0x7f987de38000-0x7f987de39000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196640) 0x7f987de39000-0x7f987de3a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196645) 0x7f987de3a000-0x7f987de45000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196650) 0x7f987de45000-0x7f987e044000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196655) 0x7f987e044000-0x7f987e045000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196661) 0x7f987e045000-0x7f987e046000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196666) 0x7f987e046000-0x7f987e05d000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196671) 0x7f987e05d000-0x7f987e25c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196676) 0x7f987e25c000-0x7f987e25d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196682) 0x7f987e25d000-0x7f987e25e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196687) 0x7f987e25e000-0x7f987e260000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.196692) 0x7f987e260000-0x7f987e269000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196698) 0x7f987e269000-0x7f987e468000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196703) 0x7f987e468000-0x7f987e469000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196708) 0x7f987e469000-0x7f987e46a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196713) 0x7f987e46a000-0x7f987e625000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196719) 0x7f987e625000-0x7f987e825000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196724) 0x7f987e825000-0x7f987e829000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196729) 0x7f987e829000-0x7f987e82b000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196735) 0x7f987e82b000-0x7f987e830000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.196740) 0x7f987e830000-0x7f987e853000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196746) 0x7f987ea4a000-0x7f987ea4d000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.196751) 0x7f987ea50000-0x7f987ea52000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.196756) 0x7f987ea52000-0x7f987ea53000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196761) 0x7f987ea53000-0x7f987ea54000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.196767) 0x7f987ea54000-0x7f987ea55000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.196772) 0x7fffb74a6000-0x7fffb74c8000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.196777) 0x7fffb75f2000-0x7fffb75f4000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.196783) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.196788) ----------------------------------------
(00.196797) Collecting fds (pid: 14457)
(00.196802) ----------------------------------------
(00.196831) Found 3 file descriptors
(00.196837) ----------------------------------------
(00.196866) Dump private signals of 14457
(00.196880) Dump shared signals of 14457
(00.196891) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.196991) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811049000->0x7f987ea34000
(00.197022) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 14457
(00.197036) xsave runtime structure
(00.197041) -----------------------
(00.197045) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.197051) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.197055) xstate_bv: 0
(00.197060) -----------------------
(00.197064) Putting tsock into pid 14457
(00.197135) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.197143) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.197168) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.197175) Parasite 14457 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.197199) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
(00.197207) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.197227) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.197248) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.197254) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.197282) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.197289) sid=8696 pgid=8696 pid=8696
(00.197511) Dumping opened files (pid: 14457)
(00.197515) ----------------------------------------
(00.197529) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.197565) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.197574) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.197685) 14457 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.197720) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 47 [/dev/null]
(00.197748) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.197793) 14457 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.197804) tty: Dumping tty 48 with id 0x74
(00.197833) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.197841) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.197880) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.197913) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.197962) 14457 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.197975) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.197987) ----------------------------------------
(00.198005) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.198012) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.198068) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.198079) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 14457)
(00.198084) ----------------------------------------
(00.198090)    Private vmas 512/3197 pages
(00.198103) pagemap-cache: created for pid 14457 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.198109) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3197 segs
(00.198114) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.198251) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-407000 (28K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.198259) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-407000           nr:1     cov:28672
(00.198264) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:407000]
(00.198276) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3197 total)
(00.198282) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198287) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 606000-607000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.198291) pagemap-cache: 	          606000-607000           nr:1     cov:4096
(00.198296) pagemap-cache: 	          607000-608000           nr:2     cov:8192
(00.198302) pagemap-cache: 	          608000-60a000           nr:3     cov:16384
(00.198306) pagemap-cache: 	          72c000-74d000           nr:4     cov:151552
(00.198311) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:606000 h:800000]
(00.198322) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3197 total)
(00.198327) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198332) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198337) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198341) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3197 total)
(00.198347) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.198352) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987dc2e000-7f987dc39000 (44K) [l:7f987dc00000 h:7f987de00000]
(00.198357) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987dc2e000-7f987dc39000     nr:1     cov:45056
(00.198361) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f987dc2e000 h:7f987dc39000]
(00.198374) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198379) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987dc39000-7f987de38000 (2044K) [l:7f987dc00000 h:7f987de00000]
(00.198383) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987dc39000-7f987de38000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.198388) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f987dc39000 h:7f987de38000]
(00.198410) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198415) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987de38000-7f987de39000 (4K) [l:7f987de00000 h:7f987e000000]
(00.198420) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987de38000-7f987de39000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.198425) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987de39000-7f987de3a000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.198430) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987de3a000-7f987de45000     nr:3     cov:53248
(00.198442) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f987de38000 h:7f987e000000]
(00.198454) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3197 total)
(00.198460) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198465) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198469) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198473) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987de45000-7f987e044000 (2044K) [l:7f987de00000 h:7f987e000000]
(00.198478) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987de45000-7f987e044000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.198483) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f987de45000 h:7f987e044000]
(00.198505) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198510) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e044000-7f987e045000 (4K) [l:7f987e000000 h:7f987e200000]
(00.198515) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e044000-7f987e045000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.198520) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e045000-7f987e046000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.198525) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e046000-7f987e05d000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.198529) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f987e044000 h:7f987e200000]
(00.198541) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3197 total)
(00.198547) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198551) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198556) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198560) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e05d000-7f987e25c000 (2044K) [l:7f987e000000 h:7f987e200000]
(00.198565) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e05d000-7f987e25c000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.198570) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f987e05d000 h:7f987e25c000]
(00.198590) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198595) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e25c000-7f987e25d000 (4K) [l:7f987e200000 h:7f987e400000]
(00.198600) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e25c000-7f987e25d000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.198605) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e25d000-7f987e25e000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.198610) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e25e000-7f987e260000     nr:3     cov:16384
(00.198615) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e260000-7f987e269000     nr:4     cov:53248
(00.198620) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f987e25c000 h:7f987e400000]
(00.198631) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3197 total)
(00.198636) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198641) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198645) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198650) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198654) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e269000-7f987e468000 (2044K) [l:7f987e200000 h:7f987e400000]
(00.198659) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e269000-7f987e468000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.198664) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f987e269000 h:7f987e468000]
(00.198694) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198700) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e468000-7f987e469000 (4K) [l:7f987e400000 h:7f987e600000]
(00.198705) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e468000-7f987e469000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.198710) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e469000-7f987e46a000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.198715) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f987e468000 h:7f987e600000]
(00.198728) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3197 total)
(00.198734) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198738) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198743) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e46a000-7f987e625000 (1772K) [l:7f987e400000 h:7f987e600000]
(00.198747) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e46a000-7f987e625000     nr:1     cov:1814528
(00.198752) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f987e46a000 h:7f987e625000]
(00.198770) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198775) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e625000-7f987e825000 (2048K) [l:7f987e600000 h:7f987e800000]
(00.198792) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198798) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987e825000-7f987e829000 (16K) [l:7f987e800000 h:7f987ea00000]
(00.198803) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e825000-7f987e829000     nr:1     cov:16384
(00.198807) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e829000-7f987e82b000     nr:2     cov:24576
(00.198812) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e82b000-7f987e830000     nr:3     cov:45056
(00.198817) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987e830000-7f987e853000     nr:4     cov:188416
(00.198822) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f987e825000 h:7f987ea00000]
(00.198833) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.198838) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3197 total)
(00.198849) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.198856) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.198860) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3197 total)
(00.198865) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.198869) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.198873) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f987ea4a000-7f987ea4d000 (12K) [l:7f987ea00000 h:7f987ec00000]
(00.198878) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987ea4a000-7f987ea4d000     nr:1     cov:12288
(00.198883) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987ea50000-7f987ea52000     nr:2     cov:20480
(00.198888) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987ea52000-7f987ea53000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.198892) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987ea53000-7f987ea54000     nr:4     cov:28672
(00.198897) pagemap-cache: 	    7f987ea54000-7f987ea55000     nr:5     cov:32768
(00.198902) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f987ea4a000 h:7f987ec00000]
(00.198911) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3197 total)
(00.198916) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.198921) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3197 total)
(00.198925) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.198930) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198935) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.198940) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198944) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.198948) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffb74a6000-7fffb74c8000 (136K) [l:7fffb7400000 h:7fffb7600000]
(00.198958) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3197 total)
(00.198963) Pagemap generated: 6 pages 0 holes
(00.198967) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffb75f2000-7fffb75f4000 (8K) [l:7fffb7400000 h:7fffb7600000]
(00.198974) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3197 total)
(00.198979) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.198984) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.198988) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 13/3197 iovs:
(00.198993) page-pipe: 	buf 42 pages, 13 iovs:
(00.198997) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.199001) page-pipe: 		0x606000 2
(00.199005) page-pipe: 		0x72c000 5
(00.199010) page-pipe: 		0x7f987de38000 2
(00.199014) page-pipe: 		0x7f987e044000 2
(00.199018) page-pipe: 		0x7f987e25c000 2
(00.199022) page-pipe: 		0x7f987e468000 2
(00.199027) page-pipe: 		0x7f987e825000 8
(00.199031) page-pipe: 		0x7f987e82e000 2
(00.199035) page-pipe: 		0x7f987ea4a000 3
(00.199039) page-pipe: 		0x7f987ea50000 5
(00.199044) page-pipe: 		0x7fffb74c2000 6
(00.199048) page-pipe: 		0x7fffb75f2000 2
(00.199052) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.199056) PPB: 42 pages 13 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.199072) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.199083) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.199128) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.199138) Transfering pages:
(00.199142) 	buf 42/13
(00.199146) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.199173) 	p 0x606000 [2]
(00.199198) 	p 0x72c000 [5]
(00.199237) 	p 0x7f987de38000 [2]
(00.199261) 	p 0x7f987e044000 [2]
(00.199287) 	p 0x7f987e25c000 [2]
(00.199310) 	p 0x7f987e468000 [2]
(00.199333) 	p 0x7f987e825000 [8]
(00.199399) 	p 0x7f987e82e000 [2]
(00.199424) 	p 0x7f987ea4a000 [3]
(00.199453) 	p 0x7f987ea50000 [5]
(00.199493) 	p 0x7fffb74c2000 [6]
(00.199543) 	p 0x7fffb75f2000 [2]
(00.199577) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.199596) ----------------------------------------
(00.199615) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.199621) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.199681) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.199694) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
(00.199699) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.199768) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.199954) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.199960) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.199988) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.200000) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.200006) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.200031) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.200042) Dumping core (pid: 14457)
(00.200047) ----------------------------------------
(00.200059) Obtaining personality ... (00.200130) 14457 has 0 sched policy
(00.200139) 	dumping 0 nice for 14457
(00.200150) cg: Dumping cgroups for 14457
(00.200202) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.200239) ----------------------------------------
(00.200249) Dumping creds for 14457)
(00.200253) ----------------------------------------
(00.200267) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.200273) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.200343) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.200365) Waiting for 14457 to trap
(00.200393) Daemon 14457 exited trapping
(00.200407) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.200424) 14457 was trapped
(00.200431) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.200466) 14457 was trapped
(00.200474) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.200506) 14457 was trapped
(00.200513) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.200538) 14457 was trapped
(00.200545) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.200571) 14457 was trapped
(00.200578) 14457 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.200597) 14457 was trapped
(00.200605) 14457 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.200625) 14457 was trapped
(00.200632) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 8696: new_sp=0x7f987ea45008 ip 0x7f987e52b99e
(00.200657) 14457 was trapped
(00.200664) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.200685) 14457 was trapped
(00.200692) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.200721) 14457 was trapped
(00.200729) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.200749) 14457 was trapped
(00.200756) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.200775) 14457 was trapped
(00.200782) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.200801) 14457 was trapped
(00.200808) 14457 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.200830) 14457 was stopped
(00.200856) 14457 was trapped
(00.200863) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.200882) 14457 was trapped
(00.200889) 14457 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.200907) 14457 was trapped
(00.200914) 14457 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.200950) 14457 was stopped
(00.200991) Dumping mm (pid: 14457)
(00.200995) ----------------------------------------
(00.201002) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201060) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201092) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201122) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.201130) 0x72c000-0x74d000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.201136) 0x7f987dc2e000-0x7f987dc39000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201165) 0x7f987dc39000-0x7f987de38000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201194) 0x7f987de38000-0x7f987de39000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201223) 0x7f987de39000-0x7f987de3a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201252) 0x7f987de3a000-0x7f987de45000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201281) 0x7f987de45000-0x7f987e044000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201311) 0x7f987e044000-0x7f987e045000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201341) 0x7f987e045000-0x7f987e046000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201370) 0x7f987e046000-0x7f987e05d000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201400) 0x7f987e05d000-0x7f987e25c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201429) 0x7f987e25c000-0x7f987e25d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201458) 0x7f987e25d000-0x7f987e25e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201487) 0x7f987e25e000-0x7f987e260000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.201495) 0x7f987e260000-0x7f987e269000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201522) 0x7f987e269000-0x7f987e468000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201550) 0x7f987e468000-0x7f987e469000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201593) 0x7f987e469000-0x7f987e46a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201623) 0x7f987e46a000-0x7f987e625000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201651) 0x7f987e625000-0x7f987e825000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201680) 0x7f987e825000-0x7f987e829000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201710) 0x7f987e829000-0x7f987e82b000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201740) 0x7f987e82b000-0x7f987e830000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.201748) 0x7f987e830000-0x7f987e853000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201778) 0x7f987ea4a000-0x7f987ea4d000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.201786) 0x7f987ea50000-0x7f987ea52000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.201791) 0x7f987ea52000-0x7f987ea53000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201819) 0x7f987ea53000-0x7f987ea54000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.201848) 0x7f987ea54000-0x7f987ea55000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.201856) 0x7fffb74a6000-0x7fffb74c8000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.201862) 0x7fffb75f2000-0x7fffb75f4000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.201867) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.201873) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.202038) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.202081) ========================================
(00.202087) Dumping task (pid: 14458)
(00.202091) ========================================
(00.202096) Obtaining task stat ... (00.202308) 
(00.202331) Collecting mappings (pid: 14458)
(00.202340) ----------------------------------------
(00.202574) vma 606000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.202601) vma 607000 borrows vfi from previous 606000
(00.202689) vma 7ff81125d000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811252000
(00.202713) vma 7ff81145c000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff81125d000
(00.202857) vma 7ff81145d000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff81145c000
(00.202912) vma 7ff811469000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff81145e000
(00.202934) vma 7ff811668000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811469000
(00.202956) vma 7ff811669000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811668000
(00.203007) vma 7ff811681000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff81166a000
(00.203172) vma 7ff811880000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811681000
(00.203196) vma 7ff811881000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811880000
(00.203267) vma 7ff81188d000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811884000
(00.203290) vma 7ff811a8c000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff81188d000
(00.203311) vma 7ff811a8d000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811a8c000
(00.203506) vma 7ff811c49000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811a8e000
(00.203529) vma 7ff811e49000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811c49000
(00.203551) vma 7ff811e4d000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff811e49000
(00.203755) vma 7ff812077000 borrows vfi from previous 7ff812076000
(00.203844) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.203858) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203870) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203880) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203890) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.203901) 0x1f0c000-0x1f2d000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.203911) 0x7ff811252000-0x7ff81125d000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203921) 0x7ff81125d000-0x7ff81145c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203932) 0x7ff81145c000-0x7ff81145d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203942) 0x7ff81145d000-0x7ff81145e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203952) 0x7ff81145e000-0x7ff811469000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203963) 0x7ff811469000-0x7ff811668000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.203973) 0x7ff811668000-0x7ff811669000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204007) 0x7ff811669000-0x7ff81166a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204019) 0x7ff81166a000-0x7ff811681000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204030) 0x7ff811681000-0x7ff811880000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204040) 0x7ff811880000-0x7ff811881000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204050) 0x7ff811881000-0x7ff811882000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204061) 0x7ff811882000-0x7ff811884000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.204071) 0x7ff811884000-0x7ff81188d000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204081) 0x7ff81188d000-0x7ff811a8c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204092) 0x7ff811a8c000-0x7ff811a8d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204102) 0x7ff811a8d000-0x7ff811a8e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204112) 0x7ff811a8e000-0x7ff811c49000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204122) 0x7ff811c49000-0x7ff811e49000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204133) 0x7ff811e49000-0x7ff811e4d000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204143) 0x7ff811e4d000-0x7ff811e4f000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204153) 0x7ff811e4f000-0x7ff811e54000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.204164) 0x7ff811e54000-0x7ff811e77000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204174) 0x7ff81206e000-0x7ff812071000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.204184) 0x7ff812074000-0x7ff812076000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.204194) 0x7ff812076000-0x7ff812077000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204205) 0x7ff812077000-0x7ff812078000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.204215) 0x7ff812078000-0x7ff812079000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.204226) 0x7fffa6241000-0x7fffa6263000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.204236) 0x7fffa63a8000-0x7fffa63aa000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.204247) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.204257) ----------------------------------------
(00.204276) Collecting fds (pid: 14458)
(00.204284) ----------------------------------------
(00.204335) Found 3 file descriptors
(00.204349) ----------------------------------------
(00.204402) Dump private signals of 14458
(00.204421) Dump shared signals of 14458
(00.204443) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.204597) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811049000->0x7ff812058000
(00.204649) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 14458
(00.204676) xsave runtime structure
(00.204687) -----------------------
(00.204695) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.204705) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.204714) xstate_bv: 0
(00.204722) -----------------------
(00.204731) Putting tsock into pid 14458
(00.204857) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.204872) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.204926) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.204939) Parasite 14458 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.204980) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.204993) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.205032) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.205068) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.205080) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.205138) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.205151) sid=8697 pgid=8697 pid=8697
(00.205562) Dumping opened files (pid: 14458)
(00.205570) ----------------------------------------
(00.205593) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.205669) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.205703) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.205890) 14458 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.205951) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 47 [/dev/null]
(00.205989) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.206070) 14458 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.206091) tty: Dumping tty 48 with id 0x76
(00.206178) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.206197) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.206252) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.206309) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.206404) 14458 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.206426) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.206450) ----------------------------------------
(00.206479) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.206491) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.206592) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.206614) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 14458)
(00.206622) ----------------------------------------
(00.206632)    Private vmas 512/3197 pages
(00.206657) pagemap-cache: created for pid 14458 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.206668) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3197 segs
(00.206678) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.206841) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-407000 (28K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.206856) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-407000           nr:1     cov:28672
(00.206867) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:407000]
(00.206888) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3197 total)
(00.206899) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.206907) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 606000-607000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.206917) pagemap-cache: 	          606000-607000           nr:1     cov:4096
(00.206927) pagemap-cache: 	          607000-608000           nr:2     cov:8192
(00.206936) pagemap-cache: 	          608000-60a000           nr:3     cov:16384
(00.206945) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:606000 h:800000]
(00.206964) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3197 total)
(00.206974) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.206983) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.206991) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.206999) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 1f0c000-1f2d000 (132K) [l:1e00000 h:2000000]
(00.207014) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3197 total)
(00.207025) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.207034) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811252000-7ff81125d000 (44K) [l:7ff811200000 h:7ff811400000]
(00.207043) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811252000-7ff81125d000     nr:1     cov:45056
(00.207053) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7ff811252000 h:7ff81125d000]
(00.207076) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207086) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff81125d000-7ff81145c000 (2044K) [l:7ff811200000 h:7ff811400000]
(00.207095) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff81125d000-7ff81145c000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.207105) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7ff81125d000 h:7ff81145c000]
(00.207148) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207158) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff81145c000-7ff81145d000 (4K) [l:7ff811400000 h:7ff811600000]
(00.207168) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff81145c000-7ff81145d000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.207177) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff81145d000-7ff81145e000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.207187) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff81145e000-7ff811469000     nr:3     cov:53248
(00.207196) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7ff81145c000 h:7ff811600000]
(00.207219) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3197 total)
(00.207230) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207238) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207247) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207255) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811469000-7ff811668000 (2044K) [l:7ff811400000 h:7ff811600000]
(00.207265) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811469000-7ff811668000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.207274) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7ff811469000 h:7ff811668000]
(00.207317) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207326) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811668000-7ff811669000 (4K) [l:7ff811600000 h:7ff811800000]
(00.207351) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811668000-7ff811669000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.207362) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811669000-7ff81166a000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.207371) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff81166a000-7ff811681000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.207381) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7ff811668000 h:7ff811800000]
(00.207404) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3197 total)
(00.207414) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207423) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207431) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207439) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811681000-7ff811880000 (2044K) [l:7ff811600000 h:7ff811800000]
(00.207482) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207492) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811880000-7ff811881000 (4K) [l:7ff811800000 h:7ff811a00000]
(00.207515) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3197 total)
(00.207525) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207534) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811881000-7ff811882000 (4K) [l:7ff811800000 h:7ff811a00000]
(00.207557) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207567) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811882000-7ff811884000 (8K) [l:7ff811800000 h:7ff811a00000]
(00.207589) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207598) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811884000-7ff81188d000 (36K) [l:7ff811800000 h:7ff811a00000]
(00.207621) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207630) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff81188d000-7ff811a8c000 (2044K) [l:7ff811800000 h:7ff811a00000]
(00.207687) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207696) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811a8c000-7ff811a8d000 (4K) [l:7ff811a00000 h:7ff811c00000]
(00.207723) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3197 total)
(00.207734) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207742) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811a8d000-7ff811a8e000 (4K) [l:7ff811a00000 h:7ff811c00000]
(00.207768) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.207778) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811a8e000-7ff811c49000 (1772K) [l:7ff811a00000 h:7ff811c00000]
(00.207826) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207835) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811c49000-7ff811e49000 (2048K) [l:7ff811c00000 h:7ff811e00000]
(00.207878) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.207888) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff811e49000-7ff811e4d000 (16K) [l:7ff811e00000 h:7ff812000000]
(00.207898) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811e49000-7ff811e4d000     nr:1     cov:16384
(00.207908) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811e4d000-7ff811e4f000     nr:2     cov:24576
(00.207917) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811e4f000-7ff811e54000     nr:3     cov:45056
(00.207926) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff811e54000-7ff811e77000     nr:4     cov:188416
(00.207935) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7ff811e49000 h:7ff812000000]
(00.207956) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.207966) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3197 total)
(00.207976) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.207984) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.207993) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3197 total)
(00.208002) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.208011) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.208019) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7ff81206e000-7ff812071000 (12K) [l:7ff812000000 h:7ff812200000]
(00.208029) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff81206e000-7ff812071000     nr:1     cov:12288
(00.208039) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff812074000-7ff812076000     nr:2     cov:20480
(00.208050) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff812076000-7ff812077000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.208059) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff812077000-7ff812078000     nr:4     cov:28672
(00.208068) pagemap-cache: 	    7ff812078000-7ff812079000     nr:5     cov:32768
(00.208078) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7ff81206e000 h:7ff812200000]
(00.208098) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3197 total)
(00.208109) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.208118) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3197 total)
(00.208128) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.208136) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.208147) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.208156) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.208165) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.208173) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fffa6241000-7fffa6263000 (136K) [l:7fffa6200000 h:7fffa6400000]
(00.208199) pagemap-cache: 	    7fffa6241000-7fffa6263000     nr:1     cov:139264
(00.208210) pagemap-cache: 	    7fffa63a8000-7fffa63aa000     nr:2     cov:147456
(00.208219) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fffa6241000 h:7fffa6400000]
(00.208238) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3197 total)
(00.208249) Pagemap generated: 6 pages 0 holes
(00.208258) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3197 total)
(00.208267) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.208275) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.208283) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 13/3197 iovs:
(00.208292) page-pipe: 	buf 42 pages, 13 iovs:
(00.208300) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.208308) page-pipe: 		0x606000 2
(00.208316) page-pipe: 		0x1f0c000 5
(00.208324) page-pipe: 		0x7ff81145c000 2
(00.208332) page-pipe: 		0x7ff811668000 2
(00.208340) page-pipe: 		0x7ff811880000 2
(00.208348) page-pipe: 		0x7ff811a8c000 2
(00.208356) page-pipe: 		0x7ff811e49000 8
(00.208364) page-pipe: 		0x7ff811e52000 2
(00.208372) page-pipe: 		0x7ff81206e000 3
(00.208380) page-pipe: 		0x7ff812074000 5
(00.208388) page-pipe: 		0x7fffa625d000 6
(00.208396) page-pipe: 		0x7fffa63a8000 2
(00.208404) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.208412) PPB: 42 pages 13 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.208436) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.208457) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.208529) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.208545) Transfering pages:
(00.208554) 	buf 42/13
(00.208562) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.208609) 	p 0x606000 [2]
(00.208656) 	p 0x1f0c000 [5]
(00.208732) 	p 0x7ff81145c000 [2]
(00.208778) 	p 0x7ff811668000 [2]
(00.208829) 	p 0x7ff811880000 [2]
(00.208870) 	p 0x7ff811a8c000 [2]
(00.208911) 	p 0x7ff811e49000 [8]
(00.209014) 	p 0x7ff811e52000 [2]
(00.209060) 	p 0x7ff81206e000 [3]
(00.209117) 	p 0x7ff812074000 [5]
(00.209189) 	p 0x7fffa625d000 [6]
(00.209273) 	p 0x7fffa63a8000 [2]
(00.209329) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.209360) ----------------------------------------
(00.209390) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.209403) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.209505) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.209530) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
(00.209542) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.209646) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.210044) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.210056) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.210100) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.210237) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.210253) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
(00.210264) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.210284) Dumping core (pid: 14458)
(00.210292) ----------------------------------------
(00.210300) Obtaining personality ... (00.210413) 14458 has 0 sched policy
(00.210430) 	dumping 0 nice for 14458
(00.210449) cg: Dumping cgroups for 14458
(00.210504) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.210542) ----------------------------------------
(00.210551) Dumping creds for 14458)
(00.210555) ----------------------------------------
(00.210569) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.210575) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.210643) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.210666) Waiting for 14458 to trap
(00.210694) Daemon 14458 exited trapping
(00.210709) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.210727) 14458 was trapped
(00.210734) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.210768) 14458 was trapped
(00.210776) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.210808) 14458 was trapped
(00.210815) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.210840) 14458 was trapped
(00.210848) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.210873) 14458 was trapped
(00.210881) 14458 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.210901) 14458 was trapped
(00.210908) 14458 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.210944) 14458 was trapped
(00.210952) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 8697: new_sp=0x7ff812069008 ip 0x7ff811b4f99e
(00.210976) 14458 was trapped
(00.210983) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.211002) 14458 was trapped
(00.211009) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.211037) 14458 was trapped
(00.211044) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.211065) 14458 was trapped
(00.211072) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.211092) 14458 was trapped
(00.211099) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.211119) 14458 was trapped
(00.211126) 14458 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.211149) 14458 was stopped
(00.211176) 14458 was trapped
(00.211184) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.211203) 14458 was trapped
(00.211211) 14458 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.211229) 14458 was trapped
(00.211237) 14458 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.211273) 14458 was stopped
(00.211314) Dumping mm (pid: 14458)
(00.211318) ----------------------------------------
(00.211324) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211386) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211419) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211448) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.211456) 0x1f0c000-0x1f2d000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.211462) 0x7ff811252000-0x7ff81125d000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211489) 0x7ff81125d000-0x7ff81145c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211519) 0x7ff81145c000-0x7ff81145d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211548) 0x7ff81145d000-0x7ff81145e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211577) 0x7ff81145e000-0x7ff811469000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211608) 0x7ff811469000-0x7ff811668000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211637) 0x7ff811668000-0x7ff811669000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211666) 0x7ff811669000-0x7ff81166a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211694) 0x7ff81166a000-0x7ff811681000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211723) 0x7ff811681000-0x7ff811880000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211751) 0x7ff811880000-0x7ff811881000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211780) 0x7ff811881000-0x7ff811882000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211810) 0x7ff811882000-0x7ff811884000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.211818) 0x7ff811884000-0x7ff81188d000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211846) 0x7ff81188d000-0x7ff811a8c000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211875) 0x7ff811a8c000-0x7ff811a8d000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211905) 0x7ff811a8d000-0x7ff811a8e000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211933) 0x7ff811a8e000-0x7ff811c49000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211962) 0x7ff811c49000-0x7ff811e49000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.211991) 0x7ff811e49000-0x7ff811e4d000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.212020) 0x7ff811e4d000-0x7ff811e4f000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.212049) 0x7ff811e4f000-0x7ff811e54000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.212056) 0x7ff811e54000-0x7ff811e77000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.212084) 0x7ff81206e000-0x7ff812071000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.212092) 0x7ff812074000-0x7ff812076000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.212097) 0x7ff812076000-0x7ff812077000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.212126) 0x7ff812077000-0x7ff812078000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.212155) 0x7ff812078000-0x7ff812079000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.212163) 0x7fffa6241000-0x7fffa6263000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.212180) 0x7fffa63a8000-0x7fffa63aa000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.212186) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.212192) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.212358) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.212399) ========================================
(00.212405) Dumping task (pid: 14459)
(00.212409) ========================================
(00.212414) Obtaining task stat ... (00.212508) 
(00.212516) Collecting mappings (pid: 14459)
(00.212521) ----------------------------------------
(00.212637) vma 606000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.212650) vma 607000 borrows vfi from previous 606000
(00.212693) vma 7fda8ba2b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8ba20000
(00.212705) vma 7fda8bc2a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8ba2b000
(00.212773) vma 7fda8bc2b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8bc2a000
(00.212799) vma 7fda8bc37000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8bc2c000
(00.212811) vma 7fda8be36000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8bc37000
(00.212822) vma 7fda8be37000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8be36000
(00.212845) vma 7fda8be4f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8be38000
(00.212930) vma 7fda8c04e000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8be4f000
(00.212942) vma 7fda8c04f000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c04e000
(00.212979) vma 7fda8c05b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c052000
(00.212991) vma 7fda8c25a000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c05b000
(00.213001) vma 7fda8c25b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c25a000
(00.213091) vma 7fda8c417000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c25c000
(00.213103) vma 7fda8c617000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c417000
(00.213113) vma 7fda8c61b000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c617000
(00.213210) vma 7fda8c845000 borrows vfi from previous 7fda8c844000
(00.213251) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.213258) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213264) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213270) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213275) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.213280) 0x93b000-0x95c000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.213286) 0x7fda8ba20000-0x7fda8ba2b000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213291) 0x7fda8ba2b000-0x7fda8bc2a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213297) 0x7fda8bc2a000-0x7fda8bc2b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213302) 0x7fda8bc2b000-0x7fda8bc2c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213307) 0x7fda8bc2c000-0x7fda8bc37000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213313) 0x7fda8bc37000-0x7fda8be36000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213319) 0x7fda8be36000-0x7fda8be37000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213324) 0x7fda8be37000-0x7fda8be38000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213329) 0x7fda8be38000-0x7fda8be4f000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213335) 0x7fda8be4f000-0x7fda8c04e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213340) 0x7fda8c04e000-0x7fda8c04f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213345) 0x7fda8c04f000-0x7fda8c050000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213351) 0x7fda8c050000-0x7fda8c052000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.213356) 0x7fda8c052000-0x7fda8c05b000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213361) 0x7fda8c05b000-0x7fda8c25a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213367) 0x7fda8c25a000-0x7fda8c25b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213372) 0x7fda8c25b000-0x7fda8c25c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213377) 0x7fda8c25c000-0x7fda8c417000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213383) 0x7fda8c417000-0x7fda8c617000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213389) 0x7fda8c617000-0x7fda8c61b000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213407) 0x7fda8c61b000-0x7fda8c61d000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213413) 0x7fda8c61d000-0x7fda8c622000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.213419) 0x7fda8c622000-0x7fda8c645000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213424) 0x7fda8c83c000-0x7fda8c83f000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.213430) 0x7fda8c842000-0x7fda8c844000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.213435) 0x7fda8c844000-0x7fda8c845000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213440) 0x7fda8c845000-0x7fda8c846000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.213445) 0x7fda8c846000-0x7fda8c847000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.213451) 0x7fff0f97f000-0x7fff0f9a1000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.213456) 0x7fff0f9fe000-0x7fff0fa00000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.213461) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.213467) ----------------------------------------
(00.213476) Collecting fds (pid: 14459)
(00.213481) ----------------------------------------
(00.213510) Found 3 file descriptors
(00.213516) ----------------------------------------
(00.213545) Dump private signals of 14459
(00.213555) Dump shared signals of 14459
(00.213567) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.213660) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811049000->0x7fda8c826000
(00.213693) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 14459
(00.213706) xsave runtime structure
(00.213712) -----------------------
(00.213716) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.213721) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.213726) xstate_bv: 0
(00.213730) -----------------------
(00.213735) Putting tsock into pid 14459
(00.213803) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.213812) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.213834) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.213841) Parasite 14459 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.213867) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
(00.213875) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
(00.213882) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.213901) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
(00.213907) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.213934) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.213941) sid=8698 pgid=8698 pid=8698
(00.214205) Dumping opened files (pid: 14459)
(00.214210) ----------------------------------------
(00.214224) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.214277) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.214286) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.214398) 14459 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.214439) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 47 [/dev/null]
(00.214461) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.214507) 14459 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.214517) tty: Dumping tty 48 with id 0x78
(00.214545) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.214554) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.214592) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.214625) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.214675) 14459 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.214687) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.214699) ----------------------------------------
(00.214715) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.214722) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.214776) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.214787) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 14459)
(00.214792) ----------------------------------------
(00.214798)    Private vmas 512/3197 pages
(00.214814) pagemap-cache: created for pid 14459 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.214832) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3197 segs
(00.214837) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.214922) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-407000 (28K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.214929) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-407000           nr:1     cov:28672
(00.214935) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:407000]
(00.214946) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3197 total)
(00.214952) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.214956) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 606000-607000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.214961) pagemap-cache: 	          606000-607000           nr:1     cov:4096
(00.214967) pagemap-cache: 	          607000-608000           nr:2     cov:8192
(00.214972) pagemap-cache: 	          608000-60a000           nr:3     cov:16384
(00.214976) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:606000 h:800000]
(00.214986) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3197 total)
(00.214991) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.214996) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215000) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215005) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 93b000-95c000 (132K) [l:800000 h:a00000]
(00.215013) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3197 total)
(00.215018) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.215023) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8ba20000-7fda8ba2b000 (44K) [l:7fda8ba00000 h:7fda8bc00000]
(00.215028) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8ba20000-7fda8ba2b000     nr:1     cov:45056
(00.215033) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fda8ba20000 h:7fda8ba2b000]
(00.215045) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215050) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8ba2b000-7fda8bc2a000 (2044K) [l:7fda8ba00000 h:7fda8bc00000]
(00.215055) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8ba2b000-7fda8bc2a000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.215060) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fda8ba2b000 h:7fda8bc2a000]
(00.215081) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215087) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8bc2a000-7fda8bc2b000 (4K) [l:7fda8bc00000 h:7fda8be00000]
(00.215092) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8bc2a000-7fda8bc2b000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.215097) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8bc2b000-7fda8bc2c000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.215102) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8bc2c000-7fda8bc37000     nr:3     cov:53248
(00.215106) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fda8bc2a000 h:7fda8be00000]
(00.215119) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3197 total)
(00.215124) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215128) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215133) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215137) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8bc37000-7fda8be36000 (2044K) [l:7fda8bc00000 h:7fda8be00000]
(00.215142) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8bc37000-7fda8be36000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.215147) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fda8bc37000 h:7fda8be36000]
(00.215169) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215174) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8be36000-7fda8be37000 (4K) [l:7fda8be00000 h:7fda8c000000]
(00.215179) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8be36000-7fda8be37000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.215183) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8be37000-7fda8be38000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.215188) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8be38000-7fda8be4f000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.215193) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fda8be36000 h:7fda8c000000]
(00.215205) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3197 total)
(00.215210) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215215) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215219) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215224) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8be4f000-7fda8c04e000 (2044K) [l:7fda8be00000 h:7fda8c000000]
(00.215229) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8be4f000-7fda8c04e000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.215234) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fda8be4f000 h:7fda8c04e000]
(00.215254) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215259) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8c04e000-7fda8c04f000 (4K) [l:7fda8c000000 h:7fda8c200000]
(00.215264) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c04e000-7fda8c04f000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.215268) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c04f000-7fda8c050000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.215273) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c050000-7fda8c052000     nr:3     cov:16384
(00.215285) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c052000-7fda8c05b000     nr:4     cov:53248
(00.215291) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fda8c04e000 h:7fda8c200000]
(00.215303) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3197 total)
(00.215308) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215313) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215317) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215321) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215326) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8c05b000-7fda8c25a000 (2044K) [l:7fda8c000000 h:7fda8c200000]
(00.215331) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c05b000-7fda8c25a000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.215336) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fda8c05b000 h:7fda8c25a000]
(00.215369) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215374) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8c25a000-7fda8c25b000 (4K) [l:7fda8c200000 h:7fda8c400000]
(00.215379) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c25a000-7fda8c25b000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.215384) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c25b000-7fda8c25c000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.215388) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fda8c25a000 h:7fda8c400000]
(00.215402) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3197 total)
(00.215407) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215411) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215416) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8c25c000-7fda8c417000 (1772K) [l:7fda8c200000 h:7fda8c400000]
(00.215421) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c25c000-7fda8c417000     nr:1     cov:1814528
(00.215426) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7fda8c25c000 h:7fda8c417000]
(00.215443) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215448) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8c417000-7fda8c617000 (2048K) [l:7fda8c400000 h:7fda8c600000]
(00.215465) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215470) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8c617000-7fda8c61b000 (16K) [l:7fda8c600000 h:7fda8c800000]
(00.215475) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c617000-7fda8c61b000     nr:1     cov:16384
(00.215480) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c61b000-7fda8c61d000     nr:2     cov:24576
(00.215484) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c61d000-7fda8c622000     nr:3     cov:45056
(00.215489) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c622000-7fda8c645000     nr:4     cov:188416
(00.215494) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fda8c617000 h:7fda8c800000]
(00.215505) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.215510) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3197 total)
(00.215515) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.215520) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.215524) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3197 total)
(00.215529) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.215533) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.215537) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fda8c83c000-7fda8c83f000 (12K) [l:7fda8c800000 h:7fda8ca00000]
(00.215542) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c83c000-7fda8c83f000     nr:1     cov:12288
(00.215547) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c842000-7fda8c844000     nr:2     cov:20480
(00.215552) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c844000-7fda8c845000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.215556) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c845000-7fda8c846000     nr:4     cov:28672
(00.215561) pagemap-cache: 	    7fda8c846000-7fda8c847000     nr:5     cov:32768
(00.215566) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7fda8c83c000 h:7fda8ca00000]
(00.215575) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3197 total)
(00.215580) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.215584) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3197 total)
(00.215589) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.215594) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215599) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.215603) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215608) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.215612) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff0f97f000-7fff0f9a1000 (136K) [l:7fff0f800000 h:7fff0fa00000]
(00.215621) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3197 total)
(00.215626) Pagemap generated: 7 pages 0 holes
(00.215630) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff0f9fe000-7fff0fa00000 (8K) [l:7fff0f800000 h:7fff0fa00000]
(00.215637) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3197 total)
(00.215641) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.215646) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.215651) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 13/3197 iovs:
(00.215655) page-pipe: 	buf 43 pages, 13 iovs:
(00.215659) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.215670) page-pipe: 		0x606000 2
(00.215675) page-pipe: 		0x93b000 5
(00.215679) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8bc2a000 2
(00.215683) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8be36000 2
(00.215687) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8c04e000 2
(00.215691) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8c25a000 2
(00.215695) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8c617000 8
(00.215699) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8c620000 2
(00.215703) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8c83c000 3
(00.215707) page-pipe: 		0x7fda8c842000 5
(00.215712) page-pipe: 		0x7fff0f99a000 7
(00.215716) page-pipe: 		0x7fff0f9fe000 2
(00.215720) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.215724) PPB: 43 pages 13 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.215739) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.215749) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.215794) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.215802) Transfering pages:
(00.215807) 	buf 43/13
(00.215811) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.215837) 	p 0x606000 [2]
(00.215862) 	p 0x93b000 [5]
(00.215908) 	p 0x7fda8bc2a000 [2]
(00.215932) 	p 0x7fda8be36000 [2]
(00.215958) 	p 0x7fda8c04e000 [2]
(00.215982) 	p 0x7fda8c25a000 [2]
(00.216005) 	p 0x7fda8c617000 [8]
(00.216065) 	p 0x7fda8c620000 [2]
(00.216090) 	p 0x7fda8c83c000 [3]
(00.216118) 	p 0x7fda8c842000 [5]
(00.216159) 	p 0x7fff0f99a000 [7]
(00.216222) 	p 0x7fff0f9fe000 [2]
(00.216254) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.216272) ----------------------------------------
(00.216289) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.216296) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.216354) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.216365) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
(00.216372) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.216436) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.216624) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.216632) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.216659) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.216669) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.216675) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.216702) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.216713) Dumping core (pid: 14459)
(00.216718) ----------------------------------------
(00.216722) Obtaining personality ... (00.216797) 14459 has 0 sched policy
(00.216807) 	dumping 0 nice for 14459
(00.216818) cg: Dumping cgroups for 14459
(00.216872) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.216909) ----------------------------------------
(00.216919) Dumping creds for 14459)
(00.216923) ----------------------------------------
(00.216938) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.216943) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.217016) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.217035) Waiting for 14459 to trap
(00.217063) Daemon 14459 exited trapping
(00.217077) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.217100) 14459 was trapped
(00.217107) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.217142) 14459 was trapped
(00.217149) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.217181) 14459 was trapped
(00.217188) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.217212) 14459 was trapped
(00.217219) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.217244) 14459 was trapped
(00.217251) 14459 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.217271) 14459 was trapped
(00.217278) 14459 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.217298) 14459 was trapped
(00.217306) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 8698: new_sp=0x7fda8c837008 ip 0x7fda8c31d99e
(00.217330) 14459 was trapped
(00.217338) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.217358) 14459 was trapped
(00.217367) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.217396) 14459 was trapped
(00.217403) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.217423) 14459 was trapped
(00.217430) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.217449) 14459 was trapped
(00.217456) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.217476) 14459 was trapped
(00.217482) 14459 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.217505) 14459 was stopped
(00.217545) 14459 was trapped
(00.217553) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.217573) 14459 was trapped
(00.217579) 14459 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.217600) 14459 was trapped
(00.217607) 14459 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.217639) 14459 was stopped
(00.217681) Dumping mm (pid: 14459)
(00.217685) ----------------------------------------
(00.217691) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217750) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217782) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217812) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.217820) 0x93b000-0x95c000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.217826) 0x7fda8ba20000-0x7fda8ba2b000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217854) 0x7fda8ba2b000-0x7fda8bc2a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217884) 0x7fda8bc2a000-0x7fda8bc2b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217913) 0x7fda8bc2b000-0x7fda8bc2c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217948) 0x7fda8bc2c000-0x7fda8bc37000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.217980) 0x7fda8bc37000-0x7fda8be36000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218010) 0x7fda8be36000-0x7fda8be37000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218038) 0x7fda8be37000-0x7fda8be38000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218066) 0x7fda8be38000-0x7fda8be4f000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218097) 0x7fda8be4f000-0x7fda8c04e000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218156) 0x7fda8c04e000-0x7fda8c04f000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218196) 0x7fda8c04f000-0x7fda8c050000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218227) 0x7fda8c050000-0x7fda8c052000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.218235) 0x7fda8c052000-0x7fda8c05b000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218264) 0x7fda8c05b000-0x7fda8c25a000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218292) 0x7fda8c25a000-0x7fda8c25b000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218322) 0x7fda8c25b000-0x7fda8c25c000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218352) 0x7fda8c25c000-0x7fda8c417000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218381) 0x7fda8c417000-0x7fda8c617000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218408) 0x7fda8c617000-0x7fda8c61b000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218437) 0x7fda8c61b000-0x7fda8c61d000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218466) 0x7fda8c61d000-0x7fda8c622000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.218474) 0x7fda8c622000-0x7fda8c645000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218502) 0x7fda8c83c000-0x7fda8c83f000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.218509) 0x7fda8c842000-0x7fda8c844000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.218515) 0x7fda8c844000-0x7fda8c845000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218542) 0x7fda8c845000-0x7fda8c846000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.218571) 0x7fda8c846000-0x7fda8c847000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.218580) 0x7fff0f97f000-0x7fff0f9a1000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.218585) 0x7fff0f9fe000-0x7fff0fa00000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.218591) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.218597) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.218764) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.218806) ========================================
(00.218812) Dumping task (pid: 14460)
(00.218817) ========================================
(00.218821) Obtaining task stat ... (00.218916) 
(00.218924) Collecting mappings (pid: 14460)
(00.218929) ----------------------------------------
(00.219051) vma 606000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.219079) vma 607000 borrows vfi from previous 606000
(00.219123) vma 7f98b5c0e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b5c03000
(00.219135) vma 7f98b5e0d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b5c0e000
(00.219204) vma 7f98b5e0e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b5e0d000
(00.219230) vma 7f98b5e1a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b5e0f000
(00.219242) vma 7f98b6019000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b5e1a000
(00.219252) vma 7f98b601a000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b6019000
(00.219276) vma 7f98b6032000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b601b000
(00.219359) vma 7f98b6231000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b6032000
(00.219372) vma 7f98b6232000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b6231000
(00.219408) vma 7f98b623e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b6235000
(00.219419) vma 7f98b643d000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b623e000
(00.219430) vma 7f98b643e000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b643d000
(00.219525) vma 7f98b65fa000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b643f000
(00.219538) vma 7f98b67fa000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b65fa000
(00.219548) vma 7f98b67fe000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b67fa000
(00.219647) vma 7f98b6a28000 borrows vfi from previous 7f98b6a27000
(00.219691) Collected, longest area occupies 512 pages
(00.219699) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219705) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219710) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219715) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.219721) 0x11fb000-0x121c000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.219726) 0x7f98b5c03000-0x7f98b5c0e000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219731) 0x7f98b5c0e000-0x7f98b5e0d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219737) 0x7f98b5e0d000-0x7f98b5e0e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219742) 0x7f98b5e0e000-0x7f98b5e0f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219747) 0x7f98b5e0f000-0x7f98b5e1a000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219753) 0x7f98b5e1a000-0x7f98b6019000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219758) 0x7f98b6019000-0x7f98b601a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219763) 0x7f98b601a000-0x7f98b601b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219769) 0x7f98b601b000-0x7f98b6032000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219774) 0x7f98b6032000-0x7f98b6231000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219780) 0x7f98b6231000-0x7f98b6232000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219785) 0x7f98b6232000-0x7f98b6233000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219790) 0x7f98b6233000-0x7f98b6235000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.219796) 0x7f98b6235000-0x7f98b623e000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219801) 0x7f98b623e000-0x7f98b643d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219807) 0x7f98b643d000-0x7f98b643e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219812) 0x7f98b643e000-0x7f98b643f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219818) 0x7f98b643f000-0x7f98b65fa000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219823) 0x7f98b65fa000-0x7f98b67fa000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219828) 0x7f98b67fa000-0x7f98b67fe000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219834) 0x7f98b67fe000-0x7f98b6800000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219839) 0x7f98b6800000-0x7f98b6805000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.219844) 0x7f98b6805000-0x7f98b6828000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219850) 0x7f98b6a1f000-0x7f98b6a22000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.219855) 0x7f98b6a25000-0x7f98b6a27000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.219860) 0x7f98b6a27000-0x7f98b6a28000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219866) 0x7f98b6a28000-0x7f98b6a29000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.219881) 0x7f98b6a29000-0x7f98b6a2a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.219887) 0x7fff564d3000-0x7fff564f5000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.219892) 0x7fff565fe000-0x7fff56600000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.219898) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.219903) ----------------------------------------
(00.219912) Collecting fds (pid: 14460)
(00.219917) ----------------------------------------
(00.219945) Found 3 file descriptors
(00.219951) ----------------------------------------
(00.219982) Dump private signals of 14460
(00.219994) Dump shared signals of 14460
(00.220005) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.220117) Putting parasite blob into 0x7fc811049000->0x7f98b6a09000
(00.220150) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 14460
(00.220164) xsave runtime structure
(00.220169) -----------------------
(00.220173) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.220178) magic1:0 extended_size:0 xstate_bv:0 xstate_size:0
(00.220183) xstate_bv: 0
(00.220187) -----------------------
(00.220192) Putting tsock into pid 14460
(00.220272) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.220280) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.220313) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.220320) Parasite 14460 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.220343) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.220349) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.220376) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.220395) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.220402) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.220438) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.220445) sid=8699 pgid=8699 pid=8699
(00.220664) Dumping opened files (pid: 14460)
(00.220669) ----------------------------------------
(00.220684) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.220733) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.220741) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.220849) 14460 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.220886) Dumping path for 0 fd via self 47 [/dev/null]
(00.220908) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 0
(00.220949) 14460 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.220961) tty: Dumping tty 48 with id 0x7a
(00.220989) Sent msg to daemon 16 0 0
(00.220998) Wait for ack 16 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 16 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 16 16 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.221035) Fetched ack: 16 16 0
(00.221067) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 1
(00.221116) 14460 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x               0 flags:           100002/0
(00.221127) fdinfo: type: 0x b flags: 0100002/0 pos: 0x       0 fd: 2
(00.221139) ----------------------------------------
(00.221156) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.221162) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.221220) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.221231) Dumping pages (type: 61 pid: 14460)
(00.221236) ----------------------------------------
(00.221242)    Private vmas 512/3197 pages
(00.221256) pagemap-cache: created for pid 14460 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.221262) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 3197 segs
(00.221267) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.221357) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-407000 (28K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.221365) pagemap-cache: 	          400000-407000           nr:1     cov:28672
(00.221370) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:400000 h:407000]
(00.221382) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/3197 total)
(00.221389) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221393) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 606000-607000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.221398) pagemap-cache: 	          606000-607000           nr:1     cov:4096
(00.221403) pagemap-cache: 	          607000-608000           nr:2     cov:8192
(00.221416) pagemap-cache: 	          608000-60a000           nr:3     cov:16384
(00.221422) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:606000 h:800000]
(00.221432) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/3197 total)
(00.221438) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221443) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221447) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221452) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 11fb000-121c000 (132K) [l:1000000 h:1200000]
(00.221460) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/3197 total)
(00.221465) Pagemap generated: 5 pages 0 holes
(00.221470) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b5c03000-7f98b5c0e000 (44K) [l:7f98b5c00000 h:7f98b5e00000]
(00.221475) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b5c03000-7f98b5c0e000     nr:1     cov:45056
(00.221480) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f98b5c03000 h:7f98b5c0e000]
(00.221494) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221499) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b5c0e000-7f98b5e0d000 (2044K) [l:7f98b5c00000 h:7f98b5e00000]
(00.221504) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b5c0e000-7f98b5e0d000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.221509) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f98b5c0e000 h:7f98b5e0d000]
(00.221530) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221536) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b5e0d000-7f98b5e0e000 (4K) [l:7f98b5e00000 h:7f98b6000000]
(00.221540) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b5e0d000-7f98b5e0e000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.221546) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b5e0e000-7f98b5e0f000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.221550) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b5e0f000-7f98b5e1a000     nr:3     cov:53248
(00.221555) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f98b5e0d000 h:7f98b6000000]
(00.221568) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/3197 total)
(00.221573) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221578) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221582) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221586) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b5e1a000-7f98b6019000 (2044K) [l:7f98b5e00000 h:7f98b6000000]
(00.221591) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b5e1a000-7f98b6019000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.221596) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f98b5e1a000 h:7f98b6019000]
(00.221617) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221622) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b6019000-7f98b601a000 (4K) [l:7f98b6000000 h:7f98b6200000]
(00.221627) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6019000-7f98b601a000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.221632) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b601a000-7f98b601b000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.221637) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b601b000-7f98b6032000     nr:3     cov:102400
(00.221642) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f98b6019000 h:7f98b6200000]
(00.221654) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/3197 total)
(00.221659) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221664) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221669) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221673) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b6032000-7f98b6231000 (2044K) [l:7f98b6000000 h:7f98b6200000]
(00.221678) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6032000-7f98b6231000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.221683) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f98b6032000 h:7f98b6231000]
(00.221704) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221708) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b6231000-7f98b6232000 (4K) [l:7f98b6200000 h:7f98b6400000]
(00.221713) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6231000-7f98b6232000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.221718) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6232000-7f98b6233000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.221723) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6233000-7f98b6235000     nr:3     cov:16384
(00.221728) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6235000-7f98b623e000     nr:4     cov:53248
(00.221732) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f98b6231000 h:7f98b6400000]
(00.221745) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/3197 total)
(00.221750) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221754) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221759) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221763) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221768) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b623e000-7f98b643d000 (2044K) [l:7f98b6200000 h:7f98b6400000]
(00.221773) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b623e000-7f98b643d000     nr:1     cov:2093056
(00.221777) pagemap-cache: 	simple mode [l:7f98b623e000 h:7f98b643d000]
(00.221815) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221821) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b643d000-7f98b643e000 (4K) [l:7f98b6400000 h:7f98b6600000]
(00.221826) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b643d000-7f98b643e000     nr:1     cov:4096
(00.221831) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b643e000-7f98b643f000     nr:2     cov:8192
(00.221836) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b643f000-7f98b65fa000     nr:3     cov:1822720
(00.221841) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f98b643d000 h:7f98b6600000]
(00.221855) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/3197 total)
(00.221860) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221865) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.221871) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221875) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b65fa000-7f98b67fa000 (2048K) [l:7f98b6400000 h:7f98b6600000]
(00.221891) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221896) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b67fa000-7f98b67fe000 (16K) [l:7f98b6600000 h:7f98b6800000]
(00.221904) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.221909) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (7 iovs, 7/3197 total)
(00.221914) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.221919) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b67fe000-7f98b6800000 (8K) [l:7f98b6600000 h:7f98b6800000]
(00.221925) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.221930) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b6800000-7f98b6805000 (20K) [l:7f98b6800000 h:7f98b6a00000]
(00.221934) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6800000-7f98b6805000     nr:1     cov:20480
(00.221939) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6805000-7f98b6828000     nr:2     cov:163840
(00.221944) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f98b6800000 h:7f98b6a00000]
(00.221956) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (8 iovs, 8/3197 total)
(00.221961) Pagemap generated: 4 pages 0 holes
(00.221966) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.221971) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f98b6a1f000-7f98b6a22000 (12K) [l:7f98b6a00000 h:7f98b6c00000]
(00.221975) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6a1f000-7f98b6a22000     nr:1     cov:12288
(00.221980) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6a25000-7f98b6a27000     nr:2     cov:20480
(00.221985) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6a27000-7f98b6a28000     nr:3     cov:24576
(00.221990) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6a28000-7f98b6a29000     nr:4     cov:28672
(00.221994) pagemap-cache: 	    7f98b6a29000-7f98b6a2a000     nr:5     cov:32768
(00.221999) pagemap-cache: 	cache  mode [l:7f98b6a1f000 h:7f98b6c00000]
(00.222008) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (9 iovs, 9/3197 total)
(00.222014) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.222018) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (10 iovs, 10/3197 total)
(00.222023) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.222028) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.222033) page-pipe: Grow pipe 20 -> 40
(00.222037) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.222042) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.222046) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff564d3000-7fff564f5000 (136K) [l:7fff56400000 h:7fff56600000]
(00.222056) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (11 iovs, 11/3197 total)
(00.222061) Pagemap generated: 6 pages 0 holes
(00.222066) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff565fe000-7fff56600000 (8K) [l:7fff56400000 h:7fff56600000]
(00.222072) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (12 iovs, 12/3197 total)
(00.222077) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.222082) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.222086) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 13/3197 iovs:
(00.222090) page-pipe: 	buf 42 pages, 13 iovs:
(00.222095) page-pipe: 		0x400000 1
(00.222099) page-pipe: 		0x606000 2
(00.222103) page-pipe: 		0x11fb000 5
(00.222108) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b5e0d000 2
(00.222112) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b6019000 2
(00.222171) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b6231000 2
(00.222181) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b643d000 2
(00.222185) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b67fa000 8
(00.222190) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b6803000 2
(00.222194) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b6a1f000 3
(00.222198) page-pipe: 		0x7f98b6a25000 5
(00.222202) page-pipe: 		0x7fff564ef000 6
(00.222206) page-pipe: 		0x7fff565fe000 2
(00.222210) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.222215) PPB: 42 pages 13 segs 64 pipe 0 off
(00.222228) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.222238) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.222283) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.222304) Transfering pages:
(00.222310) 	buf 42/13
(00.222314) 	p 0x400000 [1]
(00.222340) 	p 0x606000 [2]
(00.222365) 	p 0x11fb000 [5]
(00.222410) 	p 0x7f98b5e0d000 [2]
(00.222434) 	p 0x7f98b6019000 [2]
(00.222462) 	p 0x7f98b6231000 [2]
(00.222490) 	p 0x7f98b643d000 [2]
(00.222512) 	p 0x7f98b67fa000 [8]
(00.222575) 	p 0x7f98b6803000 [2]
(00.222600) 	p 0x7f98b6a1f000 [3]
(00.222630) 	p 0x7f98b6a25000 [5]
(00.222671) 	p 0x7fff564ef000 [6]
(00.222723) 	p 0x7fff565fe000 [2]
(00.222756) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.222774) ----------------------------------------
(00.222793) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.222799) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.222863) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.222876) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
(00.222882) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.222951) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.223139) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.223146) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.223175) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.223188) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.223194) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.223220) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.223232) Dumping core (pid: 14460)
(00.223236) ----------------------------------------
(00.223240) Obtaining personality ... (00.223313) 14460 has 0 sched policy
(00.223323) 	dumping 0 nice for 14460
(00.223335) cg: Dumping cgroups for 14460
(00.223388) cg:  `- Existing css 2 found
(00.223424) ----------------------------------------
(00.223433) Dumping creds for 14460)
(00.223437) ----------------------------------------
(00.223450) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.223457) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.223525) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.223549) Waiting for 14460 to trap
(00.223578) Daemon 14460 exited trapping
(00.223592) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
(00.223607) 14460 was trapped
(00.223615) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.223649) 14460 was trapped
(00.223657) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 2d
(00.223689) 14460 was trapped
(00.223697) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
(00.223721) 14460 was trapped
(00.223728) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.223753) 14460 was trapped
(00.223760) 14460 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.223780) 14460 was trapped
(00.223787) 14460 is going to execute the syscall ba
(00.223807) 14460 was trapped
(00.223814) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 1
pie: 8699: new_sp=0x7f98b6a1a008 ip 0x7f98b650099e
(00.223837) 14460 was trapped
(00.223845) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.223866) 14460 was trapped
(00.223873) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.223902) 14460 was trapped
(00.223909) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.223928) 14460 was trapped
(00.223935) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.223953) 14460 was trapped
(00.223960) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 3
(00.223979) 14460 was trapped
(00.223986) 14460 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.224009) 14460 was stopped
(00.224034) 14460 was trapped
(00.224041) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.224060) 14460 was trapped
(00.224067) 14460 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.224086) 14460 was trapped
(00.224093) 14460 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.224129) 14460 was stopped
(00.224170) Dumping mm (pid: 14460)
(00.224175) ----------------------------------------
(00.224181) 0x400000-0x407000 (28K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224238) 0x606000-0x607000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x6000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224271) 0x607000-0x608000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x7000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224302) 0x608000-0x60a000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.224309) 0x11fb000-0x121c000 (132K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg heap ap  shmid: 0
(00.224328) 0x7f98b5c03000-0x7f98b5c0e000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224358) 0x7f98b5c0e000-0x7f98b5e0d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224388) 0x7f98b5e0d000-0x7f98b5e0e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224417) 0x7f98b5e0e000-0x7f98b5e0f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224446) 0x7f98b5e0f000-0x7f98b5e1a000 (44K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224478) 0x7f98b5e1a000-0x7f98b6019000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224507) 0x7f98b6019000-0x7f98b601a000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0xa000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224536) 0x7f98b601a000-0x7f98b601b000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0xb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224564) 0x7f98b601b000-0x7f98b6032000 (92K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224594) 0x7f98b6032000-0x7f98b6231000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224623) 0x7f98b6231000-0x7f98b6232000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x16000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224651) 0x7f98b6232000-0x7f98b6233000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x17000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224680) 0x7f98b6233000-0x7f98b6235000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.224687) 0x7f98b6235000-0x7f98b623e000 (36K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224714) 0x7f98b623e000-0x7f98b643d000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224743) 0x7f98b643d000-0x7f98b643e000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x8000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224772) 0x7f98b643e000-0x7f98b643f000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x9000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224800) 0x7f98b643f000-0x7f98b65fa000 (1772K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224828) 0x7f98b65fa000-0x7f98b67fa000 (2048K) prot 0 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224856) 0x7f98b67fa000-0x7f98b67fe000 (16K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x1bb000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224885) 0x7f98b67fe000-0x7f98b6800000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x1bf000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224913) 0x7f98b6800000-0x7f98b6805000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.224920) 0x7f98b6805000-0x7f98b6828000 (140K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 off 0 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224948) 0x7f98b6a1f000-0x7f98b6a22000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.224957) 0x7f98b6a25000-0x7f98b6a27000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.224963) 0x7f98b6a27000-0x7f98b6a28000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 off 0x22000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.224989) 0x7f98b6a28000-0x7f98b6a29000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 off 0x23000 reg fp  shmid: 0
(00.225018) 0x7f98b6a29000-0x7f98b6a2a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.225026) 0x7fff564d3000-0x7fff564f5000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 off 0 reg ap  shmid: 0
(00.225031) 0x7fff565fe000-0x7fff56600000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 reg vdso ap  shmid: 0
(00.225037) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 off 0 vsys ap  shmid: 0
(00.225043) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.225204) Dumping task cwd id 0x1f root id 0x1f
(00.225259) Error (mount.c:448): 75:./sys/fs/pstore doesn't have a proper root mount
(00.225310) Unlock network
(00.225317) Running network-unlock scripts
(00.225331) 	[/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-restore-net]
(00.233027) Unfreezing tasks into 1
(00.233061) 	Unseizing 2640 into 1
(00.233076) 	Unseizing 2776 into 1
(00.233109) 	Unseizing 2867 into 1
(00.233135) 	Unseizing 2884 into 1
(00.233147) 	Unseizing 2921 into 1
(00.233166) 	Unseizing 2927 into 1
(00.233262) 	Unseizing 2962 into 1
(00.233294) 	Unseizing 3048 into 1
(00.233319) 	Unseizing 3069 into 1
(00.233369) 	Unseizing 14456 into 1
(00.233615) 	Unseizing 14457 into 1
(00.233847) 	Unseizing 14458 into 1
(00.234089) 	Unseizing 14459 into 1
(00.234346) 	Unseizing 14460 into 1
(00.234646) Error (cr-dump.c:1953): Dumping FAILED.

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