[CRIU] [PATCH 1/4] mntns: rework validation to support non-root shared bind-mounts (v2)

Andrey Vagin avagin at openvz.org
Mon Nov 10 14:24:53 PST 2014

A problem which is solved in this path is that some children can be
unaccessiable (unvisiable) for non-root bind-mounts

root	mount point
/	/a (shared:1)
/	/a/x
/	/a/x/y
/	/a/z
/x	/b (shared:1)
/	/b/y

/b is a non-root bind-mount of /a
/y is visiable to both mounts
/z is vidiable only for /a

Before this patch we checked that the set of children is the same for
all mount in a shared group. Now we check that a visiable set of mounts
is the same for all mounts in a shared group.

Now we take the next mount in the shared group, which is wider or equal
to current and compare children between them.

Before this patch validate_shared(m) validates the m->parent mount.
Now it validates the "m" mount. So you can find following lines in the
-               if (m->parent->shared_id && validate_shared(m))
+               if (m->shared_id && validate_shared(m))

We doesn't support shared mounts with different set of children.
Here is an example of such case can be created:
mount tmpfs a /a
mount --make-shared /a
mkdir /a/b
mount tmpfs b /a/b
mount --bind /a /c

In this case /c doesn't have the /b child. To support such cases,
we need to sort all shared mounts accoding with a set of children.

v2: If root is equal to "/", its len should be zero. We expect that the
last symbol in a path is not "/".

Signed-off-by: Andrey Vagin <avagin at openvz.org>
 mount.c | 129 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 117 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mount.c b/mount.c
index 086b640..7751d84 100644
--- a/mount.c
+++ b/mount.c
@@ -372,28 +372,133 @@ static int try_resolve_ext_mount(struct mount_info *info)
 	info->external = em;
 	return 0;
 static int validate_shared(struct mount_info *m)
-	struct mount_info *ct, *t;
+	struct mount_info *t, *ct, *cm, *tmp;
+	int t_root_len, m_root_len, tpm, mpm;
+	LIST_HEAD(children);
+	/*
+	 * Check that all mounts in one shared group has the same set of
+	 * children. Only visible children are accounted. A non-root bind-mount
+	 * doesn't see children out of its root and it's excpected case.
+	 *
+	 * Here is a few conditions:
+	 * 1. t is wider than m
+	 * 2. We search a wider mount in the same direction, so when we
+	 *    enumirate all mounts, we can't be sure that all of them
+	 *    has the same set of children.
+	 */
-	if (list_empty(&m->parent->mnt_share))
+	/*
+	 * Try to find a mount, which is wider or equal.
+	 * A is wider than B, if A->root is a substring of B->root.
+	 */
+	list_for_each_entry(t, &m->mnt_share, mnt_share)
+		if (issubpath(m->root, t->root))
+			break;
+	/*
+	 * The current mount is widest one in its shared group,
+	 * all others should be compared with it.
+	 */
+	if (&t->mnt_share == &m->mnt_share)
 		return 0;
-	t = list_first_entry(&m->parent->mnt_share, struct mount_info, mnt_share);
+	/* A set of childrent which ar visiable for both should be the same */
+	t_root_len = strlen(t->root);
+	m_root_len = strlen(m->root);
+	tpm = strlen(t->mountpoint);
+	mpm = strlen(m->mountpoint);
+	if (t->root[t_root_len - 1] == '/')
+		t_root_len--;
+	if (m->root[m_root_len - 1] == '/')
+		m_root_len--;
+	if (t->mountpoint[tpm - 1] == '/')
+		tpm--;
+	if (m->mountpoint[mpm - 1] == '/')
+		mpm--;
+	/* For example:
+	 * t->root = /		t->mp = ./zdtm/live/static/mntns_root_bind.test
+	 * m->root = /test	m->mp = ./zdtm/live/static/mntns_root_bind.test/test.bind
+	 * t_root_len = 0	tpm = 39
+	 * m_root_len = 5	mpm = 49
+	 * ct->root = /		ct->mp = ./zdtm/live/static/mntns_root_bind.test/test/sub
+	 * tp = /test/sub	mp = /test len=5
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * ct:  | t->root       |	child mount point	|
+	 * cm:  |       m->root         | child mount point	|
+	 * ct:  |		|  /test/sub			|
+	 * cm:  |		  /test	| /sub			|
+	 *                      | A     | B                     |
+	 *			| ct->mountpoint + tpm
+	 *			| m->root + strlen(t->root)
+	 */
+	/* Search a child, which is visiable in both mounts. */
 	list_for_each_entry(ct, &t->children, siblings) {
-		if (mounts_equal(m, ct, false))
+		char *tp, *mp;
+		int len;
+		if (ct->is_ns_root)
+			continue;
+		tp = ct->mountpoint + tpm;
+		mp = m->root + t_root_len;
+		len = m_root_len - t_root_len;
+		/* A */
+		/* issubpath() can't be used here, because tp should not be
+		 * equal to mp. Otherwise ct will be eqaul to m or its brother.
+		 */
+		if (strncmp(tp, mp, len))
+			continue;
+		if (tp[len] != '/')
+			continue;
+		list_for_each_entry_safe(cm, tmp, &m->children, siblings) {
+			/* B */
+			if (strcmp(ct->mountpoint + tpm + len, cm->mountpoint + mpm))
+				continue;
+			if (!mounts_equal(cm, ct, false)) {
+				pr_err("Two shared mounts on same spaces have different mounts\n");
+				pr_err("%d:%s\n", cm->mnt_id, cm->mountpoint);
+				pr_err("%d:%s\n", ct->mnt_id, ct->mountpoint);
+				return -1;
+			}
+			list_move(&cm->siblings, &children);
+		}
+		if (&cm->siblings == &m->children) {
+			list_splice(&children, &m->children);
+			pr_err("%d:%s and %d:%s have different set of mounts\n",
+				m->mnt_id, m->mountpoint, t->mnt_id, t->mountpoint);
+			pr_err("For example %d:%s\n", ct->mnt_id, ct->mountpoint);
+			return -1;
+		}
-	if (&ct->siblings == &t->children) {
-		pr_err("Two shared mounts %d, %d have different sets of children\n",
-			m->parent->mnt_id, t->mnt_id);
-		pr_err("%d:%s doesn't have a proper point for %d:%s\n",
-			t->mnt_id, t->mountpoint,
-			m->mnt_id, m->mountpoint);
+	if (!list_empty(&m->children)) {
+		cm = list_first_entry(&m->children, struct mount_info, siblings);
+		pr_err("%d:%s and %d:%s have different set of mounts\n",
+			m->mnt_id, m->mountpoint, t->mnt_id, t->mountpoint);
+		pr_err("For example %d:%s\n", cm->mnt_id, cm->mountpoint);
+		list_splice(&children, &m->children);
 		return -1;
+	list_splice(&children, &m->children);
 	return 0;
@@ -426,7 +531,7 @@ static int validate_mounts(struct mount_info *info, bool for_dump)
 			/* root mount can be any */
-		if (m->parent->shared_id && validate_shared(m))
+		if (m->shared_id && validate_shared(m))
 			return -1;

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