[CRIU] criu_restore() in Open MPI problems

Adrian Reber adrian at lisas.de
Tue Mar 18 10:03:18 PDT 2014

Now that dumping works from Open MPII am trying to restore.
Right now it fails with:

(00.000119) TCP queue memory limits are 2097152:3145728
(00.000303) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
(00.000399) vdso: Parsing at 7fff84c27000 7fff84c29000
(00.000407) vdso: Base address ffffffffff700000
(00.000440) Reading image tree
(00.000468) Migrating process tree (GID 25983->29676 SID 9042->29676)
(00.000475) Will restore in 0 namespaces
(00.000479) NS mask to use 0
(00.000487) Collecting 41/21 (flags 0)
(00.000514)  `- ... done
(00.000520) Error (tty.c:1213): tty: Standard stream is not a terminal, aborting

I am not sure what this really means, but I suspect it has to do
something with dumping with criu_set_shell_job(true) and restoring from
inside a program instead of the command line. Running the command line
tool instead of the criu_restore() works much better but fails in the
end with:

pie: Restoring EXE link
pie: Restoring scheduler params 0.0.0
pie: 25983: Restored
pie: Error (pie/restorer.c:277): Thread pid mismatch 25986/25985
pie: Error (pie/restorer.c:313): Restorer abnormal termination for 259>
pie: 83
(00.019492) Error (cr-restore.c:1602): Restoring FAILED.

What can I do to fix the first error(Standard stream is not a terminal).


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