[CRIU] Question:Installation of CRIU

Thouraya TH thouraya87 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 11:52:07 PDT 2014


i try to install criu (*criu-1.3-rc1.tar.bz2
<http://download.openvz.org/criu/criu-1.3-rc1.tar.bz2>)* but i have a
thouraya at thouraya-VirtualBox:~$ cd criu-1.3-rc1/
thouraya at thouraya-VirtualBox:~/criu-1.3-rc1$ make
*Makefile:84: *** "The architecture i386 isn't supported". Arrêt.*

thouraya at thouraya-VirtualBox:~/criu-1.3-rc1$ cd
thouraya at thouraya-VirtualBox:~$ uname -m
thouraya at thouraya-VirtualBox:~$ uname -a
Linux thouraya-VirtualBox 3.8.0-29-generic #42~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug
14 15:31:16 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

You have mentionned that:
*Please note that the tool only supports x86_64 and ARM architectures. *

How can i resolve this pb please ?
i work on virtual machine (oracle vm virtual box) OS: ubuntu

Thanks a lot.
Best Regards.
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