[CRIU] [PATCH 2/7] pycriu: add python package, v3

Ruslan Kuprieiev kupruser at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 06:30:10 PST 2014

On 12/02/2014 04:28 PM, Pavel Emelyanov wrote:
> On 12/02/2014 05:22 PM, Ruslan Kuprieiev wrote:
>> On 12/02/2014 04:16 PM, Pavel Emelyanov wrote:
>>> On 12/02/2014 05:05 PM, Ruslan Kuprieiev wrote:
>>>> On 12/02/2014 03:04 PM, Pavel Emelyanov wrote:
>>>>>> diff --git a/pycriu/.gitignore b/pycriu/.gitignore
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..8d503da
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/pycriu/.gitignore
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
>>>>>> +*_pb2.py
>>>>>> +*.pyc
>>>>>> +rpc.py
>>>>>> diff --git a/pycriu/Makefile b/pycriu/Makefile
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..135fe1c
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/pycriu/Makefile
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
>>>>>> +all: images rpc.py
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +.PHONY: all images clean
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +images:
>>>>>> +	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C images all
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +# rpc_pb2.py doesn't depend on any other file, so
>>>>>> +# it is safe to rename it, dropping ugly _pb2 suffix.
>>>>>> +rpc.py:
>>>>>> +	$(Q) protoc -I=$(SRC_DIR)/protobuf/ --python_out=./ $(SRC_DIR)/protobuf/$(@:.py=.proto)
>>>>>> +	$(Q) mv $(@:.py=_pb2.py) $@
>>>>> Why do we need rpc.py?
>>>> Because it is handy to have all pythonic criu stuff in one
>>>> package called pycriu.
>>> Hm... OK, will we then have a patch for p.haul that would get
>>> rpc.py from CRIU rather than generating one itself?
>> No, i think we should generate it and put into pycriu. Install pycriu
>> along with criu and make p.haul import pycriu to have access to rpc
>> and crit stuff.
> Yes, this is what I meant, thanks :)

Oh, sorry. I misread =).

>>>>>> +clean:
>>>>>> +	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C images clean
>>>>>> +	$(Q) $(RM) rpc.py *.pyc
>>>>>> diff --git a/pycriu/__init__.py b/pycriu/__init__.py
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..5205973
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/pycriu/__init__.py
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
>>>>>> +import rpc
>>>>>> +import images
>>>>>> diff --git a/pycriu/images/.gitignore b/pycriu/images/.gitignore
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..234bfe9
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/pycriu/images/.gitignore
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
>>>>>> +*.pyc
>>>>>> +*_pb2.py
>>>>>> +magic.py
>>>>>> +pb.py
>>>>>> diff --git a/pycriu/images/Makefile b/pycriu/images/Makefile
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..6aa115e
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/pycriu/images/Makefile
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
>>>>>> +all: pb.py protobuf magic.py
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +.PHONY: all protobuf clean pb.py
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +proto := $(filter-out $(SRC_DIR)/protobuf/rpc.proto, $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/protobuf/*.proto))
>>>>>> +proto-py-modules := $(foreach m,$(proto),$(subst -,_,$(notdir $(m:.proto=_pb2))))
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +# We don't need rpc_pb2.py here, as it is not related to the
>>>>>> +# images.
>>>>>> +# Unfortunately, we can't drop ugly _pb2 suffixes here, because
>>>>>> +# some _pb2 files depend on others _pb2 files.
>>>>>> +protobuf:
>>>>>> +	$(Q) protoc -I=$(SRC_DIR)/protobuf --python_out=./ $(proto)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +magic.py: $(SRC_DIR)/scripts/magic-gen.py $(SRC_DIR)/include/magic.h
>>>>>> +	$(E) "  GEN  " $@
>>>>>> +	$(Q) python $^ $@
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +pb.py: protobuf
>>>>>> +	$(Q) echo "# Autogenerated. Do not edit!" > $@
>>>>>> +	$(Q) for m in $(proto-py-modules); do \
>>>>>> +		echo "from $$m import *" >> $@ ;\
>>>>>> +	done
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +clean:
>>>>>> +	$(Q) $(RM) ./*_pb2.py ./*.pyc magic.py pb.py
>>>>>> diff --git a/pycriu/images/__init__.py b/pycriu/images/__init__.py
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..379943b
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/pycriu/images/__init__.py
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
>>>>>> +from magic import *
>>>>>> +from images import *
>>>>>> +from pb import *
>>>>>> diff --git a/pycriu/images/images.py b/pycriu/images/images.py
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..afcaa87
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/pycriu/images/images.py
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
>>>>>> +#!/bin/env python
>>>>>> +import io
>>>>>> +import google
>>>>>> +import struct
>>>>>> +import os
>>>>>> +import sys
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +from magic import *
>>>>>> +from pb import *
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +class _cr_desc:
>>>>>> +	def __init__(self, magic, head, body='', single=False):
>>>>> I'm not sure the single bit is needed. But what's needed is some
>>>>> sign that image may have raw data inside. For example:
>>>>> # ../crit convert --in dump/static/pipe00/6596/1/pipes-data.img
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>      ...
>>>>>      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/decoder.py", line 685, in _RaiseInvalidWireType
>>>>>        raise _DecodeError('Tag had invalid wire type.')
>>>>> google.protobuf.message.DecodeError: Tag had invalid wire type.
>>>>> That's because crit tries todecode raw pipe data as message.
>>>> Not sure about single bit, but will try to optimize it.
>>> But you don't use one anyway :)
>> It is used right below:
>> +        self.magic_name = magic
>> +        self.magic = eval(magic+"_MAGIC")
>> +        self.head_name = head
>> +        self.head = eval(head)
>> +        if single:
>> +            self.body_name = ''
>> +            self.body = lambda : None
>> +        else:
>> +            if body == '':
>> +                body = head
>> +            self.body_name = body
>> +            self.body = eval(body)
> This usage doesn't seem to be correct. You should provide the
> list of objects present in the image regardless of whether it's
> a single-entry one or not :)
> Oh, and while we're at it. You've made the 'body' to be optional
> parameter, while in real images optional is the header one. Thus
> I'd make the header be optional.
> Thanks,
> Pavel

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