[CRIU] [PATCH] arm: reset the CPSR.T bit when executing the infected code

Chanho Park chanho61.park at samsusng.com
Wed May 8 05:53:20 EDT 2013

> Thank you. Unfortunately, the coredump captured the process state after
> the crtools detached so I failed to identify the cause of the segfault.
> Please apply the attached patch and reproduce the problem collecting a
> coredump.

Hi Alexander,

I've attached the whole files related with the test.
I've run the test using latest criu with your sig patch.
I also close stdin/out/err before dump the process because it causes dump
error in my device.
Actually, there are two types of error.
You can see the first error from the dump.log.socket file.
The target process was also killed without any coredump and complain message
in this case.
I can see the error many times when I ran the test.

Second type error produced a core dump file.
I attached the core dump file.
This error occurs once in a while not often.

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