[CRIU] [PATCH 1/2] arm: fixup the parasite arguments automatically

Alexander Kartashov alekskartashov at parallels.com
Mon Mar 4 01:21:11 EST 2013

The ARM parasite head uses a pad of 228 bytes
to make the offset of the symbol __export_parasite_stack
representable in the ARM instruction set. This value
needs to be changed every time the value of the macro

This patch makes this manual interference redundant.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kartashov <alekskartashov at parallels.com>
 arch/arm/parasite-head.S |   24 +++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/parasite-head.S b/arch/arm/parasite-head.S
index 74fd4cb..c345ccd 100644
--- a/arch/arm/parasite-head.S
+++ b/arch/arm/parasite-head.S
@@ -3,20 +3,34 @@
 	.section .head.text, "ax"
-	adr	%sp, __export_parasite_stack
+	sub	%r2, %pc, #8			@ get the address of this instruction
+	adr	%sp, parasite_stack_ptr
+	ldr	%sp, [%sp]
+	add	%sp, %sp, %r2			@ fixup __export_parasite_stack
+	bic	%sp, %sp, #7			@ align the stack
         adr     %r0, __export_parasite_cmd
 	ldr	%r0, [%r0]
-        adr     %r1, __export_parasite_args
+        adr     %r1, parasite_args_ptr
+	ldr	%r1, [%r1]
+	add	%r1, %r1, %r2			@ fixup __export_parasite_args
 	bl	parasite_service
         .byte   0xf0, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xe7          @ the instruction UDF #32 generates the signal SIGTRAP in Linux
+	.long __export_parasite_args
+	.long __export_parasite_stack
 	.long 0
-        .space 228, 0
+.align 3
 	.long 0

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