[CRIU] [PATCH cr 0/8] [RFC] care about pid namespaces

Andrey Vagin avagin at openvz.org
Wed May 16 04:32:33 EDT 2012

Here is not a final version, but I want to get a feedback from you.
Thanks for commets.

Prepare to dump LXC containers. All processes of such CT live in
a separate pid namespace.
I suppose that we will start to dump from "init", which has pid = 1.

When we are dumping a process we actually have two pids.
real_pid - a pid of a process in crtools's pid ns.
pid - a pid in CT's pid namespace. This pid will be restored.

Andrey Vagin (8):
  zdtm: change a daemonize procudure for namespace test cases
  zdtm: check pid name space
  syscall: add +__NR_getpgid +__NR_getsid
  ctrools: prepare to dump pid namespace
  pid: restore pid namespace
  pidns: zombie processes are not supported yet
  util: add ability to change a proc mount point
  restore: mount proc for a new pid namespace

 cr-dump.c                             |  195 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 cr-restore.c                          |   95 ++++++++++++-----
 cr-show.c                             |   12 +-
 files.c                               |    4 +-
 include/crtools.h                     |   12 ++-
 include/namespaces.h                  |    5 +-
 include/parasite-syscall.h            |    2 +-
 include/parasite.h                    |    7 +-
 include/syscall-x86-64.def            |    2 +
 include/util.h                        |    1 +
 namespaces.c                          |   12 +-
 parasite-syscall.c                    |    3 +-
 parasite.c                            |    6 +
 test/zdtm/lib/test.c                  |   49 +++++++-
 test/zdtm/lib/zdtmtst.h               |    4 +
 test/zdtm/live/static/Makefile        |    1 +
 test/zdtm/live/static/ipc_namespace.c |    2 +-
 test/zdtm/live/static/msgque.c        |    3 +-
 test/zdtm/live/static/pid_namespace.c |   65 +++++++++++
 test/zdtm/live/static/sem.c           |    2 +-
 test/zdtm/live/static/shm.c           |    2 +-
 test/zdtm/live/static/utsname.c       |    2 +-
 test/zdtm/live/transition/ipc.c       |    4 +-
 util.c                                |    8 +-
 24 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/zdtm/live/static/pid_namespace.c

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