[Announce] git.openvz.org -> src.openvz.org

Sergey Bronnikov sergeyb at openvz.org
Tue May 5 09:06:23 PDT 2015

Earlier we announced new source code repository src.openvz.org.
This is to announce we have switched off git.openvz.org.

We moved OpenVZ source code repositories from git.openvz.org
to https://src.openvz.org/projects/OVZL and shutdown git.openvz.org.
New source code repositories (like RHEL7 kernel) are in another project -

NOTE: If you have clone from old repositories it is recommended to
update remote origin. There are two ways to obtain sources in Stash:
- via https
- via ssh (recommended)

Pay attention GIT repo URL depends on project, because the URL contains project
name. Generally URL looks like:

	git clone https://src.openvz.org/scm/<projectname>/<reponame>.git

For example to clone ploop repository exec:

	git clone https://src.openvz.org/scm/ovzl/ploop.git

To have access based on SSH keys you need to register in Stash [3], create SSH
keypair and add public SSH key to settings. Read more about details in Stash
documentation [2]. Then you will have ability to fetch sources via SSH:

	git clone ssh://git@src.openvz.org/<projectname>/<reponame>.git

For example to clone ploop repository exec:

	git clone ssh://git@src.openvz.org/ovzl/ploop.git

Let me know if you have any issues or questions.

P.S. There is no possibility to make push to the repositories.
Please follow rules [4] to contribute patches.


[1] OpenVZ old repositories https://src.openvz.org/projects/OVZL
[2] Using SSH keys in Stash https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/STASH/Using+SSH+keys+to+secure+Git+operations
[3] Register in OpenVZ Stash https://bugs.openvz.org/secure/Signup!default.jspa
[4] http://openvz.org/Kernel_patches


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